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    Thursday, May 21, 2020

    Cyberpunk 2077 - r/Cyberpunkgame Book Club Week 10: Upgrade discussion + reveal of this week’s book + vote on next week’s!

    Cyberpunk 2077 - r/Cyberpunkgame Book Club Week 10: Upgrade discussion + reveal of this week’s book + vote on next week’s!

    r/Cyberpunkgame Book Club Week 10: Upgrade discussion + reveal of this week’s book + vote on next week’s!

    Posted: 20 May 2020 11:14 AM PDT

    Hey Choombas,

    Last week the book club topic was Upgrade! Upgrade is a live-action movie which came out in 2018. We hope you all had a chance to watch it over the past week. Please discuss what you thought of it below! -- How do you think it compares to other Cyberpunk movies? In what ways has it influenced/been influenced by other Cyberpunk media? Do you plan on role-playing any parts of it while playing Cyberpunk 2077?

    As well, last week we posted a poll to vote for this week's book club, and the winner is: Count Zero! Count Zero is a 1986 novel by William Gibson and the second novel in the Sprawl trilogy.

    Please vote on next week's topic! (Options: Altered Carbon Season 2, Westworld Season 3, Total Recall (original & remake))

    If you want to see something else in the vote for an upcoming week, please tell us in the comments!

    submitted by /u/CyberpunkReddit
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    I hope the customization will let me make my character look like this. I drew the art, btw

    Posted: 20 May 2020 09:42 PM PDT

    Made this for fun, clearly I'm way too hyped (I'm only a beginner at PS so please excuse any imperfections)

    Posted: 20 May 2020 06:53 AM PDT

    Shots fired! Pondsmith threw some shade in his day.

    Posted: 20 May 2020 03:44 PM PDT

    Just finished Alyx on my deck. Can't wait to play Cyberpunk.

    Posted: 20 May 2020 07:59 AM PDT

    Code: T, A Mobile Game Developed By NetEase. Where Have I Seen This Before?

    Posted: 20 May 2020 07:55 AM PDT

    I tried to make the "Chip of Immortality" as seen in the cinematic trailer. Ps I just learned illustrator so sorry for the quality

    Posted: 20 May 2020 07:43 PM PDT

    I've decided to make a rather sizable analysis of 2018 and 2019's character creation, inventory, and hacking screens, as well as speculate as to what some of it may mean regarding the game.

    Posted: 20 May 2020 12:49 PM PDT

    I've decided to make a rather sizable analysis of 2018 and 2019's character creation, inventory, and hacking screens, as well as speculate as to what some of it may mean regarding the game.

    Hello, choombattas!

    While I am sure it has been done to death already, finding these screens within the 2018 and 2019 demos eventually became annoying enough that I decided to take it into my own hands to create a post containing all segments I need, as well as their analysis. (Ideally I'll link this later in posts to explain some things - you all may feel free to as well.)

    Keep in mind, all of this was subject to change at the time. Colour schemes may not be final, systems may not beg final, the names of tabs may not be final.

    It makes sense to begin with character creation and the differences between the 2018 and 2019 versions.

    2018 48 Minute Walkthrough Character Background Creation

    Here we can see what appears to be some sort of background check in a police-database. Some have speculated that this means we will begin in a situation in which this is relevant but considering this was later changed, it is unlikely. WE can see we have a 'Hero', 'Life-Event', and 'Reason' relating to our background. V is 23 years old.

    2019 Deep Dive Character Background Selection

    In 2019 however, we can see that the three options were replaced by singular life paths, Nomad, Street Kid, and Corporate. We may assume that the previous choices such as hero are encapsulated within each and therefore are pre-determined, though this is pure speculation at this point.

    2018 48 Minute Walkthrough Character Customization

    Moving on to the character customization aspect of it all, we can see from the above that even in 2018, while not up to the expectations of some, V does indeed have quite a few options for customization.

    Tattoos, surface wiring (light tattoos) along the skin, scars, and other skin mods are available. We can assume the 'glow colour' is blanket applied to all surface wiring as opposed to one having individual control over the wire colours. Tattoos meanwhile seem to be limited to how many places on your body you have to put them - therefore we can assume you may have up to ten tattoos at once.

    At the beginning of the game we also choose clothes - clothes have stats associated with them in Cyberpunk 2077, however, whether the clothes we choose at the beginning of the game will all have the same stats or not is yet known.

    Makeup and piercings explain themselves, and we never saw the version from 2018, nor will we likely ever see the screen.

    2019 Deep Dive Character Customization

    In 2019, they changed a strict "Appearance", to a more advanced "Appearance" and "Body" system. To me initially, it seems more basic because of this fact, though in reality, it is likely more in-depth regarding the potential amount of customization. (As in there are more potential combinations of features.)

