• Breaking News

    Thursday, September 2, 2021

    Cyberpunk 2077 - Currently about 25% of CDPR devs are working on first expansion and about 40% on updates and patches.

    Cyberpunk 2077 - Currently about 25% of CDPR devs are working on first expansion and about 40% on updates and patches.

    Currently about 25% of CDPR devs are working on first expansion and about 40% on updates and patches.

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 08:56 AM PDT

    Rain in Night City is also different and beautiful (Those who don't like the game don't have to write a comment )

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 05:04 PM PDT

    Few interesting slides from CDPR H1 results presentation

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 08:51 AM PDT

    CD Projekt Has 150 Developers Working on Cyberpunk 2077 Expansion & 70 on Unannounced Games; Financials Announced

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 01:42 PM PDT

    Movie Drive in Cyberpunk 2077

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 06:11 AM PDT

    CD Projekt has said it can’t guarantee that Cyberpunk 2077’s new-gen console versions will make it out this year as planned.

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 01:57 PM PDT

    At my local Target

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 06:03 PM PDT

    Who is interested?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 06:55 AM PDT

    Um...What Just Happened

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 11:14 PM PDT

    This will never get old

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 02:32 PM PDT

    R.I.P Brendan, you'll be missed.

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 07:38 AM PDT

    Let’s talk details. The majority of us agree that we want a Militech storyline but what specifically do we want? If you were in charge of adding a Militech storyline how would you do it?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 08:55 PM PDT

    I've been thinking about this post for a while now as well my vision for a Militech storyline. I've truly put some thought into this so I hope this reaches a decent amount of people. I like interaction :)

    Fair warning. There may be some casual spoilers for the main story and side jobs

    My first decision when thinking about my possible Militech storyline was whether it would just be something interesting to do but ends up just being that, similar to Judy and River's storylines. You do some jobs, befriend and get to know each other, but eventually part ways and you don't get anything like a new ending option like with Rogue and Panam. The alternative is the opposite. If you complete the Militech storyline you get a new ending option where you side with Militech and start the first corporate war with you fighting with them.

    I went with the second option. My reasons are simple. Every lifepath can access every ending but each ending corresponds to a lifepath. The Star is the "Nomad ending", the Sun is the "Steetkid ending" and the Devil is the "Corpo ending". Only I don't feel that the Devil is a proper corpo ending. It's so obviously the worst ending for V and exists only for players who didn't want to do side jobs. The game guilt trips you every step of the way and at the end you're still screwed. You're basically told you sold out and you fucked up. The other endings also have you dying anyways but at least there's hope. "Contacts" for Nomads and Mr. Blue Eyes for Streetkids. People who chose the "corpo ending"? They either get to go home and die or to sell their soul to Arasaka. I feel like this game needs a proper corpo ending and I'm going to deliver.

    What you chose in act 1 will affect the events of my militech storyline. If you chose to help Meredith she'll call text you like normal thanking you. You can sleep with her or not. If you sleep her she'll call about a day after. If you don't, same thing. If you betrayed Meredith or didn't take her offer Gilchrist will call you. Meredith/Gilchrist(hereby referred to as M/G) will offer you a job. A problem that they need reliable outside help with.

    I'm thinking this problem of theirs could be related to the Arasaka false flags mentioned during certain side jobs. Like padre said, Militech will delay. They need V to Sabotage Arasaka efforts while they prepare for war. If Militech did it themselves Arasaka would use it as a justification for conflict. They need an outside Merc who isn't associated with Militech to do it. V pulls it off and impresses the bosses. Corpo V could potentially use his background for various reasons here. You'd first raid a small gang base before realizing this goes deeper than just one group of gangers. To stop the false flags you need to cut the head off the metaphorical snake and strike at the Arasaka people in charge of the operation. Maybe if you're a Corpo you can even get revenge on Abernathy. She's counterintelligence not intelligence but maybe she could be at a meeting with your targets or something? If Gilchrist is the one who hired you he betrays you and let's Arasaka know you're coming for them so they beef up their defences. He's then purged and replaced with someone else.

    After the Arasaka false flag operation is ended you've bought time for Militech to prepare for war. And even better, the CEO of Militech wants to meet V personally and talk about an "opportunity" for V to continue working with Militech. The CEO recognizes that war is inevitable. Arasaka seems to have a death wish and they won't stop until there's a war. You bought valuable time but it won't last forever. With War being inevitable why not get an advantage and strike first? The CEO proposes an attack on Arasaka tower to knock Arasaka out of Night City before they can mount a defence. This is when V brings up his desire to get inside Mikoshi. The CEO will be curious and ask some questions but V manages to deflect… for now. It's agreed then. V will help strike the tower and he'll get his moment in Mikoshi before they turn the place to rubble. On to the next side job.

    Before they can launch their preemptive strike Militech needs to mobilize and sabotage Arasaka. Tower air defences are a lot better than they used to be in the 2020s. Any attempt to fly near the place will fail. The tower is also equipped with various other defences including copious amounts of advanced turrets which tear infantry to shreds. V needs to infiltrate the sub levels of Arasaka tower and plant a bug/backdoor that will compromise the tower defence systems and make an assault plausible. After returning base to Militech tower which you get to enter now you have a conversation with the CEO and others about the final plan. The attack will occur in standard Militech fashion. No sneaking, no schemes. Brute force. Send the troops to bust down the doors and raze the building to the ground. A combined land/air attack. V will join the aerial portion of the attack force.

