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    Sunday, December 12, 2021

    Cyberpunk 2077 When V has a level 20 body and is a fighter, he makes a car Suplex

    Cyberpunk 2077 When V has a level 20 body and is a fighter, he makes a car Suplex

    When V has a level 20 body and is a fighter, he makes a car Suplex

    Posted: 12 Dec 2021 03:48 AM PST

    Here's my Arasaka Tamayura (Unique Human Revolution Variant)

    Posted: 12 Dec 2021 03:59 AM PST

    I would like to have mods for cars. Here is an example:

    Posted: 12 Dec 2021 05:31 AM PST

    Curb your NFT - Keanu Reeves Edition

    Posted: 12 Dec 2021 02:50 AM PST

    Further Down the Spiral

    Posted: 12 Dec 2021 05:23 AM PST

    Can we leave this behind in 1.5 please? just completely remove the option for NPC's to crouch in fear...PLEASE.

    Posted: 12 Dec 2021 05:02 AM PST

    I finished the game. 60 Hours. I feel empty inside.

    Posted: 12 Dec 2021 04:38 AM PST

    (Spoilers ahead)(Also this post is kinda dark) I think I got a somewhat feel good ending not only for V but for some of the other characters. Johnny went with Alt. I went with Panam. I just feel like I finished reading an incredibly immersive thought provoking book filled with great characters. These are the only thoughts I had when the credits rolled -

    1) Life is short. Do not take the time you have for granted. 2) Digital immortality is an incredibly complex philosophical/technological topic which humanity has to tackle sometime in the 21st/22nd century. 3) Night city may have the best tech, best opportunities and all the money, but it is also very lonely, dangerous and dystopian.

    I want to exercise point 1 in my life and I'd like to thank the game for reminding me of this.

    Point 2 - It's incredible that humanity is at a stage where we can talk about digital immortality and not completely brush it aside as impossible. We're close to thinking about this as a matter of when and not a matter of if. I wish the game explored what digital immortality can mean a bit more deeply.

    Point 3 is depressing since I'm inclined to believe that the real world in 2077 may very well be like Night City.

    Unethical, amoral, greedy, selfish decisions and actions will be normalized in the name of self preservation and advancement. Corporate libertarianism running rampant will allow slavery to survive well into the 22nd century :/. The divide between the rich and poor will only increase. I'm not sure we'll ever be ready to face the breaking point of society.

    When everyone has more power at their fingertips (increased surveillance, mobility, communication), they can impact other people and the world much faster for good and for bad. However, we usually see how a single bad action can completely ruin lives. I feel like this has always been true but with advanced tech, it'll be even more easy for people to mess up and be branded for their mess ups. You say something controversial today or share something personal about yourself and this gets used against you some time down the line. Maybe you're prevented from entering a country or you're not allowed some position or a job. It's already pretty easy for someone with the correct skill set and intent to ruin someone's life (we're talking anything from minor monetary loss to suicide). I'm guessing it'll be easier in 2077. This is the part that's scary.

    V actually caused a lot of deaths in his quest to live. (He also only added 6 months more to his lifespan). Imagine V as a side character in Night City for a moment. And imagine you were going along with him on his journey. Would you stop him at some point? Or would you be ok with everything he does?

    I think I need to stay away from this game for a few days before jumping back into it for my second playthrough. I cannot get enough of Night City and the lore and futuristic concepts. I really wish our choices and actions throughout the game felt a bit more impactful but it's ok. The gameplay, combat, music, characters, immersion, art and story are strong enough to more than carry the game. Thank you developers (if you're reading this) for putting your heart into the game. I could feel your passion.

    A big FU to the CDPR management who rushed the game. You had a chance to create something era defining, given how we're probably heading to a dystopian cyberpunk world. Cyberpunk 2077 is a great game but it could have been a historic one.

    submitted by /u/Refqka
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    Male v or female v who did it better?

    Posted: 12 Dec 2021 05:25 AM PST

    Personally I think female v is better in most games I prefer male characters but female v's voice acting makes her seem more badass

    submitted by /u/Tough_Sure
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    Posted: 12 Dec 2021 05:42 AM PST

    If there's one thing I miss about this game...

    Posted: 12 Dec 2021 01:55 AM PST

    It's the open-world side activities, and the amount of varied ways you can tackle them. My favorite thing to do was start out clearing an area in a stealthy way, then if I get caught, guns blazing. Both aspects of gameplay were equally fun, I never felt the need to reroll a checkpoint like a stealth perfectionist would, because so many facets of the game were so fun.

    Probably still are fun to me. I just don't feel like starting the game up again - yet. I want to start over when an expansion comes out, because the #1 flaw that I always felt playing the game, my intuition always told me, it's just lacking...things. It's just not a fleshed out game.

    submitted by /u/A_Very_Horny_Zed
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