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    Cyberpunk 2077 - Weekly Megathread: FAQ & Simple Questions

    Cyberpunk 2077 - Weekly Megathread: FAQ & Simple Questions

    Weekly Megathread: FAQ & Simple Questions

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 03:00 AM PST

    Hey! This is our weekly FAQ & Simple Questions thread that will be posted at 6am EST every Monday.

    Notes: - Use this thread for all of your simple/short questions. - Posts submitted with the question flair will be redirected here. - If you want to post a question to trigger a discussion, we suggest using the discussion flair instead. (e.g a question about lore fits the Discussion flair more than the Question flair)

    Each week, we'll aim to add the most frequently asked questions to the thread itself and we'll look for a way to reward members who actively answer questions from other members.

    Megathreads: - Weekly FAQ - Console Support - PC Support - Cyberpunk Lore

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    I recreated the True Detective Season 2 intro shot-for-shot with Cyberpunk 2077!

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 07:56 AM PST

    Warmup Fan art of Judy Alvarez from a bit ago

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 09:18 PM PST

    I decided to draw Android 18 in Cyberpunk style! [Inspires by Judy]

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 01:38 PM PST

    Rollin' in the badlands....

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 06:01 PM PST

    Judy Alvarez

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 08:20 PM PST

    That smile... That damned smile

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 04:32 PM PST

    So I replayed Fallout New Vegas...

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 08:39 PM PST

    Gonna be honest whit y'all I was in kind of a denial for the last couple of months about CP 2077. Really liked the story and played trough it 3 times already. Anyway, I fell out (xd) of the Cyberpunk high so I returned to Ol' reliable New Vegas after a year.

    A little bit of heads-up before I go on. Post might contain minor spoilers. Also, I'm not making this post to tear at CP 2077.

    Let's start with sidemissions. New Vegas makes sure you can't miss the majority of them. The main mission leads you trough a route where you are spoonfed the sidecontent. Better yet, most of them tie to other sidequests so it's easy to get lost in them. Tho there are a few you have to go out of your way to get. In CP there are great side events, missions you can completely miss. Brendon is a great example. I totally missed him in the first 2 walktroughs even tho I literally walked in/out of the megabuilding next to him 10 times. Same with other unmarked quests.

    New Vegas aslo has the roleplaying element of making almost everything optional. You can do a no kill run or kill everyone. Including the main 'villain' you can side with .Not only that but if you done something big that would have consequences the NCPs will mention it, talk about it, even hold it against you. Same with companions who can directly affect the turn of events. Wanna enter a camp populated by a faction your companion hates with a passion? Tough luck, 2 of them are already dead and 20 more are coming for you now. Pay atention. You can offer them to cannibals, slavery, kill everyone they love in front of them, destroy their ambitions... or help them achieve what they want. Some of them are completely missable btw. The final mission is pure genius. The battle of Hoover Dam will relect the players choices. You raised and old bomber for one of the ignorable side-factions like 20 hours ago? They will now bombard the whole dam clearing your way. The ending is phenomenal. It recounts everything your character did and how it turned out for the future. It's satisfying. I get it CP's ending was intended to feel bittersweet but guess what. NV has no achieveable ending where everything turns out great either. Factions and characters will affect each other and your actions go far.

    But how this translates to CP? It doesn't feel like your actions have real consequences. Your 'Street cred' is up but it really doesn't mean much. People wont recognise you. Unlike NV you can't even join factions, V will just 'think about it'. You don't have impact on night city, no idication of the place changig based on your actions. It's a damn shame rly. I could go on talking about NPC daily routines (what NV has) , factions sending assassins after you if you oppose them, good looking outfits etc. but it's not my point to stomp CP even further. I loved it, it was a good game, but it could have been so much more it's heartbreaking.

    submitted by /u/KhadgarIsaDreadlord
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    Cool detail when you ask to see Evelyn in Lizzie's Bar (Mox nightclub) during the prologue

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 08:12 AM PST

    Before you walk up to the bartender to ask for Evelyn, instead look to your left. You will see Evelyn and Judy already sat there together, however at this point V doesn't know them and they do not know V so they ignore you

    but if you ask the bartender for Evelyn but keep your eyes on her rather than looking at the bartender, you will see Judy raise her eyebrows when she hears you ask for Evelyn and then turn to her and presumably tell her that V is right there asking for her, then head off to the basement

    at this point as you continue talking Evelyn is still sat there and stares V down like a hawk just observing the conversation before finally interrupting. The bartender obviously knew that Evelyn was right there at the bar, hence he doesn't want to talk much as he is being watched as well.

    just a really cool detail that you should all watch in your next playthrough

    this game is full of little details that CDPR added if you try and take your gaze off the subject of a conversation.

    submitted by /u/Waaarrrggghhh
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    Is it just me or does the avenger look like john wicks mustang

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 09:10 PM PST

    The game tells two competing stories that don't mesh.

