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    Thursday, April 1, 2021

    Cyberpunk 2077 - That ending tho 😮

    Cyberpunk 2077 - That ending tho ��

    That ending tho ��


    I see your speedometer and raise you my glowing lady


    Saw a post about how cars now go around the player, decided to try it myself, ended up in purgatory.


    Police car chase mod made me speechless... the things modders can do(and what CDPR failed to do) are just amazing.


    V's birthday present


    This game is like waiting for someone you're in love with to mature and be good for you but you realise that deep down they're fundamentally flawed person and can't be fixed.


    But hey they're good looking with make up

    submitted by /u/PossibleNo8396
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    Cybercrocs 2077


    Can you all stop using that stupid "promised but missing feature list" that is full of misinformation?


    Let me preface this by saying yes, CDPR lied about the state of the game. They lied about the status of the game and performance on consoles specifically and their "glorious" AI. However, lying about the game is not the way to go around things. So lets start with what is wrong with this list


    - (wanted system and corrupt police (https://gamerant.com/cyberpunk-2077-wanted-system-corrupt-police/)

    Wanted system is in the game. Poorly implemented but it is there, and the corrupt police was never intended to be a gameplay mechanic. The article refers to an interview with Alvin Liu where he says

    " The way that works is that they are basically up for hire, basically, the laws exist to take bribes from corporations. So a corporation might pass a law that you can't sell medicine anymore, and they're going to enforce it. The only reason they got that law passed was that they bribed the government and they're only using it as a proxy. So it's not a place where you want to trust the government necessarily. There probably are some good people out there also, but it's a city of people trying to constantly get one up on each other. "

    This is lore information. This has nothing to do with gameplay implementation. And the powerful "NPCs" this article refers to are guards. You know, police and MaxTac and stuff

    " if you're in a big town and someone from the guard sees you and the people nearby run away screaming for help, people will come and try to stop you and they're going to be usually pretty powerful."

    - (Immersive police involvment changing with the area where you commited the crime (https://www.usgamer.net/articles/cyberpunk-2077-producer-details-law-enforcement)

    This seems to be fixed with the recent patch specifically. Before this, sometimes cops would come after me if I killed a person in an isolated area. Now though, that almost never happens. So yeah, not exactly missing. Apart from that, I just fired up a save to check whether cops chase you in Pacifica, and while wanted system gets activated, they don't come after you. Not a missing feature.

    - (half kept) in general, more interesting combat and hacking (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FknHjl7eQ6o).

    This "more interesting" hacking thing is the gameplay mechanic that they told that was cut shortly after the demo. YouTubers even made videos about that. Not a promised feature.

    - (Strong RPG elements (https://wccftech.com/cyberpunk-2077-is-a-much-deeper-roleplaying-experience-than-the-witcher-3-says-dev/).

    "I don't know, there's a lot, there's a ton of weapons. How I would summarize this is... I think people tend to forget that Cyberpunk 2077 is an RPG first and foremost. Right? So customization and equipment choices, making choices in the skills you have, the talents, how your character looks, how you choose dialogue, it's the center stage of this experience. I think some people look at this game and think "Oh man, it's first-person and has guns! It's a shooter!" and that's a very surface-level assessment *chuckles* I think in many ways, it's a much, much deeper roleplaying experience than The Witcher 3. "

    Ignoring the cheeky and cocky chuckle, all of the stuff dev mentioned here is in the game. Is it the deepest RPG ever? No. But due to level and gameplay design, Cyberpunk is definitely a deeper RPG than Witcher. "BUT NONE OF YOUR CHOICES MATTER" Right on top of my head, there is the first lifepath option, then the pickup quest, then in the heist quest where you send Jackie's body matters, whether you keep woodman alive matters, then in the Panam quest you get the option of helping her which affects the romance with her. Then we have the Voodoo boys vs Netwatch. Then depending on whether you killed Oda or not, he actually comes and helps you and you know the rest. And there are also side quests and gigs that have multiple outcomes depending on your choices as well.

    - (NPC unique daily routine and AI (https://www.vg247.com/2020/06/08/cyberpunk-2077-npcs-1000-daily-routines/)

    This point is in reference to the whole "thousand different NPCs will have different routines" which was debunked by CDPR themselves. Making thousand different unique routines is a monumental task especially in a city setting. It is borderline impossible. Don't get me wrong, NPC AI is dogshit, but the whole unique routine myth is wrong.

    - (Quest decisions will have relevance in the world (https://onlysp.escapistmagazine.com/cyberpunk-2077-changes/)

    Some of them definitely do. Like if you kill Jotaro, the entire place gets a revamp, and we also have the Judy questline.

    - (half kept) Meaningful day and night cycle (right now it's mainly cosmetic and doesn't impact the gameplay a lot, e.g.: you aren't more stealthy at night) as described in Exploring Cyberpunk's Night City with CD Projekt Red - Cyberpunk 2077 - Gamereactor

    In certain areas, which is apparently random, there are more enemies at night. And if you get too close to them they attack you. And there is also certain roadblocks that happen at night where maelstroms fire up some cars and attack anybody who comes close.

