• Breaking News

    Saturday, December 12, 2020

    Cyberpunk 2077 - r/Cyberpunkgame Media Megathread - Share your screenshots and clips here!

    Cyberpunk 2077 - r/Cyberpunkgame Media Megathread - Share your screenshots and clips here!

    r/Cyberpunkgame Media Megathread - Share your screenshots and clips here!

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 04:00 PM PST

    r/Cyberpunkgame Media Megathread - Share your screenshots and clips here!

    Hey Choombas

    Media Megathread

    This is the thread to post any of your Cyberpunk 2077 screenshots and clips!

    Please appropriately mark any spoilers by using markdown (works on new and old reddit):

    >!DumDum Dies!< = DumDum Dies. If you can't describe the media without spoilers, do not post it.

    Or on new reddit, by highlighting your text and clicking the (!) in the bottom tab of the comment box.

    Failing to mark spoilers will result in a ban from the subreddit, without exception.

    In the case of your character having loot, or being in an area that is a result, or part of a story moment (main *and/or* sidequest), you will have to use your own discretion whether the image/clip is a spoiler in of itself. Say for example, you get a special handgun when you beat a level 20 story mission. Then, in a clip you post, your character is using the gun. In that case, it is better to NOT SAY how/where you got the gun! If you do, please make sure to mark it with a spoiler tag!

    If you are looking for our prologue discussion megathreads, please click on the lifepath for it's respective thread:

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    r/Cyberpunkgame currently has 'Free Talk' - Rules 1 and 7 currently have relaxed moderation

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 09:00 PM PST

    r/Cyberpunkgame currently has 'Free Talk' - Rules 1 and 7 currently have relaxed moderation

    Hey Choombas,

    Free Talk

    As per the title, the subreddit currently has 'Free Talk' and this means that there will be relaxed moderation of rules 1 and 7.

    This means that you can post your random Cyberpunk 2077 discussions, even if they may not be OC/making a new point.

    A couple of examples are:

    • Basic polls, like, 'What lifepath did you choose?'
    • Hype posts, like, 'This is why Cyberpunk 2077 changed my life'
    • Battlestation posts, sharing your PC or console setup with a Cyberpunk 2077 theme

    We will also be relaxing our moderation of rule 7, which means that you can post your Cyberpunk 2077 themed memes! Please note that they will still be subject to removal due to user reports.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Megathread: Cyberpunk Hotfix is now live on PlayStation consoles and PC. - Xbox coming soon.

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 01:58 PM PST


    • Fixed an issue with completing the final objective in Gig: Freedom of the Press.
    • Fixed an issue with starting conversation with Johnny at the end in Life During Wartime.
    • Corrected a rare issue with NPCs no longer calling V if A Like Supreme quest was abandoned mid-way.
    • Fixed an issue with Nix not going into his default state in Spellbound and KOLD MIRAGE.
    • Fixed issues blocking progress in I Fought The Law if the quest area is left.
    • Fixed inability to find Delamain in Epistrophy.
    • Fixed issues related to remaining in the second phase of the quest after finishing Pacifica fight with Ozob if played after Finals.
    • Fixed an issue with Nomads no longer present if V leaves the quest area mid-combat in With a Little Help from My Friends/Queen of the Highway.
    • Adjusted mappings and re-enabled quest tracker in M'ap Tann Pèlen/I Walk the Line/Transmission.
    • Fixed constraints on freedom to get up and sit down if neither blueline condition is met in Violence.
    • Fixed issues with time and space resulting from leaving the quest area or abandoning the quest in Following the River.
    • Fixed an issue with conversation with Johnny not starting after leaving the hotel in Tapeworm.
    • Fixed an issue with quest being blocked upon leaving the quest area before climbing the hill in Following the River.
    • Fixed the objective "Go into booth 9" not completing if the room's entered too fast in Automatic Love.
    • Fixed Jackie's issues with sitting still in The Ripperdoc.
    • Other quest fixes


    • Fixed the preview in weapon crafting.


    • Reduced vehicle appearance pop-in.
    • Speeded up switching first person perspective to third person perspective in a vehicle.
    • Fixed issues with animations missing from important quest NPCs during cinematics.

    Performance & Stability

    • Improved stability, including various crash fixes.


