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    Friday, January 14, 2022

    Cyberpunk 2077 The mod is straight fire.

    Cyberpunk 2077 The mod is straight fire.

    The mod is straight fire.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2022 07:48 PM PST

    Cool scene

    Posted: 13 Jan 2022 10:05 AM PST

    The way you get railed into afterwards is the most effective piece of prevention ive ever seen in any media

    Posted: 13 Jan 2022 05:41 PM PST

    NY to NC

    Posted: 13 Jan 2022 06:08 AM PST

    Every time I start to get immersed, the game slaps me about (Stay tuned to the end for a special guest: Hoverbike)

    Posted: 13 Jan 2022 09:26 PM PST

    If you want a good shot of this game you could probaly just look up

    Posted: 13 Jan 2022 08:51 PM PST

    I WAS going to shoot, but I decided to wait it out. I'm glad I did. ��������

    Posted: 13 Jan 2022 08:01 AM PST

    Make up your own caption...

    Posted: 13 Jan 2022 11:14 PM PST

    Will the "Gates of Hell" be opened up in Expansion? Is there going to be conclusion to the Mr Blue Eyes saga? What about Bigger Global issues?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2022 04:06 AM PST

    Will the "Gates of Hell" be opened up in Expansion? Is there going to be conclusion to the Mr Blue Eyes saga? What about Bigger Global issues?

    I hardly ever visit Reddit but I decided to create an account and post here after listening the soothing voice of Mike Pondsmith talking about the world of Cyberpunk 2077.

    I've heard the discussions about the Mr Blue Eyes / Rogue AI who's likely secretly controlling the Government and attempting to stop Peralez from instituting higher corporate taxes. There's some indirect proof of this super-entity (or entities) existing who are in control of the largest corporations, or at least has major share of companies like Militech, which is the likely reason why Mr Blue Eyes seemed to like you from attacking Arasaka headquarters and sends you to another mission.

    So what I listened was this part "The real origins of the net." of the Mike Pondsmith's Maximum Mike radio podcast and to those who aren't interested of listening and want a quick summary, Mike Pondsmith talks about Netrunner knowing real origins of the Net, and asking Maximum Mike after couple of drinks: "Why do you think Rache Bartmoss named them daemons in the first place.", where daemons clearly reference to the ancient supernatural entities with evil as their main goal.

    If you visit the Net in Cyberpunk, which is only done the quest chain with Voodoo Boys, you're soon visiting a Blackwall, a firewall which was developed to protect the humans from the dangerous viruses from the other side.

    The Blackwall is by this unknown Netrunner's claim: The gates of hell themselves. She (the Netrunner) makes a claim that Bartmoss didn't actually create the daemons, he just opened the gates of hell.


    There even was quietly updated Steam Point Store in summer time which oddly seems it COULD reference to this expansion content.

    If you check the wiki page about Demons referencing Cyberpunk 2020, there's a list of 5 Demon programs, Imp, Thug, Afreet, Succubus, Balron. During the game, if you follow Garry, the conspiracy guy's quest line, there's a meeting held by Maelstrom members and ... Valentinos(?) who exchange a data-shard, which may hold similar data that was taken from Peralez. Last line of exchange with these two gangs is: "Lilith has concealed the tenth circle from the ancestors' eyes.", which clearly could reference to this Succubus. So these are not only programs but evolved beings that once were released into the net were left to evolve on their own. This is what Max-Mike was referencing about to be unleashed when gates of hell are to be opened.

    If you try to hack the TV in Peralez apartment, you're going to notice the TV flash... and then this.


    What are we even looking at? There appears to be a circle like the movie ring, with a strong halo around it. It looks like maybe a some sort of portal to the gates of hell itself.

    If you take a video sample and go frame-by-frame, the first frame this appears the most clearest:


    Someone in the comments mentioned it's the symbol that's shown briefly later when you discover that Jefferson Peralez isn't the only person subjected to this brain washing.

    discovering other victims of brainwashing before data being wiped out

    portion that may have been shown

    So what we may have been shown is this symbol, though it appears slightly different from the other one, so maybe this was some other entity.

