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    Wednesday, May 26, 2021

    Cyberpunk 2077 - CDPR making soundtrack be like

    Cyberpunk 2077 - CDPR making soundtrack be like

    CDPR making soundtrack be like

    Posted: 25 May 2021 09:25 AM PDT

    I just saw that Evelyn blinks at you before you met her at Lizzie's bar

    Posted: 25 May 2021 12:14 PM PDT

    I got a new ocular system :D

    Posted: 25 May 2021 11:12 AM PDT

    If this is the rate at which CDPR intend to delivred updates on the long run....

    Posted: 25 May 2021 11:53 AM PDT

    I don't think CP77 will ever reach its full potential.

    Seriously what do we have since the release 6 months ? bunch of fixes, game still far from being back on PS Store, ZERO new content, no game-systems rework.

    Meanwhile I take a look at others games like EFT (and I don't even think they are doing good LUL) they released content, map expansions, bug fixes, new features. All of this during the same time stamp. There is 100 people working in this studio btw.

    Idk if it's CDPR devs, if it's because they have to spend a shit ton of time trying to make this thing run on completely outdated hardware but this whole situation fucking stinks man, everything is so fucking slow compared to other games.

    All we have is useless tweets from CDPR "LULW dO u PrEfER BiKe oR CaRs ?" and stream from a dev who is a cool guy but seems to be only focused on story and characters and doesn't give a single fuck about gameplay and openworld while this is what people are concerned about.

    Like the story etc is super good, we want communications and updates on the countless broken gameplay systems in the game.

    submitted by /u/FlexingOnAStackYo
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    Fight in "hardcore" mode - no minimap, no crosshair, no knowledge of opponents' positions, more difficult hacking. The fight is more difficult and therefore much more satisfying.

    Posted: 25 May 2021 10:58 AM PDT

    Stocking the parking garage with every ownable car, about 75% of the way there!

    Posted: 25 May 2021 12:33 PM PDT

    These are some dope dope posters for the game but do anyone know who created I would like to know please

    Posted: 25 May 2021 12:08 PM PDT

    On a certain Vending Machine

    Posted: 25 May 2021 11:55 PM PDT

    Please add an option for us to save Brendan, maybe if your netrunning skill is high enough you can download him onto a drive

    Would love to see him live freely beyond the black wall tagging alone with Alt

    submitted by /u/Nakatsukasa
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    My Yaiba Kusanagi CT-3X

    Posted: 25 May 2021 04:14 PM PDT

    How dare you insult my style!

    Posted: 25 May 2021 12:56 PM PDT

    Cyberpunk 2077 gifs

    Posted: 25 May 2021 07:22 PM PDT

    CD Projekt says it’s still waiting for Sony’s approval to bring Cyberpunk back to the PlayStation Store | VGC

    Posted: 25 May 2021 08:22 AM PDT

    Weird graphical glitch... Does it happen to you as well (location on the map)?

    Posted: 25 May 2021 11:29 PM PDT

    I somehow glitched the map in the photo mode

    Posted: 25 May 2021 03:07 PM PDT

    I still wonder what quest he's talking about. What do you guys think?

    Posted: 25 May 2021 06:12 PM PDT

    V by night

    Posted: 25 May 2021 07:55 PM PDT

    Cant launch CP77 at all now

    Posted: 25 May 2021 11:16 PM PDT

    havent touched it in months, today i decide to see what it looks like but i cant launch my old save nor start a new game. As soon as it starts loading the game crashes every single time.

    What do?

    submitted by /u/Y-section
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    Reading Neuromancer and Count Zero made me realize what this game could have been

    Posted: 25 May 2021 07:41 AM PDT

    So most of the cyberpunk genre can trace it's roots back to the sprawl series by William Gibson, Neuromancer was written in 1984 and introduced the idea of cyberspace, netrunning, "high tech, low life", and much of what we know about Cyberpunk today, the book even mentions Night City in more than one place.

    The sequel to Neuromancer, Count Zero, introduced the idea of cyberspace being full of strange AI, those AI interacting with real life, and the idea of the Voodoo Boys...yes, the book invented the idea of Voodoo being translated to be about AIs as spirits. So there's a spirit of the highway, a spirit of death, etc, and they're all AIs.

    What saddens me about it all, is how much CDPR lifted directly from these books, Street Samurai, both gun and sword/claw based, netrunners, fixers, corpos, street kids, nomads (to an extent), even huge orbital platforms were the rich live. They have a variant of almost all of the CP2077 corporations as well, with a lot of asian influence on the US's culture.

