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    Thursday, December 9, 2021

    Cyberpunk 2077 Weekly discussion: Do you want to give someone Eddies? Well now you can!

    Cyberpunk 2077 Weekly discussion: Do you want to give someone Eddies? Well now you can!

    Weekly discussion: Do you want to give someone Eddies? Well now you can!

    Posted: 07 Dec 2021 07:51 AM PST

    Recently, one of you fantastic chooms by the name of u/charismapher, messaged us with an amazing idea. They suggested we add an Eddies award to the community. We immediately started working on it because it's a brilliant idea. I passed the idea off to our talented artist u/Hary1495 and he had something ready within hours.

    So now you can give money to Reddit, in order to buy Eddies, to give as an award to someone in this community. It doesn't give them anything (I think, maybe there are some Reddit coins involved), but it shows you care. What better way is there to show your love of a dystopian game then throwing money at a giant corporation and getting nothing in return?

    I'll also take this opportunity to announce the 'Breathtaking' award. It's an award the mod team can give out to posts we find particularly awesome. I'm sure this will lead to accusations of mod favouritism and will cause a lot of drama, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there.

    How have you all been? Is there anything you'd like to bring up? This is also your thread to air out any grievances, offer any suggestions, or just generally chat with the mod team. I hope you've been doing well, and I promise to never give my own posts a 'breathtaking' award maybe

    submitted by /u/Tabnam
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    Wow, damn detailed reference

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 04:20 AM PST

    CD Projekt has entered settlement talks with investors who sued over its botched Cyberpunk launch

    Posted: 08 Dec 2021 05:11 PM PST


    Following three delays, the highly anticipated RPG released in December 2020 with a host of technical problems, resulting in refunds being offered, the title being pulled from the PlayStation Store and CD Projekt shares tumbling.

    Following the botched launch, a number of CD Projekt shareholders in the US filed class action lawsuits accusing the company of violating federal laws by misleading investors over the quality of Cyberpunk 2077, causing them to incur damages.

    In May, CD Projekt confirmed that four class action lawsuits filed in the US had been consolidated and that a lead plaintiff had been appointed ahead of potential common court proceedings. But in a regulatory update on Wednesday, CD Projekt said it had been informed by its law firm that the US District Court for the Central District of California "had suspended proceedings concerning the motion to dismiss due to the parties having entered into negotiations concerning a potential settlement".

    The filing continued: "Should a consensus be reached with regard to the conditions of the potential settlement, the parties will file for its approval by the Court. "The decision on whether to approve the settlement and permit its implementation shall be issued by the Court once certain additional formal conditions are satisfied. "It should also be noted that entering into negotiations concerning a potential settlement should in no way be construed as acceptance by the Company or members of its Management Board of any allegations expressed in the plaintiffs' court filings."

    CD Projekt believes Cyberpunk 'will be considered a very good game in the long run'

    In June, CD Projekt said it believed Cyberpunk 2077's performance had reached a "satisfying" level, following six months of patches designed to improve the game. The company recently delayed the PS5 and Xbox Series X/S versions of Cyberpunk 2077 from this year to the first quarter of 2022. When they're released, they will be available as a free next-gen upgrade for players who own the current-gen editions.

    CD Projekt president Adam Kiciński discussed the latest Cyberpunk 2077 delay in a November interview with Polish economic newspaper Rzeczpospolita. "The decision to postpone the next-gen version of Cyberpunk was a difficult one, but we are confident that it was the right one, especially since it was clearly recommended by our development team," he said. "We need the extra time to fine-tune the visuals and performance of the game to be as high quality as possible throughout the game."

    submitted by /u/RogueTacoArt
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    Cyberpunk 2077 Devs Say The Jackie Montage Wasn't Made Up Of Cut Content

    Posted: 08 Dec 2021 07:48 AM PST

    Any ability to ride the city as a passenger? Maybe a taxi? Just looking, doing nothing

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 03:57 AM PST

    Story DLC Proposal: The intro montage

    Posted: 08 Dec 2021 09:41 PM PST

    Now just hear me out. I know the news about the intro not being cut content has been making the rounds lately, and that's what made me think about this.

    No, I'm not suggesting they should make those few months playable, at least, not in the way you're thinking. While I might not like the fact that it was skipped over, I understand the reason that they wanted to tell a story about V and Johnny, not V and Jackie. It was a creative decision for the sake of the pacing of the game. Again, while I don't like it, I understand it.

    So I'm not suggesting we play those few months right away. Instead, consider the following.

    The DLC starts as a conversation. Between V and their LI, or with Johnny if you didn't romance anyone. V's feeling nostalgic, what with the whole terminal head injury thing. Wants to share the story of how they started their journey with someone important to them.

