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    Thursday, December 23, 2021

    Cyberpunk 2077 Weekly Discussion: Respectful Discourse and Community Guidelines

    Cyberpunk 2077 Weekly Discussion: Respectful Discourse and Community Guidelines

    Weekly Discussion: Respectful Discourse and Community Guidelines

    Posted: 22 Dec 2021 11:10 AM PST

    Hi there, Chooms.

    Usually the Weekly Discussions are spearheaded by our lead moderator, u/Tabnam, but this week I had a discussion topic that I felt was relevant to the discourse this week regarding the developers.

    To quickly introduce myself, I am u/DefNotAShark. I've been a moderator here since early this year, I play Cyberpunk on PC (thank you based modders), I adore the Marvel Cinematic Universe, I have 1k hours on Rocket League and I still suck, and I recently discovered that flan is my new favorite dessert.

    With introductions out of the way, what I want to talk about and discuss openly with you all this week are the community guidelines we set forth in regards to how community members are expected to interact with one another and how these rules are applied to non-community members, like Cyberpunk developer Paweł Sasko. Technically, he is a community member lurking about somewhere, but we will be discussing him in the context of being a public figure.

    First and foremost, disrespecting any community member on this subreddit, for any reason at all, is unnecessary. It's a video game. That's all we're talking about at the end of the day. It is a game that means a lot to this community obviously, in a lot of varied and passionate ways that I greatly respect and appreciate; but what I don't want lost in the commotion and controversy surrounding Cyberpunk 2077 is that we are all just human beings talking to each other about a video game. No matter how big it seems in the heat of discussion, that is how small it is.

    Earlier this year we set our sights on combatting toxicity as a moderation team. We set guidelines that toxicity directed at fellow community participants, for any reason at all - bar none, would result in a temporary ban. I wanted to remind you that these guidelines are still in place and we take them seriously. It will never be acceptable in this community to treat someone else disrespectfully, regardless of their opinion on the game or whether you think their points make any sense. I know it can sometimes be frustrating to see someone trashing a thing you love, or adoring a thing you hate, but it is important to remember the impact your contributions have on the community. I'm sure you have all seen the comment threads here where disrespectful discourse is left unchecked, and how quickly it devolves into something ugly and unwelcome.

    You can express any opinion about the game that you desire on this subreddit. We ask that you do so respectfully. I am confident you can express your appreciation, disgust, defenses and contempt for a video game without resorting to bickering, insults, homophobia or- unbelievably- death threats. If someone else breaks the rules and disrespects you or someone else, use the report feature to bring it to our attention. If you engage them in kind, we unfortunately then have to apply the guidelines to you as well. The policy is zero tolerance on toxicity, and zero means zero. Whether you love the game or hate it, these guidelines apply to everyone- because the guidelines are there to protect everyone from having to wade through ugly and disgusting bickering in order to discuss Cyberpunk.

    Breifly, we have received a lot of reports surrounding comments directed at Paweł Sasko. I wanted to clarify that public figures are open to a different kind of criticism than community members, and it does not necessarily have to be as respectful. If Paweł comes forward as a Reddit user, that is a different story; but in the meantime, he is open to any kind of criticism that doesn't openly violate other guidelines (ie; witchhunting, death threats, homophobia, extreme vulgarity). Responses in his defense (directed at users), however, are subject to the guidelines above and it is your responsibility to defend your opinions as respectfully as you present them.

    As always, the floor is completely open to discuss any of the above with the moderation team and with each other.

    submitted by /u/DefNotAShark
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    Probably the coolest thing I've done in my 500+ hours with this game.

    Posted: 22 Dec 2021 09:51 AM PST

    hey i actually enjoy-

    Posted: 22 Dec 2021 07:10 AM PST

    One of these 2 games has driving AI.

    Posted: 22 Dec 2021 12:33 AM PST

    Dodge This

    Posted: 22 Dec 2021 04:40 PM PST

    My best crash landing yet.

    Posted: 22 Dec 2021 05:14 PM PST

    In the drama of Police Chases...am I the only one that would rather they focus on LITERALLY anything else? Cyberspace, Car Weapon Mods, etc. etc...if you want to get chased by police you can do that in any franchise. They should do something that ONLY Cyberpunk 2077 can do. I don't need GTA 2077.