    • Modified the flashing effect on braindances to reduce the risk of inducing epileptic symptoms. The effect has been smoothed out and the flashes reduced in frequency and magnitude.
    • Removed copyrighted songs incorrectly present in the game with "Disable Copyrighted Music" feature toggled on.


    • Switching language to default in the in-game settings now correctly sets it to the language of your Steam client.


    • Improved reflections quality on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 to eliminate the smudge effect.
    • Fixed "The Wasteland" achievement being stuck on 97% after completing all relevant missions in The Badlands on Xbox.
    • Fixed an issue with missing PT-BR VO for Xbox players in Americas.

    PC players may need to validate/verify their game files if it won't launch post update.

    Size is 1.4GB on Steam, unsure of other platforms.


    submitted by /u/CyberpunkReddit
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    The police in this game are the most poorly designed police I’ve ever played in a video game in my life and I’m not exaggerating.

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 03:50 PM PST

    You thought GTA police or some other game were bad where they would just show up whenever you murder somebody and know your exact position? Oh no no no. I'd even say Skyrim guards have almost better AI. Where do I even begin with cyberpunk police.

    First off what triggers them? You would guess that they come after you kill enough people and then it maybe takes them like 30 seconds to roll up in cars to kill you right? No. If you kill one person, they immediately spawn in front of you out of thin air and start multiplying. The more you kill the harder it is and the game always surrounds you in cops so it's almost impossible to survive if too many spawn. I have no words for how poorly this was designed. Oh and btw if you are aiming at civilians, cops also have the chance to spawn on you from that as well. Even if you are shooting at gang members and a civilian happens to be in your crosshairs, the cops don't give a shit. They will go "woah buddy. You gunning down a gang? Good. AIMING AT A CIVILIAN?! THATS ILLEGAL!"

    Secondly the 1-5 star cop thing is a complete joke. It only matters in terms of cop numbers not wanted level. All you have to do is drive down the street and you lose them anyways so what's the point? Even running from them immediately loses them. They don't even bother to chase you unless you are within 20 meters of them. They don't even chase you in cars. In fact, I have never seen a single police officer driving a car. The most I've seen is them parked on the side of the road. I don't even think enemies in the open world drive cars besides in the missions and that's really sad. I don't care if the driving enemy AI is so bad that they drive off road and crash into walls. At least have driving enemy AI in the game. Like come on. How can a game from like 2008 have driving enemy AI but an open world game in 2020 doesn't? This is unacceptable.

    Thirdly if you lose the cops, they immediately despawn. In other games, you would lose them and then they would still be patrolling the surrounding area maybe looking for where you went or lingering. Nope. Not in this game. The completely vanish making it very easy to steal cop cars.

    Step 1: Shoot cop

    Step 2: Run

    Step 3: Run back

    Step 4: Profit

    Overall it's a horrible system and is no joke the worst cop design I've ever seen in a game ever. Watch dogs 1, San Andreas, and literally any other game with police had better cops than this.

    I shouldn't even have to list how to fix police cause it's blatantly obvious what it needs but if the devs even look at this, here's a quick list:

    How to fix police in Cyberpunk2077:

    •Police chase you if you try to escape and send cars after you.

    •Police don't spawn out of nowhere.

    •Police patrol in cars

    •Police actually chase you in cars or aircraft

    •Police only find out about the crime after a witness reports the crime and they come after you after a little bit in squad cars.

    •Literally anything else that makes police, police

    Rant (Edit:) To all the CDPR apologists in the comments defending this, no excuse you say can get around the fact that Cyberpunk2077 has some of the worst AI. "Oh but this is an RPG! You aren't supposed to be chased by police. It doesn't matter that there wasn't much work out into it." This isn't a an RPG. CDPR removed it from marketing and started calling it an action adventure game. Lets raise a hypothetical that it was an RPG for a second. Genre doesn't give a game a free pass for having little to no effort put into a part of a game. The thing that makes a game great is having freedom. If I want to go murder civilians, I should be able to without instantly dying to a cop that spawned behind me. If that freedom is too restricted, it becomes shallow and bland. Open world games are known for having freedom regardless of how you want to categorize it. Cyberpunk is far from full freedom. It tricks you with the fantasy of choice with the story and then releases you into a hollow world that you soon realize consists of nothing but lots of similar activities in a huge world with scripted opportunity.

    submitted by /u/spectre15
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    I shouldn't have browsed the subreddit

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 06:46 PM PST

    I've been playing since release, really enjoying everything the game had to offer. Before going to bed I thought I'd come by to see other's reactions. I knew performance on console was bad, but otherwise I thought everyone was having a good time.