    - ( Incredible character customization during creation / in-game (https://gamecrate.com/cyberpunk-2077-boxing-power-weapons-militech-spider-robot-and-more/23426 and https://www.gamesradar.com/uk/cyberpunk-2077-character-creation/)

    The first one just links me to a newegg website for some reason and the second one is all true. For a game that has strictly first person view , character creation menu options are actually pretty decent and me personally, never had an issue with it. Yes, in game customization doesn't even exist, but the article never talked about that.

    -( three different lifepaths and more that would actually have more impact than what we are getting now (Wall running and metro system are not the biggest thing to be cut out from the game. Its the plot : cyberpunkgame (reddit.com)) for a better description on why lifepaths are poorly implemented. this post (https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/kdmrju/the_corpo_life_path_makes_no_sense/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) is a good example.)

    Can somebody link me to an article that actually says what we were supposed to get with lifepath options specifically? I actually did go back and watch plenty of promotional material and in none of them, they say lifepath options were supposed to be this game changing mechanic. Apart from that, the first post is stupid because it basically assumes that the 6 months cut was actually cut content which we have no proof of. And the second one basically ignores the fact that after V leaves the corpo lifestyle, all of her past associates are fucking dead. She can't get help from them because they don't exist. Like, I get it, lifepath options might have been disappointing for some, but it is a far cry from a "missing" feature. At worst it is poorly implemented.

    - ( to add on the previous point, lifepaths leading to non-linear quest design. (https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2019/09/12/cyberpunk-2077-lifepath-system/)

    Two examples that came to mind is the Woman of La Mancha quest that is if you have a nomad background, you can actually persuade her to leave NC and join a nomad group. And in that same quest, you can actually talk to one of the vendors who is a nomad and if you are a nomad yourself, you can get a more direct solution. And we also have the gimme danger quest where if you are a corpo, you can use that information to get in far easier. Or we have the pickup mission where you can learn about the spiked chip before hand. There are probably a lot more, but these were the ones that popped to my mind. Yes, they don't do whole lot, but the non linearity is there.

    - (Variety of braindances instead of it being just few cutscenes (can't find reference, please link)

    Braindance feature was never promised. Even the OP could not find reference for that lol

    - (Challenging weather system that would pose a threat to your survival (https://www.windowscentral.com/cyberpunk-2077-features-acid-rain-and-other-deadly-environmental-challenges)

    You can read the entire article yourself. It never tells how the weather is supposed to be toxic for the player.

    -( At time of writing I haven't finished the game. However sources say there are very very few options for ONS and/or deep romances (this article summarizes what was expected https://www.ginx.tv/en/cyberpunk-2077/cyberpunk-2077-everything-about-relationships-romance-and-sex)

    Again, you can read the article yourself. This article never mentions the amount of romance. It just says how the romance is deep and meaningful, which it is. Article also says how Jackie romance was confirmed, yet I saw no sources for this.

    -( The game will let you select your body type and your gender freely, allowing you to obtain whatever combination of voice/gender/genitalia you want. Sex/Gender complete fluidity was something allowed in the cyberpunk tabletop games and very very relevant in the lore of the cyberpunk society (https://www.gaytimes.co.uk/culture/cyberpunk-2077-will-include-gender-free-character-creation-and-queer-relationships/amp/).

    This is in the game. Nuff said.

    - weapon customization (https://nightcitylife.de/index.php/features-artikel/341-xxl-preview-cyberpunk-2077-angespielt?start=5) although we got mods so this is half kept.

    "Weapons also have mod slots , so you can, for example , attach silencers or install an alternative fire mode such as ricochet , which allows projectiles to ricochet off surfaces and even fly around corners. " As you know, they changes the way ricochet stuff works but the rest of it is there. However, what is missing is the electromagnetic shield for katana. That would be pretty cool to have.

    - ( 4 different styles, clearly highlighted, that you can adeere to and will make NPC react to it (https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=YlyDJVYqfpA). Please note that this was advertised as true 2 months before release.

    Yeah because it is true. You can appeal to all of these styles and nowhere near in the video it says NPCs will react to it. And yes, there are some pretty kickass clothing options that are only available for NPCs but that doesn't change the fact that the variety is good enough to appeal to all of these styles.

    So yeah, some of these are in the grey area. You know, they are in the game but might be poorly implemented. But vast majority are definitely in the game and not "missing features". Missing feature is like that "personalized ads" thing they showed in the demo. A tiny feature but missing nonetheless. However, this list is full of misinformation that people can simply debunk by just reading the source he himself provides.

    submitted by /u/Epilisium2002
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    Hey hey, I just wanted to share my Samurai mask inspired by Cyberpunk for those who hasn't seen it. I sculpted it by hand, molded and cast in urethane resin (plastic). I sometimes use it on top of my medical mask when I go outside which gives me a lot of looks from people


    New Cyberpunk Clothing Style - bring the disco with you wherever you go! (Flashing clothing on certain "extras")


    I made a thing, it's pretty lore friendly I believe


    All of a sudden I became invincible...


    When you teleport to the wrong place....


    Patch 1.2 is... holding together???