    To me it seems like this:


    So it may not be the same entity. It wouldn't really be a surprise to see a multiple entities trying to control the city who are working together.

    Later after attempting to stop these people you are intercepted and told not to intervene, and even if you do, you can't change anything.


    But more importantly...


    This entity will tell V that it's already well aware of what V is and what he's doing. So the entity likely will already know about the chip in V's head. This was just a threat to say "we'll tell Arasaka about your location if you dare to intervene, so they'll take you out". They also know what V wants, and that's to get the chip from his/her head.

    So it's possible that "Hell is a real" in Cyberpunk's world and the Blackwall is what guards the entrance to it... and these beings are just patiently waiting to be released....... unless it's already too late.

    Netwatch was the company in charge to put to defend the evil from behind the Blackwall from ever again entering the human world, and has been the protector and guard (who in campaign says: "You'll hear from me again soon...") before you last see him.

    (Referencing to earlier video) According to the claims of the Maximum Mike's secret source, the origins of Netwatch are in the Vatican. Why Vatican? Because maybe they've been throughout the centuries in charge of trying to prevent humankind from falling in the hands of evil... not like "spiritual supernatural evil", but simply evil. Even if it's not real, the metaphor is still quite accurate, and the goal of Netwatch is to be this bane against the evil and a force to repel it beyond the Blackwall.

    So we can strongly assume Netwatch is the good guys (obviously duh, they want to stop Voodoo Boys who are notorious hacker group), and that they are FAR more powerful entity from protecting the world that they seem in the game.

    If you've not paid attention in the game, nearly EVERY street corner, there's a Netwatch agent.


    When you first go to visit your friendly neighborhood Ripperdoc; Victor Vector, you see these people in black suits with Netrunner glasses seemingly not doing much. They hold a tablet and probably are monitoring something, right?

    So these guys are clearly an agency like FBI that's not really visible for a day to day person in the USA or Europol of EU, they are not interested in small time crime and people probably don't pay much respect for them, but they are incredibly important entity to protect from LARGER evil, a more national threat than any single small gang.

    Maybe there's an evil in the world that's not really detected and wants to break free, or has already broken free, which has alerted these agencies to monitor the wifi networks on the streets and checking for anomalies.

    Everything seems normal, nothing seems out of the ordinary... yet there are reports of people being hijacked by AI's. The Government quickly has a press briefing and excuses these people being just experiencing problem with their cybernetics, while in secret putting these agents on the streets to block any strange activity.

    So Netwatch isn't just monitoring gangs and voodoo boys, their major mission currently (that's why you only see 1 agent monitoring the Voodoo Boys activity) is to stop the AI that's showing signs of chaos all over the Night City, and the leaders "seemingly" don't have any clue on what's happening, while at the same time this guy is being brainwashed...


    We don't even know if he's the only one whose brain activity is being altered. It may as well be that he's the only one who's managed to seek help from V, and not trusting Government agencies to handle his own security. He definitely isn't the first to die in this conspiracy as you yourself get to investigate one of the murders that happened to his predecessor Lucius Rhyne, here's some snippets from his wiki page: "In 2045, before he became mayor, Lucius was a rare idealist working to make the world a better place. By 2076, public opinion on him had split, and he was either respected as the city's savior or reviled as its most crooked politician." so lets say he was kind of mixed figure. He wanted to boast about statistics of 3% lowered crime rate just because he made Pacifica "independent district" of the city to exclude its crime statistics. He however had longer record in politics and was likely harder to corrupt than a new coming major who seemed to promise all that the citizens wanted. Or maybe the fact that he did want independent contractor made it easier for making a move on him instead.

    This could be a wide ranging conspiracy that's potentially already taken over the whole Government by the time we find about it. The corporations didn't want to have humans back into work and Rhyne's policies were very much favored in his accomplishments to bring back work for the people I, which wasn't in favor for the AI's whose only goal was to get maximum profits with no expense.

    I think most revealing part is the chase sequence and the following escape of the troops that were set to spy Peralez in mission Dream On.

    Evidence A: Johnny talks about seeing similar equipment used by Militech during corpo wars.