    Oh boy.

    It's just negative post after negative post, bashing every aspect of the game. And it's started to affect my opinion, making me look back on details I didn't notice when playing.

    submitted by /u/Metalpha
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    Los Santos in GTA V is a more living open-world than Night City in Cyberpunk. There’s mini-games, you can hang out with story characters, NPCs respond dynamically depending on location & who you’re using, you can get haircuts, tattoos, and go shopping.

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 12:08 PM PST

    Cannot FUCKING believe this subreddit spent months shitting on GTA V when it's leaps and bounds above Cyberpunk in terms of an open world.

    submitted by /u/zephaniiiah
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    Dear CDPR: turning cyberpunk 2077 into a total masterpiece is VERY within your grasp.

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 06:11 PM PST

    Despite all of the kickback you are receiving for the games bugs, optimization, and lack of features... You have created an astonishingly beautiful world with a level of visual detail that is pretty much unmatched.

    The actual gameplay? It's fine, honestly. Plenty of RPG customization options for your character, decent weapon variety. Barring the big bugs, you can play the game how you want. hacking is fun enough, melee is fun enough, stealth is fun enough. You truly do feel free to approach things how you want to the same degree as any other game that tries to offer you these options.

    Sure, there isn't much in the way of open world police pursuits, killing sprees or any of the other 'sandbox' elements that players are accustomed to with games like GTA. Quite frankly, there doesn't have to be, in my opinion.

    The game will get optimized. Bugs will get fixed. The foundation of a totally unforgettable gaming experience has been laid.

    You've DONE all the heavy lifting, CDPR.

    Now pepper in a huge amount of novelties. That's what have to do.

    Make the arcade machines playable. Let us go and get a haircut. Let us actually sit down at a bar and drink, even if it doesn't do anything. Let us purchase items at the sex shops. Give us cosmetic slots. Let us dance on dancefloors. Let us gamble. Add fluff, and then add some more

    None of these things require a large amount of resources at all to accomplish, comparatively to some of the other things you have managed to pull off. But, these are the things that make the world feel alive. We aren't talking huge features. Just 10-15 tiny things that really add up to making the world feel like there are things to do that aren't just the next mission.

    submitted by /u/droptopus
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    If you are blaming last gen (PS4/Xbone) players, or saying they should have expected a completely broken game, you are part of the problem and are helping absolutely no one.

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 12:40 PM PST

    I've seen this excuse probably 200 times now. "You bought a game on a 7 year old console" as if I shouldn't expect anything I've purchased to run. This argument is absolutely atrocious, and flies in the face of fact.

    This game was made for these consoles. Hell, it was announced at roughly the same time it released. They designed these games to be sold on these consoles. They should actually work.

    I don't use the term "unplayable" lightly at all, but the old gen versions are certainly bordering on that. It's not just bad visuals and terrible fps, it's menus not working/loading, character models not loading, especially in missions. Entire sections of the map dissapearing, constant crashing. I can go on for hours. I risk a damned crash trying to change the radio station in my car because it locks the game up for 10-15 seconds.

    There is no excuse for an AAA title to be released like this. There are tons of games with just as detailed worlds and levels of content that run flawlessly or very well on base last gen consoles. GTA V, RDR2, Ghost of Tsushima, and Snowrunner come to mind, having similar levels of detail or in some cases even more, as well as other features, and still running beautifully.

    What happened to people who own these consoles is unacceptable, and the people saying it's their fault for owning an older piece of hardware, and that they should expect it, are absolutely ridiculous.

    End Rant

    submitted by /u/NACRPromoter
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    Performance issues are a veil that hides the least immersive open world game I've ever played.

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 12:48 PM PST

    No, this is not unrealistic expectations. My expectations are what I was specifically told to expect by CDPR.


    This is not the most believable city in open world gaming. It isn't even close. It feels more like you're in the Truman Show.

    Immersion involves things reacting the way that you expect them to. Nothing in this game reacts the way you would expect them to.