    But before that there's one final conversation that needs to be had. Naturally the higher ups will become suspicious and ask V why he wants to get into Mikoshi so bad. This time there's no deflection. V has to tell them. And so V explains the chip, Silverhand and how Mikoshi is the only place that V can be cured. V expects them to be shocked, or angry that V carries an anti-corporate war in his head. But instead…. They start laughing. And then V learns the real truth. Silverhand got his nukes and more than a few forgotten chooms from Militech. Now you learn the real story. About Blackhand, about how Silverhand lied and isn't the real hero of the story after all. Of course Silverhand didn't tell V this so V gets to have a conversation with Silverhand after. Something along the lines of "You were criticizing me this entire time for working with Militech meanwhile your entire legacy was built by them. The attack on the tower, the nuclear blast. That was Militech. Not you." Johnny will try to fight back but not even his narcissism can deny the truth any longer. He accepts the reality and apologies. You can accept his apology or reject him. Either way he tells you that just because he trusted Militech doesn't mean V should. After this V is told that everything is ready and the attack will commence soon. They just need time to make the final preparations. End of the storyline, Militech ending unlocked.

    Skip the part where V has to decide what to do to save his life. You can now call Meredith or if she's dead some new guy or maybe the CEO. Silverhand speaks up and tries to dissuade V but V can either tell him to go fuck himself or try to swing Jim to your side and remind him you're just doing what he did. He'll eventually relent. I believe his name is Lucas Harford. You ask if Militech ready, and they are, they're just waiting on V. They send transport and V has a chat with Misty. Said transport shows up and Misty gets a little wary that you're working for a corp. you can convince her that this is the best way to save yourself and avenge Jackie. Neither the Nomads nor rogue have the power to take on Arasaka. This is the only way. Now for the final battle. The second conflict between Arasaka and Militech.

    The game cuts to V getting into a Militech AV with a few other AVs in the area each containing Militech special forces. You're going in through the roof while infantry takes the lower levels. You land on the roof, air defences compromised. You fight through a few standard goons and then enter the tower guns blazing. You and your Militech buddies mowing down Arasaka troops. Once the top levels are taken you had down to the lower levels to enter Mikoshi. You find the doors locked and enter it the Militech way. Blowing them up. You enter the fight chamber flanked by a couple Militech infantry units. Enter Smasher. Smasher takes out your escort in appropriately brutal fashion and it's you vs him. You beat smasher and make your way to Mikoshi. You're told you have 30 minutes before the place blows. Militech doesn't want any serious attention so they've opted for a non-nuclear approach this time. Blah blah Mikoshi stuff blah blah. Either Johnny criticizes you or grimly accepts your choice and then you make another choice. You let Johnny take the body? Standard Johnny ending.

    You keep your body? You start your possibly short career in Militech special forces fighting across the world and also searching for a way to survive. Using your Carter as an opportunity to get your hands on advanced tech, intel and Helman-style talks" with Arasaka personnel who might know something. Insert mysterious ending that leaves room for future content. Perhaps V on a military stealth plane looking out the window and seeing Tokyo. Therr will also be a little worldbuilding that explains the consequences of your actions via dialogue and radio. The new corporate war is going in Militech's direction. Arasaka has been pushed out of Night City and other strongholds across the world are falling. The confidence of their investors is lost and their empire is crumbling.

    Of course my intention is to have choices matter. For real. You'd have plenty of chances to make decisions that matter alongside your standard dialogue options that all end one way.

    I'm actually thinking about taking on a really ambitious project now. I would attempt to write the "script" for this storyline, the dialogue, the choices, all the major yellow dialogue options as well as the blue option. Events and the like as well. Even missions and their objectives. It would be a challenge and would most likely suck ass but it'd be fun for me to do. I've already done some prep work like using a counter app to count how many dialogue choices you get to make in each side job chain(Panam, Judy and Rogue missions)

    If you've made it this far thanks for listening to my insane ramblings. I've said my bit. Now. Let's here your take.

    submitted by /u/ATR2400
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    This game would be so much more immersive if they added 'contextual HUD' options

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 06:16 AM PDT

    For instance, I don't want to have my mission objectives perpetually on-screen, covering up all that beautiful scenery.

    But I also don't want to miss important information when an objective is updated, or an optional objective opens up,etc.

    So why not let me set objective information to 'contextual', so they only appear on screen when there's actually an update of some kind?

    Same goes for all the other HUD elements. Give me an option so that the health bar only displays during combat and at less than full health.

    These contextual HUD options would let us soak in the world immersion when there's not much action or key information to be relayed. But it would also ensure that we get the information we need, WHEN we actually need it.

    submitted by /u/tom_oakley
    [link] [comments]

    Anyone else think Cheri Nowlin, the receptionist at Clouds, would make an awesome character for some DLC in the future? My favorite screenshots of her...

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 10:45 AM PDT

    CD Projekt H1 2021 Earnings

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 08:40 AM PDT

    5 things that would make the game instantly better

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 08:27 PM PDT

    1. Car customization, just the paint, wheels, neon lights, interior and windows for each car would be enough
    2. A "friend system" with activities : you call a friend (Judy, Jackie,...) & do activities with them: bar, movies, club, braindance, ... and they can fight for you when there are ennemies near you even in cars. If they "die", the trauma team come for them.
    3. A REAL Subway/ metro or even flying taxis ...
    4. Better cops & police chasing you in cars (yeah like in gta I know)
    5. More COOL clothes...
    submitted by /u/GWA1994
    [link] [comments]

    I feel pretty proud how my V looks.

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 05:28 PM PDT

    Even though it never matters I like to open car trunks.

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 05:47 PM PDT

    I like to open the hoods too. I do it just for me.

    submitted by /u/thinkpadius
    [link] [comments]

    Reflective roads will be back in the next patch

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 10:48 AM PDT

    [OC][For Hire] Three Cyberpunk style illustrations

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 11:58 AM PDT

    Found a badass car!

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 04:54 PM PDT

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