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    Tuesday, September 3, 2019

    Cyberpunk 2077 - FPP Megathread

    Cyberpunk 2077 - FPP Megathread

    FPP Megathread

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 09:15 AM PDT

    With the new information regarding first person perspective in the game (or FPP), we thought it would be a good idea to regulate all discussion about it to this megathread so that the subreddit doesn't get overrun with it. Please keep all discussion of the news about FPP here.

    submitted by /u/Guardian_Ainsel
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    "damn Portals.." [cyberpunk Geralt Cosplay by me]

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 01:00 PM PDT

    I'm out, choombas.

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 04:00 PM PDT

    It seems that this subreddit goes from overhyping the game to the moon and expecting the impossible from a game studio, to taking a dump on any design choice that CDPR takes, while leaving paragraphs on how you could make the game better than people whos been doing it for like 5 years.

    I'm excited for the game too, but it's just a game, made by humans. It won't change the industry. It won't be a disaster. It will be, most likely, a very good game. That's it. Get real, guys.

    I've already preordered on GOG (first time doing it). I'll criticize the game when I can play it, not before when I don't know shit about the finished product. Don't really care about the drama.

    It sucks to watch how this once friendly subreddit it's slowly but surely turning into a cesspool of toxic fanboys and entitled crybabies (not everyone, of course, but you know what I mean) I'll probably come back after the game is released.

    See you in Night City.

    submitted by /u/PancheteCortez
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    Let's share some love for CDPR because they really deserve it after all the trash talking they're getting lately. Don't forget that behind CDPR there are real people who put their hearths every day at work to make Cyberpunk 2077 the best game possible for us. We should be grateful for this!

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 11:06 AM PDT

    The press vs reality on gender options

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 04:01 AM PDT

    Johnny Silverpaw

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 10:19 AM PDT

    Okay guys rest easy nothing has changed! We’re good!

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 11:40 AM PDT

    Never again? Yeah, we'll see about that

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 05:45 AM PDT

    Misunderstanding on the Transparency of CD Projekt

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 02:16 PM PDT

    First of all, I'm not saying that people should like the game or hate it, I'm not telling you how to feel about it, I'm just expressing my opinion. I'm writing this because I see a lot of people misjudge things about this game and the path that CDPR are taking with it.

    I think CDPR make a mistake trusting people and being so transparent. People are getting the wrong idea about a lot of stuff.

    First, V as a character. I see a lot of people complaining about not being able to see your character or that, because of the lack of third-person cutscenes (when in reality there will be), we won't be able to see V expressions when, for example, Jackie die. V isn't a character like Geralt, yes, it will have a little be of personality to guide the story but the reason we will see the world in first-person or that the customization will be important is because V serves the purpose to immerse us into the game. There will be no expressions in V's face because CDPR wants us to be the ones with that kind of reaction, not the character.

    Second. the "WORK IN PROGRESS" statment. No, I'm not saying that we can't say anything bad about the game just because of the "work in progress" title. Yes, We should give feedback like the Johnny Silverhand model not looking good but people are complaing about stuff like the Life Path or the Childhood Here choices changing when they say specificaly that that will probably change because of the story and the artistic reasons they have. This is not your game, is theirs, and they know better than us because they are the ones working on it. So, if they said that those choices didn't work and they change them, or that the best camera for this game is in first-person we should wait for the game to come out and see if they were right about it.

    And third, people saying that they lied or that they promised somethings and now they are doing another. Similar to the "WORK IN PROGRESS" point, they are the only company that are being transparent with the comunity about their artistic vision and the process of making a video-game because they think we deserve that and that we will be able to understand, they trust us and we are letting them down in my opinion. I think that they deserve the benefit of the doubt right now, their earn it. Let's just no jump to conclusions about every tiny detail about the game, lets give them feedback that doesn't collide with the artistic vision and just be hype about the things that they confirm their will be in the game. Check the sources of the news you see, don't believe everything you hear/read and wait until they gave an official answer.Respect their visions as artist and let them do their game.