    "Hello food vendor, can I buy some f-"



    Nothing is interactable. There are no activities you can do to experience the culture of a dystopian city, Cyberpunk culture, or just a city in general. You cannot even alter your cosmetics, in a setting where cosmetic enhancement and fashion are integral. Not even a tattoo or haircut.


    You shop for cars via receiving random texts from NPCs. You can't go to the bar and have a drink. NPC AI is atrocious. No AI is capable of anything beyond their scripted events. A guy is banging on a vending machine for eating his money, you hack it so it despenses all the food, and he continues to bang on the vending machine. Cops spawn out of nowhere and then despawn if you crouch in a corner for long enough. "Random assaults" are just a small group of gangsters standing over 1 dead guy. Arcade machines are everywhere but you cannot play them. Cars follow 1 scripted path and just stop working altogether if you park in front of them, and then when you turn away, they disappear and are replaced with a different car.


    Nothing in this world is believable, and exploring the city is empty and shallow. You never feel like the world would continue living without you, you feel as if they'd despawn when you leave. These are issues that aren't going to be fixed by patches. These are issues that will hold the game back from being great forever.


    The only emotion I really feel about the whole thing is sadness.

    submitted by /u/Omgzjustin
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    This game really makes you appreciate the complexity of GTA and RDR characters. And how good the animations are.

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 11:40 AM PST

    The cardboards characters in this game are very annoying. I dislike how little interactions there are in NPCs. If you look at them long enough they disappear. If I walk in the city, 99% of people are just standing still. I cannot interact with any shops and if I punch somebody, every NPC in a 30-meter radius reacts exactly the same (crouching).

    In GTA, people live their daily life, come from shops, talk to each other, comments your car, takes selfies and pictures of interesting situations like car crashes, etc. In dangerous situation, some NPC fight, some run, some abandon their car and escape alleys, some steal cars and try to drive away, everything feels fresh all the time. NPCs even defend their own groups. For example, firefighters don't take kindly if you hurt one of their own.

    In this video you see that NPC gets mad for his car being attacked, he attacks firefighters,s and hell breaks loose. Just look at how GOOD the animations are! Jesus this game is gold and cannot believe it is 8 years old.


    submitted by /u/Sipulius
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    A day in the life of a PS4 player...

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 11:44 PM PST

    Dear CD Project Red, is this really the immersive, innovative, interactive world that you so heavily marketed it as?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 03:00 PM PST

    This has been a very controversal release mostly because of the horrendous performance on PS4 And Xbox One despite CDPR clearly promising that the game should run perfectly fine regardless of the platform you play it on. This was essentially bullshit. But it's also hiding another thing they've absolutely lied to the player base about, which is the open world aspect of the game.

    When i first entered the City, i went "wow". The game looked just as good if not even better than i tought it would be based on the trailer. The atmosphere is purely sensational. What ruins it for me, is how it almost seems like they try to do everything they can to ruin the immersion. Remember when they said that "Every NPC is going to have their own life"? The NPC's in this game are the most soulles people i've seen in a video game released in the last 10 years. The only interaction you will ever possibly have with an NPC is them screaming at you telling you what a douche you are when you try talking to them. I've seen 4 kid NPCs so far and each and everyone of them has said the exact same "I miss i found my sister" as if that was the only line they codes for kid NPCs. I was fighting with a gang member earlier, and decied to run to a cop to see how they would react. I was next to the cop when the gang member came from around the corner and started blasting his gun straight at me. The cops acted as if there was no one around, until my existence started bothering them too much and they killed me. There are stalls everywhere in the city with vendors behind them yet they don't actually sell anything. They're just an NPC standing there like any other, telling you to fuck off if you try talking to them. Customer service at it's finest.

    I watched a montage of the AI being terrible but can't find this specific video, unfortunately. It showed how the entire traffic just stopped altogether when one car blocked the road. And not a single NPC tried to reverse and go another route. They just sit in their car waiting for the car in front of them to move, while the car in front of them was waiting for the car in front of them to move and so on. In literally every other open world game that has cars, they try to find another way trough if something's blocking the road. In Cyberpunk, they're given a single pattern they're supposed to drive through, and if something comes on their way, they stop until the object is gone. The AI is quite literally non existent. I've read stories from countless people who've helped NPC's by killing gang members attacking them but the NPC's just stay on the ground scared even though the danger is gone.

