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    Saturday, December 11, 2021

    Cyberpunk 2077 Special Anniversary Stream with guests and giveaways Sunday!

    Cyberpunk 2077 Special Anniversary Stream with guests and giveaways Sunday!

    Special Anniversary Stream with guests and giveaways Sunday!

    Posted: 10 Dec 2021 09:46 AM PST

    Panam, Judy & V Collection with some Shots i made in Cyberpunks First Year

    Posted: 11 Dec 2021 06:31 AM PST

    Last date

    Posted: 11 Dec 2021 05:13 AM PST

    Is Cyberpunk worth revisiting this Christmas?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2021 02:51 AM PST

    In my local supermarket, I saw Cyberpunk (PS4) in the bargain bin for about the equivalent of $8 in American money. If this was the Cyberpunk from a year ago, I'd say, 'keep the money, dum dum!', but now I'm wondering if that's a great deal.

    Is it worth going back to Night City this Christmas? Have the updates and upgrades made it a game worth playing?

    Full disclosure: I played the game last year on PS4, but got it completely refunded due to all the gamebreaking bugs and glitches.

    submitted by /u/unquestionabl3
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    Cyberpunk 2077 but thirsty

    Posted: 11 Dec 2021 05:50 AM PST

    here are some of my favorite screenshots i’ve taken of night city, enjoy! :) hard to ignore the cinematic beauty of this game

    Posted: 11 Dec 2021 02:45 AM PST

    First Playthrough!

    Posted: 11 Dec 2021 08:40 AM PST

    I just wanted to show a little appreciation for the game. I know that the launch has been... controversial, but I grabbed it a while ago when it's been for 50% on Steam, and so far it's been great. I haven't noticed any bugs or anything, so I assume most of them have already been fixed. I loved the detailed character creation, spent almost an hour tweaking it, I'm pretty happy with the result. For my first playthrough I decided I won't follow any build in particular, I'll just wing it and do what seems fun. I know that's probably not the most efficient way possible, but I'll play on lower difficulty and just focus on the story. Once I'm more familiar with the perks and such, I'll do a second playthrough and do something more focused. That said, I'll probably focus on Body, Reflexes and Intelligence attributes, since that's the kind of character I'd like to roleplay as, and then I'll see what's what.

    P.S.: Sorry if this is a bit of a pointless post. I'm just kinda excited and enjoying the game.

    P.P.S.: Hopefully, I used the right flair lol.

    submitted by /u/MediocrePlague
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    Such a shame we cannot fully romance Blue Moon, I adored her.

    Posted: 11 Dec 2021 09:06 AM PST

    Such a shame we cannot fully romance Blue Moon, I adored her.

    Although we got a hint that could be possible when messaging with her after the gig. Fingers crossed!


    submitted by /u/boxxy666
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    Nope.. still not fixed. Very first mission on Xbox One X

    Posted: 11 Dec 2021 08:06 AM PST

    Try to guess how many tries...insane range attacks, absolutely random instant one-shot strikes...gorgeous game design truly

    Posted: 11 Dec 2021 01:12 AM PST

    Did anyone ever get a fix for not being able to start the final mission?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2021 06:40 AM PST

    Get to the Elevator to meet Hanako and nobody is there. No guards, nothing... And it's turned off to boot. Tried teleporting in using Cyber Tweaks, reluctantly... But again, when I'm in I cannot do anything. I have really grown to love the game, so I am properly gutted that I can't finish it. I also have no saves to go back to, and I'm not about to throw away 60 hours.

    This is the guide I attempted to follow but it just didn't work. I really don't know what to do next? Any help would be really appreciated, yes I am fully updated.

    Thanks all.

    submitted by /u/Captainquizzical
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    My very salty summary of the passing year since the premiere of Cyberpunk 2077.

    Posted: 11 Dec 2021 12:56 AM PST

    How do you rate yesterday's Cyberpunk 2077 anniversary? Are you happy with the content that was prepared for this occasion?