    The body tab being a thing implies we have far more control over our appearance than before, as the 2018 version did not have a variant. This is, of course, more proof that we can indeed get a sweet cyber-dong, I would expect with some sort of 'sex appeal' slider similar to that in Saint's Row. So too, can we assume that here we control body tattoos, more light tattoos, and possibly weight, muscle definition, etc. (More on Fashionware.)

    There are further rumours which say that the character creation has since been greatly expanded, though I don't believe there is any rock-solid proof of this. Please let me know if I am incorrect in my statement.

    It's been pointed out to me that it's confirmed the character customization we see in the 2019 deep-dive is not the complete characterization and was simply done to show what it may look like. https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/cxll66/appearance_customization_screen/eym1deo/

    2018 48 Minute Walkthrough Character Stat Distribution

    The final portion of the 2018 game demo character creation was the attribute point distribution. These will be used to help with the 'fluid class system' of Netrunner, Solo, Techie - each stat can be explained here.

    Counting up all of them, it looks like we will have 25 available during this screen to allocate as we wish. In theory, I believe we can get up to 20 points within a single category to begin with, assuming we must have at least one point within each category during this process.

    Furthermore, something I find particularly interesting is the 'Confirm' and 'Edit Additional Details' buttons... While there is the chance this is purely for cosmetic purposes, it is my theory that once we complete the game we will have access to those additional details. Or, that is a button unlocked within a development console / using cheats / within gameplay you will have some sort of chance to change your stats.

    2019 Deep Dive Character Stat Distribution

    2019 Deep Dive \"Fluid Class System\"

    This is the perk menu & attribute distribution screen-shot from 2019. It contains every stat from 2018's Stat Distribution screenshot - except for Strength & Constitution. The two were merged into "Body".

    It seems, also, like we only start with 22 points to allocate in the 2019 version compared to the 2018 version. At Level 18, we have a total of 33 points - this gives us no logical progression to go from 22 to 33 in 18 levels, however, they are street-cred Level 11, which could mean that our stats are related to our street-cred instead of our regular level.

    Furthermore, we can tell a few things from melee combat from this screen. Under the "Melee" subsection, we can see what appears (to me at least) to be a slightly elongated kukri. We also have a "Two-Handed" section presumably for large, unwieldy melee weapons, and a "Blades" section for your mantis-blades augment. The mantis-blades augment having its own perk pathway associated with it leads me to believe they themselves are highly customizable. (I would expect in a way similar to Deus Ex) - we can have them on 'stun', or 'fire', other damage types etc.)

    All other pathways except for Assassination and Nerve seem as though they will affect proficiency - I would expect things like recoil, possibly gear unlocks? I am as of this moment unaware of what Nerve and Assassination will actually affect gameplay-wise.

    2018 48 Minute Walkthrough Inventory

    2019 Deep Dive Inventory

    We can see several differences between the 2018 & 2019 differences that I feel are worth pointing out. In between 2018 and 2019, it seems as though they've crunched the resistance numbers - a Level 2 from 2018 had a physical resistance of 55, while a Level 18 from 2019 had a physical resistance of only 10.

    Health is 100 in 2019, and I assume 2018 as well. This leads me to believe that how much damage we take is heavily, heavily dependant on our resistances. Either that, or it is, in fact, a solid number that scales with level/perks/stats, and the 100 simply represents a % of your top possible health.

    2019 Deep Dive Health Screenshot seems to support the second theory.

    Furthermore, in 2019, there are only 3 weapon slots as opposed to 2018's 4 weapon slots. On each weapon there seems to be slots for weapon modifications. I'm sure to some the slots being limited in amount as opposed to customization being limited to the component is disappointing.

    In 2018 & 2019, all clothing slots have remained in existence, with the addition of a 'boots/shoes' slot. Furthermore, it seems as though there is a place for your current slotted shard in 2019, and something else in 2019 I can't quite determine. (2019 also has pockets, which may be a pistol slot. What else would you really keep in your pockets?)

    Two final things worth pointing out from the 2019 demo in particular:

    There are sections for "All Items", "New Items", and "Heavy Items". For some reason, a t-shirt is considered to be a 'heavy' item. I'm not sure if this means there will be some sort of carry-weight system, if there is a limited amount of storage space, or if there are lead-clad clothing options.

    At level 18 V has only 1600 credits to their name. I would have personally expected one to have a bit more money on them considering they've seemingly only acquired one gun and are what I would assume to be about 35% through the game.

    2018 48 Minute Walkthrough Hacking

    2019 Deep Dive Hacking

    Last up is hacking. It seems clear that they've added more to hacking between 2018 and 2019. That said, the 2018 hack is during combat, plugging directly into a person, and goes from Squad > Person > Hack Person. Meanwhile, the 2019 version is into a terminal and is more mini-game like instead of plug and play.

    In each row, you select a single one of the digit-letter pairs before it alternates to a horizontal row, or vertical column, horizontal/vertical to the pair you selected. You have a limited amount of choices, but also a view of the whole grid - if you plan your moves in advance, you can get (probably) every single additional hack as well as basic access.

