• Breaking News

    Monday, December 7, 2020

    Cyberpunk 2077 - We finally did it choombas ! This is the first subreddit ever to reach 500k members for a game that is not released yet!

    Cyberpunk 2077 - We finally did it choombas ! This is the first subreddit ever to reach 500k members for a game that is not released yet!

    We finally did it choombas ! This is the first subreddit ever to reach 500k members for a game that is not released yet!

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 04:11 PM PST

    The first trailer for Cyberpunk 2077 came out when I was in fourth grade. Today, I submitted my last college application and finally let myself preorder the game

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 09:39 AM PST

    I've known about the game for a while, and let me tell you, I'm more than excited to get my hands on it. I've been using this game to get myself through my senior year of high school and my college applications, and after finishing my final application today, my parents agreed to let me get the game. I never dreamed I'd be able to play the game on release, and here we are. Thrilled to be sharing this experience with you guys, and just wanted to share it :)

    submitted by /u/Xalea_
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    Cyberpunk 2077 is 69 hours away from release

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 07:04 PM PST

    Made this post just to say it. bye bye. enjoy the game

    submitted by /u/Sarfraz29
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    Because I'm talking so much about the game, my little sister drew me something

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 12:41 PM PST

    http://imgur.com/a/9kxABsh (last one is a digital drawing I did nvm)

    E: *sisters - they both did one of those drawings :D

    submitted by /u/Nigogigogigolas
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    A tip for anyone who will be playing on steam:

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 05:34 PM PST

    When you're unpacking the game files, and you inevitably reach the point of "your game will be ready in [very long time]" you should use task manager to kill steam, open and restart the unpacking.

    It can save you a lot of time.

    For example when your steam popup tells you that you'll be able to play in 10 hours-2 day-more than 1 year, simply use task manager to end steam, and then restart. You should go back to the fastest possible unpack.

    (Results may vary for Intel chips)

    submitted by /u/ReleaseRecruitElite
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    RIP to college students(finals week)

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 09:27 PM PST

    Didn't really know where to post this. A lotta people are posting sentimental stuff, thanking the mods and grieving the fallen, I just wanted to throw in a another group that needs your moral support; college students. See, many of these poor college students are gonna be taking their final this week or next week. They aren't gonna be able to enjoy Cyberpunk 2077 on release day because they'll be studying and studying. By the time finals are over... the internet will be peppered with spoilers and the such. These heroes are putting aside the sweet escape fantasy of 2077 and fighting for their futures and their GPAs! They need your support!

    submitted by /u/Tobbygan
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    CDPR should come out with an official replica of V’s Samurai Jacket

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 10:00 AM PST

    I mean a complete replica. The light-up collar, the samurai logo on the back, the bumps on the shoulders, and the power pack on the left shoulder.

    I feel like not only would I buy it, but a lot of other people would too. Also if it was customizable so you could take off the collar, or the bumps and wear it like a regular jacket.

    Pls CDPR

    submitted by /u/coolguylogs
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    Unpopular Opinion: TW3 wasn’t for me. But, I love CDPR.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 01:37 PM PST

    First time poster, long-time lurker.

    I've been following Cyberpunk 2077 for what feels like the better half of a decade. As the headline suggests, I couldn't get into TW3. However, I respect the game and the depth it gives. I admire what CDPR has done for this community and the gaming industry what other AAA+ Companies couldn't. Even without playing this game or fully delving into TW3, I know CDPR has our interests at heart and wants to do right by us.

    (As my username states, yes, I'm a fan of Konami and they make me sad).

    For starters, I remember buying TW3 and the note saying "we appreciate you spending your hard earned money means a lot to us, oh and here's all these goodies!" that resounded with me. To me, as much as I wanted to like the game. Being a fan of high fantasy games prior and D&D I didn't hold remorse on buying it. It was given to a friend who absolutely swore by the game.

    I given the game multiple plays. Just to be sure. But, to no avail Geralt and the gang couldn't keep me interested. Gwent was a lot of fun though.

    Fast forward x amount of years we are 3 "sleeps" away from Cyberpunk 2077 and the hype train has no brakes. I've watched all of the night city wire, lore videos, and even watched streams of people playing the tabletop. I left no stone unturned here and I can safely say good or bad, I'll see this game through. I have high hopes for CDPR/CP2077 especially when I had zero expectations going into TW3.

    I hope everyone in the subreddit enjoys this game and has a kick butt time doing it. My PS4 will be hauling ass trying to play this game and I know I'll be right there cheering on my base model version every step of the way.

    Hopefully after Cyberpunk 2077, I can revisit TW3 and go through the game in it's entirety lol

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/konamisadboy
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    Anyone who cannot get the game on launch day?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 11:15 AM PST

    basically.. never done anything like this. but..

    pretty hyped for the game.

    i want to genuinely gift someone the game who *wont* be able to get it for wtv reason. so please comment if you actually *CANT* get the game. at launch

    i can only do 1 person !

    i will check on this post later !