    They start telling the story, and it cuts to a flashback, picking up right where the life path ended, and playing out the events of the montage. However, your LI or Johnny occasionally interject with commentary. V isn't depowered for the purposes of this flashback gameplay. You have all your skills, weapons, etc... for the duration. This leads to some of that commentary. The first combat encounter begins, you pull out your gun, LI/Johnny comments "Wait wait, that's the iron you have strapped right now. You really expect me to believe you're still packing the same piece?" and V responds "Hey, it's my story. I'm taking a few... creative liberties. Keeps it interesting."

    submitted by /u/Lwmons
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    Why is this a frequently asked question???

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 05:26 AM PST

    So glad that I bought this game when it was on sale last week, I’m having so much fun also it’s so satisfying head shotting enemies through walls

    Posted: 08 Dec 2021 07:05 PM PST

    I hope ya'll arn't bored with photomode screenshots yet. Here are some of my favorates

    Posted: 08 Dec 2021 03:22 AM PST

    It's rainy out here.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 06:12 AM PST

    Hey, what do you want?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2021 10:32 PM PST

    Cyberpunk 2077 One Year Later | Cyberpunk 2077 Gameplay Part 2 | Meeting Judy Alvarez and Evelyn Parker

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 05:28 AM PST

    Welcome To The Internet!

    Posted: 08 Dec 2021 10:20 AM PST

    I thought I’d hop off, try to be a hero. What I got was so much worse…

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 08:07 AM PST

    well this is awkward..

    Posted: 08 Dec 2021 10:18 PM PST

    Today I went out to eat something, I "borrowed" a police car (sorry ��) and ended the day enjoying a beautiful landscape

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 02:55 AM PST

    50% off Steam sale

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 04:25 AM PST

    Cyberpunk is half off on Steam right now. I've already basically had my fill of this game on my Series X but, nonetheless, the game could be fun to play at times. I'm really only a casual PC gamer and have my gaming PC only to play games that I know will not come to consoles. Anyway, my question is, I understand Cyberpunk supports modding and I'd like to know how difficult it is to install a mod and where do I go to find them? Also, what's the worst that could happen if I screw it up? I do know my way around Nexus but I'm not sure where to go from there. Also, PC gamers, do you have any recommendations for "must have" mods for this game?

    submitted by /u/JasonRocco77
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    How you should be playing cyberpunk 2077

    Posted: 07 Dec 2021 05:02 PM PST

    Been working on an animated short for a while, here's a snippet of it

    Posted: 08 Dec 2021 01:35 PM PST

    Took me 30 minutes to get up here but the view was worth it.

    Posted: 08 Dec 2021 03:02 PM PST

    Another viewpoint on the montage being unplayable coming from the point of someone who worked on story in studios.

    Posted: 08 Dec 2021 07:41 PM PST

    Link to the original thread here: https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/rbu6by/cyberpunk_2077_devs_say_the_jackie_montage_wasnt/

    As someone who worked on story in studio previously, I'm quite appalled and bewildered about the reaction towards the montage being unplayable. Looking at the reasons given towards "the montage should be playable!", it would seem that all game companies should change montages in their game to playable content.

    Let's look at the common reasons given for why the montage should be playable:| 1: I want to do fun stuff with Jackie/Build relationship with Jackie so what happens later become more impactful 2: Lack of narrative design because it make the background you choose become irrevelant (https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/rbu6by/cyberpunk_2077_devs_say_the_jackie_montage_wasnt/hnqmn0o/)

    If there is more comment and I'll add it in.

    There is always a need of a hook in story. The hook is introduced EARLY. It makes no sense if half of the movie or game is just you hanging around with the person that is shown to be dead in the trailer.

    Tension is needed and has always been there. The lack of tension would be the one that calls it out as a BAD story. There are always exceptions to the rule and Cyberpunk is not one of those exceptions. Something MUST be happening in the overall story arc. It should push the plot further or achieve certain subplots or develop characters for the future.

    The question now is, how much time is needed to develop Jackie? This is good enough. (of course that's subjective, but generally? Yeah it's good enough.)

    There are a few ways this could go. 1: Instead of a montage, play through the entire sequence 2: Half a montage, do the quest with Jackie and the switch back to montage at a certain point. 3: Do a montage.

    Looking at number 1, which most are clamoring for, is it feasible? The main bulk of the game after Jackie's death took place over 2 months. (https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Timeline) So, we have 6 months with Jackie, then 2 months of gameplay about the relic. That's like only finding out about the ring in "The Return of the King"... Seeing this, it seems MIGHTY obvious that option 1 is not possible at all. You are asking even more development time into something that doesn't push the story in anymore way. The reason of wanting to build relationship with Jackie so it will be more impactful later doesn't make sense because his death is not the main point of the story! If the entire story is hanging on the crux of Jackie's death then yeah, build it more. But it was an element to push the actual story forward.