    But then I realized...how shallow it all was...what did we get? Street Samurai...that's it. The game doesn't have netrunning, true netrunning in both Cyberpunk lore, and in other medium like Neuromancer, involves 6+ hour sessions in a alternate VR world, where you combat, hide from and get around layers of ICE, T-bug is a real netrunner, the Voodoo Boys are netrunners. V, is just a street samurai with a pre-canned script to attack people. There's no mini game there, it's just point-click "look I'm a wizard instead of a gunslinger".

    Fixers are almost non-existent in the game, a true fixer sells information, finds rare tech, and in general acts as a go-between for corpos and the street. And here's the thing, these books give so much to draw from: in one situation someone finds some software they don't trust, so they go through a fixer to find a netrunner dumb enough to try software that may fry their brain. There's about 4 levels of people this software trades hands through just to figure out if it does what it claims to do.

    And yet it blows my mind how close it all was...look at the flathead mission and the heist on Arasaka, that part of the game is done almost flawlessly, make that mission have playable paths for netrunners, and other classes, add about 20x more missions like that, and you'd have a smash hit. To this day, the part of the heist were it all goes bad, and T-bug says "oh shit, I've been made", sends chills down my spine. Give me more moments like that, moments where I fear the power of the corpos. Chain 3-4 of those quests together or a larger arching story, and finish it off with a grand finale quest who's outcome is determined by the other choices you've made.

    Part of cyberpunk is this sort of despair, nothing is going to end up well, the corp will always win, if you do kill the leader of a corp, or blow a building up, they'll just reorganize and still exist. Something seems bizarre that this massive corp has been successfully invaded and bombed by the same man how many times now?

    And please, why doesn't this game have more AIs? Cyberpunk is rife with AI, Cyberpunk RED and Cyberpunk 2013 have entire rulesets for netrunning, it's essentially a dungeon crawl, you go in, fight insane monsters in strange places, and hopefully make it out with tech/software that you can use. The whole "going beyond the Black Wall" thing is a major part of the lore. We don't see "true" netrunning at all in the game, the only thing we see is a few movies and then we're told "that's why we don't do this"....that's great, but Cyberpunk and Netrunning are so linked it's insane to separate them like this.

    So yeah...maybe I was looking for the wrong game, but I was hoping for Skyrim in a Cyberpunk world, something that would allow me to roleplay in my favorite genre of dystopian fiction. And what I got was a story about a Street Samurai merc, with a ton of filler sidequests to draw out the playtime.

    That being said, read the books by William Gibson sometime if you want to see where this all came from, Cyberpunk lore pulls so much from these books it's astounding.

    submitted by /u/halgari
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    I still love this game..

    Posted: 25 May 2021 10:45 PM PDT

    I was lucky enough to snag one of the Xbox One X: Cyberpunk edition bundles. My One S was having issues for quite some time with other games(was gifted to me on release, and admittedly, not well taken care of. My very first play-through, I did encounter graphical bugs/glitches, and hard crashed 5 times during the 19 hours spent mostly rushing the main storyline. After that, I made multiple new characters and played around with different builds, but got caught up in the negative publicity and put the game on the back burner.

    I have just started a brand new play through, and this time, completing everything I can before progressing the storyline. While many expectations didn't come to fruition, I still absolutely love this game. I hope there is more on the horizon for Cyberpunk. So much potential, still.

    submitted by /u/Doc-Hardcore
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    Sharing my Nomad Techie wallpaper Enjoy !

    Posted: 25 May 2021 06:45 PM PDT

    I really wish the game had a talk radio station like GTA.

    Posted: 25 May 2021 07:25 AM PDT

    First thing I do when firing up a new GTA game is tune to the talk radio station and binge it. That's one of my favorite parts of any GTA game. The discussions are always so absurd and hilarious.

    Figured that type of station with cyberpunk themes would be fresh and exciting, and was honestly surprised it wasn't in the game. I thought maybe that was too much for the recording team to have the station in different languages, but if your recording all that other dialogue in other languages, how much more is a talk radio station?

    Anyone else think this was a missed opportunity?

    submitted by /u/LoveHerMore
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    Best performance and quality settings for the game?

    Posted: 25 May 2021 07:50 PM PDT

    Hi I need a little bit of help, I have a i5 9400f and a GTX 1660 Super and I'm having a little trouble running the game. I haven't been able to get the right graphics settings that balances quality and performance specifically hair is an issue, if there are any suggestions or anything i need to know that can help me that would be greatly appreciated. Any mods that can help would also be welcome.

    submitted by /u/13marvelbakeman
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    Love how they've improved the driving AI in this game!

    Posted: 25 May 2021 06:16 PM PDT

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