• Breaking News

    Thursday, December 10, 2020

    Cyberpunk 2077 - r/Cyberpunkgame Media Megathread - Share your screenshots and clips here!

    Cyberpunk 2077 - r/Cyberpunkgame Media Megathread - Share your screenshots and clips here!

    r/Cyberpunkgame Media Megathread - Share your screenshots and clips here!

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 04:00 PM PST

    r/Cyberpunkgame Media Megathread - Share your screenshots and clips here!

    Hey Choombas

    Media Megathread

    This is the thread to post any of your Cyberpunk 2077 screenshots and clips!

    Please appropriately mark any spoilers by using markdown (works on new and old reddit):

    >!DumDum Dies!< = DumDum Dies. If you can't describe the media without spoilers, do not post it.

    Or on new reddit, by highlighting your text and clicking the (!) in the bottom tab of the comment box.

    Failing to mark spoilers will result in a ban from the subreddit, without exception.

    In the case of your character having loot, or being in an area that is a result, or part of a story moment (main *and/or* sidequest), you will have to use your own discretion whether the image/clip is a spoiler in of itself. Say for example, you get a special handgun when you beat a level 20 story mission. Then, in a clip you post, your character is using the gun. In that case, it is better to NOT SAY how/where you got the gun! If you do, please make sure to mark it with a spoiler tag!

    If you are looking for our prologue discussion megathreads, please click on the lifepath for it's respective thread:

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    State of Cyberpunk 2077 & /r/CyberpunkGame megathread.

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 07:39 AM PST

    Hey Choombas! We just want to use this post to give you a quick update on 2 things:

    1) We have now unlocked the subreddit so text posts are allowed again

    Currently, there are around 1,000 posts/comments going into mod queue an hour. We simply can't keep up with the volume at the moment and the overwhelming majority of posts are all repeat topic about the state of the game or bugs, most of them low effort posts with just a title saying "the game is broken" or "X is not working" or they're basic/simple questions.

    We do have a bugs & issues megathread along with a few others, however, not many are using them and for state of the game posts, they don't really fit into the bugs megathread.

    Text posts can now be submitted once again, we are also not in approval only mode. So please report any rule breaking posts so we can deal with them.

    AutoMod will also share all of our megathreads on each new text post, just so you can find them easily. If they don't apply to the thread, please just ignore them.

    We'll also be trying to filter posts to the correct threads, e.g bugs to the bugs & issue thread, console questions to the console thread and so on.

    2) Please continue to use THIS post as a state of the game megathread.

    For all of the posts discussing the state of the game, (not necessarily reporting bugs), we want you to use this thread to share your thoughts, good, bad or ugly, rather than submitting a new post each time.

    This will also give us a chance to clear the massive backlog of posts/comments in mod queue and figure out the best way to move forward with the subreddit today and in the days to come.

    Other useful threads:

    In addition to mod queue, modmail is also super busy at the moment, so it may take a little longer than usual for us to respond!

    Thanks for your patience whilst we figure all this out!

    Updated at 19:30 UTC

    submitted by /u/CyberpunkReddit
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    Everybody is talking about performance issues, bugs or whatever but deep down they’re ignoring the real issue of the game

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 07:13 PM PST



    I'm sorry it got me emotional

    submitted by /u/Peterback
    [link] [comments]

    I made a google doc summarizing the most popular in-game setting changes to optimize your experience

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 03:04 PM PST

    Published web version (no user cap): https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTp8sSRCuZP-S84yBlnoZh_d3XJZYo8vv5vsvICaX_s5PiQ-ucnV-9bbDl7i0tn5muDu-2uGLagDsEe/pub

    Google Doc version (capped at 100 concurrent viewers): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SSl3lhQLm69a0zkhS6ALhri5756XyXmBcXE8e0PT3wI/edit?usp=sharing

    This will be a work-in-progress. However, I set it to "view only" to prevent trolls from trolling, but comment here if you find another setting that definitely needs to be changed.

