• Breaking News

    Monday, February 7, 2022

    Cyberpunk 2077 As the next-gen update/soft re-launch is around the corner, let us know what you're looking forward to the most this year!

    Cyberpunk 2077 As the next-gen update/soft re-launch is around the corner, let us know what you're looking forward to the most this year!

    As the next-gen update/soft re-launch is around the corner, let us know what you're looking forward to the most this year!

    Posted: 06 Feb 2022 02:24 AM PST

    As the next-gen update/soft re-launch is around the corner, let us know what you're looking forward to the most this year!

    So, its that time of year again where we await the next version of Cyberpunk 2077! What are you looking forward to with this update? Anything in particular? Or have you decided to keep your expectations low and not get disappointed?!
    It can be anything ranging from tease on Expansions to bug fixes.
    As for the next gen versions,
    How much do you think Cyberpunk will visually change on the newer consoles? What raytracing features are you expecting for it and what resolutions+fps do you think the update would come with?
    What are your thoughts on the first expansion? What part of the story is it gonna take on?
    Will this update be the one to get you back into the game?! Let us know your thoughts!!
    As for me I'm looking forward to more stability fixes, major-minor bug fixes first along with tweaks to the UI for more QoL improvements and then move on to the meaty expansions(if there's any scheduled with this update). Regardless of what it is, I'm hoping for a good year for Cyberpunk 2077 starting with this update!

    Whether its negative or positive, just share what you want the most out of Cyberpunk this year, beginning with the upcoming update!

    Judy thinking about what the update is gonna bring-Shot by me

    submitted by /u/Hary1495
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    Blade runner 2049 vibes

    Posted: 06 Feb 2022 10:38 PM PST

    Night City Police

    Posted: 06 Feb 2022 05:14 PM PST

    I'm concerned that the Cyberpunk 2077 community is forgetting what the game was supposed to be.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2022 10:36 PM PST

    Before I go into it. I have 250 hours in this game. I have a deep love for this game and it's style. I even upgraded my PC just to run this game smoothly back when it came out. I've played through multiple times and come back every now and again just to drive around.

    I think we spent so much time angry at the bugs that we forgot the game that was promised. Perhaps it's just me, but this game was marketed to be almost like Mount and Blade minus the massive battles. Where you could integrate into factions and do different missions that affected the relationships you had with a gang's constituents. When the 45 min gameplay came out, you sat with Dexter Deshawn's and thought "this is just one of the many interactions you'll have with him and any other gang leader and all of them have their own wants and interests who could decide to stab you in the back or support you.

    It was the game that was supposed to be the connection between fun, enthralling gameplay and complex interactive story telling. Fallout's interactive quest design, but without the trade off of gameplay.

    These trade offs exist for a reason, it's not easy to make a game at all. But as this new patch rolls out, I see the leaks, and I see people generally happy from all the bug fixes, all of which is great. I just see CDPR taking the "static" route for side quests where nothing is truly interactive. It won't ever be what was advertised and that really hurts. I hope there are others that feel the same way.

    EDIT: removing the part where I discussed Jackie's storyline having multiple endings and having companions. Both were never brought up.

    submitted by /u/TeodrosKing
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    NPC’s preparing for the coming of V

    Posted: 07 Feb 2022 12:59 AM PST

    Destruction in this place very satisfying, Shame it's only place with destructible wall.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2022 07:41 AM PST

    Harriet "The Hobo" Houdini Uses Unisex Urinal...

    Posted: 07 Feb 2022 01:55 AM PST

    Some judy + V pics from her infinite resting point!

    Posted: 07 Feb 2022 05:19 AM PST

    My captures from 6 different V

    Posted: 06 Feb 2022 09:33 AM PST

    Cyberpunk 2077 - is MUCH better than i thought

    Posted: 07 Feb 2022 06:14 AM PST

    This post is just a somewhat love letter and recognition of what the game is, it blowned my mind of how good and well made its, behind all the lies CDPR told and all the bugs the game has ofc.

    Im going to be honest, i havent finished the game off, im still at ~20h doing side quests and having fun, but i cant help myself to praise the game.

    First thing first, when the game was announced being a FPS open world RPG, i didnt care too much about it, but the only way i could be interested was if the game followed the fallout formula, yeah im one of those, but when the devs said that you couldnt join any factions, i already knew what was going to happen, just linear storytelling and no player driven choices at all.

    I had almost zero to no knowledge about the game mechanics or story surround it, outside of bugs LOL, i didnt even know that hacking was a thing

    So i saw the game a few days ago super cheap on Epic, so i thought "oh, right, this wreak of a game exists". Them i was searching a bit and saw that the game had stealth, like i said i didnt know a thing about the game mechanics, and said "ok, lets try it out, at worse im doing my skyrim stealth character".