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 10:30 AM PST

    There are two stories in Cyberpunk. The first is the one is the story of V, a merc who is slowly dying from a virus in his head after a heist gone wrong. This V is desperate to pursue every lead that might cure him, and is willing to help out anyone who might fix his problem.

    Then there's the story of V, a regular merc who is going about his daily life, working for fixers so he can earn cash to buy cars and robot arms. This V also has Johnny Silverhand stuck in his head, but it's no big deal.

    I like both stories. I just get frustrated that I have to play as one V or another V. I wish there was some reason to do all the side missions besides "this is a video game and I want to experience all of the content."

    I realized late into my playthrough that the game sorta does this. There are lots of breaks during the story missions where you have to wait for a character to call to continue. I'll use those breaks to do side gigs, because it makes sense that V would do side jobs while he waits. Unfortunately the breaks aren't very long (sometimes it's like 5 minutes) so you can easily burn through all of the major story missions and get to the point of no return, while still having *dozens of side missions. Why is V letting Hanako wait at Embers for weeks? Well it's a video game and I, the player, want to play side missions.

    There's one story mission early on, where Rogue makes you pay $15,000 before you can continue. Suddenly my V had a story reason to do side missions. I wish there were more sections like this, where you either had to raise a bunch of money or pass a high skill check to continue the main story. It would give you a story-motivated reason to do work for fixers and explore the side content, and it would fit one of the major themes of the game. V has to do what he does because it's the only way to survive. He's not murdering groups of thugs just because I bought a video game and I want to get as much out of it as possible. He's killing because it's the only way he can keep on living. That's how Night City is supposed to work.

    I can't rag on Cyberpunk too much for this. Every open world game has this problem. Developers create a series of story missions, and then other developers create some side missions to sprinkle around the world, and they don't talk to each other. The player is left wondering why he's gathering flowers for the baker while the world is gonna end in 5 days and only he can stop it. The only game in recent memory that handled this well is Spider-Man. I loved how the game was divided up into days, and when Peter was done doing the pressing big missions, the game would give you a specific time to go and patrol the city and do smaller side content. Players have been making fun of this stuff for years, you'd think more developers would listen.

    submitted by /u/scorpionjacket2
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    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 09:27 PM PST

    Just got this action figures and I think my male V got glitch? Lul

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 09:18 PM PST

    [SPOILER] Judy face expresion is different if you decide to say not to go diving and you come back later intead of say yes at first

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 07:07 PM PST

    Delivery!!! Oh shi- oh fu-... Goddamid...

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 02:55 AM PST

    Am I alone?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 07:33 PM PST

    Am I alone in (so far) absolutely loving this game? I am part way through Act 2, playing on a PS5. I thought it would be awful based on all the crap I've heard and the bad-mouthing and articles. Yes, I've found some bugs. Yes, it definitely needs some polish. Yes, I understand why some people are disappointed, especially after the amount of hype (although with that much hype, I feel like people should expect to be disappointed.) But, I am having SO much fun playing this game. Maybe that will change, maybe not. I doubt it at this point, and I'm looking forward to playing it through again (and no, I haven't even finished it). Am I the only one out here who is really enjoying it? I like the options for different types of combat. I love being able to hack things.

    submitted by /u/Bookdragon345
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    Found a hidden stage with guitars and everything! Check it out!

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 09:49 PM PST

    Found a hidden stage with guitars and everything! Check it out!

    I was exploring the rooftops around Coast View, when I happened upon this; hidden stage, with guitars, drums, mics and everything! And around them, some bodies and cameras.

    Obviously a music video shot gone wrong!

    And on one of the bodies, there was a Legendary Bra! Sweet!

    Here's a picture of the spot. If you fancy finding it, its directly west of the huge round stadium on Pacifica, on a high balcony, overlooking the sea. It can actually be spotted from the interstate off ramp that curves along the coast there, high in the air. (if you look at the pic, you can actually see the off ramp there behind V...)

    Love finding stuff like this!


    submitted by /u/gamingdawn
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    The perks are terrible

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 02:38 PM PST

    They're so boring. Stuff like "3% more damage with pistols ". They're so lame. Perks should be fun have an immediate impact, like Mysterious Stranger in Fallout. Not stuff like that.

    submitted by /u/TheHeroicOnion
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    Despite all the issues, the adventures along the way are always breathtaking.

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 02:53 AM PST

    Cyberpunk city of the future on the example of the Heywood district - CDPR managed to capture the atmosphere of a dystopian and kitschy future in 100%

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 08:42 AM PST

    I miss Night City

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 09:14 PM PST

    Played the game for a lot of hours on ps4 PRO. I saw very good things and also very bad things. Yeah it was a disappointment, But most of it was good. It think it was a 8/10. I still refunded the game. Can't wait to get my PS5 and for CDPR to make improvements to buy it again. I miss Night City.

    submitted by /u/Emergency-Fix1986
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    Soul Blossom ��

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 08:53 PM PST

    I just wanted my bike, but I guess that works

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 11:30 AM PST

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