• Breaking News

    Thursday, July 16, 2020

    Cyberpunk 2077 - Something Cyberpunk 2077 posted on Instagram

    Cyberpunk 2077 - Something Cyberpunk 2077 posted on Instagram

    Something Cyberpunk 2077 posted on Instagram

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 06:13 PM PDT

    Cyberpunk 2077 is on the cover of EDGE's September 2020 issue

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 01:46 AM PDT

    Arisaka Ronin HS8 I made out of cardboard and gamer fuel

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 08:41 PM PDT

    Santo Domingo

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 04:17 AM PDT

    Wake Up Samurai ...amurai

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 03:40 PM PDT

    For those who are still confused and think it's an FPS, watch this from the given timestamp at 59:00 until the 1:01:00 mark. It's probably the best preview/description of what to expect from Cyberpunk 2077. This got me more hyped than I already was!

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 10:47 AM PDT

    6th Street

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 06:33 AM PDT

    Youtube comment aged like fine wine

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 05:38 AM PDT

    Here are some skills that will be in the game

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 01:55 PM PDT

    I know the game has moved on to a different direction from what was showed in the first trailer but are we ever gonna see these two characters in the finished game?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 09:23 AM PDT

    The World of Cyberpunk 2077 (German)

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 09:40 PM PDT

    arrived today..wife got it for me..should i open it or nah ???

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 11:44 AM PDT

    Johnny Silverhand holding The Cheap of Immortality - September 2020 Edge Magazine (upscaled by @Jackjakeaa and myself)

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 07:33 AM PDT

    How far are they gonna go?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 08:02 AM PDT

    The question i have always in my mind is: How far will they push in terms of topics that are unpleasant? In the Witcher-Series you had racism, incest, religious fanatics, philosophic questions about death and what actuall good and evil is, are you just a spectator or do you take action?

    In my opinion the background of Cyberpunk offers a lot of potential to go in a even more darker direction. (What is live worth? At which point do you stop beeing a human etc. )

    What do you guys think? Are there any Demo Videos out which hint something in that direction? (Beside the Safe-the-Monk Mission)

    submitted by /u/TheGoodBoy_
    [link] [comments]

    Cyberpunk is confirmed for GeForce Now (a not-shit game streaming services by Nvidia)

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 06:14 PM PDT

    8K Trailer.

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 08:02 PM PDT

    Hey guys i made a Youtube channel were i upscale videos to 8K. It takes a lot of render time and sometime there are issues that need fixing. Anyways i upscaled 2 Cyberpunk trailers.

    Thank you and enjoy <3

    submitted by /u/Almutahir
    [link] [comments]

    The World of Cyberpunk 2077 update!

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 05:17 AM PDT

    Trauma Team Package Options (2020)

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 06:11 AM PDT


    Trauma Team, TT, TTI


    Ambulance Paramedical

    By now, I don't even see the bodies as people. I see them as either parts or pickups.TRAUMA TEAM MEMBER

    Trauma Team International is a corporation that specializes in rapid response medical services. As the premium paramedical franchise, Trauma Team™ is one of the most powerful corporations of the 21st century.


    In 2020, Trauma Teams boasted over a dozen Trauma Teams on call at any time in any major city. Made up of the best paramedical techs and staff available, the teams comprised of a driver, two security officers, a senior Medtechie, and an assistant, all traveling within a heavily armored AV-4 supported by mobile tanker trucks and ground refueling stations. The AV-4 itself carries the most sophisticated reviving and life support technology available to the corporation, such as a mobile cryotank.

    Summoned by dialing 911 on any phone, Trauma Teams automatically bill the caller from the moment the call is made until delivery to the hospital, tracing the origin of the call to its source. Deadman transmitters also exist, such as credit cards known as Trauma Cards able to be bent in half with a 20-mile signal, allowing Trauma Team response within the moment the victim falls into a comatose state. Trauma cards are able to be transferred so long as the owner of the card is present to sign off upon Trauma Team arrival.

    In the event of a Trauma Team alert, the nearest team goes airborne and hones in on the last known location of the caller. The pilot drops in as close as possible, and the security officers secure the area should a firefight occur or be ongoing when they arrive, utilizing their weapons or the AV-4's twin autocannon. Once the patient is loaded onto the AV-4, they're hooked up to life support and biomonitors, as well as cryogenically stabilized. Surgery is performed on the most crucial wounds, while a specialist uses various methods to heal the patient, as the pilot takes the AV-4 to the nearest emergency room. This process takes approximately 4 minutes.

    While responsible for reviving and stabilizing any critically wounded patients, Trauma Teams are under no obligation to transport casualties to a hospital. With rates of 100 Eurodollars per minute, most Trauma Team services are part of Corporate group insurance policies, or individual TT International accounts, with 500 Eb monthly premiums.

    Business Model (2020)

    Full Body Life Coverage

    This plan costs either $500 per month, or $5,550 with a yearly plan discount.

    In the event that a Trauma Team is dispatched, the customer/patient also had to pay E$100 for every minute until arrival at the nearest corporate hospital. Finally, the customer/patient also has to pay for the cost of all ammunition that the Trauma Team fired, all of the fuel that was used, and has to pay for any equipment or personnel damage.

    If the Trauma Team is not able to reach the customer within 10 minutes, the customer/patient receives 50% off the cost of spent ammunition.

    Corporate Coverage / Corporate Executive Coverage

    The Corporate Coverage plan costs $1,500 per month, or $16,500 with a yearly plan discount.

    The Corporate Executive Coverage plan costs $12,000 per month, or $120,000 with a yearly plan discount.

    These plans promise a response time of 7 minutes. The customer/patient is taken to a corporate medical center upon pickup. The customer/patient still has to pay for equipment or personnel damage.

    The executive plan covers all ammo and fuel costs, but the customer/patient still has to pay for any equipment or personnel damage.

    High Priority Coverage

    This plan costs $34,000 per month and does not have a yearly rate.

    This plan comes with a gold Trauma Team Inc. card. The response time for this plan is 3-to-5 minutes, which Trauma Team claims is the fastest in the business. Once the customer/patient is picked up, they will be taken to a corporate hospital instead of a medical center. All ammunition and fuel costs are covered, but the customer/patient still has to pay for any equipment or personnel damage.

    submitted by /u/jackpincolini92
    [link] [comments]

    Here are some of the perks that will be available in the game

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 01:35 PM PDT

    Anyone else notice a metallic smell on the Xbox controller?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 02:13 AM PDT

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