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    Tuesday, November 23, 2021

    Cyberpunk 2077 Took my very first trip at city center to buy fancy threads for my date with the fancy corpo lady, spent thousands of eddies on fitting...guess I misread the room chooms

    Cyberpunk 2077 Took my very first trip at city center to buy fancy threads for my date with the fancy corpo lady, spent thousands of eddies on fitting...guess I misread the room chooms

    Took my very first trip at city center to buy fancy threads for my date with the fancy corpo lady, spent thousands of eddies on fitting...guess I misread the room chooms

    Posted: 23 Nov 2021 12:58 PM PST

    I don't understand why people told me not to play this game all year.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2021 05:14 AM PST

    Sorry if this has been posted before. I recently got 2077 on Stadia because I enjoy playing on my I-Pad away from home. I'm about 12 hours in, and I still don't see why people hate on this game so much. Am I missing something? I haven't experienced many bugs, a texture loading slowly here or there but no different from other games.

    The story is captivating - I usually quit Singleplayer First Person RPGs about 10 hours in because I have no attention span. But I like it a lot. The game is fun. The only thing that I've found worthy of the critique I've heard on the game is the NPCs and the city. It does feel a little empty, with most streets having 1-3 cars and almost all NPCs being less fleshed out than something like GTAV that came out in 2013. But besides that, what exactly is it that people are so pissed about?

    I know I'm late to the party, and most people's experience was based off the state of the game upon release, but is it still bad? I don't experience it that way. Please, help me understand. Also, keep in mind, I'm only 12 hours in (Corpo) and would appreciate if you could avoid spoilers in your replies.

    submitted by /u/plazebology
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    Just got this game, god it's stunning

    Posted: 23 Nov 2021 10:29 AM PST

    Does anyone else find themselves starting a new character, playing for a few hours and then not going back?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2021 09:59 AM PST

    Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the game a lot despite it's flaws, but after completing the game not long after it's release... I've found myself subsequently coming back to it over and over again but really burning myself out on the gameplay loop after a few hours...

    What do we think CDPR need to do in order to fix this? If we still hold out hope that they are aiming to fix the overall ganeplay?

    submitted by /u/Godspeed1011
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    Find a girl that looks at you like Panam

    Posted: 23 Nov 2021 03:32 PM PST

    Who else downloaded a lot of the CP77 music?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2021 10:20 AM PST

    I've found myself having to look for the songs and putting them on my playlists. Something is so surreal about driving in the real world with the music…is it just me?

    submitted by /u/llltoastylll
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    Posted: 23 Nov 2021 07:41 AM PST

    My 1/6th scale V and Yaiba Kusanagi finally arrived!

    Posted: 23 Nov 2021 07:58 PM PST

    As much of a disappointment as this game ultimately turned out to be, I can’t deny that it’s probably the best looking game ever made

    Posted: 23 Nov 2021 05:44 PM PST

    Love this scene

    Posted: 23 Nov 2021 01:15 PM PST

    When the cars're raining from the sky

    Posted: 23 Nov 2021 05:30 AM PST

    This game has nearly a year a we still don't have a barber shop

    Posted: 23 Nov 2021 02:30 PM PST

    Just wow

    submitted by /u/jimbojambo4
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    Been playing the last few weeks for the first time

    Posted: 23 Nov 2021 08:05 PM PST

    I noticed all the romances seem to share a lot of similarities with each other

    Posted: 23 Nov 2021 03:52 PM PST

    I'm sure some people have realized that already, but I haven't seen anyone put all these similarities together in one place, so... I thought it'd be fun to do so!

    (Correct me if I got anything wrong though -- especially with Judy's or Kerry's romances. I've only seen Panam's and River's, so a lot of info pertaining to Judy and Kerry is just from what I've gathered from the wiki/community)

