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    Sunday, December 6, 2020

    Cyberpunk 2077 - Is Anyone Else Looking Forward To Cyberpunk More Than Christmas?

    Cyberpunk 2077 - Is Anyone Else Looking Forward To Cyberpunk More Than Christmas?

    Is Anyone Else Looking Forward To Cyberpunk More Than Christmas?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 10:22 AM PST

    Christmas and other holidays come and go every year and while I'm looking forward to Christmas it just doesn't seem the same this year. I think the reason for that is fairly obvious. But Cyberpunk? This looks like an escapist's wet dream from our current world even if a lot of the themes do touch on real world issues. I dunno. Maybe it's just me.

    EDIT: Thank you all for very much the awards. I've never gotten one before. It's mean a lot that you'd spend money on a random thought I decided to post on a whim.

    submitted by /u/Planeswalker2814
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    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 05:02 PM PST

    After years of waiting on this game, i'm super excited to play it Wednesday. Unfortunately for some, the wait is not over on the 10th. I know the pandemic has taken a toll on millions of people and some in the community won't be able to afford the game. So, i'll be giving away one copy of Cyberpunk 2077 to someone in this community.

    ALL YOU HAVE TO DO is comment on this post what lifepath you're picking and why.

    I'll randomly select the winner at the end of a 24 hour stream i'm doing on Twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/edbstreams right at launch. i'm a super small streamer and if you want to come by, chat, and play together i'd love to kick it with you.

    Winner will be announced in this sub on Friday, December 11th at Midnight EST

    Good luck everyone!

    submitted by /u/EthanJDB
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    Fun fact: In Brazil, a copy of the game can cost you up to 1/4 of your monthly income.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 03:41 PM PST

    Title says. Here, the minimum wage is around R$1045, that is, roughly U$200. A copy of Cyberpunk 2077 in Brazil costs around R$250, or 1/4 of your monthly income. Now imagine compromising 25% of your monthly wage if you want to buy this game (not counting on credit card facilities). Now, maybe we're not that far from this "dystopian" future, are we?

    submitted by /u/the_kandra
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    I recreated the CYBERPUNK 2077 Trailer from 2018 completely in GTA! Took way too many hours. Hope you enjoy!

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 02:24 PM PST

    Attempt at recreating every single scene from the 2018 trailer of this amazing game in GTA. Hope you enjoy it :)


    submitted by /u/puddingboom
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    They actually listened! thank you Cyberpunk Twitter guy!

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 02:50 AM PST

    One day ago u/JordhanMK made this post to change the banner to V days left on December 5th.

    Well CDPR actually did!



    submitted by /u/InsertUsernameHere32
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    I've never been more excited for a video game release ever

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 04:59 PM PST

    I was 18 when the teaser video was first released on YouTube 7 years ago. I had just started college and was constantly following all things Cyberpunk related for those 7 years. Fast forward and I'm now 25, finished college and getting ready for the next chapter in my life. Which is crazy to me. And what better way to start that chapter than getting lost in cyberpunk.

    2020 has been a really bad year, no doubt about that. But I'm glad that I get to experience this game before the year ends.

    Here's to a happy launch everyone!

    Edit. Thank you so much for the awards. Never got this amount awards before. Y'all are dope!

    submitted by /u/ItsTehDave
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    It's been a while since Cyberpunk was announced and I think we should take a moment to remember that not everyone who started out with us have made it.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 02:41 AM PST

    I've lost a couple of good friends since Cyberpunk was announced ages ago. We were all so hyped and promised to enjoy the game together. And now that it's finally here it's really hits home that they're not with us anymore. And I've come to realize that this is true for many others.

    So when you boot up cyberpunk 2077, in a couple days take a moment to think about those we've lost along the way. And remember, your tearing through night city from them as well

    To David, Micheal, and Amy,

    Rest in peace my dudes

    Edit: yo don't buy this post awards. Go spend you money on something worthwhile. Like a charity or something. Heck spend bit on Wikipedia, god knows they need it.

    submitted by /u/Ghtgsite
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    Expectations vs Reality

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 10:10 AM PST

    This is what I expected the game to be these past years:

    An immersive RPG story experience inside a futuristic Cyberpunk setting with the level of detail and depth expected from a CDPR game.

    Nothing more and nothing less. And that is exactly what I got.


