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    Tuesday, September 3, 2019

    Cyberpunk 2077 - I've never seen a game get as much unprovoked scrutiny before release as Cyberpunk 2077

    Cyberpunk 2077 - I've never seen a game get as much unprovoked scrutiny before release as Cyberpunk 2077

    I've never seen a game get as much unprovoked scrutiny before release as Cyberpunk 2077

    Posted: 03 Sep 2019 02:00 PM PDT

    I've been following the development of Cyberpunk 2077 since it's reemergence during E3 2018. I've paid attention to every little bit of news and reaction to the game. It's arguably the most hyped game in the industry and it was at that level even before they announced that Keanu Reeves was in it. CDPR has been the most fan friendly developer in the industry.

    So why aren't they treated like it? Like seriously, you'd think with the amount of "controversy" and "backlash" that Cyberpunk gets, that it was being published by EA. Yet about 98% of the controversy that the game gets is entirely unprovoked. It doesn't actually come from any legitimate source of anger. Most of the backlash is the kind that could be solved if the aggressors were told to just think a little bit deeper about what exactly they're mad about.

    Out of all the scandals I've seen associated with Cyberpunk, the only one that seemed legitimate and provoked by CDPR was the dumb Twitter "did you just assume my gender?" joke by ONE person. Except they immediately handled that in the best way possible by deleting the tweet, apologizing for it, and supposedly immediately fired the guy although I only heard that as a likelihood, not a fact so don't quote me and if you know more, please let me know. I still see idiots who try to make that one tweet an indictment on CDPR and the game as a whole because they don't live outside their Twitter bubble.

    Every other complaint? Could immediately be solved if the people complaining were even remotely self aware of what it is they're mad about and thought even remotely deeper about it. It could also be solved even better if they knew that the world isn't originally by CDPR and is made by Mike Pondsmith, yet all their qualms get placed at CDPR's doorstep.

    Let me count the ways:

    1. "There shouldn't be sunlight." It's hilarious that the same people who say it should all be at night because "Bladerunner was at night" are the same people that say Cyberpunk as a genre started with neuromancer even though Bladerunner came out years before. It's Cyberpunk, not post apocalyptic. The game isn't trying to give you depressed noire vibes 24/7.
    2. "It's not Cyberpunk." Take this complaint up with Pondsmith, not CDPR. And a throwaway tweet by William Gibson isn't important especially since Gibson now currently cares about as much about Cyberpunk as I do Gibson's opinion.
    3. The transgender poster ad. This was painted in such a stupid way because there were just as many vocal members of the transgender community on social media defending it as there were condemning it yet it got painted as a "LGBT vs CDPR" story. Nobody cared when cisgender women were being exposed for corporate gain in the game or when Japanese culture was being appropriated for profit by non Japanese companies but now that it happens to another specific group, it's bad? Where did this mindset that the genre is empowering to minority groups even come from? It's literally the exact opposite. If anything, it's supposed to be more exploitative. It's supposed to appear empowering on the outside as a facade then exploitative on the inside like what we see when any corporation gets involved with a particular political group. The kind of people who think Cyberpunk is empowering are the kind of people who thought the Kendall Jenner Pepsi commercial was empowering.
    4. The character creation screen. This was so stupid because I remember seeing a couple fanatics early after the 40 min demo complaining about why there wasn't enough accommodations for transgender people yet now that CDPR actually does that, people are complaining about them pandering to SJWs. The game still gives you TWO body types to pick from anyway so they're still using the binary gender model as a starting template anyway even if only symbolically so there's literally nothing to complain about. Not to mention Saints Row already did this years ago.
    5. The first person camera. This one I can kind of understand but not for the reasons a lot of people are giving. Telling me that FPP sucks because "game x did TPP" isn't an argument. Say you're not sure about it or you're worried about motion sickness but don't try to get me to believe you don't like FPP because the games you played didn't have it. We've never seen a modern western gun based RPG (so no Witcher or Skyrim) with a polished TPP camera (so not Fallout) that has even remotely the seamless scale and depth that Cyberpunk looks to have in such a crowded environment (so not Deus Ex or Mass Effect either).
    6. Graphical downgrades. Does work in progress mean anything nowadays? Also the Witcher 3 had these same issues but that's pretty much ancient history now.
    7. The animals and black people scandal. This scandal feels like it says more about the people bringing it up than the scandal itself. I'll pass this one over to Mike. https://www.pcgamer.com/mike-pondsmith-explains-cyberpunk-2077s-gangs-the-voodoo-boys-and-the-animals/
    8. I'm gonna edit this one in just because it was unique but I should mention that it was kind of isolated to one article and wasn't that widespread. It was an article by a hispanic person about how they thought Cyberpunk was being anti hispanic because Jackie's dialogue in the 40 min demo involves a hispanic man speaking english with occasional spanish words. This was described as a dangerous stereotype. The reason why I couldn't take it seriously that only adds to my assumption that Cyberpunk has become a magnet for everyone to scrutinize gaming elements that have been in gaming for decades is this: where the hell were you the last twenty years? Where were you when Ezio was speaking English with the occasional Italian word thrown in? Where were you when the Russians in Metro (A game that's actually made by slavs) spoke English with the occasional Russian word thrown in? It's another repeat of the transgender scandal where people love or don't care how a culture is described until it is their own culture. It's ok then but it's not ok now? Nah.

