• Breaking News

    Sunday, August 29, 2021

    Cyberpunk 2077 - We want to start enforcing rule 1 and 4 more, but we need your help

    Cyberpunk 2077 - We want to start enforcing rule 1 and 4 more, but we need your help

    We want to start enforcing rule 1 and 4 more, but we need your help

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 12:39 AM PDT

    People who enjoy the game are often met with crazy levels of toxicity. I've gotten a lot of feedback from people who say they don't feel comfortable expressing positivity towards the game, and as someone who did enjoy the game myself, I don't like hearing that. So, we're going to be making more of an effort to enforce rules 1 and 4, but in order to do so we need you to report posts you think break those rules.

    From now on, if someone praises the game and is met with something like "no the game sucks lol" the comment will be removed. Repeat offenders will be temporarily banned. It's my hope this will clean up some of the toxicity that infests a lot of posts here.

    Of course you're still entitled to be critical of the game, you just need to put a bit of effort into it. Tell us why you think the game sucks and your comment won't be removed.

    submitted by /u/Tabnam
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    Patch 1.3

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 04:26 AM PDT

    Wait a moment… so all of these green things on buildings are actually fish tanks????

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 01:27 PM PDT


    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 04:42 PM PDT

    Despite playing through the Peralez storyline half a dozen times by now I never realized you could attempt to fix the broken TV. Doing so has interesting results.

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 06:17 PM PDT

    Scanning the broken TV tells you that there's no technical issues and that there seem to be some kind of signal problem. Interference. After locating the hidden door you can go back to the TV and attempt to fix it if you have a high enough technical ability.

    Doing so will cause Vs vision to black out similar to when the mysterious voice speaks to you. This happens for a bit and when Vs vision comes back you and Johnny are on the floor. Johnny describes it as "Feeling good.. but weird. Like I'm tripping on acid"

    The fact that it felt kinda good is especially unusual. Most things that screw with the chip cause severe pain, not odd pleasant feelings. Scanning the TV again says the signal has been restored.

    The mystery deepens and another piece is added to the blue eyes organization puzzle. Makes me wonder. If the organization is capable of creating signals with a positive effect on the chip they really might just have the ability to cure V.

    submitted by /u/ATR2400
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    I was today years old when I found this usable underground shooting range

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 10:41 AM PDT

    Brute force is obsolete

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 05:44 PM PDT

    I really hope they make a sequel.

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 04:37 PM PDT

    Been playing since launch. Love this game a ton, don't care about the bugs and such. Played a full play through on base ps4 with no problems, and am now playing on PC. I really hope one day they make a sequel unhindered by last gen where they can really go wild. That's pretty much it. There is a lot of potential here.

    submitted by /u/Void1992
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    Can we just appreciate how good Cyberpunk 2077 looks on Low settings with no Raytracing.

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 10:47 PM PDT

    Rita’s T-Pose

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 02:20 PM PDT

    Things you will never see after 1.3. I'll start: a gorgeous wet surface effect during rain

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 03:20 PM PDT

    When you forget to turn on slow hard drive mode

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 03:42 AM PDT

    after 157 hours i still haven’t completed the game but i’m finally max level and feel empowered on very hard

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 12:26 PM PDT

    Just got the best ending

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 09:41 PM PDT

    On my 4th, and probably final, play through I finally got the best ending IMO. Me and Judy escaping the city and riding off into the sunset, with the help of Panam. Sure I might only have 6 month to live but but making Judy happy for the first time in her life and living free and wild in the desert just seems like the perfect contrast to the claustrophobic, tangled, messy life of NC. I am satisfied and done playing for now. Bring on the DLC

    submitted by /u/thisisnotmystapler
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    Hand painted SAMURAI Shoes

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 07:22 PM PDT

    I keep getting ran over by parked cars in my new playthrough. And I get stuck in loops for 3-5 hits at a time.

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 04:44 PM PDT

    Cyberpunk 2077-An Autopsy report. The Good, Bad, Worst

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 02:56 AM PDT

    Cyberpunk 2077-An Autopsy report. The Good, Bad, Worst

    Hey Chooms, I've been wanting to make this post for a while but delayed it just to watch the pace and direction the game is taking after a very disappointing launch.I've also been reading through every single post, looking at what people want and don't want and what are the priorities that have to be improved.Now it looks like we have a solid idea on the road the game is going to be taking and so, I think it's the right time to dissect this game.

    Let the Autopsy begin

    • Starting off with the good stuff

    Graphics first. I'm playing the game on a PC with everything maxed out and the game is absolutely gorgeous with heavily detailed characters and surfaces. As a 3D artist myself, I can't imagine the time and effort that's needed to build this city. Sure there's a lot of Quixel Megascans assets being used here and there. including most of the textures made with Quixel mixer or substance painter which can kinda give easy ways for asset building but still, this takes a lot of effort to make it this detailed and also make every location unique at the same time.