    Please reach out to me if you're really passionate about this kind of thing and would like to have editing access. I am in grad school and probably won't be able to keep up with popular suggestions. I think the only changes added to this document should be those that bring significant improvements in gaming experience with minimal downsides.

    Ideally, the mods will sticky this for all to see. Upvote for visibility.

    Edit: For mobile users who see the Google doc's text vertically, try rotating your phone horizontally or download the Google Docs app. This supposedly fixed it for some people.

    Edit 2: Oops, did not realize Google Doc will only allow 100 concurrent users to view. If you have issues accessing the G doc, use the new first link. It's an uncapped public web version.

    Edit 3: Many people asking "why not include crowd density?" I wanted to leave out setting changes that will visibly change gameplay. The aim is to improve your FPS and visuals without leaving you feeling like anything is actually missing. Although, I think it'd be a good idea to add another section organizing a tiered list of best settings to sacrifice for those in more need. Also, plz DM if you wanna help edit the doc. I have exams and will probably go MIA for a couple days.

    submitted by /u/DekkuRen
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    For a game from Polish developer it's actually pretty unpolished

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 06:06 PM PST

    Just my two cents.

    Have fun and stay safe!

    submitted by /u/ppero196
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    Can't play Cyberpunk 2077 as a disabled person

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 12:01 PM PST

    Like many gamers have posted on the CDPR forums, accessibility software like Autohotkey, Xpadder, joy2key etc. is apparently being blocked in Cyberpunk 2077. It seems any kind of virtual/emulated key input is ignored by the game.

    Many disabled gamers are not able to play Cyberpunk 2077 because of this.

    If you are affected or want to show support please let the developers know.



    Clarification: I can't move my hands because of a muscular distrophy. I can press 4 mouse buttons with my toes and move the mouse cursor with a head mouse.

    I'm using GlovePIE and Autohotkey to remap those 4 buttons so I can virtually "press"/emulate 10 to 15 keys.

    On top of that I'm using IRIS with a Tobii Eye Tracker 4C. This makes it possible to "press" virtual keys by looking at customized areas of the screen. This adds another 10 to 15 virtual keys. Without these 3 tools I have only 4 buttons left which makes the game unplayable.

    Stadia: I keep reading posts of people that play Cyberpunk 2077 on Stadia.

    Could any of those people try to use Autohotkey or similar software that sends virtual keys to the game on Stadia?

    Would be interesting to know if that's a GOG/Steam only issue.

    submitted by /u/HeadlessGamer79
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    Just because CD Projekt didn’t delay the game again doesn’t mean you can’t.

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 12:20 PM PST

    After reading about all the disappoint with the performance of CP2077 today and talk of how it should have been delayed a year, just remember that there's nothing preventing you from delaying the game for yourself. Sure the technical release date was today but it doesn't have to be for you.

    Just set in your mind that it isn't coming out for another year or "when it's ready" and you can eventually have the game you thought it would be.

    Now YOU are in control of when this game is ready 😬

    submitted by /u/Hip_Hop_Cop
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    Get off your high horse, it's perfectly valid to complain about getting a broken product.

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 04:28 PM PST

    I know it's fun to try and have the moral high ground and say "you people complain about everything". As if we didn't just pay 60$ for a AAA game that runs at 15fps at 720p. And that's when it's working. Thats great that your beefy PC or next gen can handle it, I really am happy for you. However, they didnt have to release it on current gen if it wasn't going to work.

    The nerve of CD today saying "The journey has just begun!"...no, the journey just didn't begin. It began when you hyped this game up for years and years and when you charged money for it. I know nothing about making games and I'm not saying hard work hasnt been done. I'm sure it'll get patched over time. But for consoles, it's a mess and of course they knew this.

    My "journey" is me getting a refund and maybe returning to it later when I'm less annoyed, and if you are too, that's perfectly valid. No reason to attack people that enjoy it or attack the initial vision CD had, but dont let anybody talk down to you like you havent been fooled into buying a broken game.

