• Breaking News

    Monday, January 11, 2021

    Cyberpunk 2077 - Night City Timelapse Video, one pic every 20 seconds for 3 hours

    Cyberpunk 2077 - Night City Timelapse Video, one pic every 20 seconds for 3 hours

    Night City Timelapse Video, one pic every 20 seconds for 3 hours

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 01:37 PM PST

    The puke animation was a bit late.

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 08:52 AM PST

    Yo this is private property

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 08:13 AM PST

    Personally, I don’t want to hear any news or info about multiplayer until the single player is in a solid state.

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 11:15 AM PST

    I know CDPR mentioned multiplayer in interviews, but after going through it, I really don't think it needs it, especially in its current state. The launch was met with praise, but also a LOT of criticism. They have a lot of bugs to iron out and a lot of issues that need resolving, not even mentioning that they haven't even released an official copy for PS5 and XBOX Series X yet. Personally, i don't want a multiplayer until everyone is satisfied with the single player.

    submitted by /u/thisismythrowaway651
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    Made my V look like me... then made myself look like my V.

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 08:39 PM PST

    Found this and thought it was funny ������

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 08:05 PM PST

    Hardcore Parkour but CDPR said NOPE at the end

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 12:43 PM PST

    Turns around .. dies

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 01:11 AM PST

    We've all seen that video of the broken shadow while V is sprinting. I present to you: V's shadow while swimming.

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 07:54 PM PST

    Good Reviews vs Bad Reviews - Cyberpunk 2077

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 06:08 AM PST

    How to perform Randy Orton's famous RKO in Cyberpunk 2077 -EDIT FIXED

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 05:01 PM PST

    Stumbled upon this mysterious man holding a bird while I was climbing buildings, his name says "Unknown"

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 10:45 AM PST

    Totally meant to do that...

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 10:36 AM PST

    Anyone else think this game's story should have been "longer"?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 02:53 PM PST

    I am not good at starting threads and usually lurk but i thought I'd throw my "take" out there.

    So, I have been enjoying CP77 and completed it a few days ago having done most side quests (aside from all the NCPD ones) and since I got done it bothered me a little that we didn't get "more" in the sense of story before the mission to get the engram/chip.

    What I mean is. The "prologue" of whatever lifepath you take feels rather short. Granted I did the corpo path and have only watched bits of the others as I want to try them myself if i replay the game but still. It takes less than an hour to complete even if you listen in on conversations and for me that just feels.... Lacking. I am not asking for much in that regard since it is the prologue but it makes it feel a little rushed to me. But that might just be me and it's not my biggest issue which I'll have to mark with spoilers so read on at your own caution.

    My bigger issue is something people are probably familiar with. The "montage/compilation" with Jackie. It just feels like you are being cheated of potential story and missing out really getting to know Jackie or even T-bug. I know they aren't major players in the story later down the line considering they both. Well. Die. And while Jackie's death certainly was impactful I just wish there was more to it. You as a player haven't had as much time to bond with him as V has. Or how you came to know T-Bug. What I am trying to say is. It would have been nice with like an extra "act" or have act 1 be set earlier. Letting us experience the world before impending doom from a chip in your head and a false sense of urgency

    I also heard some people saying they speculated that the montage/compilation was some sort of cut content. Which if true saddens me to see as there would have been plenty of stuff then. But since I haven't found any form of truth if its cut content or not I can only guess.

    I mostly just wanted to make this thread to hear what other people think or if I am just alone in this regard or hear other peoples suggestions if they agree. That and if that cut content thing is true or not. So yea. Sorry for any errors and spelling mistakes and thanks for giving the thread a read.

    submitted by /u/Varia1
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    The romance we all deserve

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 09:42 AM PST

    He should have been more specific

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 01:59 AM PST

    Best Johnny Moment By Far

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 02:54 PM PST

    Panam Or Judy! I just can't choose!

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 03:19 AM PST

    so it seems I have brown eyes .

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 01:57 PM PST

    When the music is just that good

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 10:18 AM PST

    Hello, I would like to submit my entry for "farthest accidental ladder lunge of all time"

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 08:25 PM PST

    I guess he didn't want to dance with me.

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 02:40 PM PST

    Love the shockwave effect on grenade explosions (Xbox Series X)

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 04:35 AM PST

    Kept running out of carrying capacity, turns out I was hoarding about 207 lbs of grenades on my person. ��

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 09:02 AM PST

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