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    Sunday, November 21, 2021

    Cyberpunk 2077 Weekly discussion! Anarchy Week! What is it? Do you want it? Please let us know here

    Cyberpunk 2077 Weekly discussion! Anarchy Week! What is it? Do you want it? Please let us know here

    Weekly discussion! Anarchy Week! What is it? Do you want it? Please let us know here

    Posted: 20 Nov 2021 09:05 AM PST

    Fellas! How are you?

    I'm great, thank you for asking.

    The mod team have been kicking around an idea, but we're conflicted on whether we should implement it or not.

    The short hand name for it is anarchy week. The gist is we throw out the low effort rule for a week and let you guys post whatever basic bitch low effort memes and discussions you want.

    This came about because we hate being accused of censorship. We try our hardest to not censor opinions, and I think we do a great job. But we do remove low effort memes and repetitive questions so the sub isn't full of bullshit. Our philosophy is this isn't our sub, it's yours. We're just the caretakers. This means it's not our right to dictate what can and can't be posted, beyond banning toxic noise.

    Anarchy week was forged with this philosophy in mind. While we think it's important to make sure this sub is full of interesting, inspiring, funny and unique content that isn't repetitive we also just want to blow off steam sometimes too.

    So, would you like this see this come to fruition? If you're all for it then clearer details will follow in a future discussion. Right now the only thing that's certain about anarchy week is you're not allowed to be a cunt. Toxic shenanigans will still get you banned.

    Please cast your vote here!

    If you have any ideas on how we could refine anarchy week, suggestions for other initiatives, or you just want to chat please comment here.

    P.S.: if you haven't already seen it, and are interested in applying to the mod team, please check out the previous weekly discussion stickied below this bad boy. We're going to have the application up for a little longer.

    We love you all

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    submitted by /u/Tabnam
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    How much better would quests with cyberpsychosis look if instead of text messages from Regina we would receive such recordings from CCTV cameras ...

    Posted: 21 Nov 2021 03:39 AM PST

    Through and after lockdown I have been printing and painting some Cyberpunk miniatures. Mostly because (as you can see here) I missed my main man Jackie Welles. A million errors on these I know, but I hope you enjoy something a little different on the sub here!

    Posted: 20 Nov 2021 09:46 PM PST

    Genius Entrepreneur preaches to a pathetic homeless person

    Posted: 21 Nov 2021 08:54 AM PST

    Just made Claire from Resident Evil, how is she looks?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2021 07:13 AM PST

    Some screenshots of my 2nd run 280 hrs in and still one of the best open worlds and enjoyable for what it is. ��⌛️ & On PC so a couple mods included and some NSFW. 2k-4k with Raytracing and Reshade

    Posted: 20 Nov 2021 02:48 PM PST

    Well... in every game this car is a thing of beauty [Forza Horizon 5]

    Posted: 21 Nov 2021 01:12 PM PST

    “Sorry Regina I swear I went easy on this one.“

    Posted: 21 Nov 2021 04:39 AM PST

    Panam has such a nice way to show gratitude lmao

    Posted: 21 Nov 2021 06:13 PM PST

    Finally bought the game one year late. I was told multiple times that it would look like a PS2 title on my 2013's Xbox One. Glad to find out this was not the case...

    Posted: 21 Nov 2021 08:43 AM PST

    I Still Listen to Never Fade Away.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2021 04:15 AM PST

    I'm sure this has been said already by more eloquent and analytical minds than I but this games soundtrack...god is it special.

    I don't think I've ever played a game that hooked me as strongly as this games soundtrack has. From V's theme kicking things off on the menu screen to Outsider No More to Been Good to Know Ya (and that god damn violin). Then lastly Never Fade Away, the encapsulation of V's entire journey.

    These songs by themselves put Cyberpunk's soundtrack up there for me. But then you factor in all the radio songs as well and I don't know how this name isn't at least nominated for an award for music. I mean the variety is amazing you've got the absurdity of PONPON Shit, the hard rock of Samurai songs like Chippin in, and hip hop songs like Clip Boss and Hole in the Sun.

    Then there is all the unreleased stuff like a certain bathtub scene and the song that plays once in the nomad prologue. Also the Johnny Silverhand version of Rebel Path.

    There is so much good music in this game that I'm probably not done looking through and listening to all of it yet. For instance I recently began just vibing to With Her, Resist and Disorder, and Real Window. 3 drastically different sounding songs. All good imo.

