• Breaking News

    Tuesday, December 1, 2020

    Cyberpunk 2077 - r/Cyberpunkgame Has Moved Into Approve-Only Mode

    Cyberpunk 2077 - r/Cyberpunkgame Has Moved Into Approve-Only Mode

    r/Cyberpunkgame Has Moved Into Approve-Only Mode

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 08:39 PM PST

    Hey Choombas

    The moderating team has decided to put the subreddit into approve-only mode. This means that all posts need to be manually approved by a moderator before they hit /new.

    Unfortunately, more leaks have started to make their way onto the internet and we feel that it's much better to move into approve-only mode too early, rather than too late.

    In all likelihood, we will stay into approve-only mode from now, until a few weeks after launch.

    This is also a good opportunity to repeat the subreddit's stance on spoilers:

    • Discussion, sharing and requesting of leaked spoilers is unallowed without exception

    • Once the game comes out, you are encouraged to discuss it (including spoilers), as long as you mark them properly, using the subreddit's spoiler formatting guide

    submitted by /u/CyberpunkReddit
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    A feel good story

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 12:19 PM PST

    So with 2020 being an ugly bastard and negatively all around. I wanted to share something that I experienced that was very heart warming.

    So I'm in GameStop this morning, paying off my Preorder for Cyberpunk and got to talking to a few guys in line about the game. One guy, was there to actually cancel his Collectors Edition. He just had a kid and money wasn't an issue, but time was.

    The guy behind him was bummed because he wasn't able to afford the game due to covid and his job closing.

    The guy with the Collectors Edition, then pays it off, turns around and hands the other dude his receipt and said "merry Christmas"

    This dude maybe 25ish broken down and starting crying. Hands down almost cried myself. We need happy feel good shit in this world

    submitted by /u/MisterJ2590
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    Playing with my dad

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 04:10 PM PST

    So my dad is disabled and he loved to play video games. But after his stroke it's becoming harder and harder to play, so now I play games for him. His stroke causes him to forget things and he's had multiple strokes. Lately I've been talking up cyberpunk and how excited I am to play it and what I know about the lore. He has been really into it and asking to see more trailers and info on it. So December 10th I'm most excited to get to see my dad's reaction to the game and playing it for him.

    submitted by /u/footlessjebby
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    #PlayForJohnny Cyberpunk Community Remembrance (Giveaway)

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 07:28 AM PST

    This post is dedicated to Johnny The Cyberpunk 2077 countdown Twitter, and I have created this giveaway to pay respects to all the lives lost before getting to enter Night City. Johnny's father has been made aware of us doing this giveaway in his sons honor. And I want to see his name trending, not JUST for Johnny but for all our Cyberpunk brothers and sisters that will never get to join us in Night City, come December 10th. We're giving away two digital copies of the game, and you can find the details here . ❤️

    EDIT: Hey, everyone appreciate all the love and support we're receiving. I've tried to personally think anyone who has given our post award award in tried to respond to a majority of the comments.

    I'm putting this for here for anyone interested that has commented or expressed they want to donate a copy of the game for the cause.

    If you'd like to donate a copy of the game, reach out to me via direct message. (If I have not responded please message me a second time in case I missed your original message.)

    We are in talks on how we could implement this, and how it will be handled. We will only be doing digital copies via Xbox, PlayStation, Steam or GoG for the sake making it easy if we have any international winners. Thank you so much for your support, and #PlayForJohnny.

    submitted by /u/Deathwept
    [link] [comments]

    So in a weird turn of events, I ended up calling the actual release date 2 years ago

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 08:58 AM PST


    If you guys go back on some of the earlier Cyberpunk 2077 videos from 2018, there is a part that shows the character creation screen. This also showed the default V's original birthday is coincidentally December 10th lol.

    submitted by /u/jamezito
    [link] [comments]

    Stop Over-Hyping Customizability

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 02:16 PM PST

    Some of you guys are really hurting the case for the game, more than helping it. Stop promising friends and peers the stars with this game. Some people are making the games customization out to be some sort of "choose every thread of hair on your head" generator.