    None of these scandals have anything to do with actual outrageous stuff like microtransactions, pre order bonuses, shoehorned in multiplayer, battle royale, betas that aren't actually betas, broken games, and mandatory services. Most of these scandals are manufactured outrage for the sake of self indulgence.

    submitted by /u/Goofiestchief
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    Pelaaja Cyberpunk cover for September 2019 issue

    Posted: 03 Sep 2019 05:30 AM PDT

    Cyberpunk 2077 Poster [By Me]

    Posted: 03 Sep 2019 08:02 AM PDT

    PAX West was a lot of fun! Nice to meet the man once again. ��

    Posted: 03 Sep 2019 06:03 AM PDT

    The State of Cyberpunk

    Posted: 03 Sep 2019 01:17 AM PDT

    If you're like me and you've been around this game for any period of time exceeding a few weeks, you've seen this sub go through it's rounds. After every update we get from CDPR, this sub becomes awry with hate and disgust over terribly small non-issues.

    "Daylight? Oh god they've ruined it."

    "The soundtrack isn't entirely comprised of Carpenter Brut and Perturbator? Cancelling my pre-order."

    "They aren't recycling the same transhumanist themes that every other piece of cyberpunk media has used since the genre's conception? Blasphemy."

    So on, ad infinitum.

    The biggest issue is that everyone here has a different idea of what cyberpunk is.

    For some it's perpetually dark and rainy with neon everything. That's an interpretation, sure.

    For some it's all synthwave and outrun. That's also an interpretation, sure.

    For some it's all philosophy of man, what is it to be human, can we create authentic life from nothing? Again, an interpretation.

    The glaring question is: are any of these things required for cyberpunk?


    Cyberpunk isn't defined by perpetual rain, synthwave, and living-machines, those have been staples in the genre thus far - but only because there are like, less than a dozen major cyberpunk themes works in popular culture, so that's all we've been exposed to. So to imply that something within the cyberpunk genre HAS to conform to these themes and tropes is to say that cyberpunk should just remain the same forever, which is ironically un-cyberpunk as hell. You're literally asking CDPR to CONFORM to your predisposed ideas of how something should be. Conformity is the LEAST cyberpunk thing I can think of.

    CDPR is doing something great. They're attempting to advance the genre, to spearhead a new generation of cyberpunk media which isn't doomed to hellish sameness because nobody was courageous enough to go beyond the expectations set up by Blade Runner or Neuromancer or GITS, etc etc etc.

    CDPR is taking a genre with very limited media presence and they're doing new things to it and showing everyone that cyberpunk can transcend those tired tropes while retaining its core, that it can be dark and gritty and tense and mysterious and technological without having to rely on the same damn themes and cliches time and time again.

    They're breaking the mold, pioneering. That is the most cyberpunk thing that they could possibly be doing, and y'all just aren't ready for it yet.

    submitted by /u/PWNG1801
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    New Cyberpunk 2077 Renders

    Posted: 03 Sep 2019 12:40 PM PDT

    Found this on my local Gamestop. Mannheim Germany

    Posted: 03 Sep 2019 04:10 AM PDT

    I made a 1440x3440 (Ultrawide) wallpaper of the render posted here recently

    Posted: 03 Sep 2019 01:26 PM PDT

    Cyberpunk fanart by shen he

    Posted: 03 Sep 2019 06:05 PM PDT

    Not seen much explanation about this.. What is it?? Corpo boss? Mechs confirmed ?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2019 03:30 PM PDT

    Some positives about the game that make me still wanna buy it despite these "complaints"

    Posted: 03 Sep 2019 09:36 PM PDT

    1. The story, setting, and open world is insane. Like i thought breath of the wild was good. I thought witcher was huge. I cant wait to see that in futuristic .