    I know there's quite a stigma against and even for this game. That said, I think we can all agree that atmosphere and music were not the weak parts of the experience. I mean seriously, it's been almost a year. And I still listen to Never Fade Away.

    submitted by /u/jackdaws818
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    PureArts Cyberpunk figures just started shipping - the bike is gorgeous

    Posted: 21 Nov 2021 10:05 AM PST

    so that's what they're doing at the Biotechnica farms

    Posted: 21 Nov 2021 05:06 AM PST

    "Cyberpsychosis" conspiracy discussion (SPOILERS)

    Posted: 21 Nov 2021 02:01 PM PST

    So after completing the "Cyberpsychosis" questline and discovering the shard, I have come to my own conclusion of what "Cyberpsychosis" is in the world, but I wanted to share it and see if my thoughts are accurate.

    You end up discovering a shard that unveils that Cyberpsychosis isn't actually brain-chemistry being fucked up solely by implants, but rather is a critique of American individualism leading to destructive isolationist tendencies. Here's the shard if you want to read: https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/The_Truth_about_Cyberpsychosis

    "Many cyberpsychos in our world possess only a single implant; a knee, a liver. They are unseen, unnoticed. They lock themselves up and shut out their friends, colleagues, and loved ones. The world outside of the Net and their delusions has disappeared from conscious thought. They are sick and alone - and no[sic] is doing a thing about it."


    "I can confirm this illness is, indeed, a by-product of the modern lifestyle and the obsessive emphasis placed on incorporating modern tech into our lives. Although cybernetic implants can directly affect our brain chemistry, they still serve only as a catalyst for the onset of the disease."

    Cyberpsychosis is mental unwellness that is a byproduct of the society, not the tech. The tech is the "catalyst" for removing yourself from the 'real' world, and while it does degrade your biology over time, the real cause of Cyberpsychosis is the societal attitude of people as flesh and capitalism pushing forward the attitude of "obscuring" Cyberpsychosis as being just "something that happens to people that get after-market tech installed" but in reality it's the horrid conditions people are forced into along with their biology being decimated that forces the psychosis on. This is why corps want to obscure the fact that anyone can get Cyberpsychosis, as it's a condition within society not within the tech itself.

    What do you guys think of the Cyberpschosis? Is it actually just the byproduct of invasive technology wreaking havoc on your biology, or is it the dissociative response to a capitalistic world that values human life less than the mechanical parts that are found within it? Just kind of thinking about it, would have been cool to actually have more information that just a single shard to go off of though.

    submitted by /u/TrapZark
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    Hey Uhh… Johnny? Ya havin’ some trouble there?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2021 10:36 AM PST

    Show up. Show out. Shoot out. A little free running led me to some dope heaven spots, so I rewarded myself with some Xiao's for some of the best food in Night City.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2021 11:36 AM PST

    i just wish i could play it for the first time again.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2021 04:34 AM PST

    title says it all really. i wish so bad i could play this incredible game for the first time again. experience everything that's so good about it for the first time again. :(

    submitted by /u/mastergamer666
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    Unsatisfying Endings.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2021 03:45 PM PST

    Just want to say off the bat, I think the game is awesome.

    My biggest gripe with the game is that all of the endings are dissatisfying. First playthrough I did, I stumbled upon the Silverhand ending, which was fine.

    Night City Legend was my second, which isn't bad, but felt a bit empty to me.

    The time jump from the last mission to the endings are a tad annoying, too. It seems like there was more content to be had to explain how we got there.

    I've seen all the other endings, and they just don't do it for me. I think the fact the game stops entirely after you finish it puts me off, I'd prefer if you could play after the story.

    That obviously means, I wish there was a (albeit boring and cliche) ending where both V and Silverhand got their way, and the issue with the engram would be solved.

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/KUNGFUKORBS
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    Road traffic disappears as I get closer.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2021 04:11 PM PST

    They desperately need to fix the traffic on the road. From far away it appears like there are tons of cars driving around but wishing a 200 meter radius there are barely any cars around me. (Playing on the Series X)

    submitted by /u/theBlowJobKing
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    Get your Cyberpunk for just $10 at Target...

    Posted: 21 Nov 2021 06:28 PM PST

    [Rewriting the Nomad Life Path Prologue] - First Mission

    Posted: 21 Nov 2021 02:25 PM PST

    Hey everyone.

    Here's the first mission of my new version regarding the Nomad Life Path. The mission introduces you to some members of your clan and basic elements of gameplay such as gunfights and driving. You'll also see that there are times when you get to choose how V can react to certain things.

