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    Wednesday, March 3, 2021

    Cyberpunk 2077 - After three months, my Evelyn cosplay is finished and I wanted to share!

    Cyberpunk 2077 - After three months, my Evelyn cosplay is finished and I wanted to share!

    After three months, my Evelyn cosplay is finished and I wanted to share!

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 07:19 PM PST

    I didn't know there was an in mouth view... I was a little thrown off by this one ��

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 03:48 PM PST

    Hey, what do y'll do once you finish the game? Like, i feel there's nothing more to do when the you complete the main story and the extra misions. There's always the option to replay the whole game, but i already did it twice. I just feel the game need something more, maybe the dlc helps.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 04:48 PM PST

    I can't wait for this feature... Maybe patch 1.2?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 10:54 AM PST

    I found one working mirror in the game that the developers forgot to turn off - in my opinion this proves that mirrors were manually turned off due to animation / no face issues in TPP view.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 02:47 PM PST

    What happened to the marketing team?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 05:40 AM PST

    It had to be massive right? Did they get fired? Were they contractors who weren't renewed? Surely some of them are still employed.

    Because if I was in the marketing department there wouldn't be much else for me to do at this point except go on reddit and make posts like:

    I have 2077 hours in this game and haven't had a single bug.

    This is the best game i have ever played.

    look at my character / cosplay.

    Some of these posts are mind boggling. Like, did you play the same game as me? Is this the first game you have ever played besides minesweeper?

    Just saying.

    submitted by /u/hh1599
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    How I truly feel about Cyberpunk as a Fanboy since 2012

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 09:50 AM PST

    After the launch of Cyberpunk I stayed away from this sub because of the toxic shitstorm. I took my time with the Game, finished it and i really liked it. Of course I could not manage to ignore all the hate going on and I would say the hate did influence me in my playthrough to the bad, but as I sayed i really had a lot of Fun with the game.

    Then last Week I start Playing Red Dead Redemption 2 for the first time and then I realised how dissapointed Im truly are with Cyberpunk.

    I am a fan since the very first trailer in 2012, and went full Hype in 2018 when we finally got more Information and all. Since then, I absorbed all the news, trailers and gameplay and became Part of this community here. I had many disscusions here and 99% of the ppl here including me were 100% positiv with the game. CDPR were the choose ones. They were true gamers and they made one of the best games of all time. If they bring out Cyberpunk, it will be the greatest revolution in Gaming. I know you should not get too hyped over a game but Im gonna be honest, it felt great to be exited about something like that. I wasnt in a long time and being happy about something that much just felt great. The Hype was real and everyone that saiyed something negative about the game got flamed by the community. Here, on the Discord and in Youtube Comments. Its like it was absolutly impossible for this game to be bad. So many Jokes like EA Bad, CDPR Good. The Hype was unreal.

    But it was not the overhyping that was the Problem. CDPR alone did this. The Social Media Team, the interviews, the trailers/gameplay, the discord. They were creating this hype and they told us how this game will be. They created a picture in my head. And even if I were hyped as fuck I was somebody that tought he understands what this game will be and what not. I was not someone who had unrealistic expectations. I had the expectations they told me. I did understand what this game will be about and what not. What it can and what not. I even went to the Samurai Tour to see 1 Hour gameplay live and i was blown away.

    Cyberpunk is in some aspects by far, one of the best games i have ever played. No doubt about that. The Music, the World, the Quality of Assets, the handcrafted Animation, the Faces, the Story, the Characters, the first Person. I even loved many aspects of the gameplay and still think combat is hella fun in this game. When Cyberpunk is at its best, it is mindblowing. But the truth it, its not that often at its best.

    I remeber ppl were afraid that causual Gamers would compare this game to GTA V, because Cyberpunk is gonna be a real roll playing game and GTA is not. But the truth is, GTA is more rollplaying that Cyberpunk. And as I sayed, after I start playing Red Dead Redemption 2, I realised how far away Cyberpunk is from this game. Red Dead Redemption 2 is exactly how I imagined Cyberpunk. Rollplay wise and Quality wise. But compared to Red Dead, Cyberpunk is actually bad. Like actually bad. Its crazy but there is such an giant gap between this two games that make me feel so dissapointed.