    Edit: Yes, there's a lot of people posting similar things. It's like people feel the same way I do and are mainly just venting. If you're annoyed by that, take a couple days off of reading every post on here.

    submitted by /u/evad567
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    Blaming disappointment on "unrealistic expectations"

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 02:12 PM PST

    They said the game runs great on base consoles - ask console players how they feel about that line.

    They said the game barely has any bugs, people won't even notice unless they're looking really hard - it's a meme now

    No, they didn't just promise a "good" game, they didn't market a "good" game, nor a "nice" or a "pretty ok" or a "kinda fun" one.

    "Do you want a game that's an eight or nine... or a ten?"
    "I suspect the story will leave you an emotional wreck"
    "Okay, we get it, Witcher was good, but boy, when Cyberpunk drops, these top RPGs lists will be shuffled..."
    "Stealth AI will immersively react to the noises the player makes differently based on the environment, we gave different objects different values based on opacity and material to..."
    "Every time we make a game, we aim to reinvent the wheel, we understand that that kind of work ethic isn't for everyone, but outside of the comfort zone is where the magic happens..."

    Not my words. Official dev tweets, Q&As, interviews, investor calls, what have you.The game was hyped and marketed up as it was going to be the best videogame of the last generation.

    When it launches with so many technical issues and underwhelming features beyond just "bugs", people will have a reaction.

    Fanboys will damage-control, players will feel let down, haters who prayed for the game to fail will swarm over, some will still enjoy the game.

    But the game underdelivering for so many people isn't because said people had over the top expectations.
    Not directly, that is, the game was deliberately marketed to create a historical amount of hype to get as many people pre-ordering and on board for a launch day purchase as possible.

    This is why they didn't show unedited gameplay to the public since 2018: the game wasn't in a shape to be shown off.

    A game like this one was supposed to be isn't made in 5 years by a studio with only one AAA title out, it being their first open world game.

    submitted by /u/Chevalierri
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    PSA: CDPR IS no longer calling Cyberpunk 2077 an 'RPG' and is now calling it an 'Action-Adventure' game.

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 04:29 PM PST

    TL;DR Game was marketed the last two years an RPG that includes content thats no longer in the game, they have suddenly started calling it an 'Action-Adventure' game and scrubbed 'RPG' from many of their marketing material. This is incredibly misleading.

    If you go back and look at the marketing starting in 2018, not only did CDPR heavily market this game as an RPG, but there are also a number of features removed/missing. I would like to go back and find the interviews but CDPR themselves hyped this game up as being a better and more deep RPG and narrative experience than the Witcher.

    Some missing features include:

    • Cut Spider bot gameplay

    • Cut Techie skill tree

    • Wall Running

    • Cut Apartment and car customization

    • Cut subway (now just fast travel with loading screen)

    • Cut wardrobe, now it all happens in inventory

    • No haircuts or visible customizable body augmentations

    Just to name a few.

    If you look at the marketing materials from the past couple months you might notice that the word "RPG" was almost flat out removed from the messaging despite them referring to the game as such up until a couple of months ago. On CP2077's own launch trailer on YouTube, Twitter bio, etc. you can see that they're now calling Cyberpunk 2077 as an "Open world action-adventure game".

    This wouldn't be such an issue had CDPR made that very clear years ago. But instead they quietly scrubbed the word from their messaging, dumbed down RPG mechanics, made dialogue options more limited than before, and instead we have this weird mish-mash of poorly fleshed out GTA and Borderlands-esque gameplay mechanics while also attempting to be an RPG. Even though they continued to market RPG mechanics and other cut content that didn't make it into the game.

    I have no idea what this game is trying to be, but an evolution of what made The Witcher 3 so praised? I don't think so. Many of us came into this game expecting an RPG similar in quality to the Witcher 3 - I don't know about you but that was my only real expectation and that is absolutely not what we got. So much of the marketing over the past 2 years does not reflect the current state of this game at all, and I'm not just referring to bugs. I bought this game because it was supposed to be an RPG, not an action game.