    The next post will introduce the Bakker camp and the activities you can do in the New Mexico zone.

    Link for the story: https://docdro.id/jdCKNxz

    submitted by /u/poupet0
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    Faces of Night City

    Posted: 20 Nov 2021 11:44 AM PST

    Some ideas for CP2077 that I may as well get out into the wild.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2021 12:38 AM PST

    Some ideas for CP2077 that I may as well get out into the wild.

    So This is a collection ideas I've had for a while that I figure is better off here where people can see them and maybe if CDPR browses this reddit and sees it leads to improvements in Cyberpunk. or I get bullied of the internet. either way better than letting these ideas wither away in my head and have zero effect on anything.

    Needless to say I have nothing to do with CDPR and am unlikely to have anything to do with CDPR, This is a post from some guy with a mind for game design spit balling ideas onto a Reddit post.

    Wanted System.

    Doesn't take a genius to figure out the wanted system is a bit lacking. But contrary to what some would say I think the NCPD response to you either going cyberpsycho or "accidentally" curbing your car when going 200mph and deleting a crowd is very ample. First the NCPD investigates, Then they send forces in Then Max-Tac comes in and tries to one shot V rather than trying to kill you like a normal npc. That's fine, where I believe the fault lay is in how easy NCPD forgets your crime. I can just drive a couple of blocks away and suddenly I'm not a criminal anymore. That's not immersive. The NCPD would have some way to remember you and not forgive your accidentally headshotting someone with Jackie's ARCH so easily. So I have Two ideas for this problem. both involve some kind of persistent wanted level

    1st Idea: Each district has it's own wanted level that lasts weeks in game and makes the cops more likely to attack on sight and makes any crime committed in said district make the NCPD respond faster and with more aggression. So if you find your self with a max wanted level and decide to make a quick trip to the badlands the police will remember what you did and be alert for you return. This System can even be used to put districts on lockdown if your wanted level gets that high making most vendors close shop until lockdown is lifted and police robots can roam the streets as well as Max-Tac making entering the district a dangerous decision (unless you got a broken build or optical camo), It doesn't need to stop a V's interaction with the cops, Gang vs. NCPD violence would get more intense because I doubt Maelstrom are going to listen to the cops telling them to stay inside. However waiting a long time for a district to become safe to walk down the street without Max-Tac giving you a new behind might not be everyone's cup of tea so you can either use the in game wait function to wait out the lock down, or call your fixer in the area and see if they can do something. the fixer solution would cost money at a increasing rate depending on how much chaos you caused and have less chance of working the closer to lock down you're at. Fixers are good but not "lift the lockdown" good. They'll need time to do this so don't cause another lockdown while your fixer is trying to fix your mistake.

    2nd idea: is one that can be used standalone or with the first idea to really show the NCPD's want to maintain peace or probably raise hell against those who threaten it. and that is to give V a bounty upon committing a crime. A bounty that will allow the NCPD to not only hunt you across the city BUT also tap into one of night cities most abundant resources, Mercenaries. So while you single handedly put Watson on lock down the NCPD put a bounty on your head and you now have a band of mercs coming to collect those eddies. The quality of these soon to be dead mercs are based of two factors. The severity of you crime. Obviously a hit squad of the best mercs aren't going to come after you for speeding. second factor is your streetcred. as the more of a legend you are more mercs will be looking to topple you to gain fame. this way the system has some sort of level scaling as low level V's would have a low street cred and probably wouldn't let a wanted level get beyond 1 star before hightailing it. But for those who are max level and max street cred there is another thing coming. Standing name for this part is "Iconic Mercenaries" because it was the first thing to come to mind. but these guys are far from the little mercs that would be coming for you on lower bounty levels. these beefed up mercs would be designed to be a challenge for maxed V's and will drop impressive loot as a way to reward those who can take them down. Again not every player is down for a shoot out with a night city legend so in comes the Fixer who you can get to transfer eddies out of you account to make the bounty disappear with in a few days. A quick addition these Iconic Mercenaries could be seen at the Afterlife in various places, dialogue could be added to give them some story but for the most part it would be used to see who still is alive as a interactive checklist.

    Rewards for engaging with these. The regional wanted system would reward you with the world actually reacting to your influence and also high level enemies mean hella XP, legendary loot, and could even have additional opportunities that only happen inside a locked down district. The Bounty system would reward you with XP for each defeated merc. loot based on how difficult the merc was. and with Iconic Mercenaries, have them drop Iconic gear (armor and weapons) and high level Cyberware that is either expensive or impossible to find elsewhere. And with Both Fixers get some attention in a way that is somewhat lore friendly and is gameplay friendly.