    The trailers and dev talk made it seem like Night City is a place where random encounters are a common thing and there are a lot of fun things to do everywhere in the city. Am i blind or what? So far after 16 hours of gameplay i've found a hooker and a couple of soda machines that i can suprisingly interact with. I still can't use arcade machines tho.

    They had an entire team dedicated for the open world aspect of the game. What where they doing this entire time? Animating the one dude kicking the damn vending machine that didn't work, and proceeding to keep kicking it even after i hacked it to work again? I swear to god, if the visual offering wasn't as sensational as it is in the game, the game would feel like a 15 years old open world. Currently it feels like that too, but just a HD Remastered one. There is nothing to do besides the quests in the world whatsoever. I can't remember the username of the person who said this genius line; "Nigh City is like an astonishing looking loading screen for whenever you're switching between missions." CDPR truly lied to their playerbase about what the game would be like.

    submitted by /u/Kuuskat_
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    From Jason Schreier: “CD Projekt executives took responsibility for Cyberpunk's buggy launch in an email to staff today, saying this year's performance bonuses will no longer be tied to review scores, given the circumstances. Before, the threshold was 90+ on Metacritic”

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 04:46 PM PST

    Here's the article: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-12-11/cd-projekt-changes-developer-bonus-structure-after-buggy-release

    Here's the Tweet: https://twitter.com/jasonschreier/status/1337555816417800194

    Edit: Head of CDPR: Adam Badowski can be reached on Twitter @AdamBadowski - be civil, don't witch hunt or make threats, but share your grievances there. Let him know that this is unacceptable.

    submitted by /u/dorrisx
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    You can like this game and still be frustrated. For the sake of the game CDProjectRed needs to hear the criticism loud and clear.

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 06:23 AM PST

    I keep seeing people called out for criticizing the game or being chastised for "worshiping" CDPR. Personally I absolutely love this game, but there is nothing unhealthy about pointing out the many issues and missing features in the game. It is frustrating. If these issues are just accepted silently, you end up with companies like EA who don't give a shit. CDProjectRed can't fix or improve on things they don't see the community talk about. Granted, people could definitely do with being more mature with some criticisms, but the frustration is completely valid.

    The fact that they forced crunch onto their employees (probably still are), delayed the game multiple times and still ended up with so many issues or missing features is ridiculous. I feel bad for the actual developers who worked so hard on this game and probably knew the community was going to be frustrated at launch.

    This points to the people managing/directing the game and development timeline. If they had just taken the time that they actually needed instead of trying to push the product out as fast as possible it would have been better for everyone. Yes it would have sucked to wait longer for the game, but with so many great games out and still coming it would have been fine.

    My point is that the community does need to be loud with their frustration. CDPR needs to be held to the fire over their breach of trust with both the community and especially their employees.

    Forced crunch.

    Over promised features, that just disappeared.

    The state of the game at launch.

    Lack of transparency for PS4/Xbox One owners on how the game would actually run for them.

    The absolutely insane and predatory review process. (only pc copies, only allowing THEIR footage to be shown before release, only giving the keys out very late forcing reviewers into crunch themselves)

    These and other issues absolutely need to be called out. At the same time, the parts of the game they have done well on also needs to be heard. We as a community have to let them know both sides. Hopefully this is a wakeup call, that they don't just get to treat us or their employees however they want and still enjoy the goodwill from fans that they've recieved for the last few years. It is for the benifit of the fans the most that CDPR hears these very valid issues and understands that we want to really love this game, and that they need to make it less difficult for the players to do so.

    submitted by /u/UserNotSound
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    I just realized that there is no AI for driving, at all, period.

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 05:14 AM PST

    That's the reason cops spawn right behind you instead of tracking you like GTA. That's the reason you've never been in a car chase in the open world, not in a mission. That's the reason the AI stops behind you forever when you park in the middle of the road. That's the reason people don't peel away in a panic when you pull a gun on them in a car.The only driving "AI" that the game has is predetermined paths for cars to follow along.