    Again, this is just my opinion. If you desagree you have all the right in the world to do it I'm not telling you how to feel or what to do.

    EDIT: I'm not saying we should have blind feith. If you don't like something about the game express it but respect CDPR decisions as artists.

    submitted by /u/AguanteTheWitcher
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    Found this in PC magazine

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 10:05 PM PDT

    Let's lighten the mood. There's one, the most important question of them all. How many hours will they spend recording mocap sex this time?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 10:25 AM PDT

    Witcher 3 had 16 hours.

    Will they increase the number?

    Here's some behind the scenes from W3. Exquisite.


    submitted by /u/Johnysh
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    City lore of what some NPC go threw in Pacifica: Got no home, Sick Kid and cheating wife, Need booze money ASAP. You're just gonna waste it anyways.

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 05:06 AM PDT

    The true reason why CPDR are focusing on FPP cutscenes

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 03:40 AM PDT

    I'll start with saying that I understand the frustration with this change, primarily because of the character creation, but I'm seeing a lot of stuff posted that I feel is quite misleading and wrong.

    I'm seeing a lot of people suggest that they're making this move because of time constraints or because it's easier - it isn't, it's just as difficult, if not more because of what they're actually trying to achieve.

    They're talked about this a long way back, they've talked about how to make gameplay and cutscenes completely intertwined and how hard it was to accomplish:

    "The way we actually approach this, we're calling it the directive scene system," said Pietras, "From my perspective, we're trying to blend cinematics and gameplay. The way it works is that since we're creating a first-person perspective open-world RPG we want to keep the player as immersed in the game as possible. We're using the directive scene system as a way of pulling you into this world and keeping you in the scenes."

    What the System Means for Players

    What that means for players is that they can actually interrupt otherwise scripted cutscenes; changing the course of events instead of sitting through it to the end; "You can actually pull out a gun there;"said Pietras, as an example of how the system allows players to control the flow of a scene; "It's a super-challenging thing for us, but it's also really, really cool. It gives this visceral feeling of being there, that this matters and you pay the consequences of your actions".

    Having cutscenes play out seamlessly with prompts/dialogue options popping up and each being a possibility of altering the cutscene is a HUGE challenge. I don't know of any other game of this scale even attempting something like this. They're doing something that hasn't really been done before. They're blending cutscenes and gameplay in a way that allows you to interrupt/change the course of a cutscene all within the cutscene. This will not be your typical cutscene where you can put down your controller and relax, instead, you will need to be attentive to any dynamic shift and react accordingly. We've seen this when the player gets into the ice bath, the cutscene is underway, things are happening all while the player is getting dialogue prompts. Same with last year's deal with the Maelstrom, where INSIDE the cutscene we're having different options for cutscenes. We've all said how cool the transitions were, guess what, that's because of the directive scene system, a system that is not possible with TPP cutscenes because it would take you of of the main intended perspective(FPP) and ruin the flow of the scene.

    FPP cutscenes were already absolutely the primary focus of the game. In the last year's demo, out of 48 minutes there were 20+ minutes of FPP cutscenes compared to less than 2 minutes of TPP cutscenes.

    The goal is to make cutscenes indistinguishable from gameplay, which is a huge challenge in and out of itself. No one has done it before on such a large scale and saying that they're cutting them out because it's less work is simply being ignorant towards the reality of game development. A static 3rd person cutscene will always play out the same way, while an interactive first person one has multiple layers of probability to it and requires much more work to function properly.

    I'm not excusing CDPR from anything, I understand people have their tastes, I'm just trying to bring a new perspective and actual debate about why they might be making this change, from a gameplay standpoint. I can completely understand why CDPR are taking this direction simply from seeing the gameplay and the things they've talked about achieving back during the Witcher 3 days.

