• Breaking News

    Sunday, September 8, 2019

    Cyberpunk 2077 - I edit the colour to make it look like last year trailer

    Cyberpunk 2077 - I edit the colour to make it look like last year trailer

    I edit the colour to make it look like last year trailer

    Posted: 07 Sep 2019 03:43 PM PDT

    Got this cyberpunk jacket from my sister for my birthday

    Posted: 07 Sep 2019 12:32 PM PDT

    Night City mapped with the most detail so far

    Posted: 07 Sep 2019 06:47 PM PDT

    Night City mapped with the most detail so far

    This is what Night City's map will (most probably) look like. This is how it could compare to maps of other games

    Hello everyone. This will be big. And, I hope, that you WILL *LOVE* it.
    I am new to this subreddit. I basically came here just to share my findings with you all.

    So over the last couple of days, I've been working on something big. I've been working on making the most detailed map of Night City to date, based solely on screenshots, trailers and gameplay demos.
    It proved to be a very difficult and time-consuming task.

    Yesterday I noticed that there were at least two/three other people who attempted to do the same thing like a year ago, albeit in a more limited scope. They tried to locate Watson.
    I think they failed. And I have some proof. And I think I succeeded. And I have proof for that also.

    Drawing the map turned out to be very difficult, but it's easier if you have such autism like I do, lol (no offense to people on the spectrum). Anyway, there was a lot of misinformation spread around the internet and around the promo-shoots themselves. I will address all of them later. Anyhow, what I did was basically analyzing trailers, screenshots and 15-50 minute gameplays shot by shot, looking at the distinctive buildings in the foreground and in the background, drawing connections, checking similarities, establishing perspectives and fitting it all in one place. It was tremendously exhausting and I must've spent a good 7-10 hours in total making this map and triangulating every location together.

    But as you find that single sweet location, you find it very easy to go from there, it's just a matter of triangulating everything together, no longer having to worry about the geographic context of the map as a whole.

    What I would say was very helpful was the metro map shown for a split second in the 2018 E3 trailer. It was a bit troublesome as well. I'll go into that later, in an other post. The second most helpful thing was the compass that was present in the UI in the 2018 48-minute gameplay demo. Together with the metro lines, it helped piece together the reality of Night City as it really is. And it did provide some very important evidence for why some things should be there and not anywhere else.

    Anyway, what I also want to get across here is that you shouldn't 100% believe everything you find in the demos. The game is still in development, so there are lots of placeholders and other information that is already outdated.

    Well, enough talking. Here is the map. It is as detailed as can be, I thought about mapping out various highways, but that would be impossible as there simply isn't enough material out yet.
    This is what Night City will probably look like. I'm like 90% sure.

    Make sure to save this, share and spread this on the internet, inform your friends - whatever. It will sure satiate some hype, and when the game gets released, we'll be able to compare and see if I was off by any margin at all.



    Map size comparison:


    And HERE you will find all the pics, evidence, clues and additional information on how I made this map!


    Some findings about the map's size (you can check all of them by clicking the imgur link):

    You can cross the GTA 5 map from the top to the bottom in 5-6 minutes. If you're driving very, very fast. Around 8-9 minutes if you're driving at a normal (somewhat fast) speed and around 15 minutes if you're driving at a calm, cruising speed.

    To cross Night City from the top to the bottom (note: just the *city*, not even including the Badlands), I suppose the architecture would be way denser all the way through (in GTA 5 you have a lot of sparsely populated rural areas where you can just go straight ahead, here there would be a lot of traffic and many turns, I reckon) so I suppose it would take you some 9-10 minutes if you're driving very, very fast. **\*Around 14-15 minutes if you're driving at a normal, somewhat fast speed*** and around 25 minutes if you're driving at a calm, cruising speed. These are just my very, very rough estimations, though.

    submitted by /u/LordParsifal
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    Wow, Parks and Rec must be big in the Cyberpunk universe...

    Posted: 07 Sep 2019 02:05 PM PDT

    Deep Dive Gameplay Music

    Posted: 07 Sep 2019 01:44 PM PDT

    Countdown to the Dark Future (365 Days of Cyberpunk Facts) Day 250. Topic: The 4th Corporate War

    Posted: 07 Sep 2019 05:40 AM PDT

    Difference between sandevistan and karesnikoff?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2019 03:52 PM PDT

    Could someone with knowledge on cyberpunk lore explain this to me?

    On a recent podcast they talked about them as 2 seperate things, until then I thought they were the same thing, a sort of reflex booster from what I understood.

    submitted by /u/Hotozalypse
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    Meredith Stout has another tattoo - Discuss!

    Posted: 07 Sep 2019 03:20 AM PDT

    How would playing with a Corporate background differ from the other 2 options?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2019 07:08 PM PDT

    I'm not entirely familiar with the lore of Cyberpunk, but from what I can gather it seems like corporate people like Meredith Stout for example probably wouldn't be doing the same work as someone from the streets, right? So what would your main goal be, and what would you do to get there? Also, i know that this stuff is kind of unconfirmed but if anyone who knows a lot about the lore and stuff has any guess it'd be cool to hear it.

    submitted by /u/_arror
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