    Panam & River

    • Their dialogue doesn't change no matter V's body type (so they both come off as flirty regardless)
    • The player has no opportunity to 100% halt the romance dialogue (You never get the chance with River until the water tower, and Panam still ends up propositioning you in the basilisk regardless of your dialogue choices up until then)
    • Both of their stories involve getting something back (Literally — Panam with the 6th Street cargo, River with his nephew; Metaphorically — their respective families)
    • Speaking of families, both of their stories involve family in some manner (Panam with the Aldecaldos, River with his sister and her kids)
    • They both find out about Johnny after their sex scene (River in the kitchen, Panam in the tent after V wakes up)
    • Both of them require only a specific body type; as long as the body type is compatible, they'll be attracted to V regardless of their gender (big body for Panam, small body for River)
    • They both have red in their color scheme (this isn't important or anything i just found it funny)
    • Both of them have their jackets/coats off during their romance quests

    Judy & Kerry

    • Despite lengthy questlines, romantic interest from them is either vague or intermittent up until the choice moment (so I've heard anyway. I say "intermittent" because apparently Judy's attraction is only evident depending on dialogue choices)
    • Both of their stories involve loss in some manner (Kerry needs to get over Johnny, Judy is trying to avenge Evelyn)
    • Both of them require a specific pairing of body type + gender for romance (small + female for Judy, big + male for Kerry)
    • They both find out about Johnny before their sex scene (Kerry at the start, Judy in Talkin' Bout a Revolution)
    • Both of their romance quests have a particular association with music (Kerry's boat song, Judy's humming)
    • They both have black in their color scheme (same as above :D)
    • Also both of their names end in a "y" and i think that's neat
    • (by the way do they have people texting after you in compatible romance routes? Panam and River do [Carol and Joss respectively], but if Judy and Kerry don't, then that's another similarity they have)

    Judy & River

    • Both of them are the only ones whose romance plots give V a new item (River's "Fuck the Police" tank, Judy's shotgun + MaxTac outfit)
    • Both of their questlines involve justice/idealism [and falling short of achieving them] (Clouds doesn't have a 100% happy ending, Han gets away with covering up the mayor's death)
    • Both of their sex scenes happen in quiet places (the cabin, the trailer)
    • Depending on the player's choices, either of them can leave the story before Nocturne Op55N1 (Judy can leave NC, River can die in The Hunt)
    • Both of them are understanding of V in the Reaper Ending ("I guess I get it, why you wanted to leave this place once and for all." / "That's how half the people in Night City end up… especially the good ones.")
    • Both of them are ostracized from the groups they were introduced in (Judy and the Mox, River getting suspended from the NCPD)
    • Both of their stories involve leaving a toxic environment (River leaves the PD and becomes a P.I., Judy leaves Night City)

    Panam & Kerry

    • Both of their sex scenes involve destruction (Kerry's has destruction start it, Panam's has destruction interrupting it)
    • Both of them give V a gun before their romance quest (Archangel in A Like Supreme, Overwatch in Riders on the Storm) (at the end of those quests too!)
    • Both of them are upset with V in the Reaper Ending ("If there is a hell, I hope you're in it. Rotting, burning, all of it!" / "The only thing you proved is that you don't give a fuck about your friends.")
    • Both of their stories involve going back to something that they thrived in and finding happiness in doing so (Panam returns to the Aldecaldos, Kerry gets back into songwriting after the Samurai reunion)

    River & Kerry

    • You can go an entire playthrough without meeting either of them
    • Besides the Samurai gig at Red Dirt, both of their questlines have you working with them alone
    • I'm like 90% sure the same track is used during their more vulnerable moments (Kerry at the emptied-out bar, River at the water tower)
    • Even if you don't have the required body type or gender, you still have the option to kiss them during key moments (Off the Leash, Following the River)

    Panam & Judy

    • You cannot go one playthrough without meeting them multiple times
    • At some point during their questlines, you work with a group (the Aldecaldo vets in With the Help of My Friends, the dolls in Pisces)
    • Unlike with the boys, if you don't have the required body type or gender, you do not get the option to kiss either Panam or Judy during moments where you otherwise could

    All Four of Them

    • All of them want revenge on someone (Nash, Kovachek, Woodman, Harris)
    • None of them are straight (Judy is gay, Kerry is bi, River and Panam are either bi or pan)
    submitted by /u/addy-6
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    Just doing my job!

    Posted: 23 Nov 2021 08:47 PM PST

    Guy with a truck underwater. Anything about him?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2021 12:28 AM PST

    Honest opinion from someone who played CP2077 as their first RPG / shooter

    Posted: 23 Nov 2021 11:14 AM PST

    Hello fellow cyberpunks!