    Posted: 22 Dec 2021 01:50 AM PST

    Like, functionally speaking...ya'll are asking for a feature you've logistically experienced a dozen or more times now (for me at least a 2 dozen games...minimum)...over and over again...WHAT would make it extra special to see police cars chase you and you shoot back SO much more special in 2077 than in Los Santos in 2010? That the bullets auto-track? Like come on.

    Specifically...WHO GIVES A FUCK ABOUT POLICE CHASES? Police resistance in gaming is so overdone I legit roll my eyes when it happens in a Rockstar game...over and over and over and over as the only form of resistance in a game that could do it so many other ways.

    Car chases for what? Because we don't have car combat, we don't have car customization, we don't have car races that are anything but a vehicle for telling a story about revenge, we can't steal cars nor does it matter because there is so little car content...and ya'll what? Want a different game about cars instead of this cyberpunk game? Do you want a Cyberpunk car racing game?

    Like sure, maybe wraiths have those miniturrets like in Panams truck and they can use it on us in quests in the Badlands...that's be a neat different enemy type....but just some police shooting out the window cuz we did a petty crime or blew up a marketplace for no reason? Nah. I don't care. At all. This game legit gives you no reason for that to be something you do or police to be the response.

    I get there is drama around it, but ALL this drama is doing is seemingly an attempt to push them to develop Chase AI...in a game that has lots of traffic, lots of the map isn't accessible by road, most of the playspaces aren't near a road, it'd be easier to get away from cops by not even getting in a car because of the map design...like...I'm just so confused why THIS issue is in such high demand that ya'll are literally trying to push a campaign to get it added? Every time it recirculates it is just spammed and the narrative that "every game ever has really good police AI" gets spoonfed as if it's even true.

    Sure, if they dedicated an expansion of content to give me a reason to interact with chase AI...sure: I love good racing and death racing and ambushes and what not...but as it stands, there are like a handful of reasons for it to be in the game and most are inconsequential to the plot. The sheer volume of content required to justify vehicle combat is massive...way more than just "get police to chase my car". It's HUGE, and ya'll gloss over that. Basically a whole ass other gameplay set of experiences just for vehicle fights that are anything but just a copy of GTA's shoot and drive.

    Sure...give me a mad max expansion with all kinds of vehicle content...but for the base game it barely factors into what I want to build out the game they have now.

    I just don't understand gamers. Ya'll don't make any sense. You want something novel yet it also has to be everything you've ever played as well. Then y'all get angry when that game can't play on a ps4. Have ya'll played RDR2? Getting chased by Marshalls is fuckin boring and the worst part about the game, they just teleport outside of your view like this game...only on horseback, you go fast, they go away...maybe shoot one. Have ya'll played Watch Dogs? Getting chased by cops...is boring...they just spawn outside your view...and eventually you lose them. The worst thing about GTAV is that literally EVERY mission probably ends in yet another cop car chase, you get away, you drive over a field, and then hide and get away.

    Why do you guys need them to waste time on such an empty feature? Like...cops? Really? You wanna get chased for oops'ing a civie? I do not understand the massive obsession around this feature because it is legit the same feature that has me bored of every open world game. No interesting world layouts, factions, or enemies...just "do mission, get cops, drive away...repeat"

    You cannot commit real robust crime in this game in the open world...and they'd have to add so much shit to give you a reason to do so that I don't see why we need YET ANOTHER crime simulator when we have LISTS of GTA Clones that ya'll bring up for evidence for why this ROLE PLAYING GAME...needs to be like GTA in its fundamental structure as well.

    I'd rather get any number of far more "genre specific" features than yet another GTA feature that I've seen in every GTA clone.


    Sure they should add more shit but a robust police system is at the bottom of my wishlist for a CYBERPUNK videogame. I'll go log into GTA and be bored there playing a 2010 game with boring combat and basic level design...but at least it has car chases...right...right? Cuz what we want is yet another GTA Clone? Right?

    Edit: thanks for the feedback y'all! Just wanna make a note that this isn't some "CDPR doesn't need to change the game at all" defense or w/e y'all need it to be to be mad at me. I just know you can only pack so much into a single game and if police AI is something that would take up that space I'd rather pretty much any other feature take up dev time. Just because GTA and its clones was a trend a decade ago doesn't mean we have to keep making that game just to make any other game around it.