    Now what? Can we even consider this an RPG? Is it trying to be one or something else? Does that mean we can no longer compare it previous RPGs when critiquing? Have we been mislead?

    CDPR has completely pulled a bait and switch here.

    submitted by /u/markyymark13
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    Regardless of the game itself, CDPR's handling of reviews for cyberpunk is unacceptable.

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 05:04 PM PST

    Let me preface this post by saying that I am not going to make any comment about the quality of the game aside from mention of technical issues. This thread is not about what I think of the game, beyond saying that I've been enjoying myself so far.

    With that out of the way: The way that CDPR has manipulated the press surrounding this game with their strange review copy policies is unacceptable.

    1): The fact that they demanded all release window reviews contain no footage captured by reviewers is insane, and it is misleading. If you want to be a successful reviewer in this industry, you need to A) be able to release your review on time in order to compete with other reviewers, and B) be able to actually showcase your experience with the game. CDPR actively took steps to suppress that, instead compelling reviewers to only show b-roll or trailer footage that CDPR themselves have curated and reviewed. This has caused must of the pre-release press to contain footage that is not representative of the experience that buyers may actually have.

    2): By refusing to give reviewers and news outlets review copies for the console version, they have created a scenario where people who purchased the game for PS4 and Xbox One were completely blindsided by the glaring technical issues that are now well-documented and plain to see. This is straight-up wrong. Millions, MILLIONS of people laid down good money on a game that CDPR actively knew was suffering from hardcore technical issues, relying on the good will that CDPR had built up, and taking them at the modest expectation that the game would be mostly playable on previous generation hardware. This. Is. WRONG. The state of the game on the last gen is below what many players would deem acceptable, CDPR knew this, and took steps to prevent that knowledge from being made public until it was too late.

    Regardless of what you think of the game, even if you're having a great time... no, ESPECIALLY if you're having a great time, you owe it to yourself and the community to condemn the way that CDPR has handled this entire situation. These are absolutely not the actions of a company that believes in honesty and transparency. The way that the review situation has been handled has been actively dishonest and misleading, and that should trouble you.

    But... even if the game had released and been flawless, this behavior is unacceptable. The problem is not just the state of the game at launch, but specifically the way that CDPR prevented people from showing others how it actually was. Attempting to suppress the consumer's ability to inform themselves is not okay. People pay good money for any given product, and they have a right to actually be able to educate themselves on that product before purchase. CDPR undermined that process, and the result is that the community and the laymen have been caught completely off-guard by the state of the game.

    submitted by /u/_Robbie
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    The excuse of that PS4 and Xbox One are 7 year old hardware isn't a good one when Red Dead Redemption 2 is a game that runs brilliantly

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 05:50 PM PST

    I love CD Projekt Red but my god stop using excuses and just accept that they lied to everyone about the situation. Obviously it was never gonna run as well, but it should run! If it says PS4, I expect it to play good enough on a PS4.

    submitted by /u/DinosaurJoeman
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    Expecting the game to have basic features and polish is not having “unrealistic expectations”

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 01:16 PM PST

    The narrative around here is ridiculous. Criticism of the game for not having basic features like barber shops, decent driving or other small QoL stuff doesn't mean we had unrealistic expectations.

    For a game that was in development for so long people expected a polished game. No one expected the second coming, just a good game.

    If that's "unrealistic" than you need to raise your standards of what's expected for a AAA $60 game.

    submitted by /u/torrentialsnow
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    Can we chill with the " am I the only one enjoying the game" posts?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 01:36 PM PST

    Like jesus christ. Why do you need validation in your enjoyment of the game from other people. The game's launch hasn't been smooth for everybody. We don't need a "am I the only one enjoying the game?" post for every post that brings up valid issues.

    submitted by /u/Meltedsteelbeam
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    I really don't understand you people

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 06:45 AM PST

    I've seen people act like Cyberpunk will be a gift from God, but now everyone hates it for some reason. Most of the non bug-related complaints I've seen are people complaining about things missing that were never even promised.