    Edit: Not going into anything story related, I am a hardcore believer of going into Movies/TV shows/Games "blind". I wish the same for everyone!

    submitted by /u/The-Noob-Smoke
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    All I want is an RPG to get lost in.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 10:00 PM PST

    Dragon Age Origins is a game I remember so strongly even today, I fell in love with the characters, and even when I've stopped playing games for years at a time, its stuck with me. The Awakening expansion, it brought me in even deeper. The game had issues, but it was so powerful that it made you forget it was a game you were playing. Now, I don't expect DAO, but I'll be honest, I've been numb for some time. I've been unable to get hyped or excited for a long time, and you guys don't ever want to be at that point, where you can't get excited or hyped, a lot of gamers think only casuals get hyped, no, humans get hyped, shells just watch and let it all pass by, and being a shell is nothing to want.

    So, as someone who for once in maybe a decade, is getting excited about a game, feeling a small tinkle again, as someone who played the witcher 3 years after it came out, I'll say this.. be happy you can get excited about things, be happy your still able to get hyped about things. A lot of people won't, and eventually they learn, its not a choice anymore... its a terrible feeling. Be happy, and take pride in what you're still able to feel, you'll cherish that energy for a very long time. I still cherish those moments today.

    submitted by /u/fukreddittt
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    PSA: be careful w/ scrolling down Youtube comments or looking at replies

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 04:35 PM PST

    I thought that youtube only puts the top liked comments towards the top, but there are sometimes comments w/ zero likes near the top for some reason. I made the mistake of scrolling a bit down in a video and got a spoiler involving a major character's fate. The video didn't pertain to anything w/ a leak, it used old game footage released by CDPR and talked about general things to know about the character customization, so I thought that the video was generally a spoiler-free space for ppl wanting to know basic things about the game. Hoping the commenter was trolling but idk.

    I know this may seem obvious but just wanted to put a PSA because i know for some ppl like me looking at the comments while you're watching a video just comes 2nd nature and you don't really think about it, but you really wanna be extra careful when you're on a cyberpunk video cuz there are just ppl out there who wanna spoil the game for others.

    submitted by /u/landfill-throwaway
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    Cyberpunk 2077 Tribute to Johnny Eastham

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 09:16 AM PST

    My tribut https://imgur.com/gallery/5rz0Dhc For u/Mixitman

    My tribute for the family of Johnny Eastham. He passed too early.

    Made him into a character in Cyberpunk 2077.

    Original Post https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/k34quu/my_johnny_will_not_be_playing_cyberpunk_2077_we/

    submitted by /u/Xdrewskix4686
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    Choombas, just wanted to say thank you for a journey!

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 10:39 AM PST

    Though these past 8 years have been tough, it has been made all the more better with the final twilight of the past two years. I've gotten to shadow this subreddit, until finally making my own account to be apart of this awesome community. To say that I'm happy to have gotten to experience this thrill ride of hype with some amazing artists, passionate fans and impressive reporters has been some of my best memories as of late!

    Because of this subreddit I've gotten back into video game reporting/blogging, something I lost touch with in 2018. I couldn't be happier and I am stoked to drive, fight and carve out a piece of Night City with you all. I hope to start a podcast dedicated to talking about this game and it's future soon as I can hardly contain my 8 year build up of excitement and hopes!

    The ride is almost over and I look forward to seeing what it all has in store for us!

    submitted by /u/GemuTyme
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    Someone donated 2077€ named V at German Charity Stream “Friendly Fire 6”

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 02:16 PM PST

    CDPR are really the homies for giving us a free next-gen upgrade

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 05:11 PM PST

    I thought that free next-gen upgrades were kinda the norm but it's actually far from it. Many AAA companies are charging a few extra bucks to get the option to upgrade to next-gen (*cough* Activision), and next-gen games in general are supposed to see a bit of a price increase from the traditional $60 mark. I really appreciate CDPR for giving us this free upgrade, since I'm sure they could've made a shit ton of extra money by making it a $10 up-charge or something and few ppl would've complained, given that there are already so many other AAA companies doing it along w/ the fact that this game has a ton of replay value.

    submitted by /u/landfill-throwaway
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    Reminder: Buying CP2077 on GOG gives more money to CDPR, has no DRM, and gives you a 30 day return period (not that you'll likely be refunding)

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 07:38 AM PST

    Edit: to all the people getting butt hurt and angry at this post - im not holding a gun to your head telling you to buy it on GOG. buy it on your preferred platform by all means. this post is just so people know the alternative to steam and EGS and potential reasons to go with GOG.