    I'm pretty new in this subreddit and I don't really often post anything on the internet regarding games, but I honestly loved this game very much and wanted to share my little review. I've been reading various posts in this subreddit to check what kind of content is here and also I'm excited about the news and future of this game.

    Probably at least majority of you are gamers here. I don't call myself a true gamer, I've been playing all kind of racing games all my life and 10 months ago I bought Cyberpunk 2077 which was also my first RPG / shooter game. So my opinion and review will either look very honest or very unprofessional for you.

    And here I am, nearly 240 hours of gameplay (Street kid and Nomad life paths).

    Bugs? Maybe there were some, but I don't really notice them much unless they are really significant. I haven't focused on them, mostly because my emotions and excitement took over.

    Well when I first time tried the game, I had nothing to compare with. I died so many times, restarted missions, well because I'm a total newbie in such games, but I enjoyed a lot. Once I finished CP2077, I've started (and finished) The Witcher 3, which I loved a lot too.

    What helps you to pick and play a certain game? Probably there are hella lots of reasons. But the main reason why I finally managed to press a pause button in my virtual racer's career and try this genre was a pure love for sci-fi, especially about the future. I always admire how artists, directors etc. imagine future world. It excites me. I consume every detail with excitement and curiosity. The way how future world and Night City was created admired me insanely. Not to mention graphics (played on ultra settings). Futuristic buildings with flashy ads, the contrast between middle class and rich corpo people, f-ed up environment and climate and people modifying themselves with implants, crime-filled streets and alleys - everything seems so relevant and a possible scenario for humanity (meaning real life).

    I liked how the game brought some deep subjects for philosophy - like what's soul actually and can it be digitally saved or owned by someone else after you die?

    The story is very great, it made a huge impact on me. It crushed my emotions, most of them was negative due to sad endings and that's good. Why? Because it only shows that the story is professionally written and pictured, causing strong emotions is an art. Characters are well done and they play their part very well, add more colours to this game.

    I like that almost all endings left a little bit of secret and mystery and ignited a fire for inner debate. At first I was mad when I found out that V dies anyway, no matter which ending you go trough. But later I thought that this is what it makes CP2077 even better. That's why it made an impact. However some of you would probably like to know what happens later, maybe things will turn differently, maybe V gets a happy ending after all by finding a way to save herself/himself from dying, especially after we get that little portion of hope in one of the endings. But I personally love how it is.

    What details or features I would add?

    • Cutscenes please! Especially from combats. When you finish off the enemy or it would let you to do some actions from cinematic view.

    • Some dialogues could also be from cinematic perspective, by not just standing in front of the other character. Although I liked first person's perspective, it's like you're actually living as V and many moments felt very real and made you to live trough them.

    • Some backstory missions would be great so the player could chose reasons what brought V to Night City.

    • I'm sure some of you mentioned before - but it's a great idea - but having a reputation system would be cool! You do missions and gigs and build your reputation, you get recognized by more and more people, you get trusted more, unlock more exclusive missions or you make some trouble and commit crimes and get in jail for some time, gen finned.

    Thanks for reading! [Also adding some pics of my V]

    ~ L.

    submitted by /u/P1GTR
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    Posted: 23 Nov 2021 02:28 AM PST

    MOX to the max. Trouble in the streets so the gang had to make moves and regulate. Who knew Tyger Claws had such detachable heads

    Posted: 23 Nov 2021 11:17 AM PST

    Acing Regina's cyberpsycho quest?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2021 07:40 AM PST

    Sorry if this is beating a dead horse or whatever, just wondering if anyone here has successfully avoided killing 100% of the cyberpsychos in Regina's missions. I always go nonlethal guns/nonlethal hacks, but sometimes they still die. Best success has been not using guns at all.

    submitted by /u/brundlfly
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    Posted: 23 Nov 2021 08:29 PM PST

    What are the best mods for Cyberpunk, lighting, looks, vehicles and appearance ways

    submitted by /u/Awilc
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    Is this an Easter Egg? Can't be destroyed or entered.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2021 02:09 PM PST

    Cyberpunk 2077 Is Very Ambitious Game by Jacksepticeye

    Posted: 23 Nov 2021 08:01 PM PST

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