    Furthermore, one of the complains about Witcher 3 is that it is too long. (https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2020-09-20-cyberpunk-2077-will-be-slightly-shorter-than-the-witcher-3-because-players-complained-the-witcher-3s-was-too-long) I fully agree on that. Especially the Skellige part of the story. To combat this, (this is my OPINION), it seems that CDPR went for shorter mainstory and more content in the side quest as well as replaybility.

    Okay, so what if we do half a montage? That actually would be the more plausible option. But that leaves, when do we swtich? Here is the rough story beats of the montage.

    • V just got brought down by corps/ just entered night city/ just made friends with Jackie and moved into a new area.
    • Jackie opened up house for V.
    • V and Jackie build up rep.
    • V able to get his own house
    • Introduction and meeting of Dex

    In an ideal scenario, one would be able to play through all of this 6 months sequence with good pacing and also not be disorientated with the pacing of the next 2 months because the next 2 months will need gameplay length LARGER than the first 6 months. But it is not feasible and it is quite unfair to expect that of any game. Unless development time is 10-15 years perhaps. Skyrim took more time and has much lesser choices than Cyberpunk so...

    When is a good time to switch? After the Jackie opened his house? Still too short for you guys. After they build up rep? That, would take too long as it's the bulk of 6 months. You are left with no good place to cut. (and scripted failures will happen a lot in the "montage gameplay". Can't be slaying everything as you enter into Night City.)

    So that's that for the montage.

    For the second point where, "Lack of narrative design because it make the background you choose become irrevelant."

    This is.. just mental. At some point, the story got to converge from the 3 background. At that point is where, "the background you choose become irrevelant." A game with true freedom is no game at all but a simulation. It would need infinite plot because a story should happen where the player is at. Are people expecting to play 3 different games from different background?

    Here are my two-cents. I'm getting tired and might reply to comments and expand on what I said.

    *edit: Also, cut content happens ALL THE TIME. It is like a story thing even. (https://jmfrey.net/2012/03/killing-your-babies/) Killing your babies (meaning segments of story) because it would progress the story better. Cut content happens all the time in games, in films, in a lot of things. Just cause it's cut, doesn't mean it should have been there. Reddit really has to deal with loss adversion... (and CDPR has mentioned soooo many times that things are subjected to being cut.) That'd being said, I do believe that this part was not cut content and always meant to be montage.

    submitted by /u/suehtomit
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    Why don't they add the ability to change your appearance?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 09:55 AM PST

    I mean it's Cyberpunk, endless possibilities for body modification. Yet we're forced to be stuck with the same body throughout the whole game. Okay, body, I understand, but maybe at least give us the option to change haircuts. So far only using headgear I managed to get different haircuts.

    I mean how hard would it be to program a dialog option at a ripperdoc for example, you pay him around 10k or something eddies and you can change your physical appearance.

    submitted by /u/rolleN1337
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    Night City heat �� Let's go burn some corpo shit and clip some Tyger Claws

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 09:48 AM PST

    My thoughts on realistic and purposeful street cred.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 09:07 AM PST

    I just picked the game back up to see how it has updated and I'm utterly frustrated by the street cred system. Not that I think it's a bad mechanic, it just feels unrealistic and breaks my immersion more than the glitches.

    So if anyone is willing to read this and has the modding ability, or knows of something similar, I would be INCREDIBLY interested.

    First, increasing the street cred should come with perks in more realistic ways. I dont't think that your starter NPCs should be capable of giving you what you want or doing what you want them to, instead of just refusing. Then you unlock other, more capable, NPCs after getting to a certain level of cred.

    After the first cut scene, you get a decent amount of eddies, but you have to find a place to live and buy your car. Jackie hooks you up with a crappy apartment broker and you can only go to the cheapest car dealer, or maybe one of his friends sells you their car. I think the opening ripperdoc scene works well as-is and you already having a gun makes sense.

    The first apartment is too nice, IMO. You came to Night City with nothing, and suddenly you have a quite acceptable apartment with an armory? It just doesn't feel right and gives little incentive to upgrade. I 100% expected to have a closet in the back of one of the gambling dens or something. So at first you're only allowed to rent a crappy like 10x15 room with a bed, foot locker for guns, and a wardrobe for clothes. After you hit milestones of street cred other apartments would become available, maybe slots for modded apartments to be added at the different tiers as well.

    Your ripperdock friend wouldn't care about street cred, but you still have those limitations? Instead, make him unskilled and incapable of performing the higher tier services. Unlock the other NPCs by having them message you per milestone offering to do what he(or the previous one as you go forward) can't do.

    Guns would make the most sense with street cred. Having to wait until you're known around town would 100% fit with more gun dealers being willing to sell to you.