    Edit:. Guys...the car mods thing was just an example. I'm just giving examples of literally anything else. BDs, mad max expansion, Pacifica, character customization and more battle mods, better pedestrian AI, more world interactivity, more cyberspace features, more complicated hacking functions, better combat ai and more enemy types...all this shit would improve this game in much more novel ways. You don't need to be rewarded for being a murderhobo just because you can.

    submitted by /u/magvadis
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    Current state of Cyberpunk 2077 in a Nutshell

    Posted: 22 Dec 2021 04:13 AM PST

    This game is so rewarding for those who look carefully

    Posted: 22 Dec 2021 02:26 AM PST

    Finished the game for the first time and… despite many shortcomings, I liked it.

    Posted: 22 Dec 2021 03:53 PM PST

    Got this game at 50% discount and for 25 bucks I believed it was worth a try. I was right. Yeah, you can see they cut many corners, some bugs are hilarious, and there's just a lot of game mechanics that are just a shell with very little depth, difficulty is wonky AF since even at max difficulty I basically just 2 shotted the last boss… (Johnny Silverhand sends his regards motherf...) BUT… I fell in love with the world, and the characters and the story. Ended up pouring 100h exploring most things and yeah, could have been much more, SHOULD have been much more but still…

    I love/hate bittersweet endings and from a Nomad origin, ending up with Panam and Judy roaming the Badlands felt just RIGHT in the end. Like going back home. Fuck NC. Yeah, people died, but I felt family was what my V wanted most, more than riches or power or the empty promises of NC. Family, the one you get or the one you make for yourself, is what it should all be about. What's the point of anything otherwise? I'm sorry for Johnny, but he seemed ok with the idea of merging with Alt. Misty card reading also sounded a little encouraging, maybe they can find a way to prolong V's life. One can hope. But if 6 months it's all I have to live, I want to live them surrounded by the people I love, and I'm glad that my V got that in the end.

    Also, I was gleeing as Alt started quoting "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" in the end, since it's my favorite English poem.

    Definitely worth 25 bucks.

    submitted by /u/Noktaj
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    No hate, but we NEED an actual roadmap (and planned features)

    Posted: 22 Dec 2021 06:49 AM PST

    I won't pretend I love the game. Like everyone, I've been really disappointed. But, I want to love this game. The feel of the world and its design, the stories and characters all have enough of a core to still transform Cyberpunk into something phenomenal.

    But I want to stop holding my breath for a game that might never exist. Am I the only one who feels the future of the game is still so clouded in mystery? Patch 1.5 coming 2022 is not a roadmap.

    I'd love to see the dev team come out with a list of features and changes they are actively going to pursue for the game and also be open about the ones they are not (I know the recent police chase has kicked up a storm). At least that way we'd know if we should keep waiting for the game or just move on with our lives.

    submitted by /u/Hot-Lie8541
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    Posted: 22 Dec 2021 03:03 PM PST

    Let's show Paweł Sasko some support. Let's prove that this subreddit isn't just a place full of haters.

    Posted: 21 Dec 2021 10:43 AM PST

    Ooga ooga wanga wanga

    Posted: 22 Dec 2021 09:00 AM PST

    Photos of the city

    Posted: 22 Dec 2021 06:39 PM PST

    A few mods and my V looks cool

    Posted: 22 Dec 2021 11:51 PM PST

    V told you to stop.

    Posted: 22 Dec 2021 06:53 PM PST

    Opening Title but it's Red Birb

    Posted: 22 Dec 2021 05:49 AM PST

    Cool Blues and Quick Quadras. Streetkids Stay in Style

    Posted: 22 Dec 2021 10:35 AM PST

    Don't drive into people !

    Posted: 22 Dec 2021 04:10 PM PST

    Netrunning sniper V stalks her prey through the city

    Posted: 22 Dec 2021 08:23 AM PST

    Few screenshots

    Posted: 22 Dec 2021 09:51 AM PST

    Is there a code for Adam smasher door?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2021 09:51 PM PST

    I'm not able to use the door till after the game is over but by then I've done everything. So what was the point? New game plus mode would be nice.

    submitted by /u/bleedinghero
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    The 911 just looks so right in Night City

    Posted: 22 Dec 2021 01:48 AM PST

    Did you know, you can find pet cat and keep it? Her name is Nibbles. Such a cool detail

    Posted: 22 Dec 2021 05:51 AM PST

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