    Holy fuck.

    submitted by /u/2degenerate4mymain
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    The AI in this game is nonexistent

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 10:12 AM PST

    You could shoot at a trashcan and a dozen NPCs will all simultaneously go into a crouch position in sync right in front of you. They all give you the same generic witty/sassy comment when you try to talk to anyone and they all walk aimlessly on a predetermined path. Not even GTA San Andreas had AI this fucking bad.

    And I thought this game would surpass RDR2, Lmao.

    submitted by /u/noididntreddit
    [link] [comments]

    Sorry but this game does not even come remotely close to being an open world RPG

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 04:10 PM PST

    This game is an on rails action game, nothing more.

    It has a great story, great characters, great side missions etc etc. But the moment you step outside of the scripted elements of the game it's as basic as it comes. Honestly it's actually shocking.

    No driving AI, tbh no AI whatsoever for any NPC's outside main characters. No ability to change appearance of your character. No life or interaction in the actual game world. May as well take the police out of the game as they're pointless. NPC's all walking scripted paths repeating the same five sassy remarks over and over.

    Could go on and on but outside the scripted events I honestly can't believe how basic this game is. We're talking GTA of a decade ago level to be honest despite the fact its taken them the best part of a decade to make.

    Don't even know what to say, I wasn't really suckered into the hype but never thought it'd be this bad.

    submitted by /u/_McFluffin_
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    Unpopular opinion time: It feels like CDPR spent most of the time and money on art direction, story and graphics that they forgot to make it an actual game.

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 08:23 AM PST

    I love the story and characters and writing, but the combat, loot and open world aspects feel so tacked on and cheap.

    I feel so disconnected while walking around the world it feels like I'm watching a tv show. Sometimes while I'm driving around I forget I can actually get out of my car and walk around, but when I do I realize there's pretty much no meaningful way to actually interact with the world.

    Enemy AI is just terrible and clunky, I kill one person in the middle of the desert and cops somehow know about it and appear out of nowhere.

    Don't get me wrong, I like the game for the most part, it just somehow feels like they spent the last 8 years making an interactive story, then tried to make it an open world RPG at the last minute.

    It looks absolutely stunning though, I'll give em that.

    For reference, I'm on pc and I average 60 fps and ~90 in interior areas. And not a lot of performance issues or game breaking bugs.

    submitted by /u/Blind_Guy_Mc_Squeezy
    [link] [comments]

    Cyberpunk just crashed so hard it got rid of the “activate windows” notification that was on my screen for the last 3 months

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 11:49 AM PST

    I was parking my car and the game crashed to the point where my computer lost the monitors signal and I had to restart. When I relaunched the computer, the damn windows warning is gone. So uh, thanks cyberpunk.

    submitted by /u/Hot_Survey2536
    [link] [comments]

    This game is science fiction, not fantasy

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 10:46 PM PST

    It has been brought to my attention that this game has a concerning flaw.

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 04:01 AM PST

    In the game, the manhole covers used in the roads are B125, DIN 4271.

    These manhole covers are not suitable and not fit for the use in streets, as they only support up to 12,5 metric tonnes of weight.

    The correct manhole covers would have been D400, which support up to 40 metric tonnes of weight.

    Image for reference

    As a german, I am deeply concerned.

    Original find of /u/cracylord

    submitted by /u/MojordomosEUW
    [link] [comments]

    Compiled list of missing features (quality of life and immersion)

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 04:44 AM PST

    Disclaimer: I like the game. The story missions, the art, the animations, everything is fantastic. But an RPG this is not. This is from the perspective from someone who loves roleplaying games and feels handicapped at the moment. I'm leaving bugs and glitches out. The list is in no particular order.

    Edit: This obviously gained more traction than I imagined and I will no longer add to it. Keep note I added many suggestions from other redditors to my initial list. Thank you for the awards. Feel free to bring it to the developers and post it elsewhere, no credits required. I don't intend to convince anyone or advocate what roleplaying means. I still think CDPR is one the best companies out there. Don't trade insults over a game, it's foolish. Cheers.

    Quality of Life

    - Walk toggle for keyboard.

    - Key re-mapping for certain elements.

    - Accessibility features missing (ie: text scaling for menus).

    - In-game benchmark feature.

    - Dash should be a separate key and not a double press of walking key.

    - Crouch and skip dialogue should not share the same key.

    - The minimap is too zoomed in to be helpful in many cases.

    - Missing a toggle aim feature.