    — also want to add im doing this because for some getting to play day 1 wont be a reality . Life can be stressful. i use to game allot an ran into that problem once or twice, & recently i personaly been wanting a game i could play and just take my mind off of other things , this is that game. sometimes you just want to escape .

    i understand its the internet guys, some might lie. But im sure their are legit ppl on here who would be more then happy to reciece it , due to certain circumstances ..

    If ppl are really going to lie though that would be pretty low..

    However, not here to decypher ever single msg to see whos being honest

    i just want to do something nice for someone out their .. sometimes all you need is a game

    Ill have someone picked on monday

    submitted by /u/prodbyghost
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    Cyberpunk 2077 Pre-Release Hype Megathread!

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 04:00 PM PST

    Hey Choombas,

    With launch right around the corner, this megathread is the place for you to share your hype about the release of Cyberpunk 2077!

    This includes, but is not limited to:

    • Comments just saying "I'm so hyped!"
    • Screenshots of your pre-order downloading
    • A picture of your gaming setup for launch
    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    What’s your first move?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 04:28 PM PST

    So we're all getting super excited. I'm getting super excited. I'M SO EXCITED.

    I've never been so excited about a video game.

    I remember playing the original Assassins Creed when it came out. When they announced ACII, I freaked.

    I remember when San Andreas was announced. Beyond excited.

    But this- this is different. This is sooo different.

    So here's my question- what's your first move? What's the first thing you're gonna try to do? Steal a car and sell it for the ripperdoc fee? Take a little contract? Go boozing with Jackie? Or are you gonna go chase after Judy? It's all life path dependent, sure, and there's the prologue to get through, and that'll change things.

    But what's it gonna be, choombas? What's your move?

    submitted by /u/VehementDemons
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    Just some advice from a old gamer to you

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 09:14 PM PST

    In short, have fun! Enjoy yourself, every single moment of it.

    Don't let your opinion of the game be altered by YouTube or other media platforms. When I was younger I used to turn myself off of my own hype with other titles by letting their complaints influence my own experiences only to find out later mine were not the same and enjoyed it. Like most things this game will not be for everyone. They never are, regardless of how much hype is built up around it. Just take Skyrim for example, one of the most popular RPGs I've ever played but there are people who to this day still say it sucks. Games, movies, TV, etc.. Everyone has an opinion and opinion is just that. You may like pineapple on pizza, and while I think you're a psychopath for it, that doesn't mean you're wrong for liking it.. Life is short, enjoy these times because tomorrow isn't guaranteed.

    It's easy to get sucked into things people complain about and turn your normally positive experience into a negative one. Most of us have been waiting on this title for ~7 years now. The hype for the game is obviously super high and I'm sure some will be critical regardless of how it turns out. Back even when I used to stream I actually had branded myself in preparation for this but ultimately decided to stop streaming, mostly because of time and games like this easily spoiled by chat trolls. I opted this week and into the future weeks/months I'll be enjoying this on my own with nobody watching and looking forward to seeing how you all play as well after I'm finished with my first playthrough.

    I hope you all make the best of whatever your choices are, I hope you are all safe in real life, especially with the stress and safety of the real world right now. Immerse yourself, enjoy yourself and burn the city down samurai!

    submitted by /u/ugatz
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    Oh my god the YouTube community surrounding this game is pure cancer...

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 02:32 PM PST

    I have been a part of many game hype communities in my life, from RDR2 to Uncharted 4, from Ghost of Tsushima to GTA5 and even TLOU2, yet this has to be the most cancerous and infuriatingly petty community I have ever seen. It's literally just people either whining that the game won't be good or people screaming about the Day 1 patch. Now people are just straight up lying about having the game. On top of that CDPR are just running around striking people left and right. I remember what it felt like 2 years ago getting hyped for RDR2 when everyone was just talking about the new mechanics for talking to NPCs and how beautiful the horse balls were. Why can't people just enjoy a game without talking about the company making it, about annoying YouTubers trying to get views or about fucking patches. Just enjoy the game for gods sake.

    PS: I hate the fact that people are talking about bugs when Bathesda games still exist and are somehow successful games.

    submitted by /u/MarkoMD007
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    No game currently scratching itch

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 10:40 AM PST

    Needless to say Cyberpunk 2077 is easily the most anticipated game of the year. Yet my hype for it surpasses that, almost to an unhealthy level.

    I am an avid gamer, I play PC games nearly every day but lately something has changed... I am stuck cycling through my steam library looking for something to pass the time with, but i cant. I cannot play anything longer than maybe 30-45 mins before thinking about cyberpunk, and then thats it. Turn game off, and cycle through cyberpunk youtube videos late into the night.

    I know I am not in this boat alone.

    No game has EVER done this to me. Red dead 2 came close but not this close. Only other titles I can even mention being in the same realm is Fallout 4, Far Cry 3, and Hitman 2... (eagerly awaiting 3 btw..)

    I have since turned to movies/shows and that has definitely helped pass the time.

    Anyone with me? And what are some other games you have had unhealthy obsessions with pre-launch?