    You did this to yourselves, putting too much expectation on it. Everything they promised is here, and everything the reviewers from a few months back said is there hasn't been changed, but suddenly, everyone's acting like we didn't get what was promised.

    Cyberpunk isn't the game you expected, because you expected too much. CDPR set out to make a good game, not the greatest game of all time.

    EDIT: To clarify, I'm not talking about the bugs, those do need fixing ASAP

    submitted by /u/Plague_Knight1
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    As a Day One 'Superman 64' owner, a Launch day 'BRINK' player and a Day One explorer of 'No Man's Sky'... All I can say is...

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 05:57 PM PST

    I obviously don't learn from past mistakes.

    submitted by /u/macneto
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    PSA: Pick your hairstyle carefully. You can't change it. There is no barber in the game

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 12:17 PM PST

    For those who looking forward to play the game for the first time this weekend. The hairstyle you picked will be with you for the rest of the game. You can't change it.

    submitted by /u/vosszaa
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    Am I the only one enjoying the game?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 07:18 AM PST

    No, dumbass. Are you blind? There's like, 6 posts in hot asking the same question. You ain't the only one actually enjoying the game. Goddamn.

    Edit: Reddit isn't letting me post again for some reaaon, so just letting y'all know: DO NOT view a message from u/ActuallyMeKendrick . MAJOR story spoilers. Just got some shit ruined for me before I even bought the game.

    Also edit: the fact that so many people think I'm trying to shit on the game with this post says alot. I haven't actually played the game yet, as im waiting a few months for the bugs that many are expierencing to be ironed out.

    submitted by /u/i_just_sub
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    Comparing this to the witcher 3

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 04:43 PM PST

    Honestly , once you start comparing this to the witcher 3 , all of this game's problems start to make sense , imo the witcher 3 was just not criticized enough for it's obvious flaws that they all mostly just made their way into cyberpunk.

    Broken at launch ? Check.

    Unplayable on consoles at launch ? Check.

    Stupid f*cking NPCs and horrible enemy ai ? Check.

    Broken wanted system ? Check.

    Mediocre driving ? Check. (and this is actually something cp did much better than tw3 where roach was just barely serviceable and feeling much worse the likes of ac , sotc , mgsv and rdr)

    Broken economy ? Check. (remember when contracts gave you an average of 300 crowns and witcher gear cost thousands of crowns and you had to sell gear you collected in skillige's question marks to actually craft them ?)

    Skills that only just improve your stats in certain situations ? Check.

    Broken loot system where you'll have to constantly swap gear instead of holding on to things you like ? Check.

    Broken crafting system ? Check.

    Now let's see what cyberpunk was actually praised for ? Characters , story , choices , side content , atmosphere and music .

    And these are all the things that made tw3 so magical for everyone and cyberpunk does them just as well if not better because the story is arguably even stronger here as the witcher 3 struggled with weak villains and a rushed relatively weaker third act

    In the end i think we all need to either be really louder about these flaws OR just accept cdpr as an imperfect game dev that makes heavily flawed masterpieces that are just much better than the sum of their parts.

    submitted by /u/Fatg0d
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    Can’t believe I’m saying this, but the game needs like another year of dev time.

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 06:15 AM PST

    Seems like CDPR spent 99% of the dev time creating an incredible and immersive open world with great quests, and 1% of the time getting it to run properly.

    As much as I'm sure nobody wants to wait further after waiting so long and getting hyped up beyond belief, this game seriously needs like another whole year of dev time just for optimising and bug fixing. The amazing game underneath the mess has kind of been spoiled.

