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    Thursday, November 18, 2021

    Cyberpunk 2077 Cyberpunk 2077 Bad Game Design Memes.

    Cyberpunk 2077 Cyberpunk 2077 Bad Game Design Memes.

    Cyberpunk 2077 Bad Game Design Memes.

    Posted: 18 Nov 2021 05:49 AM PST

    Anyone else upset you can't order a "jackie welles" at the afterlife?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2021 11:00 PM PST

    I picked up the game again had to watch Jackie die all over again and it sucked I go to the afterlife talk to Claire about memorializing them, aaaaand you can't even order the drink, imagine how cool it could have been to get a item unique to the after life it could have had unique effects etc. Plus they wrote the dialog about making the drink and jackie is a important character it doesn't makes sense why there isn't a drink you can buy

    submitted by /u/NexusRaven7
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    I’m stuck :/

    Posted: 18 Nov 2021 11:43 AM PST

    havent touched this game in months, then i remembered how i used to crush on my own femV

    Posted: 18 Nov 2021 06:04 AM PST

    Who said LMG's in this game aren't fun? :)

    Posted: 18 Nov 2021 01:09 PM PST

    Cyberpunk 2077 on very hard difficulty level

    Posted: 17 Nov 2021 02:49 PM PST

    Being Rockstar Games and CDPR fan make me feel like nothing but a QA Tester these last times. I reported every bug and missing game features i can. CDPR barely fixed bugs whole year and there are still too many missing gameplay elements in Cyberpunk 2077.

    Posted: 17 Nov 2021 04:48 PM PST

    Oh ok cool...

    Posted: 18 Nov 2021 12:09 PM PST

    Cyberpunk 2077 may be coming to Game Pass

    Posted: 18 Nov 2021 08:17 AM PST

    This made me laugh

    Posted: 18 Nov 2021 12:01 PM PST

    There's actually people who did like the game, that are not IGN

    Posted: 18 Nov 2021 02:06 PM PST

    There's actually people who did like the game, that are not IGN

    I hate to break it to everyone complaining here soon 12 months in row, but there actually did exist positive reviews that weren't just dogpiling to the game because it had performance issues on the base gen.

    Dec 16, 2020 ( Patch 1.04 )

    There's also Hello Future Me who did very good job presenting the brilliant story telling.


    Even your favorite haters like Angry Joe did praise the story and music and the whole world building and how the game really can be impressive if it runs well for you.

    But sadly these angry critics did the least courtesy and chose to focus mostly on the negative about performance and bugs... and NEWSFLASH, THOSE ISSUES HAVE BEEN SOLVED to the level that you're completely able to play these games on base gen consoles from start to finish. And plenty of people I've talked to have finished the game on base PS4 when game launched despite the issues.

    If you just come to this game expecting a Dystopian Dark Souls game with a guns of course you're going to get disappointed by the different pace and how game is heavily story focused... but that's not CDPR's fault. If you came here expecting GTA clone, why not just play GTA?

    A lot of you claim to be Witcher 3 fans but based on what I read here it's like it came as a surprise how the game operates and how the launch wasn't perfectly optimized for base consoles.

    Somehow I doubt you're neither, not a Witcher 3 fan, who probably bought the game like 3-4 years after a launch if you even bought it, and most definitely haven't played it through, and most people I hear talking how they can't run the game on their PC is just an absurd claim.

    Also it didn't really help that most people thought things like people jumping from buildings or getting killed by car bombs were bugs, when they weren't. So a bunch of crap was made from things that were literally designed in that way, because people didn't have the least of courtesy to understand what the hell they were reporting in YouTube. You see these people posting the famous glitch compilation of CrowBcat and presenting it as if it was the regular gameplay experience of people playing it, NEWSFLASH: IT NEVER WAS. Most of the issues shown are from pre-patched game and even those that weren't... you do realize other games have bugs as well.

    You can run this on my wife's 600 euro laptop (Asus TUF 505GE which has GTX 1050) and you can still get a stable 30fps. How can my wife's laptop be stronger than your RTX 3090 PC?

    Maybe you should consider returning the PC back to the store and getting a MacBook, since it seems to be such a problem for you to use.