    Almost there choombas...

    submitted by /u/GhettoLennyy
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    [Steam] You will be able to preload from Monday 7th at 5PM CET

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 03:29 PM PST

    Post on the steam forums they have officially said you can preload cyberpunk 2077 from Monday, December 7th at 5PM CET


    Looks like they are giving us a 3 day preload which is great for those who don't have the best of internet access. I just hope that servers don't get too congested with that giant 1st day patch we all know is coming.

    submitted by /u/Alease_VR
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    Cyberpunk 2077 only 4 days away!

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 02:27 AM PST

    After years of watching trailers and teasers from CD Project Red since 2016 only 4 days remain. The hype has always remained and I've always been interested in playing this game for years and in 4 days we all will be able to. A lot of people are saying that it's gonna be a let down but with all the games that released this year being a let down I have faith that it won't be.

    I know cyberpunk will be good in my opinion because I've always enjoyed playing the Witcher 3 and with the same developers I know its gonna be great. A game to just get lost in as I did in the Witcher 3. Everyone this year has done a great job with everything happening with Covid-19 and now its time for the end of the year game to have a happy ending to 2020.

    Some people say the game is not gonna be very good but to be honest in my opinion I don't care about the gameplay or story what has always fascinated me was the concept of the game. Transhumanisim and a futuristic world what more could you want honestly.

    But as the game comes close to launch I hope everyone who gets to play this game has an amazing time like I'm going to have because this game is going to be beautiful.

    Anyways stay safe everyone.

    submitted by /u/UndeadSinXiii
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    Interesting thing I noticed.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 09:25 PM PST

    In 2006 2004, we had Half Life 2 - arguably the game of the decade, made by West Coast USA developer (Valve) with game story being centered in Eastern European dystopian city (City 17).

    Now, in 2020 it's all reversed.

    We have Cyberpunk 2077 - the title that, similar to HL2, many people already consider calling the game of the decade, being made by Eastern European developer (CD Project RED, Poland) with game story being centered in West Coast USA dystopian city (Night City).

    Funny coincidence, or so to call it.

    submitted by /u/k1ngn1kola
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    Going Corpo before becoming a Corpo

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 08:31 AM PST

    After years of having no direction in life, I finally got hired for my first job! I start next month after a ton of rigorous medical training and I thought the best way to simultaneously celebrate and unwind would be to have Cyberpunk be the last game I get lost in before I start getting serious about life.

    submitted by /u/ParasiteLoveche
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    Reviews out on Monday 7th?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 01:13 PM PST

    As title says. Do we expect the review embargo lift tomorrow? I mean originally we thought the reviews would be out a week before the release. Then it somewhat moved to the 7th of December from what I've read. So what do you guys think, are there going to be reviews tomorrow?

    submitted by /u/J4rr1N
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    This community is something else.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 05:48 PM PST

    This is the first time in my whole life that i've seen this many people giving away free copies of the game in a game community not on twitter or youtube. The fact that game is drm free makes it much more heart warming. Hope every one have a good time playing the game.❤❤❤

    submitted by /u/Wi1ldHunt3r
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    CDPR and their totally legitimate leak striking...

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 06:43 PM PST

    People have to understand that regardless of what gets leaked, story or not, showing off gameplay and trying to make it look as shitty as possible knowing full well there are major patches being added once the games out, is just kind of a dick move. People are obviously doing their usual and trying to bash the game before it's even officially out to the general public! If you spent years trying to make a game the best it can possibly be then of course you'd try to get rid of gameplay that doesn't represent the final product.

    If the game comes out and its still buggy with the updates installed then of course the complaints will be valid but people have to stop trying to cripple video games before they even come out... Accept it for what the developers wanted it to be, not what you wish it could be. Expectations are high as it is. :/

    submitted by /u/Chonk2020
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    First Playthrough, no redos

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 01:36 AM PST

    Normally I'm the type of player that loves to make the perfect choices, appease all the NPCs and such. In Fallout 4 I saved and reloaded before almost every dialog just so I could have the "best" interactions and see what was different.

    This time though I'm gonna try to follow the whole story taking every reward and punishment that comes with my decisions and failures.

    I won't redo a mission unless a failure forces a reload, and I won't try every dialog option before proceeding. I get one chance as long as the game allows.

    submitted by /u/h4344
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    Cyberpunk 2077 Debut Week Sales In Japan Predicted To Be Under 100K, Currently Best-Seller On Amazon Japan

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 12:39 PM PST

    Cyberpunk 2077 debut week sales in Japan have been predicted to be under 100K. It puts it ahead of The Witcher 3 but beneath Horizon Zero Dawn. Source

    submitted by /u/AliTVBG
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    First Time in my gaming life I have booked time off work just to play this game.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 02:45 PM PST

    This is the first time in my gaming life (I'm 34), where I am booking time off work just to play this game. Also this is the first "get out jail free" card I've cashed in since getting married!

    Please say they are other guys like me?

    Side note: Yes kids, when you are married they are compromises in life haha.

    submitted by /u/Mjay_30
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    I saved this Engadget article about Cyberpunk being renamed to Cyberpunk 2077 in my browser favorites more than 8 years ago, October 2012. Look at where we are now!

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 12:31 PM PST

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