    EDIT: Just for those who keep asking, I'm on PC and have an RTX 3080, i5-9600k OC'd to 5GHz. I'm lucky because the game is still mostly playable for me (I go down to ~40fps in open world places with RTX off). The bugs I see are nearly all visual (though sometimes really annoying), but I've had it happen quite a few times where I just get teleported forward several feet while sneaking and also am unable to pick up objects randomly. I honestly love what I've seen of the game so far, I just want to be real here: the game is not in an acceptable release state

    submitted by /u/Lorde555
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    Another thing barring disabled people from playing Cyberpunk 2077

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 03:56 PM PST

    There's no trackpad support! My hands and fingers don't work so I have to use a trackpad for everything, but in Cyberpunk 2077 trackpads just don't work. A lot of other people are having this problem, too. It's extremely frustrating to not be able to play a game just because you can't physically use a certain device. I've put in a ticket and tweeted at support, but haven't gotten any response yet.

    Also there's no toggle ads? Why?

    submitted by /u/Aatin
    [link] [comments]

    41% of preorders where on consoles, so yeah, we are the loud miniority, but...

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 05:55 AM PST

    ... we also paid the full price for the game, and we also deserve a polished product.
    Believe me guys, I WANT to love this game. I was so hyped, but this is simply not acceptable. Just imagine for a second EA would publish this game, the shit storm would be ten times bigger. This company released The Witcher 3 on consoles and it looked amazing at the time. They even released it on the Switch ffs.

    submitted by /u/doncan94
    [link] [comments]

    This sub's reception is literally the meme of the two girls fighting while the kid in the back rips a bong.

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 04:10 PM PST

    It's fanboys vs critics.

    So shoutout to those who are hitting the bong. Shoutout to those like myself who have managed to have a really good time.

    submitted by /u/BaroqueObama1776
    [link] [comments]

    The police system is absolutely horrendous

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 07:48 PM PST

    Cops appear out of nowhere and disappear out of nowhere.

    I just killed someone in their apartment room and literally 3 cops magically appeared behind me, in that same room. Then I ran out outside the door, lost my wanted level, came back in and they were magically gone

    submitted by /u/royalxassasin
    [link] [comments]

    Attention CD Projekt Red: You owe those of us that bought your game on base PS4/XB1 an explanation.

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 06:01 AM PST

    Leading up to launch, CD Projekt Red went on record to say that Cyberpunk 2077 runs "surprisingly well" on base versions of Playstation 4 and Xbox One. This was reassuring news to those of us that haven't upgraded yet but were still looking forward a game that had been in development for the better part of a decade. In the midst of all that, The Witcher 3 was released and was regarded by many gamers as the best game of the entire generation. With one game, CDPR had gained the reputation of being one of the best developers in the gaming world.

    But in the week leading up to launch, we found out that the game had leaked early, as all games do. Reports began surfacing that the game ran horribly on the base PS4 and XB1. "Don't worry, the day 1 patch will address those issues" was the common response, and that's assuming that you didn't believe that someone claiming to have the game early was lying. And yet through all that time, CDPR flat-out refused to let ANY footage of last-gen versions of the game be shown. Why? Were they not confident? Would the game truly run as early owners claimed, or were those people lying/exaggerating?

    Well, Day 1 is officially upon us. We have the patch, we have the game, and we are INCREDIBLY let down by what we're seeing. Look, obviously the game won't look as good as it does on PC. No one expected that. Yes, we know the upgraded versions of last gen consoles and current gen will run games better than the base versions. But what we have here is insulting, and a slap in the face to all of us that haven't upgraded and trusted CD Projekt Red because of their reputation. Nothing about this game runs "surprisingly well." Hell, I'm surprised that the game ended up running WORSE than I expected based on reports from early owners. So here we are, with a game that struggles to maintain even 20 frames per second, blurry graphics that are hard on the eyes, and the pop-in is atrocious and immersion breaking. 30 minutes into the game I'd already caught the attention of law enforcement for crashing into a pedestrian that didn't even show up until about five seconds after I hit him.