    2. Customization is so in depth. Btw u get outfits from story, not microtransactions (hope it stays this way)

    3. The amount paid is still gonna be super worth for what I'm getting. You're telling me people would pay 15 a month for some dumb battle pass. What if this was so big that we get online (ala gtav)

    4. I like the conversation system. Im a fan of the witcher and katana zeros system.

    5. Every playthrough has the potential to be unique. Of course theres probably a set amount of endings but the story and sidequests will be so dense that 100% actually seems hard.

    6. Just the vibe. The music. The colors. I have a 2080 so I'll try out rtx. I hope its got a detective pikachi type of feel to it in colors.

    Thanks for listening.

    submitted by /u/Avict001
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    Countdown to the Dark Future (365 Days of Cyberpunk Facts) Day 246. Topic: The 4th Corporate War

    Posted: 03 Sep 2019 03:51 AM PDT

    [Eurogamer/Digital Foundry] The new Cyberpunk 2077 video looks great - but the Gamescom demo was even better

    Posted: 03 Sep 2019 08:37 AM PDT

    Digital Foundry - CP 2077 Gamescom 2019 demo impressions + RTX features analysis

    Posted: 03 Sep 2019 07:37 AM PDT

    Cyberpunk 2077 Commercials Vol II

    Posted: 03 Sep 2019 11:47 AM PDT

    Cyberpunk 2077 Wallpapers Optimized for Galaxy Note 10+ (1440x3040)

    Posted: 03 Sep 2019 01:18 PM PDT

    Blood & Gore System

    Posted: 03 Sep 2019 12:11 PM PDT

    I already posted this on the official forums but wanted to see what you guys thought about it.

    I'm a huge fan of blood and gore systems in a video game because they can make a lot of fights and abilities feel gratifying, it can also make it feel believable. Moments like when the grenades went off and the man's body went flying are awesome and work well if the creators are going for an over the top arcadey type of gore system. Although I believe a comfortable middle where the combat is gory and the people aren't blood bags is the way to go. To make this super digestible I'm going to hyperlink to the moments in the trailer where the gore is shown and how I believe they can be improved upon.

    Unnecessary Gore: There are multiple moments in this game where a character is hit with a blunt object such as Robo fists, Dumbells, or Punch combo but they splatter blood like they have been shot by a high caliber weapon.

    Improvements: It would be better to replace these effects with either maybe sweat/spit or a small line of blood that would come out the nose or mouth (but they nailed the bone crunch noise). Also seeing the effects of the damage on a victim of blunt force trauma makes the action feel that much better, here are some examples where all these systems are incorporated into one game. Taken from RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2. (1) (2) (3)

    Limb Evaporation: While it is fun to see enemy body parts explode into blood and bones I believe it's best done when encountering a truly devastating round and not at random. Heads shouldn't explode from only revolver rounds and the lower half of a body shouldn't evaporate from an explosion either.

    Improvements: The level of damage should be relative to the caliber and ammo type. Explosions disconnecting the lower half of the body from the upper would make a better choice instead of evaporating it all together. Here are some examples from RDR2 & Brothers in Arms HH that show what I mean. (Pistol round to the face - (1) (2) ) (Shotgun Damage) (Explosive damage)

    These are just some of my recommendations on how to improve the gore system to this amazing looking game and I would like to know if others feel the same way or disagree. Sometimes goofy blood splatters work for a game trying to maintain that kind of atmosphere so I might be in the wrong here. What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/bioshock1998
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    With all the negativity, I wanted to point out what I'm hoping for.

    Posted: 03 Sep 2019 09:14 PM PDT

    Graphics, wicked combat, expansive environments... I'm after none of that. All I want is an immersive story that my decisions can feel like they're having an impact.

    I want a game that makes good on the promise I felt with Mass Effect, just without the railroading into predetermined "end points.

    Everything after that is a bonus.

    submitted by /u/Thrownawaybyall
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    Will there be stealing/pickpocketing in this game.

    Posted: 03 Sep 2019 02:30 PM PDT

    I'm probably going to be a net runner that uses only blades and sniper rifles so I'll effectively be an stealthy assassin but I also would love to be a thief so do you think it's possible or has been confirmed or denied.

    submitted by /u/MikeyBec
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    PS4 version of Cyberpunk 2077 available for pre-order at Walmart.com for 49.94

    Posted: 03 Sep 2019 05:55 PM PDT

    Has there been a cheaper price than this? Does anyone think it'll get cheaper on black Friday/cyber Monday?

    submitted by /u/PastryAssassinDeux
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    When discussing downgrade people always compare the worst shots of the new gameplay to the best shots of the old one...

    Posted: 03 Sep 2019 12:04 PM PDT


    Overall 2018 demo looked amazing visually, but some parts of the last year's demo really didn't look that good.

    submitted by /u/Outsajder
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