• Breaking News

    Thursday, December 16, 2021

    Cyberpunk 2077 Anybody else doesn't see Arasaka as the bad guys?

    Cyberpunk 2077 Anybody else doesn't see Arasaka as the bad guys?

    Anybody else doesn't see Arasaka as the bad guys?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2021 06:04 AM PST

    I mean with regards with what actually happens in the game to you.
    They only become a problem after you steal from them.

    Takemura seems alright. Oda seems alright. Hanako also is pretty level headed as i imagine Saburo was.

    They keep their promise that they help you with your chip even if they don't have to after you help them. They could just let you die but they don't.
    When they see they can't help they offer you the soul program which is reserved for VIP's from what I understand. And if you say no they respect your decision(again even if they could just do whatever you want to you since you can't fight back) and fly you back to earth.

    To me, they seemed more honorable than the majority of the "street kids" types we dealt with during the game.

    submitted by /u/Antique-Link1366
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    She deserved better. Felt the effect really maximized this part.

    Posted: 16 Dec 2021 06:40 AM PST

    "you break it, you bought it"

    Posted: 16 Dec 2021 05:12 AM PST

    The next gen update is going to be like the current game on pc?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2021 06:59 AM PST

    I played 10 hours back in september on ps4 pro. The game was interesting and I understand how boring could be to see just some cars and pedestrians around. Now, on ps5, I could enjoy 60 fps and less crashes I hope. They told the great update for the first 1/3 of 2022 but Im getting bored and would try it and also finish it. So here the big question: does anyone know if this next gen update will render the game as on PC at the moment? (Where it looks more as it should be?) so worth to wait? Despite that the game is still cyberpunk so I wonder how much the experience will be better. Because if it is just a matter of cars and people around, I would not mind it and play after Im done with marvel spider man

    submitted by /u/Gas-O-Wine
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    haboob x games flip

    Posted: 16 Dec 2021 03:42 AM PST

    Cyberspunk - It Just Works

    Posted: 16 Dec 2021 04:53 AM PST

    So after initially playing this game on day one and eventually getting a refund through PSN, I saw it on sale on Black Friday at Gamestop for 10 bucks. What the hell, maybe I was a little harsh playing it initially with all the expectations I had for it, and maybe they made some improvements on it.

    Just did the girl in the bathtub rescue and now am meeting Jackie the following morning.

    I explore, find a guy beating a girl. I intervene, knock the guy out, girl does the famous Cyberspunk duck down with hands over her head. No explanation of what went down before I got there. No back story to this little side interaction. Nothing.

    I go and see a lady sweeping. I get in her space she keeps sweeping. I keep getting in her space to get a reaction. She finally puts down the broom and walks away muttering I'll swallow a fly.

    Guy puking. I interact, hey how's it going? Says NPC in a cheery voice.

    Two cops banging on a door. I go over get into their space for a reaction. No words to back the fuck up, I better get out of there, nothing. Finally one draws a gun. I back away, guns holstered. I do it again, after awhile of pushing into the cops with no verbal repurcussions, guns are drawn again. This time shoot to kill.

    As Todd Howard was famously quoted as saying, it just works. These NPCs are some next Gen stuff here. The depth. How organic the interactions are with them. It's like they're living and breathing.

    Thank God the city looks so empty now. I don't know if I could handle all that realism from the 2018 trailer

    submitted by /u/BufordTJustice15
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