    I don't know enough about modding and I couldn't find anything like it already, so maybe I'm being unrealistic on what's possible. I just like most other aspects of the game, and this feels like it would make a lot more sense and enhance the game in a meaningful way.

    submitted by /u/dc010
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    Where’s all the NPCs?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2021 06:04 PM PST

    I decided to start playing again after the patches got released but was immediately turned off from the game just by how empty it was. I drive around and there's literally nobody driving on the road or walking around. If I wanted empty maps, I'd just play Garry's Mod

    submitted by /u/maverick074
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    Cyberpunk 2077: Story Review [SPOILERS]

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 08:58 AM PST

    Greeting, everyone! I finished Cyberpunk a few days ago and a lot of things have been in my mind about it lately. I have a lot of opinions about the game's music, combat, world, etc., but I will be focusing solely on what has left the most impact for me: the story. This is probably not your usual take, and the text I have written is incredibly long (I apologize in advance), but I wanted to share my views nonetheless.

    I was severely disappointed by both the Main Quest and the Side Quests. Knowing CDPR from the Witcher 3 and some greatly written pieces in Gwent (for those unaware, the free PC/Mobile game version of Gwent always has a short story that acompanies the current campaign), I was expecting some amazing and memorable storytelling. I couldn't have been more disappointed! SPOILERS AHEAD.

    The Main Quest starts off in an interesting manner, and when your partner dies and shit hits the fan you feel like it is finally starting to get some steam: like when you leave White Orchard in the Witcher 3 and the world finally opens ups. But that is hardly the case: it's all a very straightforward quest for survival in which our protagonist keeps searching for anyone who can help him remove the "Keanu Reeves chip" without dying. It becames dull and somewhat repetitive very quickly: you find a lead, you search for it, it's a dead end and/or people were using you. I specially disliked the quests with the Voodoo Boys, in which they pull the same trick (using you with a vague promise to get you to do stuff for them and then not keeping their end of the bargain) twice in a row.

    I am also not a fan of the Johnny Silverhands cutscenes/story pieces: I created and invested in my own character, I do not want to play as a rocker boy with a shitty personally. I do not like Silverhand as a charcter, I feel like the amount of time I am forced to play as him/watch his backstory is excruciatingly long, and I also believe that the shift from "I will take over your body" to "I will sacrifice myself to let you live" is abrupt and makes no sense in the context: they barely knew each other at that point, and while it's not completely out of character for Johnny to sacrifice his life for a friend, it is for him to do so for a stranger (they should have given it more time for a bond to form between those two characters and only then it would make sense for Johnny to not want to take over V's body).

    Anyway, a few quests after killing Brigitte and Placide (at least the game allows you to get some cathartic closure there, should you want to), the game seems to start getting some steam again. However, as soon as it seems like you are finally going to get some actual agency and following an actual thread, the game hits you with a "point of no return" notification. Excuse me?! I have been playing for less than 20 hours and you are telling me I have just reached the end of the Main Quest!? I thought I was around a third of the way in, or about halfway through in the worst case!

    And finally, there is the ending. Oh boy, did I hate the ending! I chose to go with Panam (my V romanced her and she is one of the best characters in the game, in my opinion) and, once the credits rolled, I thought I had gotten the bad ending! "I didn't do a lot of side quests, " I thought, "so maybe I missed something. I will check on the Internet." And, as most of you probably know, it turns out that that was the good ending! What the fuck!? My character is basically killed and "replaced" with a copy of himself, he only has six months to live and you are telling me that that is the best possible outcome?! I feel cheated.

    Yeah, yeah, "is V really himself if he died and the engram was just a copy of his psyche", "is V really himself or having had Johnny in his mind for that long changed the very core of his being", "blah blah another ontological question about the essence of being and all those 'Ship of Theseus' questions that pertain to a world in which almost every thing in our bodies can be replaced". I get it, ok, I have no problem with the existential aspects of the Cyberpunk genre. But that bittersweet ending of "you just have six months to live, but let's make the most of it and look at the stars" just makes the whole Main Quest seem utterly and absolutely pointless.

    V's whole journey was about survival, not finding a way to extend his life from a few weeks to six months. In a world where people can go beyond 150 and in which characters in their 80s (like Rogue and Kerry) look around 40-50, having just another six months to live means nearly nothing (specially when the main character is so young). It renders the whole thing mostly pointless and leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. Not all ending have to be happy, and I greatly appreciate a bad or a bittersweet ending if it makes sense: this one, however, just seems completely antithetical to the rest of the main plot.

    P. S. - Why the fuck do people have a whole cable inside their arm that they use to jack in every now and then (to link themselves to other devices) instead of a wireless microchip? You get your money through wireless connection, so it's not life that world doesn't have wireless stuff. It just seems illogical to me.

    submitted by /u/ActuatorOpposite1624
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