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    Thursday, August 26, 2021

    Cyberpunk 2077 - Update to the rules regarding text posts

    Cyberpunk 2077 - Update to the rules regarding text posts

    Update to the rules regarding text posts

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 05:51 AM PDT

    In the last couple of weeks there have been a lot of meta posts critiquing this sub, the users and the mod team for the way this community reacts to the game. There have been numerous posts condemning this sub for being too negative.

    We aren't in the business of policing the opinions of the community. It's no secret the launch of this game was bungled, and there is a lot of justifiable angst because of that. The mod team has been pressured countless times to 'remove the negativity' which is something we'll never do. I say this time and time again, but this is your subreddit, it isn't ours; if you guys want to express your animosity towards the game or CDPR we have zero right to stop that.

    However, this is a subreddit about the game, not a subreddit to complain about the subreddit. If you'd like to complain about this community there are other places to do that. So, from now on, meta posts will be removed. That includes anything attacking the community for their opinions and mod team for how we operate.

    You're still allowed to critique the game, and discuss it as you always have; but we're not allowing drama posts from now on. Henceforth posts that don't discuss the game will be removed.

    However, we don't want to eliminate all criticism of the community, and I still believe you're entitled to voice your concerns over the state of the subreddit. The last thing we want is for this community to turn into a circlejerk. So, from this week on, we will be running 'feedback Friday' wherein you'll be able to voice your concerns at the state of r/cyberpunkgame. The megathread will run all weekend and will have our full attention. The mod team will actively be reading, and participating, in the conversation. As long as you remain civil your concerns will be addressed.

    This weeks feedback Friday is starting early though, because I'd love your feedback on this new rule.

    This might sound a little cheesy, but I honestly love you guys. This community has a reputation for being negative, but everyday I see new artwork that takes my breath away, and conversations that enthral me. Everything we do is in an effort to make this community a better place.

    submitted by /u/Tabnam
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    Is it just me or does half of the story feel like it was cut?

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 08:08 AM PDT

    Something just feels incredibly off about the many of the quests as if there was originally double the content to them.

    The Heist and its results are a fantastic example. In the trailers, T-Bug is alive and there is an entire scene of V almost killing Dexter. Yet, this option is never ever seen in-game. It also showed Jackie's death in detail which was a massive spoiler yet when I first watched it. I was under the impression that his death was due to our choices during the heist.

    I pictured that it was incredibly difficult to succeed without going loud but there was an option to sacrifice something in exchange for Jackie being alive. Not unlike most rpgs. However what also fuels this idea is Evelyn Parker.

    That deal to betray Dex without a definitive yes option just screams to me that there was much more to the quest originally. What do you guys think?

    Edit: Hijacking my own post to say if any developers see this. Make more story options.

    submitted by /u/HeterodactylFormosan
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    Too red, I agree, but too beautiful..

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 07:45 PM PDT

    Anyone else turn to kidnaping to try and stimulate a social life D:

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 05:18 PM PDT

    This game has the streetkid and nomad worlds decently well explored but I feel we could use a little more corpo interaction.

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 08:32 PM PDT

    Look I get it. The whole point of this genre is "big corporation bad" and that no one should want anything to do with the the corps aside from taking them down. But the corporate side of things is just as much a part of the genre as anything else and if corpo is going to be one of the major lifepaths of the game we deserve a deeper look into that world.

    We've already gotten a good look into the world of a streetkid. A good portion of the people we meet are from the streets. We've seen the afterlife and an entire underground word. Same for the nomads. We've met plenty of them, talked to them, been to their homes and worked alongside them. The corpos though? We get very little interaction with corpos. 90% of the time we're interacting with a corpo we're either killing them or threatening to kill them.

    Two examples of good corporate interaction would be Meredith Stout and the Netwatch agent. You get a neat little look into the corpo world and can solve things peacefully

    Streetkids and nomads have way more options available to them storywise. Hell their endings are objectively superior. The "nomad ending" with panam and the "streetkid ending" with rogue are both acceptable endings. The corpo ending sucks and it's clear the devs put it in only as a last resort for players who don't do side jobs. They do a lot to dissuade you. A more proper and satisfying corpo ending would be siding with Militech and having a quest line similar to the rogue and panam lines involving Meredith or someone else depending on her fate.

    The Netwatch agent also says he'll be seeing us real soon but is never seen again. Perhaps expand upon that more? Have a Judy style quest line where you work with Netwatch. It doesn't give you a unqiue ending but offers other rewards and lets you explore the corporate world.

    I don't know exactly what I want but I do know that compared to streetkids and nomads, corpos get treated way worse.

    submitted by /u/ATR2400
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    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 07:43 AM PDT

    Found an interesting glitch

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 03:01 AM PDT

    The view from car interiors is way too bright. How did they miss this issue? Series X.

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 07:31 PM PDT

    I feel like people don't appreciate the stealth tech route much in this game

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 05:54 AM PDT

    I hand Carved the Cyberpunk Samurai out of wood

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 11:42 AM PDT

    Plants physics are better than all others.

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 11:07 PM PDT

    Temperance. Misty by me, photo by ianski.jpeg

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 05:59 AM PDT

    Why is this version not available to be purchased for V?

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 04:10 PM PDT

    Infinite money glitch, retire as a Billionaire

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 10:42 AM PDT

    Infinite money glitch, retire as a Billionaire

    I've done all the quests and was in little trouble, you see I was missing like 600 000 eddies to get all the remaining vehicles. The random encounters clearly weren't going to cut it in a lifetime.