    My fellow Choom, whether you love or hate the game, we can all agree: Video Game Marketing Needs to Change


    Gustavo Orta, great man, even better parachute


    I see your speedometer and your glowing lady and raise you - 4 of a kind!


    CaR DeLiVeReD SuCcEsSfULlY


    What people seem to omit in comparisons of Cyberpunk 2077 to GTAV:


    Cyberpunk actually lets you approach missions how you choose.

    You're not locked in to a single approach. Buildings usually have multiple entrance points. Secondary objectives can be completed (or ignored) in whatever order suits the player. And despite perks being flawed/outright broken in places, you can develop specialised builds around a playstyle of your own choosing, which in turn steers you into certain approaches to a given mission.

    Now let's take a typical "Rockstar mission" in GTAV or even RDR2 for that matter:

    -Drive/ride to the quest giver

    -Quest giver tells you about a scheme and tells you who to kill/ which maguffin to collect

    -you go to the location, often following an NPC who talks your ear off along the way, and you instant-fail the mission and have to reload of you so much as turn down the "wrong" Street (and that's before even arriving at mission location)

    • you arrive at the Mission location

    • (maybe) some pseudo-stealth pre-amble to give the illusion of dramatic tension. Mission fail if you try to approach from an angle the devs don't like.

    • shit hits fan. Mission fails of you do anything besides fight in the designated area.

    • shoot everthing that moves.

    • collect the maguffin / kill the target / save an innocent

    • exfiltrate to mission debrief location, with more canned dialogue (dialogue might change between reloads for illusion of variety). Mission fails if you walk away from your buddy.

    -rinse and repeat with lots of cutscenes to add dramatic flair. Occasional non-combat quest to give illusion of depth. Roll credits.

    Now don't get me wrong, many criticisms of CP2077 really do hold up when using GTAV or RDR2 as benchmarks. Rockstar's open world design, world-building, and incidental NPC interactions/systemic AI routines are top-of-class.

    But where Night City lacks many of these systemic open world elements, 2077's open-ended mission design is leaps and bounds ahead of Rockstar's mission design, which really hasn't evolved since GTAIII (and may have even gotten worse, since GTAIII could handle players going "out of bounds" without instant failing them to the nearest checkpoint. Rockstar just get away with it because those repetitive, fail-state-laden mission designs are nested within industry-leading cinematics, animation, characterisation of supporting cast, writing quality, world design, etc.

    And for all the people saying "CP2077 has no choice or consequence", it's still miles ahead of GTAV's linear story paths. Decisions you make in previous missions can wrap around to affect how future missions play out -- or make certain mission paths change entirely, such that two players might play two entirely different missions at a given fork in the narrative. I know, it doesn't have quite as much player choice as the D&D-inspired 90s CRPGs like Fallout 2 or such-and-such. But it does at least have player choice. Rockstar games have plenty of systemic interactions while exploring their open worlds in free roam. Yes, their free roam is 10x more immersive than CP2077's. But their actual single player main story content is more like an action movie that the player has an illusion of control over, but is actually on-rails the whole time. CP2077's main + side missions at least have forks in the road, and mostly say "yes" to players wanting to complete missions a certain way.

    I know the usual suspects will flame me for saying anything positive about Cyberpunk 2077 [edit: actually it's been pretty chill in the comments, thanks everyone who gave input, even of we agree to disagree :)] , but if we're gonna make broad comparisons to competing franchises like GTA, then we should at least compare those franchises in the totality of their design elements, rather than picking and choosing the parts that confirm our own personal narratives.

    TL;DR: Rockstar dominate the "systemic open world" design, but their mission design is decades-old, and its age really shows when compared to how Cyberpunk's missions let you try different approaches without instant fail states. Cyberpunk says "yes" to taking that unconventional side approach, Rockstar says "no" until you do it the one way they want you to.

    submitted by /u/tom_oakley
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    So this game ended pretty abruptly. Anyone else feel like the ending came out of nowhere?


    I was expecting something along The Witcher 3 which took me around 140 hours or more to complete. I was like 80 hours in, really enjoying myself, never had any bugs of importance, just trying to get together some money, upgrading my character, cyberware and guns, preparing myself for some big fights further along in the game, saving up for some cool cars, and then I did some mission called Hanoko at embers and BAM. The game was over. I was like WTF? I was only level 39. Never had enough money to even buy a single car in the game. 80 % of perks were still locked, never used a single consumable, never used a SMART weapon,. Never really felt like I got a chance to really do all I wanted to do, and now I've got this feeling of: 'Oh well the game is finished so everything I do from now on is really unimportant.' This whole world and setting has so much potential. There is so much you could do with the world, so many opportunities, and then the whole main story of the game is only like what 25-30 hours long? Really wish the game would somehow encourage doing sidemissions before the main mission to get the full game experience. Really hoping for some hefty DLCs and expansions of the world in the future.

    submitted by /u/Mussetrussen
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    2077 Glitch #938: "Paranormal Activity"


    Patch 1.2 definitely made my driving better...or at least cooler (PS4 Pro)


    Rest In Peace. I always feel for Judy during this segment.


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