    So long story short give us a way to visibly and noticeably change the city even if it temporary.

    Armor and Weapons.

    So armor in this game is lame, stat wise I should say, you can make V look like quite the snack. But in CDPR's attempt to prevent everyone looking the same was to make every armor piece have absolutely nothing interesting gameplay wise. seriously the only things to care about is if it has max mod slots and is on level. that is BORING. I want to care about the gear I bring into a fight even a little. But once I'm level 50 I get a full legendary set with max mod slots and then EVERY other piece is pointless. I don't know about you but I'm tired of the blank canvas armor waiting for mods system we have.

    So my proposal is we add stats back to every armor piece similar to the Witcher 3. Now I already can see people not wanting this due to their look being forced into what ever the best armor looks like. I get that, But CDPR kind of confirmed transmog of some kind is in the works. so for the sake of this forget cosmetics are tied to armor because if transmog is added the look will be separate from the stats anyway.

    Just a very simple stat bonuses tied to each armor piece, and please no RNG with this, getting sick of reloading the game to farm max mod slots as is, no need for less of a chance to get what I'm looking for. All I want for armor is something to make each piece mean more than they do now. and if 5% fire resistance and 7% movement speed bonus makes it more special than a blank slot waiting for mods then that's all it needs to be. and CDPR could do a thing where they purposefully cap the max mod slots on certain pieces but give them even better bonuses. do anything to spice armor up and it's an improvement.

    At the very least Make Iconic armor better than normal armor. Iconic armor has absolutely nothing over any shmuck legendary armor despite being well, Iconic. And they have the perfect thing they could be used for. For full Iconic sets (Johnny's set) you could have a Witcher 3 Grandmaster armor set bonus (Johnny's for example could boost damage with the malorian among other bonuses) Or for single pieces (The DLC Jackets) could have a standalone perk (Like smart guns have a harder time hitting V). The goal would be to make Iconic armor stand out like how the Iconic weapons already do.

    Could even integrate this with my proposed wanted system changes to add more reason you may want to burn night city just a bit.

    Basically your choice in armor should matter. it's and RPG.

    All I can say for weapons is make the experience of modding and improving a gun better than slot your highest range boosting scope on, a silencer if you want to be sneaky. then your choice of filling the six mod slots on a legendary gun with either Crunch, Punisher, or Pacifier. Trust me after 500 hours in Cyberpunk and reaching endgame many times this brainless weapon modding feels boring, I want to feel like I'm improving MY tool of death not that I'm just filling slots with the cool orange circles.

    And I'll be honest the only idea for guns sounds a bit like a sidegrade rather than a upgrade to me so I'll just refrain from adding another paragraph of nonsense . I just know this current weapon modding system isn't great.

    Radiant activities

    Ok here's a thing that can either be so well done it breaths life into night city all by itself and Cyberpunk becomes an all time classic. Or CDPR has a "another settlement" problem on their hands. Either way right now night city is on average fairly lifeless. and there is so much CDPR could do with random encounters and misc events that just make the citizens of night city do more than walk down the side walk, or drive like a bot down the road, or sit in a fixed spot curated be the devs.

    I know it's probably asking for a bit much with this but seeing a bank robbery gone wrong spill into the street, or two rival gangs crossed paths, or anything that isn't cops vs. random gang in a tiny shoot out off the side of the road so it doesn't block traffic (how thoughtful). And can even have convoys to raid in the Badlands if you want to go full nomad, plus the icon already exists in game for convoys so may as well

    Just chilling in the legend of the map.

    Basically find ways to use random events to make night city feel alive.

    That's about it for ideas bouncing around my head that can apply to Cyberpunk. Thanks for reading my ramblings and if CDPR does see this feel free to actually implement any of these.

    submitted by /u/colin_1029
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    I made a hyperlapse using photomode in the game. 507 frames

    Posted: 20 Nov 2021 07:59 AM PST

    Mods to change Jackie’s hair?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2021 05:00 PM PST

    I love my boy Jackie with all my heart but his hair is so atrociously hideous every time he's on screen I move the view to hide the top of his head. Ive seen some screen shots other people have taken where he had a similar haircut but without the bald strap, I looked but didn't have much luck finding it. At the end of the day it's not like we see very much of him anyway (rip) but I want to enjoy whatever time I have with him without ducking my head to avoid his grass patch and skin moat of a haircut

    submitted by /u/TimidToutou
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