    Maybe instead of focusing all the energies on the negative, how about do something else with your life? Did you know human average lifespan is 25550 days, which you've likely spend almost 360 now complaining in the forums?

    If you can't be pleased just move on and stop being bitter.

    I can only think of only reason why someone didn't like this game after fully completing it, and that would be that person who needs to be told what to think. And frankly internet is full of these people who drool after these big 1+ million subscribed channels as if they were gods laying knowledge to us mortal humans... as long as they're not actually a big known studio like IGN.

    It's okay to accept different opinions than your favorite angry critic. They are not gods, these people are mostly with very basic education and are hardly a place to seek guidance on art that goes deeper than a game of Pong, and they have obviously bias toward certain type of characteristics that are of less nuance. For poorly educated it's often common to seek shelter from people who appear as an alpha male with a sort of hostile and aggressive attitude, someone who doesn't try to appear reasonable and seek middle ground, who "says how it is" and are not holding back their wrath when their child is disobedient. People like Angry Joe command respect from his base based on his aggressive attitude, and it can be very hard to break this illusion.

    If you look at IGN review of same game, you don't hear a rant, you hear a man with calm voice explaining his findings... and he did find there being loads of bugs (during release) that he was able to overlook because of the experience it gave him.

    This is like being upset about the poor lightsaber effects of the original Star Wars movies, and completely missing the story and cinematography of the sets and acting, claiming that the New Hope was dog shit simply because they couldn't work out all the technical issues, and then praising Phantom Menace for the lack of glitches.

    I'm not here to defend the state of console launch, but the game did run well on pro models very fast and it's hard to make any modern games run in 9 year old consoles while trying to put so much eye candy on screen in an open world game.

    I can fully understand people getting mad at launch, but still even after 1.3, complaining about performance is just silly.

    I mean did you guys ever play any other game ever? Skyrim run like crap. World of Warcraft was very weak in initial years after release. Macros and addons were pretty much must to play the games, and Blizzard was a gigantic company making billions from that game. Did it stop the people from liking the game that the game wasn't ultra fucking perfect? No.

    And now people literally wanted to go back to the good old days of playing the vanilla wow, because of the memories they had with it.

    So you see, you can have GOOD MEMORIES from a game that isn't 100% perfect, I know, it's crazy.

    And I see a lot of people talking how GTA Trilogy is the new Cyberpunk 2077... it's like people never learn anything in this life.


    I hear these same YouTubers talking about "OH MY GOD, THE CHATASTROPHIC LAUNCH OF GTA" as if they EVER a single time witnessed a single bug.

    These people repeat the same videos they see others make, which might be someone having the game on xbox, getting an upgrade, resetting upgrade, downloading it again, unplugging the xbox after it gets stuck on upgrade and restarting it, somehow rigging the assets and then making a video of face asset appearing as a wall.

    Do we know how often this thing even happens? How many people have ever reported this happening? All I see is someone copying a single video and the news about the video spread across internet to everyone and soon every YouTuber is saying that "You see how the guy's face is stuck on the screen? It must be broken and happens to everyone!"

    And the same shit happens in a next game, and a next game, and a next game, and people still listen to these same guys without giving a single doubt of their authenticity.

    I'd honestly want to see a SINGLE YouTuber AT LEAST having the MINIMUM COURTESY to say whether this happens to THEM when they are playing it, not reporting every glitch as if it definitely happens and is permanently stuck on your screen the moment you press the R2 button.

    And even if these things were repeatable, can you just stop acting like it's going to be based on less than 1% chance that these problems will ever get fixed?

    And I know the game isn't perfect and there's probably going to be few extra patches before all the problems on all the platforms are going to get solved... but can we just accept that there are going to be looked into? Fallout New Vegas got 2 years of upgrades since launch and that game was widely praised. Skyrim has been upgraded about 10 years by now and they're still working on bugs. It doesn't require a group of negative 10 year olds to make companies tackle these bugs.

    I wish we could just calm down as gaming community and not act like 3 year old children who didn't get their candy. It's sad and depressing.

    submitted by /u/BudddyPositive
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    Yeah, I like the suicide hack

    Posted: 18 Nov 2021 09:34 AM PST

    My V. Loved the game but i wish i could play her in healthy condition to focus on the sidemissions.