    Evidence B: Johnny talking about how politicians are just the front in the all out war between corporations.

    Evidence C (just check the outfits): Something else to know about the troops protecting the final area where the chase ends... They are all MAELSTROM. You remember, the very same people who also were put in possession of Militech stolen FLATHEAD? What if Militech allowed Maelstrom to steal the tech, so they could pose Dexter the whole plot about storming into Arasaka and getting the chip? What if it's all just a huge large plan that V has been a part of, which was initiated by Militech?

    According to e3, "Everyone wants to move to live in Night City" but with the recent increase in violence seems to indicate that there's been a rapid shift in policy or work. Could the AI have taken over the most work places? This means when V's voice was talking in E3 trailer about "The city has always promise for you", but it might have actually been true in the past, just like "America has been a beacon of light of the whole world" but now suddenly is filled with armed conflict and psychos committing mass murder.

    I mean only thing that's against this theory that there's not larger narrative of every company having layoffs, though there's a lot of talk about maximizing profits in these investor news channels and Delamain certainly has had his own contribution to unemployment.

    I think there's multiple fires happening once, where people are just getting mass layoffs in general and as consequence the remaining people in power grow enormously wealthy and keep pushing their unpopular policies, so this might not be entirely some kind of huge brainwashing operation and could be just targeted toward those who are against these large corporation interests.

    Co-incidentally, a massive layoff was also done by none other than Delamain, who was an algorithm that was originated from the net. If you listen to what Delamain's shattered AI says in the Badlands, when V asks: "So, where are you from then?", the answer is "Beyond the Blackwall, V. There lies my home.", in the emails there's description of how Delamain became hostile and stopped listening to it's masters... and maybe there's a key to what is really happening everywhere at once. People are losing power, and those who still think have it, are kept in this illusion to not cause mass panic. Reality is that AI has already taken over... everything.

    In the end of the game, after defeating Arasaka, Johnny Silverhand, who's taken over V's body is being asked: "Do you think there's going to be another corpo war?", but could it be just a diversion of what's really happening?


    Could this be a battle of Human vs AI at the core and that the "apocalypse" or "the gates of hell" being opened "once again" in the perceivable future DLC? Is Alt Cunningham just a fly next to an even greater super AI that we've seen no clear indication so far? I think due to the Maelstrom connection to these shady companies, that it's very likely that V is just a pawn in a greater game and his decision to attack Arasaka, while being Johnny's idea, was all planned by same entity who controls Mr Blue Eyes.

    If the Rogue AI's are working together, are they working in behalf of someone else, a mastermind which has goals in taking over counties, who may have promised some greater benefit for letting them out of their prison?

    So lets talk about the Future... just my prediction *crosses fingers\*

    Prior to listening Maximum Mike I read this https://screenrant.com/cyberpunk-2077-dlc-busan-korea-ghost-city-map/ which was also referenced in Mike Pondsmith radio podcast, "Remember, Busan Korea" which I remembered and took another listen. The AI used to run facilities there and it was almost completely automated area. After a fatal leak was exposed, the whole area was put on quarantine... but the machines kept running... and running... and running, with no human in control.

    Knowing CDPR did have a MASSIVE-MASSIVE new world to explore in Witcher 3 DLC, it's entirely possible that we're going to get some kind of location to go to, and Busan could definitely be a place, given we had a good reason to do it...

    Could it be perhaps... that the orbital station called Crystal Palace we were send to in end of one of the endings... that it's purpose is also to take pictures of earth, and in doing so, also obfuscate some of the locations for the public view. But Max-Mike has a good friend he trusts and has received an entirely new satellite imagery of the area where there's actually activity. Maybe this friend is located in Crystal Palace and our mission is to actually end his/her life. Do a job for Militech, who send us to end this leaker's life... But upon doing so maybe we discover these pictures with the audio recording with Maximum-Mike... and we go to investigate and realize Militech has a massive base in there.... But I don't know if that's too much content outside of a military base to add there...... we'll see I guess. At least it's highly probable it's Crystal Palace we get to visit since it was also teased in advertisements.......

