• Breaking News

    Sunday, January 26, 2020

    Cyberpunk 2077 - I made a Cyberpunk 2077 inspired virtual Arch concept motorcycle

    Cyberpunk 2077 - I made a Cyberpunk 2077 inspired virtual Arch concept motorcycle

    I made a Cyberpunk 2077 inspired virtual Arch concept motorcycle

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 06:43 PM PST

    The Main Villain of Cyberpunk 2077?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 04:09 AM PST

    What do you want to see in CyberPunk Multiplayer ?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 11:26 PM PST

    I just want to own a house and walk around the city with my friends.

    But what would you like to see ? Pvp fistfights perhaps ??

    submitted by /u/RuiV7
    [link] [comments]

    Next step of ARG? Did the delay influenced everything?also the ARG?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 03:10 AM PST

    Community managers said the next clue will be revealed after the first week of Jan,but Jan is almost over.

    submitted by /u/Mamitsu
    [link] [comments]

    To celebrate Lunar New Year CDPR has released a special video about Cyberpunk 2077.

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 05:33 AM PST

    “No Limits” J 01 2020

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 02:58 PM PST

    Map Comparisons

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 11:19 AM PST

    Maybe it's just me, but the map seems really tiny in comparison to other maps. We could drive around it within minutes.

    Why is this map so small? CP2077

    GTA V Map

    RDR2 Map

    submitted by /u/jimmyfiveshoes
    [link] [comments]

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