    Night City can be Breathtaking when everything Clicks

    Unfortunately, this beauty is not enjoyed and experienced by all of the fans. The old gen console versions actually provide an inferior experience of visuals compared to the PC and newer consoles which is disappointing as it wasn't said out loud before it was marketed. When it was revealed back in 2018, I had less doubt that it'll look anywhere close to that on the old gen consoles. In my opinion and also the opinion of others, I think they should've just worked on for future hardware from the get go and delayed the game until a solid next gen version is ready. From all the asset streaming and textures in the game, I understand why they had to cut corners as it's literally impossible to even assume that this can run well on old gen consoles. If a gonk 3d artist like me can figure that out, I have no idea what went over the execs head. All in all, Night City definitely looks gorgeous if it's got the proper hardware to support it.

    The Music comes next in our autopsy. And I can hear it rumbling already. Yes, I know you can also hear it now. After 300hrs of playtime, the music in Night City is unforgettable. Ranging from radios to combat music and serious ones and emotional music; this game does it justice. It ties everything together in quests so well, that even I forget about what was promised when playing the game. The music in this game is top notch and that's something to be given credits. They've definitely upped the game since Witcher 3 and took on a really big challenge by even making their own radio music that blends into the City. If that's not passion then I don't know what is. My favorite track would be the Bells of Laguna Bend. Especially the track that plays when you explore the underwater city with Judy and it made me feel so calm and relaxed, it was mesmerizing.
    Every track made its place in my heart by having its own style. The music stands out as great as it can be. That's something the composing team should be proud of. And hey, let me know your favorite track from the game!

    The Story is next in dissection. Yes, the meaty part of any game, the story. I'm gonna be brutally honest on this one. I'd actually say the side mission's stories were better in everyway than the main story. Not saying the main story is bad but lets have it like this; Main Story- Good, Side Stories - Amazing.The character designs and the back story to each of the character is just so well done, it connects the player really easily to each of them. Wether its love interests, or companion or a friend or just someone who's hiring you. Each of their stories are just too good.The only problem with this is, for players who are just focusing on the main story or ignoring any other side activities, it's actually really hard for them to get to these side missions that I'm talking about as each of them takes time between one and another and can be easily missed. I wish they implemented a better way to make sure that the players do get these stories done but I feel it's more immersive this way as well.

    Each character design feels unique and aren't a clone

    The voice acting of each of the characters are really well done as well. The emotions they conveyed felt real and honest which made me attach to them even more.

    Main quest is definitely something to remember with well written characters and twists

    To summarize the story part; both main and side, the quest designers and writers have done a phenomenal job in making this a really good experience at the same time having its own emotional moments along with wholesome parts where we are even able to relate to some of the characters in the game and make them feel "real". They should be really proud of what they've done with this. My love for them <3

    Moving on into the gore guts of the Gameplay. Before I share my experience with the gameplay, I've been watching a lot of people's reaction to how the gameplay is in this game. Watched a lot of streamers play, youtubers, and even people here in our subreddit; learning what people prefer and not; what people love and don't.So, on a whole I'd say the gameplay is something of a mixed bag right now or should I say up to the personal preference of the player? Some people like the gunplay and some don't. Some like the melee combat and some despise it. So, its hard to put a finger on it really.As for me, in 2 of my playthroughs, I went full netrunner and in my 3rd one melee only.I'm waiting for the bugs and glitches to be resolved even more with the gunplay before I start experimenting with it. I'm a stealth lover so what ever path I choose, I always go as much as stealthy as possible. I really loved the god tier experience of netrunner(which is nerfed down now unfortunately but hey, I guess its for the better) It was really interesting to play by just using hacks and no guns in every scenario. Something I never get from other games out there. It kinda gave me a feeling of Dishonored 2 with OP powers and infinite mana.The melee system definitely needs some work but it's getting there slowly with cyberware being a more important part now through the updates that affects gameplay more.

    Talking about cyberware. I really didn't find much use to anything else other than double jump, extra armor and OS cuz I mostly played a stealth build and needed the armor for boss fights. Along with a few others like extra carry weight etc. I wish there was a much better balance in cyberware which makes it more interesting for players to choose from for each style of gameplay and each cyberware having a effect for those.I'll be trying out a different build once there's some sort of patch to fix some of the bugs that are currently in the game or maybe even later on when there's new content and maybe new guns to go with.But overall, the gameplay is sort of a mixed bag with heavily depending on personal gameplay styles and preferences.

    Now over to examine the ears and look into the sound design. The sound design in this game is "good" but there's certainly parts where it could've been better? Or maybe its just me? From my hours of experience traversing through the city, I keep hearing the same city sounds over and over again, the same voices, crowd noises etc. It's fine for the first few hours and it gets too repetitive. I know its hard to implement different sound throughout the game but I guess maybe a bit more of a tweak to it would've been nice perhaps?The sounds of vehicles are definitely good along with the guns and other ambient noises. Guns sounds really meaty, especially the sniper and tech weapons. Could really feel the weight of it. Can't wait to try them out more in my next playthrough.But overall the sound design is not bad in the game. What do you think?