    As for not seeing your character as often, I tend to agree, but from what I've seen, we'll have mirrors/reflections, photo mode, menu, while driving, while looking down, on cameras and gameplay segments, such as when Ripperdoc turns your new eye on and you can see yourself in the chair. I'm sure CPDR will find even more ways to show you your character within the gameplay segments.

    I hope some of this wall of text helps you understand CDPR's perspective.

    edit: formatting

    submitted by /u/rebezil
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    First Person Only cutscenes confirmed by CDPR.

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 04:42 AM PDT

    Countdown to the Dark Future (365 Days of Cyberpunk Facts) Day 245. Topic: The 4th Corporate War

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 01:03 PM PDT

    The inventory from the 2019 trailer and the inventory 2018 trailer we are about 7 months away so there are gonna be changes both trailers still say wip and the game still looks phenomenal even if We get mostly FPP scenes and not as much TPP scenes we’ll probably still have the apartment scenes

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 11:44 AM PDT

    The other tweet no one dares to share "That said, players will still be able to see their characters in the inventory screen, during driving sequences, in mirrors and, very occasionally, in some of the cut-scenes."

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 04:56 AM PDT

    Jackie Welles more info, from cyberpunk.net

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 11:30 AM PDT

    I did an Artwork Poster for the Voodoo Boys

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 05:32 AM PDT

    So flying cars are out atm.. Perhaps a taxi mechanic on rails we can use for fast travel? Think vertibirds in Fallout 4

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 01:32 PM PDT

    Temper Expectations, Be excited something new is coming, but don't anticipate the second coming of Jesus.

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 06:49 PM PDT

    I'm starting to see the same cult like beginnings the anthem subreddit had months leading up to the games release/ demo. It's not good for anyone to blindly defend a video-game if there are issues or concerns to be had, track record means nothing, everyone is capable of pushing a bad product.

    That being said, people freaking out over tidbits are also being a bit over dramatic, wait for a gameplay demo and make judgement then, I will say that people already deciding to pre-order collectors editions is kind of weird to me, but do what you want with your money, just dont complain later if it's not something you wanted.

    submitted by /u/flawlessbrown
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    UPDATE: Cyberpunk will be '100% first-person' apart from 'some cut-scenes', CDPR tells VGC

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 05:22 AM PDT

    8 barrel shotgun. I wonder how the one in cyberpunk will look. P.S if anyone can post a link in the comments if they have a futuristic version of one anime is also welcomed��

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 06:45 AM PDT

    Not sure, if this was confirmed already, but there will very likely be other companions like Jacky

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 04:21 AM PDT

    "Remind Yourself That Overhype Is A Slow And Insidious Killer"

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 12:22 PM PDT

    Just wanted to give everyone a reminder considering EVERYTHING that's happened in the last 72 hours. From the trailer, to the analysis of the trailer, to the analysis of the analysis of the trailer to just the recent TPP stuff that made everyone shit themselves furiously until it was clarified.

    Look, I more than get it, we want this game to not be a disappointment, but the more we manicly pour over every detail or get upset over the simplest factor....it will just spoil the game for you. You'll expect the second coming of Cyber-Jesus when its really just a guy with a beard that just looks really pretty and knows how to tune a VCR. If you want a good yardstick as to where to set yourself in terms of excitement just either remind yourself of, or play if you haven't, Deus Ex: Human Revolution. We're looking at that level of RPG and I would suggest people keep that in mind as we go forward.

    We are less than 8 months away from 2077's release, now is NOT the time to burnout and make rash judgements on how a game is going to be when parts of it still aren't fully built yet. Once it is done, we can shoot lazers out of our eyes over how happy we are or foam at the mouth over how CDPR betrayed us and how we're never going to play anything they did again EVER. Until that day, we should just take everything that we learn, good or bad, with a pinch of salt.

    Now lets just calm down, reset our hype, maybe take some Paxium so you can rest easier and get back to just...waiting patiently for the game to come out and keep us enjoyed for however hours we give it.

    submitted by /u/SpartanXIII
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