    - Ability to respec attributes. (Note: Existing item respecs perks only)

    - Ability to disable objective marker.

    - Ability to lower ADS sensitivity.

    - Add proper ultrawide (21:9, 32:9) support.

    - Add loot by area or/and autoloot feature.

    - Add "stash all" feature.

    - Add transparency option for hud elements.

    - Add way to remove mods from unequipped weapons.

    - Add toggle mouse acceleration.

    - Driving markers and onscreen trajectory (alternative GPS).

    Gameplay and immersion

    - Body slider customization (height, weight, muscle mass).

    - Very few options for some of the character creation features (hair color, tattoos, skin complexion, scars, etc).

    - Animations for eating and drinking (excluding scripted ones).

    - Unable to remove underwear outside of inventory.

    - Vehicle customization.

    - Apartment customization.

    - Cosmetic slots or transmog feature.

    - Very few actual merchant stores in quantity and variety.

    - No garages or parking lots.

    - Crowds have low level of reactivity and awareness to the game world.

    - Very few interactive NPCs outside of missions with meaningful dialogue.

    - Very few options to meaningfully construct a personality to V. You get to choose missions endings, but not an actual persona.

    - Lack of non-action oriented stories and quests about meaningful themes of cyberpunk distopia.

    - Player cannot smoke.

    - Weapon mods and skill trees largely irrelevant outside of marginal and mostly numerical improvements to combat.

    - Lack of emergent gameplay events in the game world (ie: dynamic and random triggers).

    - Unable to alter character's appearance (barbershop, tattoo parlors, plastic surgeon).

    - Lack of character reflection outside of the few mirrors available. This furthers the disconnection between the player and the character.

    - No ownership of items (you can rob NPCs under their nose).

    - No prison or lasting crime system.

    - Wanted system is largely underdeveloped, with cops spawning out of nowhere and disappearing shortly after.

    - Cybernetics lack variety in meaningful choices that alter gameplay (except for limbs weapons). Deus Ex has far more impactful mods that actually change the way you approach combat.

    - The lifepaths are frustratingly brief and have little impact other than dialogue choices. V is essentially the same character regardless of past.

    - The traffic AI is lackluster and there are too few cars driving around for a large metropolis.

    - Trains were obviously cut, even though the whole infrastructure is visible.

    - The world interaction is quite minimal. Among items that should be interactive: chairs, benches, toilets, stools, sinks, gym equipment, light fixtures, restaurant menus, smartphones, taxi, trash bins and dumpsters, most merchant stalls, microwaves, dancing floors, gaming tables, arcades.

    - You cannot preview wardrobe and weapon purchases.

    - There is no reliable cover system.

    - Loot system overdone, invasive and distracting. You are constantly showered with redundant and marginally better items and have no attachment whatsoever with your fashion and weapon choices. (Dear god, I hate this one).

    - Enemies are too spongy and level design forces frontal assault way too often.

    - Robotics and drone control largely absent (outside of scripted missions).

    submitted by /u/RalphDamiani
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    CDPR absolutely need to be called out for the misleading marketing and review manipulation.

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 05:13 AM PST

    This rant has nothing to do with the gameplay, story or world of Cyberpunk, my issues lie with CDPR's misleading practices and the atrocious performance of Cyberpunk.

    This game should 100% have not been released on last-gen consoles in the state that its in. However CDPR have stated in the past that it would run 'surprisingly well' on the older consoles.


    This is complete bullshit, ps4 is struggling to run at 30fps in 720p. If this is supposed to be surprisingly good then it should never have released. This should have been a next-gen and pc only release rather than the current disappointment we've got for older consoles.

    The misleading aspect of this is the marketing that was used for the older consoles.

    Cyberpunk ps4 trailer

    The trailer above was uploaded to the PS4 channel with Gameplay trailer - PS4 being the title.

    Anyone that has played the PS4 version can clearly see that this trailer is not recorded on the PS4 or on any last-gen console.

    This marketing makes the PS4 version look as good as the PC version. This is completely misleading and not representative of the PS4 version being advertised.

    The next issue is the review manipulation. The reviews before release were limited to the pc version of the game, this is clearly the best version of the game by a long shot but is not representative of any console version.

    The reviews as a result are completely inflated with 9/10s and do not represent the experiences of the 40% of players on consoles, this is an issue as the performance and presentation on older consoles makes the game unbearable and customers aren't being told this in any of the reviews.