    Now were heading to the parts that aren't good enough and might be disgusting for autopsy.

    Starting off with the ***AI.***To begin with, I'm not an AI expert or programmer. Nor I have any idea how hard it is to implement it. I'm just a gonk who knows when I see a good AI just like any other games. Considering that its a game where the timeline and lore says AI could take over people; this game has a very underwhelming example for that.As you guys have said a lot in posts and complaints, I've been reading it a lot and from what I gathered, we need a better Police AI and better NPCs with intelligence at least enough to stay in the scene and flee instead of disappearing or appearing magically(I'm looking at you NCPD)The combat AI is not so good as well. They do weird shit at times and get out of cover when under fire? That's bold. Sure I understand they are bots but at least give them some life so that the experience to the player is immersive and not game breaking!The NPCPD needs an overhaul in this game. I know its very hard to happen(reading from all your posts) but I'm holding no hopes but just putting it out there just like you all. If they make it happen, great, we got what was supposed to be at launch in the game.

    Moving on to the aspect of IMMERSION. This has been the most discussed part of the game. Ever since it was out. The immersion breaking experiences people have been reporting. And the content that could've made this game more immersive which failed to make it into the game.Immersion is a really important part of any open world game and it keeps the player hooked. So having elements like mini games or something that grounds the player in the game which is both entertaining and interesting at the same time.There are a lot of ways where immersion can be achieved. Even by sticking to the own lore of the game.

    Lets say for example, the life paths you get to choose in the game, could be made into implementing something like,Nomad- When you call them or your friends, they arrive in large trucks and you join them and have a night out at a bar or some place out in the badlands, have a few missions there, ride along with them, race with your friends of the clan etc.

    Corpo- You can make yourself known in night city and your position as to where you stand. You control the lives of people. If any of them talks low, you get the choice to fire them or bribe your way out of anything without getting your hands dirty. Assigning people who get their hands dirty for you and things like that for quests and calling them as backup when ever you need them and you just sit in the car until its done like a real corpo.

    Streetkid- As a street kid you get to fuck shit up in night city. Lets say, you call your gang and ride around the slums of NC with your head out of your window firing guns n the air and threating people or starting gang wars by heading to another gang's location and just shooting them without notice, and escaping from the cops with a few of your friends dying based on how you fight or what you do.

    I could actually go on about these endlessly as there's many ways to make NC more immersive than what we have now. I've also seen some really cool ideas from people here! The importance of side activities that you do in your free time is really important. I mean you're literally dying as each day passes with the chip inside your head. Why not just have some fun in the meantime. Unfortunately, it's really hard to expect any of these in the game considering the state of it right now. Here's "hoping" that the expansions have something better to offer.

    To summarize everything, Cyberpunk 2077 is a game where it offers an amazing rich story, with interesting characters, great music, stunning visuals, average gunplay and below average immersion. The game has its flaws but sometimes the good parts of it makes it shine and carries it throughout the game.It's like a really Good Bad game. In my personal opinion, game should've cooked for longer. Maybe 2022 seems like a good spot for a release.But hey, it is what it is and here's what we got now. Only thing I can look forward to is to what they have in the future with the expansions which will make or break the game. And also the next gen update along with the patches.

    And I'm still proud of the devs who worked on this by putting their hearts out into this game. They're a really passionate bunch and I hope that they get what they were hoping for by the time this game is fixed!

    Hope you all enjoyed reading this long impression!

    See you all in Night City that's patched up

    P.S. The screenshots I provided here are all mine from my experience with the game. I also use my own custom reshade to have a better color correction and lighting in the game.P.P.S Apologies for any typos. Do let me know if I've missed anything as well.

    submitted by /u/Hary1495
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    Dear CDPR, can I have this, please? So long as it drives well, of course.

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 02:18 PM PDT

    Corpo Life path was interesting but ended quite abruptly

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 12:29 PM PDT

    I wish they had given the chance to do the hit job on Abernathy, would have been quite interesting too see how it would have turned out. The way everything ended, I was like "Wait, this is it ?"

    Anyone else felt like that?

    submitted by /u/Akshat1295
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    [Spoiler] Evelyn Parker in Pisces

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 11:24 PM PDT

    Level 50 before the Heist. No cheats. Guess how i did it!

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 05:32 AM PDT

    I decided Corpo V should have five extra minutes with Jackie to relax with a friend, while also admiring how great looking Night City can be.

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 05:53 PM PDT

    The shadow and light effects are amazing on the BD halo

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 05:06 PM PDT

    Went shopping today and bought these

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 04:49 AM PDT

    Is there a crafting Spec for Health Boosters? I cant find anything about it

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 07:46 PM PDT

    Just enjoying the view

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 09:59 AM PDT

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