    And so that's it.

    All of the above may be common knowledge, but this is more of a thread for the lesser initiated. If someone asks, please feel free to refer people to this thread at any time. This was actually quite relaxing to put together...

    That said, it's late, and I'm sure I've made some mistakes or missed information in the screenshots. If you guys have any additional insights you'd like to make let me know and I can add it, or if anything here we know is out-dated already (somehow) let me know and I will correct it.

    See you in June when we repost the same Cyberpunk news content 90 times in a five-minute span!

    submitted by /u/MaxDragonMan
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    3 weeks to Night City Wire

    Posted: 21 May 2020 12:17 AM PDT

    [Unpopular Opinion] The character customization won´t be that deep and many will get dissapointed.

    Posted: 20 May 2020 10:48 AM PDT

    [Unpopular Opinion] The character customization won´t be that deep and many will get dissapointed.

    Howdy fellow choombas!

    I´m reading many users being so hyped about the possible freedom of C.C in terms of appearance, being supported by the genitals and breasts customization news. Mourning why the game will be FPP if it has a "deep C.C". Saying that will spend hours creating their characters before beginning to play (I get it´s kinda a funny joke but still).

    I´m just recapping that the latest content that we got about the C.C allows the nose, ears, mouth, jaw, beard, the facial wiring, hairstyle and eyes shape with only 4 variations (that surely will be kinda similar between themselves) as you can see:

    (that body part is about choosing between male and female btw)

    Which is a downgrade with less options from the previous one:

    No, CDPR is not the 1st developer to remove some content for the final version.

    While it´s a nice basic C.C (a la Kingdom of Amalur or Destiny for instance) as an additive for a big 1st person game with many world details, it´s not as deep as other games we´ve seen before like Dragon Age, Monster Hunter Worlds, Soulcalibur 6 or even Fallout 4 where you can manually shape the body and facial structures to look like whatever you want.

    The Cyberpunk C.C will take like maximum 5 minutes to make your quick decision before starting your playthrough.

    Since 2012, I´ve been waiting to get lost in Night City but please don´t expect it to be a second reality game where all customization possibilities are real. Think of it as a bigger, wilder and more sexual Deus Ex, which is pretty good enough.

    Much love! I´m new in this group btw so hello there!

    PS: FYI, these 6 months of delay is not for adding more content or customization, but for fixing bugs and optimization.

    submitted by /u/Shajali
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    Possible POI in Night City

    Posted: 20 May 2020 01:11 PM PDT

    Looks Way better in person. Got it done a few months back and I'm loving it.

    Posted: 20 May 2020 09:27 AM PDT

    [ART] A cyberpunk afternoon - mood painting.

    Posted: 20 May 2020 06:05 AM PDT


    Posted: 21 May 2020 12:00 AM PDT

    Top cyberpunk 2077 #cyberupyourpc mods. You start off poor living in the night city with just the samurai jacket on your back hopeful that one day you would end up rich working for a mega co-operation like #arasaka. what's a gaming pc without proper RGB lighting

    Posted: 20 May 2020 04:12 PM PDT

    My CyberUp submission. I don't think I have a chance, but i'm happy with the result.

    Posted: 20 May 2020 04:01 PM PDT

    Just noticed the book will be out soon

    Posted: 20 May 2020 11:08 AM PDT

    [ART] High level kill team - concept

    Posted: 20 May 2020 06:07 AM PDT

    Plenty of details you might not knew about last seen DEMO - Cyberpunk Q&A at DreamHack Winter 2019

    Posted: 20 May 2020 07:11 PM PDT

    Hope this game has good drugs.

    Posted: 20 May 2020 11:13 PM PDT

    Junkie build is my absolutely favorite build in most games. Just knock down a shit-ton of meds, drugs, and alcohol and roleplay as an absolute wreck of a human being as well. I have high hopes for this because the alchemy system in TW3 was pretty good too, and drugs are a mainstay of the cyberpunk genre as well. What builds are you guys looking forward to playing?

    submitted by /u/cahir_of_vicovaro
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    Keyboard and mouse for gun play and walking around controller for driving vehicles

    Posted: 21 May 2020 12:12 AM PDT

    I've opted to build a gaming pc for cyberpunk as I want to experience it in the best possible quality but I'm wondering if it is going to be possible to switch between mouse +keyboard and controller as its something that I've wanted to do in a lot of games as I'm usually terrible controlling vehicles with keyboard and mouse. I remember trying to pilot a chopper for the first time in battlefield 4 and insta wrecked the thing much to joy of my team mates.....

    But yeah what do you guys think?

    Also what platform are you buying cyberpunk on?

    submitted by /u/sirdogglesworth
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    My entries for the case mod competition

    Posted: 20 May 2020 09:57 AM PDT

    Maybe customization is like this

    Posted: 20 May 2020 12:52 PM PDT

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