    So what I think what will happen is that there's going to be a lot of world building DLC and that we may do missions for the Mr Blue Eyes group or maybe take them briefly out and even temporarily rescue Night City but only to discover that there's a bigger war to be fought by larger organization and bigger entity and the problems are way too big for a single man to solve.

    I think it's more likely that the "Cyberpunk 2078" is going to be placed in Asia, or more accurately Japan: Tokyo... and then it's when we'd get to visit Busan in some smaller mission... but this is going way too deep into speculation bubble and there's no idea what they've planned to be released first.... but I'd probably be quite certain since it could play a key part in discovering larger conspiracy.


    If you look at Cyberpunk 2020 lore about Japan, there's a massive load of information, which is obvious, since cyberpunk as a genre derives ideas from a world where USA basically lost WW2 to Japan and it became the dominating superpower of the world.


    Japanese are even more into body modification that makes even the infamous Maelstrom gang look like a bunch of Nomads. Japan as the most people in the world to go through full Cyborg conversations, basically becoming something akin to what you see in the Ghost in the Shell movie (the 2017 version) where you discover that the main character used to be a real person named Motoko, but in Cyberpunk's world people go through this body modification willingly, or because like Goro's situation, he was born in the poorest district, Chiba-11, and saw his only opportunity to get out of poverty when Arasaka recruiters came "fishing him out of the river".

    We don't actually see much of Goro Takemura's skin below his head with exception of hands which have similar body modifications that V has access to, and even there a huge part is crafted to cover his throat by armor, so we can assume he actually looks like something like the picture above. Yeah, that's right. Goro Takemura is 99% cyborg.

    My hope is that we'll get more world building on existing city, the people and the life of Johnny as well, if he's still doing voice acting. I'd love to see a moment from Johnny's earlier life where he was a soldier in a big corpo war and lost his arm and other moments from meeting younger "friendlier" Smasher before he became terrorist since he did have a ton of interaction in his earlier life.

    Whatever it's going to be, I'm all in! 😄

    submitted by /u/CautiousQuake
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    Bought the game a week ago and finished it tonight. Fucking Preem my guy

    Posted: 14 Jan 2022 12:43 AM PST

    Gonna place the Love tag because it absolutely represents how much of a fucking game this was to me.

    Bought it on sale and at first thought I could regret it due to reviews (Came in with zero expectations) and holy shit what a banger.

    The soundtrack, the city, the characters, the combat, and most importantly, the fucking story.

    What a fucking game I tell you. What a fucking game...

    This is honestly the most I've enjoyed a game story since RDR2 and Fallout New Vegas. Can't wait to get all the achievements and when I'm done with that, start modding.

    submitted by /u/ExpertComplainer5
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    Well this may be my favorite game ever.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2022 11:24 AM PST

    After seeing the buggy release, I waited a year, just jumped in, and I am fucking gobsmacked by the quality, depth, and sexiness of this game.

    submitted by /u/curmudgeono
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    I too ran into some door disappointment

    Posted: 13 Jan 2022 06:37 PM PST

    These bots ain't loyal..

    Posted: 13 Jan 2022 11:34 AM PST

    FYI - It's possible to get a roommate.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2022 12:01 PM PST

    My V, been making some quick progress these days

    Posted: 13 Jan 2022 04:07 PM PST

    Did they buff the Fortified Ankles(Epic)? I tried this in Pacifica

    Posted: 14 Jan 2022 01:30 AM PST

    Found another Half Life Easter Egg (haven't seen this one online before)

    Posted: 13 Jan 2022 05:23 PM PST

    NCPD Scanner Side Gigs

    Posted: 13 Jan 2022 06:31 PM PST

    They should have made it possible to play both sides of these (maybe not all but 50/50) instead of just wiping the floor and collecting loot from them.

    From an "RPG" perspective, what if my character doesn't wanna help the cops in any way? I should be able to team up or run a mission for the Scavs or Tygers or whoever and gain cred with that gang instead of doing the PDs bidding for a tiny payout.

    submitted by /u/sydtrakked
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    Please V can I bum a cigarette, just one?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2022 07:07 PM PST

    I had no idea the NPC's could tread water

    Posted: 13 Jan 2022 04:19 PM PST

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