    Okay, with the introduction set and showing how i forgot the game existed and knew nothing about it, so i had no positive bias, actually i was ready to dislike the game, but i wanted to give it a try.

    Starting off with the world design, i kinda like the cyberpunk vipe, like some alien civilization vibe of robots, humans and stuff like that, so i had a few expectations. And i have to say, they blew my expectations out of the water, the city is so well made, its makes me immerse into the characters shoes, every building, corner and alley is so well made, its incredible, its really the highest point the game has, no doubt about that.

    Well, what about the characters? First off, i really like Jackie , everyone does, but when things happened, i expected the game to go shit with new characters, like some do, but i was so so wrong, every new major npc was a breath of fresh air to the game story, like Silverhand, Takamura, Panam and others, with their believable motivations and goals, adding more and more for the world building and lore, making the game feel alive, really great.

    Since i talked about the NPCs, its only fair to go about the story now. The game so far has presented a great story, cant talk much more than that i guess, im liking it so far, even tho its looks linear, the choices i was presented made me appreciate it more than i initially thought, especially when killing backstabbing factions are an option, it was above of what expected from a linear storytelling.

    The quests, if i had to point out why Cyberpunk is awesome, i would have to include the quests, almost every single side quest and main quests i can do stealth or guns blazing and i appreciate that ALOT, especially when i find out that i can do the quest multiples ways, like the Maelstrom robot heist thingy, many quests stood out for me and reminded me about fallout. Plus i always find myself looking for side missions to complete along the way, thats how you know that the game questing is well done.

    The gameplay, holy moly, like i said, if i can create a stealth character, i dont care too much about the gameplay, but i got more than i expected, again, the game provides so many ways to go around combat, like hacking is such a great addition, i find myself hacking everything single npc or robot to find new ways to complete encounters. The gun combat is kinda below average, sure, but its satisfying enough, so it get a pass.

    But like always, nothing can be perfect, and cyberpunk is not an expection.

    The driving, its bad, horrible, its like youre driving a brick, but its only half of the brick, its bad ok, i think GTA -10 had better driving, but you have a bunch of fast travel so u dont need to do it too much, and i like to drive 1st person to see the train wreck personally, 3rd person is playable just fine tho, dont expect any NFS or racing game here.

    The bugs, okay okay, we all know that the game is buggy, but so far i "only" had to quick load twice, a few visual bugs and inventory bugs, but nothing major, but still the game has its fair share of bugs and you should be aware of that.

    The aiming, i dunno how made the scopes or the aiming for this game, but they should be fired, haha. But seriously, why they made the scope aim so bad, if the enemy is close to any big light source or its super bright, just forget about the scope, you cant see shit cuz they made the scope aim bright WHY.

    Guess thats it, there is so much to talk about, but i think i made my point, you can see the love the devs had when making the game, not some cash grab game, but yeah, it could have been so much more, oh well.

    This post is huge, but i had to say something about this game, to help out anyone like me - that didnt care or was in the fence about it. And since its so big, hopefully i left some misspelling omegalul.

    TLDR: Game is great, bought it cheap, bye bye.

    submitted by /u/nabilfares
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    Some pics from my first playthrough

    Posted: 06 Feb 2022 10:09 PM PST

    70% of my play time is being stuck in an endless loop

    Posted: 06 Feb 2022 09:47 PM PST

    Kerry Eurodyne when meeting Us crack

    Posted: 06 Feb 2022 10:02 PM PST

    Does anyone else feel like the "dream on " side quest was just painfully anticlimactic? This insidious plot having you run around dealing with NC's political elite just to have your only option in the end be to say you can't help! With no follow up at all!

    Posted: 07 Feb 2022 01:44 AM PST

    Just seems like a bigger deal with a lot of potential to just end abruptly like that with no option for closure or anything, let alone the serious magnitude that some mysterious entity being able to alter prominent political families and blackmail me/cause me to black out the best netrunner AND edgerunner in NC without me able to anything in response

    submitted by /u/Lesbianseagullman
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    I was bored doing a tailing mission, so I decide to finish early lol, following with regret as I go back to V's crib

    Posted: 07 Feb 2022 01:42 AM PST

    Environment art and lighting by Hungarian studio Treehouse Ninjas

    Posted: 07 Feb 2022 05:08 AM PST

    I'm worried about the true endgame: FASHION

    Posted: 07 Feb 2022 05:59 AM PST

    Just started my first playthrough and i'm not quite sure yet how leveling gear works. Can i actually level up any piece of clothing that i like so it will be useful in the late game?

    I currently look like a cyberhobo.

    submitted by /u/emodernist
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    Panam was so impressed she gave me a little dab

    Posted: 06 Feb 2022 11:19 AM PST

    When you become so good at hacking, you start summoning vehicles from the skies.

