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    Sunday, January 26, 2020

    Cyberpunk 2077 - Cyberpunk's Happy Lunar New year

    Cyberpunk 2077 - Cyberpunk's Happy Lunar New year

    Cyberpunk's Happy Lunar New year

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 02:11 PM PST

    From all things that I hope will come true, number one is that they fix gamma/brightness.

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 05:05 AM PST

    night city map // updated v.02 (wip)

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 11:36 PM PST

    // greetings choombas & console cowboys //


    // i am back with some progress from my last post, v.01 here, for illustrating the map of night city. working with this image is proving difficult but i was able to get every single building + structure + path down on the map. goes without saying... it is very much a work in progress.


    latest map, v.02

    latest map, v.02 with labels + neighborhoods + regions - for this version i've also added in the apparent protagonist path in the 48 min. gameplay reveal. you'll see the white vector line on the north end of the map in the watson neighborhood.


    // things to note //

    • please ignore the compression as imgur will undoubtedly fuzzed up my .pngs

    • i cropped the image in tight (almost a square) for now just to allow viewers to focus on the city a little better. don't worry, i haven't cut off the entire west side permanently

    • trying to get the buildings down exactly as i saw them proved interesting. due to the warping of the original book cover, some structures seem perfectly on a diagonal grid while others seem more skewed and not squared off. this is due to pixels and the distorted image. i'm sure this will change over time once we get a clearer map

    • i'm almost positive some of the thiccest highways are most likely double lanes, so i'll need to re-map them later

    • not sure if orbital air space center has a circular bit of land on the east side or if that's a weird jpg artifact from the book cover?


    // advice + thoughts i'd like to hear from you all //

    • what can i add to make this more appealing and/or fun for you?

    • mapping of the regions/neighborhoods are guesswork of course. what do you guys think? it would seem that some of these neighborhoods would stop at large highway segments, but i could be wrong. thoughts?

    • lastly, on the south and south east end near pacifica, that area will stay blank until we get a new updated map. the north/south roads are covered by the original cp77 logo box on the book, so we won't know what is down in this area until later


    // later down the road //

    • polishing the design of the regions. i like the idea of the neon borders but i may change the color and how it works to overlay

    • vectorizing gang logos + adding to map

    • correcting highways if needed

    • adding in city stats and other misc. information we can gather


    // 🤖 out //

    submitted by /u/devianaut
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    Going for that CB look

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 11:59 AM PST

    Cyberpunk's Happy Lunar New year tweet has Mickey Mouse reference. Amazing.

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 01:34 PM PST

    Cyberpunk 2077 - The Trauma Team Backstory

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 04:14 PM PST

    Do we know if we need to upgrade gear as V levels up?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 09:54 PM PST

    Just wondering if anyone knew already, or if we don't know and can just speculate. I don't really like having to be forced into using weapons I dislike because they're stronger. So say if I like a handgun like a revolver, do you think it would be viable for the whole game or I'll be forced into using an assault rifle at higher levels. Or maybe I'll find a more powerful version of the same revolver? What do we think?

    submitted by /u/munchyandcrunchy
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    Will Cyberpunk 2077 support Philips HUE lighting?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 04:25 PM PST

    Will Cyberpunk 2077 support Philips hue? Many games do now so room lighting changes with the game. its a VERY cool feature. Will you be supporting that feature?

    submitted by /u/BootsOnTheGroundUK
    [link] [comments]

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