    submitted by /u/filthy-fuckin-casual
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    In anticipation of 2077, I made an entire video essay about my love of the FIRST PERSON PERSPECTIVE.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 08:03 PM PST

    A twitter user called @CThundercuck posts Cyberpunk 2077 spoilers on twitter

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 03:54 AM PST

    he spoiled a huge plot for me and I don't want anyone to experience it. please go and block him on twitter to stay spoiler free

    submitted by /u/Sarfraz29
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    Don't know how many times this has been posted, but this is pretty neat! Will definitely help me when I'm making for 2nd and 3rd builds. Creds to the person who made it.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 04:48 PM PST

    About the exclusive short story for steam purchasers

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 06:38 PM PST

    Some people seem to be under the assumption that the short story is in-game, as in you experience it with your character. It isnt like that, the short story is exactly what it sounds like, a short readable story. Just wanted to combat a bit of misinformation I've been seeing, don't want other users thinking they're missing out on some extremely cool in-game experience.

    submitted by /u/Kiryu_of_Rivia
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    Cyberpunk Movie Countdown to Release: Day 5 - Johnny Mnemonic (1995)!!!

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 09:51 AM PST


    Oh boy have I been waiting for this one! Tonite's movie is Johnny Mnemonic). Johnny fucking Mnemonic. One of my favorite good bad movies from the 90's and it's got Keanu AND it's cyberpunk as fuck being written by the godfather of cyberpunk himself, William Gibson. Strap in, this post is a long one. Check the trailer.

    To sum it up, this movie is about the eponymous Johnny (a data courier), that uses a neural implant to hide his wares, who is doing 'one last deal' before paying to have his implant removed. You see, to use the implant, he had to dump a chunk of his long term memory, his childhood to be specific. But oh oh, turns out he's got data that a large corp with yakuza ties and also the data in his head is literally killing him, so he needs a dolphin to hack his brain to get out. Simple right?

    This movie has a special place in my heart because I am a giant William Gibson nerd. So first off, a little primer for those not familiar with Gibson. He did not invent the cyberpunk genre, or even name it (though he is credited with being the originator of the term 'cyberspace'), but his book Neuromancer became so big and popular in the 80's that it came to stand as the de facto bible of the cyberpunk genre (I think it's sequel, Count Zero, is better though). Either way, his 'sprawl' trilogy of books (named after the nickname for the singular mass of city that the east coast became) is foundational to the genre as well as his collection of short stories, Burning Chrome, of which Johnny Mnemonic is one of.

    This movie had so much potential, but ended up being a classic example of a promising movie bogged down by film-by-committee studio meddling. Initially imagined as a low budged, possibly black and white film, the original script, written by Gibson and director Robert Longo, didn't gain traction from the studios (I will talk a bit about this early script later). Eventually it was picked up by Sony, but they wanted them to make the movie bigger. From there things snowballed. They had gotten Keanu on board just before he really blew up with Speed (and in fact the execs demanded that they have a scene with him in a bus because of that) and so they really started medling with things, then they decided they wanted them to write Dolph Lundgren into the script, and Takeshi Kitano (who was, in all honesty, quite good) and on and on. Robert Longo, this being his first and only attempt at movie making (the whole experience turned him off of it) simply wasn't able to effectively keep this movie together.

    Despite it's shortcomings (and there are many) I still love this movie for being one of the most unabashedly pure attempts at translating the cyberpunk genre's style into film. Even far more successful movies in the genre don't pack as much of the world into their movies as this does.

    So now I am going to take a few paragraphs and lists and go into some of the differences between things (I told you this post is big). Spoilers from here on out for those who haven't seen the movie.

    First thing to note is the difference between the short story and the movie. The short story actually fits into a larger world/storyline that Gibson has. One of the main characters of Neuromancer, a street samurai named Molly, is actually in the short story (though due to film rights issues, in the movie she got replaced by the less interesting Jane). In fact, in the book Neuromancer, Molly talks about what happened to Johnny after the events of the story (he died, the yakuza waited a few years and eventually sent another, more successful, operative to kill him). The structure of the story is a bit different, with the dolphin Jones being someone they meet before the Lo-Teks (who in the story basically just help them deal with the yakuza) and they already had gotten the data out of his head before going up to 'heaven' (which in the story is actually just bolted to the top of the geodesic dome that covers the city). Also, the data in Johnny's head never was killing him in the story, it was just dangerous data to have because Ralfie had been a dumbass and didn't know that it was data that belonged to the yakuza, and the street had a code that you don't fuck with the yakuza.