    Thats the first time I realisied how far away Cyberpunk is from the Image I had in my Head. It feels like this game is missing so much content, so much well crafted Ideas and mechanics. I tought about CDPR as a company that when then implement a feature in this Game, it will be very tought through and polished. Because they listened to fans right ? And I understand that Cyberpunk has most likley the most complex open World ever but still, this cant be the excuse for everything that is off. The Physics, the AI, the mechanics, the stupid Design like Minimap, you cant walk on PC, stuff like that. Also the small things, like taking a baseball bat and crushing a car, throw a granate into the water and so on. All of this is on such a low level of quality that Im speachless. RDR2 blow my mind away on how good it is and how complex the mechanics and RP are. Its on a completly other league than Cyberpunk.

    I understand that this is 99% the fault of CDPR management and not the Devs but still it feels like even the cool and friendly devs had lied into my face for years. The game got delayed 3 times and had the quality of a game that wasnt but should have been delayed. How is this possible from the Company I have trusted so much. And im not even talking about the console Version or bugs.

    The Things Cyberpunk makes good, it really makes good. Some aspects of the game are god class. This is not Fallout 76. But still this is not enought. Its even not about the bugs. Its just not what they promised. Its not. Its not.

    I just feel so dissapointed right now, that its hard to accept the truth. I was looking forward for cyberpunk for almost 9 years and just got betraied by the company. And I agree, saying sorry for the buggy Version like its the only Problem the game has is not enough. Its disrespectful for anyone supporting them for such a long time. I still believe there are so many talented and good ppl at CDPR and Cyberpunk is one of my favorite frenchieses ever. But the Game should have been delayed at least another year minimum. They did in fact, betrayed their own community and I will never forget that they did. CDPR has A LOT to repair.

    submitted by /u/Zude93
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    CDPR has no idea how to do systems based gameplay.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 09:06 AM PST

    So, I've been thinking about this for a while and I think I finally get it now.

    It all started back when I first played the Witcher 3. I was younger and didn't know a lot about games, so I didn't notice it at first. But after playing it again recently, I realized that the open world in the game was really lack-luster. There was not a single random event that I could remember. Nothing that made me love this open-world like Skyrim. The enemies and monsters spawn in singular spots on the map without deviation or moving. The only reliable content to do outside of the main quest was the side quests. There isn't much reason to explore in the open world in the Witcher 3 because there is no systems-based gameplay. There are no radiant quests and systems-based encounters anywhere. That's why I was a little confused when they said they would be making an open-world RPG with a ton of systems-based gameplay features. They had pretty much no experience doing anything like that and even Bethesda has to sacrifice writing to get that sort of systems-based gameplay to work.

    The marketing of cyberpunk quelled my fears. They seemed to have a grasp on what they wanted to do and how they would implement these systems. They showed stuff like random encounters with enemy factions, systematic car chases that could occur with your actions, interaction with the world, full NPC day/night cycles, consequences affecting the game world. These were big promises that were only really fulfilled by Bethesda's open-world games which also had significant problems too. I watched every night city wire and trailer in which they seemed to really be building up the systems-based gameplay along with their normal curated content and quests from the Witcher games.

    Now we're left with what we got in the final product and all of my fears for the game came true. Just like the Witcher 3, there is not a single random encounter in the game. Not even one. Not a single systematic driven encounter. They even tried to fake it too. You'll see some police and trauma team members doing things, but if you play for long enough you'll realize those are curated and scripted as well. The police never move, even after completing a shoot-out. I was hoping that there would be police chases to possibly salvage the lack of random encounters, but I was wrong about that too. Every car chase is premade and scripted because CDPR didn't know how to systematically make the cars move and have a chase like that. Every car moves on a set path and despawns because they never programmed a pathing system for the cars. I should've known they were bullshitting, but I thought they would at least try, but I assure you there is not one system driven piece of gameplay in this game which worked for the Witcher 3 because it was mostly flat plains and they didn't promise it, but it absolutely did not work here especially since they promised it so much and I am extremely disappointed.