    I personally did not expect anything big, but I am actually disappointed. Not even the fact that a total of a year after the game's release, we haven't received any of the promises of additional game content that we were fed before the premiere, but the fact that playing the game is actually a worse experience than on the day of release.

    Sure, the game might run a little more efficiently and fixed a whole lot of bugs, but that much (or maybe more) remained. On the day of the premiere and right after these bugs, I was less offended because I could explain them to myself that all this will be removed in the upcoming hotfixes and patches. A year has passed and what? And nothing. I still can't get through the main storyline without a lot of annoying bugs or graphic glitches. I already ignore problems in the open world, such as objects hanging in the air, non-collectible loot or NPC glitching into the surroundings. But so that after a year of time bugs still appear in quest scripts? It is incomprehensible to me.

    Incomprehensible, the more that the game does not receive any hotfixes and we will have to wait almost half a year between the last and next patch. Half a year to fix serious gameplay bugs like the constantly activating combat mode while traveling around the city? Police attacking the player for no reason? After all, it should be fixed in some quick hotfix and not thrown into the mega-patch, because 'if the player doesn't like it, he can wait and play another game'.

    All this I could understand, if the studio was more open to communication with players, what can they expect and what is happening with the game. So far, it is the players who mainly find out what NOT to expect in the near future. And how! Hidden communication channels like a silent replacement of a roadmap or somewhere in the words of an important interviewee for the economic press. With investors call, you can learn more about what is happening in the studio and how game development is going than by following the information on official channels of communication with players. Only I see the idiocy of such behavior? What are the players interested in investment talks? After all, this is a communication channel for investors, not players!

    For the first anniversary of the game's release, I was counting on something more from CDPR. Yes, I know that no content was supposed to be playable, but I counted that the developers and management would sweeten us with these long months of waiting. And that somehow they will give hope, that they will morally support "hey, we know it was tough, but hold on, it'll be okay!" Unfortunately, I was severely disappointed. Because this is how the first anniversary of the game was treated, and probably most of the fans, in my opinion, is the bare minimum that any studio supporting its production and fans can afford.

    Personally, I have the impression that fans of the game who are waiting for new content and improvement of the base game itself are treated by the studio as the worst thing. Like this bug that flies and buzzes not allowing you to focus on its own affairs. If it weren't for those annoying fans, the studio could work on new content in peace and players and fans would only be interested in game releases and paid expansions. And so they are forced to show some minimal support and communicate with players. And CDPR is irritating, so they communicate something there so that no one will pick on them that they ignore players and fans. But in my opinion, you can see how it tires them and how much they would like everyone to leave them alone. Investors are quite different, they are carefully cared for by the studio and given a lot of attention.

    Looking back, I would not believe such behavior of CDPR at the premiere of The Witcher 3. I would not have believed it a year ago, with the bumpy premiere of Cyberpunk 2077. Back then, I believed that CDPR would do its best, that they would still show what they could do. Or at least they will try to reward the players for everything. A year has passed and what? And nothing. The game, as it was buggy on the release day, is still the case. We still have the only vague promises that it will be fine in the future. For detailed information (for example, that there will be no bug-fixing patch 1.4), players have to search and ask employees somewhere. That for the anniversary we will get a collage of tiny screenshots from the game and a competition from the sponsor.

    I am writing all of this from the perspective of a great fan of the game, which is why it hurts me especially. I can't watch CDPR or its employees publicly admit several times that there is a communication problem and promise to fix it, and still nothing happens. It is still the old way, communication with players is practically non-existent.

    Thanks for reading, best regards,


    submitted by /u/pablo397
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    if I increase the difficulty of the game, do I get more xp in combats or is it still the same amount?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2021 07:03 AM PST

    Year After Cyberpunk Debut, CD Projekt No Nearer Redemption

    Posted: 11 Dec 2021 07:08 AM PST

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