    Lets circle back to that earlier script. So me, being the obsessive fan that I am, I collect things. Among those things is a copy of a very early draft of the script. Here are several favorites of the many differences between that script and the filming script:

    • First off, it isn't the yakuza after Johnny, but the mafia. But the mafia had gotten bought out by the yakuza years ago so it's still *technically* the yakuza, but Takahashi has been replaced by an old mafia boss character who is lost and distraught in this new world that he doesn't understand any more and resentful of his Japanese overlords. This is actually kind of an interesting angle that I wish the movie had.
    • Spider betrays everybody and tells the mafia boss where to find them
    • Jones' heroin addiction (only hinted at in the movie) is much more on display in this script, with Jones himself haggling Johnny and Jane for more junk if he will work for them
      • Jones has a voice synthesizer in this script and his voice is described as being a like a cross between 'Micky Mouse and W. C. Fields' and is very unnerving
    • Ralfie no longer has his two bodyguards (known as 'the magnetic dog sisters') and they are now instead hired muscle for the mafia
    • The entire tone of the script is far more rough and degraded. Lots of concrete jungle shit.

    Now that's not the only earlier script. After the movie came out, they published a book that contains a slightly earlier version of the script than their shooting script, and the short story. Of course, I have this too. The main differences between that script and the shooting script were:

    • The street preacher has a few more scenes (some of which are in the Japanese cut, more on that later) where he speaks to his congregation and stands nude for them for cult reasons.
    • There are more scenes with Takahashi that cover his grief over his daughter's death, and his dislike of Shinji
    • They make it much more clear that the 'ghost in the machine' character (the woman who was a Pharmakon exec who was digitally imprinted into an AI) was actually Johnny's mother.
      • Fun fact, the actress who played that character was the director's wife, and the main scientist character in the Twelve Monkeys TV series "Initiate splinter sequence")

    So I mentioned that there is a Japanese cut of the movie. There is, it's about 9 minutes longer and I will link to a video compilation of the cut scenes in the comments. Aside from the length of the movie, it has a different soundtrack and score than the US cut's. Incidentally, this is the second alternate score, as there was an entire score written by the band Black Rain that got cut early on in the film-making process. Basically, the cut has a few of those extra scenes mentioned above with the street preacher and with Takahashi. They also edit the 'hack your own brain' scene differently (and much less coherently in my opinion).

    Okay, finally, I will talk about the adaptations of the movie. Yes, there were spin-off products:

    • There was a terrible full motion video game made of the movie (so yeah, the whole movie was re-shot with terrible actors (well they did get Issac Hayes to take over J-Bone) and a shoestring budget for this game). I own this game. It's terrible. I will link to a YouTuber's review of it.
    • There was a novelization of the movie (so a novel, based on the movie, based on the short story). This is different from the book they released that had the story and script by the way. It apparently just makes up a bunch of extra stuff too (as movie novelizations sometimes do).
    • There was also an abridged and somewhat radio-dramatized version of the novelization released on audiobook (so an audiobook, based on a novel, based on a movie, based on a short story). I actually own the novelization and the audiobook (which is actually surprisingly rare, the only Johnny Mnemonic audiobook you will find on the net is the audiobook of the short story), but I have surprisingly never gotten around to reading or listening to them. I had planned to listen to my recently-acquired audiobook first during a drive to Chicago, but then the pandemic happened.
    • Also, not really a spin-off, but they made a hat, which I also have. The front has a warning about storage capacity. The back says "Hack Your Own Brain." It's terrible. I love it.

    Okay, so if you read this far through this rambling brain-dump of a post, I commend you. I will be more than happy to share further info if wanted.

    Johnny Mnemonic is available for rent from Amazon and YouTube


    The previous movies in the countdown:

    submitted by /u/Killcrop
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    I am so excited....but I can't be the only one thinking this, right?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 08:52 PM PST

    Did anyone hear how long it would take story wise to end up in the city if you pick nomad?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 08:50 PM PST

    Hi I am a bit out of the loop if this question has been answered or not. I understand the game is not out yet but I'm just wondering if this was answered in an interview or those who got early hands on impressions. Thank you for any assistance.

    submitted by /u/bliberto14
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