    Posted: 07 Feb 2022 04:36 AM PST

    It can't rain all the time

    Posted: 07 Feb 2022 03:04 AM PST

    Been using this bad boy for a while and lemme tell ya my butt is happy. #secretlab

    Posted: 06 Feb 2022 06:46 PM PST

    Suggestion - Walking toggle

    Posted: 07 Feb 2022 01:52 AM PST

    A toggle to allow V to walk at the same pace as other story characters, and please adjust V's pace during curated scenes to be the same as the character they are walking with. This could greatly improve immersion during story moments.

    submitted by /u/JusDax
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    Pictures I hope you enjoy

    Posted: 06 Feb 2022 04:59 PM PST

    Everything that needs to change - my thoughts after several-hundred-hours play

    Posted: 06 Feb 2022 09:27 AM PST

    I feel bad for the people who took the time to make this game look as amazing as it does. On a good enough PC, Night City is an incredibly beautiful world. It's too bad the other elements largely squander it.

    I might address the game's writing in another post, but for now, I'd like to focus on what I think would fix the game in terms of immersion and replayability. Here are my suggestions (for what they're worth):

    Street Cred

    As it stands, this is an essentially useless aspect of the game beyond locking you out of certain purchases. It has no impact on your interactions or in-world experiences. The features I'd add would include:

    • A street cred score unique to each gang. Doing gigs for a gang's fixer Completing gigs that benefit the gang increases your cred and leads to further gigs, while completing NCPD hustles involving their members diminishes your cred. Maxing out your cred with a gang unlocks a different ending.
    • "In a city where looks are everything..." Give clothing street-cred stats and tie gang-themed items to gang affiliation. E.g. achieving a certain cred score with the Valentinos gives you access to the Valentinos pozer jacket, further increasing your cred score and unlocking that gang's final gigs. Wearing said jacket around Tyger Claws, however, might get you attacked, and the resulting altercation would lower your cred with the Tyger Claws.
    • The NCPD itself should function like another gang; completing hustles levels up your NCPD cred. Past a certain level, you can choose to either join Regina Jones in peacably subduing cyberpsychos, or join MaxTac, unlocking exclusive missions and weapons but permanently locking you out of gang-related gigs.


    • Make better use of vertical space. Currently, almost all the missions, vendors and characters in Night City are located at ground-level, while being surrounded by incredible soaring towers. This makes the gameworld feel like mere window-dressing rather than something alive and three-dimensional.
    • Increase vendor density. For a bustling metropolis, there are very few shops. If density can't be increased, at least set the shops in interesting locales. Some of the architecture is amazing, but nearly all the shops are housed in featureless shacks.
    • More interior spaces. Not a single mall in any of those skyscrapers? I don't buy it.

    Character aesthetics

    Instead of locking in your character's looks at the beginning of the game, this would be affected by how you enhance your character. A few examples:

    • Visible hardware for cyberware items (other than the forearm enhancements). E.g. each cerebral cortex implant would leave more exposed metal components on your head or face.
    • Increased muscle-tone according to character strength
    • Scars for major enhancements (e.g. reinforced bones, subdermal armour etc.)
    • Hair cuts, obviously.

    This would make a huge difference, IMO. A huge part of cyberpunk is the price you pay for the advantages of high technology. Seeing your character gradually change, becoming less outwardly human, would not only be super cool, but reinforce the setting and themes.


    • Self-driving function for cars you own. Would be even better if you could open your character menu while this happens in real time.
    • You should be able to purchase an EV in the late game and have it fly you to anywhere on the map.
    • Give vehicles armour stats, armour gauge, street-cred ratings.
    • Fix the steering for the love of God fix it


    • Judy's braindance tutorial should be skippable
    • Clothes should be able to be previewed before purchase
    • Netrunners should need to be eliminated before a network can be hacked
    • Why does my hypercar running on CHOO2 superfuel sound like a sportscar from 2020? The sound effects for vehicles and weapons need major re-tuning to make them less generic.
    • Less radios, more variety. Why does every gangbanger in NC have ten radios if all they listen to is the same five songs?

    Honestly, a lot of these are no-brainers. Writing aside, the game's biggest overall flaw is that it's not cohesive. It has a lot of separate elements, but they're all so lacking in polish and interoperability that 2077 feels like less than the sum of its parts. And that's a damn shame, because I really enjoy the core gameplay and aggressively Gibsonian setting.

    Anyway, reddit has my list now so I'm sure CDPR will get right on it.

    submitted by /u/35jbh5erf
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    The atmosphere with the traffic & crowd density mod is absolutely stunning

    Posted: 05 Feb 2022 12:57 PM PST

    i smell a forged police statement coming up

    Posted: 06 Feb 2022 01:10 PM PST

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