• Breaking News

    Thursday, April 1, 2021

    Cyberpunk 2077 - By far the STRANGEST bug that’s happened to me.

    Cyberpunk 2077 - By far the STRANGEST bug that’s happened to me.

    By far the STRANGEST bug that’s happened to me.


    The new cyberpunk update is so great! Love it ��


    1.2 messed up my entire save, and now the whole NC is in a sandstorm permanently. Honestly? I'm not even mad


    Thanks to the 3rd person view mod, you can see the best update in all its glory


    When I think of the word "Cyberpunk" this is what comes to mind


    V can finally shower without clothes like normal person lol.


    Thanks CD Projekt for the amazing update...


    CD Projekt has cancelled its standalone AAA Cyberpunk multiplayer game


    Apparently you can fight fires around the city


    After the patch, the city seems much more alive ...


    Proof they had plans for Vertical Exploration...Sandra Dorsett building.


    Cyberpunk 2077 - Panam


    CD-Project RED stock went down today 14%. This is why I, an Investor have now decided to sell my shares, but the loss is not why.


    CD-Project RED stock went down today 14% and I am furious, not because of the shares dropping, but because of the overt silencing of critics.

    Before deciding to walk away from CDPR stock, I had posted a couple of posts on the Cyberpunk forum, criticizing certain aspects of the game and the launch in general on the PS4. One particular criticism of mine was the sudden descriptive change of the game's genre from a roleplaying game into an Action Adventure, something CDPR official twitter account did secretly as well, another aspect of my criticism was the marketing of the game.

    The game was marketed as a roleplaying game first, but in my opinion what we got was a looter shooter, Dying Light has more roleplaying aspects then Cyberpunk just so people can understand how really different Cyberpunk really is.

    Yet my posts, along with many others were deleted under the guideline of being rude. The appeal of the ban was also never answered or even considered. Which gets me over to my other criticism that I did not expect to see at CDPR. The CDPR moderators extreme silencing of all valid criticism. Many of my suggestions were neither rude nor damaging, in fact they were more to help CDPR getting out of this mess.

    I have decided after being refuted a simple chance to appeal as well as the complete lack of response and disregard of the criticism from not just me but many others to sell my shares and leave this company for a bit.

    What are your thoughts about this?

    Here were my suggestions. Please do give your opinion about my suggestions.

    - Focus your entire team on fixing the game and adding things, not just fixes actually add new gameplay, minigames, immersive animations etc.

    - Communicate better with your fans and investors, don't just tell what you are fixing actually tell them what you will add, not the time to hold your cards to yourself.

    - Humility goes a long way.

    - Stop blaming or give excuses to the performance of the game to old tech, such as teh PS4 etc. It Does not look good.

    - Tell Adam Badowski, lead Director of the game, to stop liking twitter posts that excuse the performance and bugs of the game on the ps4 for being old tech and that people complaining about it are being silly. It does not reflect well for the company that someone involved in the making of the game is basically blaming gamers for believing that the game, that CDPR marketed for Ps4, would perform well on ps4.

    -Tell your moderators to ease up with the ban hammer.

    submitted by /u/CauliflowerFunny9687
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    Its a feature not a bug.


    1.2 is such a great update for older consoles. Just wish we could sit in chairs...


    How I imagine Ozobs nose is going to blow up.


    The Mox By Michal Dziekan


    I'm finally able to play at 60 fps with the recommended graphics card


    Before 1.2, I was using medium settings capped at 30 fps on a GTX 1060 6gb ftw+.

    Now I can finally play at 60 at high settings (with volumetric cloud quality at medium). Granted I am still relying on the dynamic resolution adjustment at 50% minimum, but the improvement is still noticeable in terms of fluidity and graphical fidelity. Slow HDD mode turned on showed an even greater improvement as well compared to previous builds.

    Thanks, CDPR.

    p.s make sure to update graphics drivers and to set task priority to high.

    submitted by /u/Feta_Cheese_
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    A follow-up to my previous post about a sandstorm-corrupted world I have. Some random screenshots around NC


    Been playing since update on PS5, no glitches and only 1 crash. Looks brand new.


    Night City is Incredible.


    Say what you want about the game but the map as a whole has me blown away 4 months later. I consider myself to be amazing with direction. Doesn't matter where I am in the world I always know if I am facing north, south east or west. I am the same way in GTAV and Minecraft. I can travel for hours in Minecraft and find my way back. Because I can remember certain trees or land formations. However, I feel like I haven't even scratched the surface of Night City and I have about 70 hours on the game. I never really know where I am driving around. I feel like every street is different and unique and winding roads. I feel like I'm find new streets every time I get on. And I never know which way I am facing. I really think it's spectacular. Anyone else the same as me? I did hear someone say that all of the districts have different vibes to them but idk

    submitted by /u/Zjc30
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    Today is #TransDayOfVisibility, and little things like the trans flag on the back of Claire’s truck go a long way. Thanks to whoever on the dev team put this in!


    Cyberpunk 2077 Add-On Names From Epic Games Store Aren't DLC, CD Projekt Says - IGN


    Arasaka - My second of 3 Cypberpunk 2077 fanart posters.


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