    submitted by /u/BlindAngel729
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    Enemies turn into packages after kill

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 08:51 PM PST

    The “patches” are B.S.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 06:03 AM PST

    The cyberpunk devs have been "working hard" to patch the game and have came out with multiple hotfixes. BUT NOTHING HAS IMPROVED! I literally have 3 quests that are totally bugged and I am unable to continue them. So what the fuck have they fixed if game breaking bugs that make you unable to progress are still in the game? (If you couldn't tell I'm kinda salty)

    submitted by /u/PokerChipDaydreams
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    Finally done it all

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 08:02 PM PST

    Good luck CDPR selling your next game (if you are still in the market by then)

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 06:28 AM PST

    How can one buy another product from them after the CP2077 disaster launch, and all the lies around it? Even if they manage to somehow fix the game, they've lost their consumer's trust. It's not something you can rebuild easily. What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/Spillo2382
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    I think I got his likeness down

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 07:59 PM PST

    City of cursed opportunities

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 03:27 PM PST

    Cops when they arent teleporting in to kill you

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 07:23 PM PST

    What I thought the ending was going to be.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 08:52 PM PST

    Was I the only one who thought the themes of the story were leading somewhere totally different? I assumed that the whole thing about V's personality being slowly overwritten by Johnny's was a metaphor for a person going through a phase of growth, and that Johnny represented a harmful truth that V must come to terms with. I thought that the moments where Johnny expresses that his personality had been influenced by V as much as V had been influenced by him were hints that the stronger personality would retain rights to the body, and that this would be determined by the course of V and Johnny's ideological conflict.

    My prediction was that there would be multiple endings (some with Panam, some with Hanako, etc) but that all of the endings would boil down into two categories: 1. Blow up Arasaka Tower again, siding with Johnny ideologically, and surrendering V's body to him, or 2. Some other ending where V chooses to spare people's lives but at the cost of allowing Arasaka to continue operating unpunished, and V's mental fortitude convinces Johnny to give up and allow them to retain their own self.

    I also thought there'd be a secret true ending that you would only get if you answer correctly in each of your arguments with Johnny and if you finish all of the side stories. In this ending I assumed V and Johnny realize that they are both changing and helping each other grow. Johnny realizes that his suicide mission made no real change and cost too many innocent lives, while V realizes that it's important to take a stand against corruption and tyranny instead of just going through life as a merc for profit. It would include a plan that calls on all the side characters you met to pull together and help bring Arasaka to justice (but not at the cost of innocent lives). Panam and the Aldecados could back you up while River keeps the NCPD at bay, and maybe Jefferson does some political stuff to get you access to certain places. At the end, V and Johnny merge into one happier, healthier personality. I thought that the Delamain subplot was foreshadowing this outcome.

    Did anyone else think this?

    submitted by /u/NoRush4
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    I mean… yes?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 06:18 PM PST

    Do NOT skip out on Rogue's story.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 10:26 PM PST

    Make sure to do a play through with Rogue fully in it or you'll miss out for sure. My first play through, and second, I did it without her then finally did on the third.

    Use every dialogue option available and you'll get a complete picture of her and her life.

    No spoiler, but I would state that the things that unfold are worth doing at least once and fill in a void that's there by leaving her out. As with any character there are both good and bad things that can happen but if you invest the time to get that extra bit of info about her it can be the difference between "Ok, knew that would happen" and "Well crap, didn't expect that at all". Thanks to CDPR for that.

    submitted by /u/joe_stapf
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    Some photos i took, Any Ideas on Cyberpunk Spots with good lighting?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 08:08 PM PST

    I took a ride on a flying car in cyberpunk.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 08:25 AM PST

    Someone in the comments suggested cruising around with some vaporwave at nighttime and wow, some of the sights to be seen are amazing. Hotel Pools definitely should have been included somewhere in the OST or even in the radio.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 11:45 PM PST

    You can actually ride as a passenger in the 2018 reveal trailer combat cabs.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 06:03 PM PST

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