    So what can you do to get incredible wealthy with very low effort?

    Well of course first you need HIGH level character, preferably maxed out with 70 perks, though not required, and a good starting money to get crafting up to 20 asap.

    Step #1, get into this location in south-west end of the map


    Step #2, talk to this guy

    (after this you no longer need to take a single step)


    Step #3, put all the points into crafting Legendary items

    (After reaching 20 in Engineering put the rest points into Crazy Science)


    Step #4, profit

    These crafting items cost about 800 eurodollars, this item sells for 7000 eurodollars

    You can drain this vendor dry from cash with just 2-3 sells while it charges 1 gun to buy all the stores of crafting equipment for like 10 guns.


    Me after 15 minutes of trading

    submitted by /u/Green-Coal
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    they really nailed the day time lighting(RTX off) , which is way harder than night with all the shiny reflections

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 09:35 PM PDT

    Has anyone ever seen this junk item before? This is my first time. (v1.11, so don't look at the price and give your hopes up.)

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 06:12 PM PDT

    Anyone else getting random wanted levels since the patch?

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 05:07 PM PDT

    Sometimes while driving around I'll get a wanted level despite not doing anything.

    submitted by /u/heartofgold247
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    Funny glitch with Gig: No Fixers.

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 08:29 PM PDT

    So Iris refused to get in the van. I drove it back to Dakota, with Iris teleporting along behind me as I was driving. Still counted as recovering her vehicle for the sake of the mission bonus.

    submitted by /u/008Zulu
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    Jackie as a companion on side mission. Detailed description in the comment below.

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 04:23 AM PDT

    In my 3rd playtrought i just realised they removed the tattoo

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 03:26 AM PDT

    Tried the photo mode for the first time & i like this one.

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 12:26 PM PDT

    If you're anything like me, you probably saw the red DLC jacket and thought it looked cool except for the color. Well, good news! There are 17 other variants. Here's one of them. (They are Jacket 19 [6 old, 6 basic, 6 rich] if you wanna use the console to spawn them in)

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 08:11 PM PDT

    Cyberpunk 2077 Wish List - Post Patch 1.3

    Posted: 24 Aug 2021 10:33 PM PDT

    Now that CDPR released patch 1.3, we now know what's still missing after 8 months since the game's release. Apologize if there is already a thread on this. I did a few searches, but didn't see anything after 1.3 was released. Here is my list of features, gameplay elements, and random shit that's just not in the game or simply broken. Would love to hear what the rest of the community still wants to see in this game. I'm not delusional and realize that most, if not all, of this list won't be added into the game, but I can hope, right?

    - Improved Wanted System - Need to improve how the wanted system scales in difficulty. NCPD shouldn't spawn right behind you and it shouldn't be so easy to get away from 1-2 stars. 3 stars is essentially an automatic death. Add in high speed car chases. Basically take a page out of any GTA game since 2002.

    - Factions/Gang Affiliation - Killing gang members should have consequences (both positive & negative). Kill the Tyger Claws and you'll struggle to get through Japantown without getting attacked. Meanwhile, gain affinity with another gang for killing Tyger Claw members.

    - Player Customization - Need to be able to change character appearance throughout the game. Also need body type options at the start (short/tall, fat/muscular/lean). To have different dick options, but not body type is insane.

    - Life Path Purpose - Outside of the prologue and a few unique dialogue lines, there's no difference in life paths. I realize it's too late to have brand new intros for different life paths, but maybe life paths can have certain unique attributes throughout the game. Corpos get more money when selling things. Streetkids get discounts on items. You get the point.

    - Car Customization - Scatter garages around the city where you can get new paint, wheels, etc.

    - Flying Cars and Boats - Pretty self explanatory. Be able to drive boats and flying cars.

    - Apartment Customization - Be able to decorate your apartments with items that you can buy in local stores.

    - Mini Games - Street races, casinos, card/board games, underground fighting, video games (so many arcade cabinets throughout the city yet you can't play any of them), etc.

    - More detailed club interactions - Be able to dance, pickup ladies/dudes, get drunk (I know you do this in a mission, but not sure if you can do it outside of missions).

    - Transmog gear - So tired of choosing between design and stats. No reason why we can't keep the stats of one piece of gear and have the look of another. Being able to hide hats would be nice as well since I can't seem to like any, but would like the armor bonus they provide.

    - Lock weapons/gear - Avoid accidentally dismantling weapons/gear/mods that you want to keep by locking them.

    - Profile system for saves - Be able to easily separate different playthroughs. Be able to name save files.

    - Public Transportation - Be able to ride the subway/monorail.

    - Smarter Civilian AI - Better reactions when firing at cars, shooting into crowds, etc. The AI are dumber than games that came out 15-20 years ago.

    - Higher Population Density - Gives us the city that you showed in the trailers.

    - Street Cred that Matters - Get discounted drinks, access to private rooms at the clubs, unique dialogue from civilians on the street based on your Street Cred. Make it feel like SC is more than just a number in the menu.

    - Buy apartments/mansions - As you move up in Night City, it makes little sense to continue living in a tiny apartment. Gives us the option to upgrade our digs.

    - Dates - Be able to call previous romances or an escort service for a date or one night stand.

    - Improved Water Physics

    - Clean Up Annoying Bugs

    • FOV settings on console

    Please feel free to add to the list. I can't think of anything else at this point and I'm exhausted and need to go to sleep. Good night all!

    submitted by /u/rc-101513
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