    Posted: 17 Nov 2021 01:07 PM PST

    Cyberpunk 2077 Will Not Be Updated to Implement DLSS 2.3. It is the NVIDIA GeForce Experience App Responsible For Injecting the DLSS 2.3 (.dll) Version into the Game Files

    Posted: 18 Nov 2021 02:34 AM PST

    A DLSS update is pushed through GeForce Experience. Simply launch the game twice, once initially which will download the update. Then on the next time the game is launched, it should have the new DLL with DLSS 2.3 support.

    Hello. The official source of this is Manuel Guzman, NVIDIA's representative:


    This procedure is rare and new. I think it should be clarified and explained in the recent DLSS 2.3 article posted by NVIDIA.

    For example, many users and some other tech reviewers do not install the GeForce Experience tool.

    Strictly speaking, Cyberpunk 2077 will not be updated to implement the DLSS 2.3. It is the NVIDIA GeForce Experience program responsible for injecting DLSS 2.3 version into the game files.

    It is still unclear nor clarified if this DLSS update procedure will be the norm or standard for all games that support DLSS from now on, though.

    I hope this helps to understand the lack of any minor game update from the studio to implement DLSS 2.3.

    submitted by /u/RodroG
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    Theory: The guy ranting about aliens quest is connected to the Peralez quest

    Posted: 18 Nov 2021 12:01 AM PST

    The ranting alien guy quest ends with Maelstrom dealing with two unidentifiable corpos, and after flatlining them, you find a crackable shard on Jane or John Doe's body. The message hidden inside of it doesn't give any clues unfortunately.

    The Peralez quest ends after chasing down the surveillance van, which has Maelstrom backing them up.

    Maelstrom is the intentional link between the two, and I think that shard is connected to either brainwashing them or the technology behind it.

    It's not the most researched theory, but during my second 100+ hour run, I'm beginning to think a lot of these seemingly random side quests are connected on a deeper level than we could have perceived.

    submitted by /u/criznittle
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    Katana build | Main fight of secret ending on Very "Hard" difficulty [very mild spoiler]

    Posted: 18 Nov 2021 09:25 AM PST

    DLSS 2.1 vs DLSS 2.3.4 - less ghosting (changes are subtle and hard to notice in the video due to compression)

    Posted: 18 Nov 2021 07:31 AM PST

    Jackie Welles - blockade runner?

    Posted: 18 Nov 2021 11:05 AM PST

    I started a new playthrough of the game last week, and I realized that Jackie must run the NCPD Watson lockdown at least three times:

    1. Once when returning from The Rescue while driving V back home.
    2. Immediately after dropping V at home, so he can take Misty on a date and then go back home to Heywood.
    3. The next morning when Jackie returns to meet V in Little China after spending the night in Heywood.

    He may have also run the blockade at least one or two more times to pick up his motorcycle from Heywood, since he doesn't have the motorcycle while driving V's car, but he does have it for The Pickup. However, it's possible that he summons his motorcycle using an automatic driving program, just like V does, in which case he only crosses the blockade three times.

    So...how does he do it? Do you think that "nice Jackie" just works on the NCPD three times in a row? Or does he have some other trick up his sleeve?

    submitted by /u/HarshawJE
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    Hi, does anybody knows why the reflections looks like that? I have a 1660ti and ryzen 5 3400 if the specs are the problem, is there anyway to make it look smooth?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2021 09:58 PM PST

    How does Cyberpunk translate in your language?

    Posted: 18 Nov 2021 08:15 AM PST

    I'm Afrikaans and its: "Kuberskollie" It rolls nicely of the tongue in my native language and if you understand our culture it's a funny saying.

    submitted by /u/kobusenter
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    Mizutani Targa - the car with the best handling in the class of fast cars. What a beauty! Unfortunately, not available to the player ...

    Posted: 18 Nov 2021 02:00 PM PST

    "Back to the grind after a failed heist and a heavy loss"

    Posted: 18 Nov 2021 07:03 AM PST

    2 days late but November 16th was Johnny's Birthday Happy Birthday Rocker Boy

    Posted: 17 Nov 2021 11:53 PM PST

    Johnny Silverhand (fem ver.) by FoxMellis

    Posted: 18 Nov 2021 11:19 AM PST

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