    The marketing and manipulation surrounding this game needs to be called out but since it's CDPR it barely seems to be an issue. If this had been Ubisoft with a downgrade or EA there would be a massive outrage online but for CDPR there are defenders blaming the console or saying it'll be fixed in a while. This needs to be addressed by the community and CDPR themselves as the future for cp2077 is very unclear for the older consoles.

    Edit: alot of points are being made specifically about the performance being thanks to the console. This isn't the main point that i wanted to make with this post.

    The false advertising and review manipulation is the main aspect that I think needs a lot more addressing than just the performance issues. I get that the ps4 is 8 years old but CDPR absolutely covered up the performance with the misleading advertising, review manipulation and 'surprisingly good' comments.

    I get that preorders and day one buying is risky but CDPR should absolutely be called out for hiding the state of the older console releases.

    The game should never have been released on older consoles whatsoever, it is in no state to be acceptable.

    submitted by /u/ldillon7777
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    User ratings went live on metacritic and it doesn't look good.

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 02:01 PM PST


    At the moment of making this post:

    PC: 5.8/10

    PS4: 1.8/10

    XB One: 2.1/10

    I was never expecting to see CDPR game getting "review bombed" - which I call players' scream of despair.

    But after seeing Digital foundry video on PS4 performance - which lets be frank is unplayable even on PS4 pro - I can't blame console players. The game was always meant to be last gen and it should run acceptably. On PC - you also should not need 450€ GPU (if you can even find any GPU in stock) to play 1080p (native, no FidelityCAS upscaling BS, or DLSS) 60fps at ~high settings. Right now recommended GPU is a absolute bare minimum to somewhat get close to 60fps at low-medium.

    It's just so obvious bad ratings are motivated by bugs, glitches and bad optimization - in other words, rushed unfinished game.

    submitted by /u/-NamelessNPC-
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    It'sdisappointing that absolutely none of the arcade machines are interactable.

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 05:23 AM PST

    This game is absolutely littered with different arcade machines, pachinko machines, etc and absolutely none of them you can play.

    I really liked in Fallout 4 the little mini games you could play on your pip boy, and this would have be a nice addition.

    I guess though if you can't program all the ramen shops in game to just be vendors and have the same food, asking for a mini game is too much.

    submitted by /u/BottlesforCaps
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    In 2077 you can choose your genitals but you can't be a short fat guy

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 02:25 PM PST

    Let me be an angry lil fella with a katana dammit.

    submitted by /u/itsjustkarl
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    Hotfix Patch 1.04 coming december 15th

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 08:43 AM PST

    Source: https://www.gamestar.de/artikel/cyberpunk-2077-pc-patch-104-infos,3365088.html (they said CD Project Red confirmed it) ; https://updatecrazy.com/cyberpunk-2077-update-1-04-patch-notes-cyberpunk-1-04/


    Main goal is improvement of performance and stability

    Content translation:

    • Fixed problems with blurriness
    • Optimization of PC Performance
    • Optimization of PC Performance with RTX-GPUs
    • More FPS while driving
    • Lots of crash fixes on PS4 and PS5
    • Optimization of Raytracing Performance
    • Smaller bug fixes and improvements
    • Flatline-Bugs fixed
    • Xbox One and Xbox S crashes fixed
    • Audio, vehicle and vegetation glitch fixes
    • Missing textures fixed

    EDIT: User /u/Noxturnalis pointed out that gamestar suddenly changed the date from 15th to "soon" 3 minutes ago.

    EDIT 2: The editor of the gamestar article just told me that they're talking to CD Project Red at the moment and they'll update the article along with it. When they're done, I'll edit this post with the newest information aswell. (Source: https://i.imgur.com/sVx0BlE.png)

    EDIT 3: The editing seems to be finished, our newest information is "Very Soon." As some of you already pointed out, a hotfix doesn't require any certificates at all and can be pushed out rather quickly.


    PATCH 1.04 IS NOW OUT FOR PLAYSTATION AND PC (XBOX WILL FOLLOW SOON). PATCHNOTES HERE: https://www.cyberpunk.net/en/news/37043/hotfix-1-04

    submitted by /u/VikingWarriorSkjald
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