    You know what it reminds me of? When I was on vacation, I brought my shitty laptop along with me and tried running games at below the minimum recommended PC settings. Of course they ran horribly. And yet that's the only thing that I can compare Cyberpunk 2077 on Playstation 4 with: A game that clearly wasn't designed with my outdated hardware in mind. Fine. So why didn't they TELL US instead of reassuring their entire fanbase that the game will run surprisingly well on our last-gen consoles after the day 1 patch? Hell, how about just don't release it on the older hardware if it can't run the game at an acceptable level? Sure, that decision would hurt their reputation. But you know what hurts their reputation even more? Promising us that the game would run fine on our older consoles, only for us to find out after buying the game that the optimization is terrible.

    I don't want to say that the game has the worst graphics on PS4/XB1, but it is one of the worst looking games on those consoles if that makes sense. What I mean by that is that the game's graphics are clearly good. That's the problem. Those consoles can't keep up with those graphics and so they run the game poorly instead, and it breaks any sense of immersion. That's what I mean when I say that it's one of the poorest looking games that I've seen in a while. That sucks, because clearly there is a good game buried underneath all of this crap... but it's just so damn hard to enjoy the good things when the game runs so terribly that it's distracting.

    CD Projekt Red, you clearly have a lot on your plate after this launch. Bugs are certainly an issue, and I'm sure those will be addressed. But what about those of us on last-gen consoles that paid full price for a game that doesn't run at anything close to an acceptable level? I'd really like to know what the developers plan to do about this. Is there even anything that they can do, or will the consoles forever be doomed to not play the game properly due to outdated hardware? We bought your product because we trusted you when you said that the game would run "surprisingly well" for us, and we've seen the exact opposite of that. You owe us an explanation, and we would really like to know what you plan to do for those of us that haven't upgraded consoles that expected you to deliver on your promise.


    Playstation 4 and Xbox One owners

    submitted by /u/dataDyne_Security
    [link] [comments]

    What more do you want??

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 12:21 PM PST

    Found a guy kicking a soda machine because it wouldn't vendor him a soda. So, as any good netrunner would do, I hacked it for him and a dozen fell out. No reaction from the guy and he still just kept banging on it. The absolute gall.

    submitted by /u/Hekaku
    [link] [comments]

    In a generation where Red Dead Redemption 2 and Ghost of Tsushima exist on consoles and run and look as good as they do Cyberpunk 2077 is a slap in the face.

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 07:48 PM PST

    Let me start by saying I by no means hate the game for the 3 hours I've played I want to keep playing but with the current state of the console versions its incredibly difficult to convince myself to load it up tomorrow.

    The game is muddy and the constant frame drops especially when driving around are abysmal and the game should not of launched on console in this way.

    Us console players were never expecting the same graphics and framerates as PC as that's an impossibility on the current generation of hardware but we at the very least expected a framerate close to 30fps and a clear vision but what we got was the complete opposite where it drops all the time and It constantly feels like I'm looking through a layer of vaseline

    Now I know CDPR got a lot of shit for delaying the game and unnecessary death threats and I can completely understand why they wouldnt want to delay it again but the least they could of done is let outlets review or show exactly what console players were to expect before launch but instead they restricted it to only PC and even then wouldn't allow outlets to use their own footage.

    Why was this put through in such a state. Most of us can get past the silly little bugs but when the game is nearing unplayable at times its incredibly hurtful.

    I hope CDPR speak up about the console version in the coming days whether that with confirmation of a patch coming soon to alleviate some of these issues or just acknowledgement of the state of it.

    And please don't take this as an insult if you are enjoying the game because that's perfectly fine and you are allowed to and the people that are basically making people feel like crap for enjoying it need to give it a rest.

    The game needs criticism though and it needs a voice from the community.

    I hope everyone is enjoying the game the best they can and hope everyone has had a good day or night.

    submitted by /u/Mattyl1597
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