    This is what has been confirmed for character creation, and it isn't as fluid as everyone is promising (albeit, still extensive):

    • 6 skin types
    • 35 hairstyles
    • 17 eye types
    • 8 eyebrow types
    • 17 mouths
    • 17 jaws
    • 17 ear types
    • 9 cyberware options (including none)
    • 10 scar options (including none)
    • 7 facial tattoo options (including none)
    • 12 piercing options (including none)
    • 5 sets of teeth
    • 8 eye makeup options
    • 6 lip makeup options (including none)
    • 3 blemish types
    • 3 nipple types (including none)
    • A breast size slider
    • 5 body tattoo types
    • 2 body scar types
    • 2 penis types (or none)
    • A penis size slider
    • 1 vagina type (or none)
    • 5 pubic hair types
    • A buttock size slider

    (Edit: Forgot to add that this list may have small additions or subtractions since it was produced in October, but from what I can tell it's most likely as accurate as can be)

    It's okay to be excited, and it's okay to share the excitement, but some people are really pushing this game to be something that it is not. It's not a real life simulator, where every breath you take affects the future of your playthrough. It's not a game where you're going to be able to have a full, unique conversation with every NPC you walk past.

    Let's all start talking realistically instead of in god-like terms lol. The subreddit is becoming cluttered with over-promises.

    submitted by /u/chipthehippie
    [link] [comments]

    I know y'all mean well, but can we cool it with the patronizing "mom" type posts?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 03:41 PM PST

    "Remember to get a good night's rest before launch day"

    "Stay hydrated while gaming"

    "Eat a good breakfast"

    "Take breaks in between missions and quests"

    "Move your body so you don't get blood clots"

    "Don't sit too close to the TV/Give your eyes a break from the monitor"

    Seriously, we're all adults here (I assume). We can take care of ourselves. Posts like these kind of feed into the stereotype of unhygienic and childish gamers. If you need to be reminded to take care of yourself when playing your favorite game, I think you might need to focus on bigger priorities than Cyberpunk 2077.

    submitted by /u/Lost_Percentage
    [link] [comments]

    I drew myself and a couple of friends in Night City

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 09:08 AM PST

    I was a freshman in high school when this was first announced, now I'm a college graduate going into law school

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 04:16 PM PST

    What makes me so happy is that this game still inspires the same level of excitement in me now as it did back then. I've grown up and gone through hell since that first teaser dropped, but I still feel as full of excitement and wonder for this game now as I did as a dumb teenager. That already makes this game special to me and I can't wait to load it up in 10 days.

    submitted by /u/TheJokersGambit
    [link] [comments]

    December 10th is my 40th birthday.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 10:18 AM PST

    That's the post. 😎

    submitted by /u/Guzrog
    [link] [comments]

    Cyberpunk 2077 setting overview

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 09:34 AM PST

    Inspired by this post...

    I have no idea what this game is going to be about and I don't want to know what this game will be about.

    ... I decided I did want to know what the game would be about as far as the setting goes. This led me down quite a few rabbit holes (I even streamed it, although no one showed up!).

    What follows is a rather long non-spoiler summary of the state of the world, the United States, and Night City up to 2077. However, I end with information on Johnny Silverhand that I could envision potentially ruining some reveals/twists in Cyberpunk 2077 about him, although it's all background information someone would easily know from the source material just like a player would know more about Geralt, Yenn, Ciri, etc and make guesses about story points if they had read the Witcher books.

    I'll conclude with a TL;DR.

    The World

    (Note: Mike Pondsmith created and released the world of Cyberpunk during the '80s, which flavors some of the setting.)

    As time progressed in our world, corporations continued to expand, grow richer, and buy one another out. Eventually several reached "megacorp" status. However, as their wealth and influence grew, so too did their need for personal security and ability to protect themselves from social and government upheaval. With this physical and monetary power, they invariably came into not only commercial and political but physical conflict. They used this power and expertise to wage a series of wars on one another.

    First Corporate War

    The first large-scale open corporate war was over competing offworld trading companies - cargo and passenger flights to off-world colonies such as the Crystal Palace geosynchronous space station or Tycho city on Luna (the Moon), not to mention future potential in the various lunar bases popping up across Mars' moons. Two companies attempted to buy out another failing transport company, but each attempted to block one another, resulting in a failed kidnapping and then war.

    From 2004 to 2006, Euro Business Machines (EBM) and Orbital Air fought over control of this company and the future of the transworld transport and supply industry. In the end, Orbital Air won, and has since monopolized this service. They have "Orbital Air Space Centers" - which act as transport hubs to various colonies for business or pleasure - in most major cities, including Night City.

    Second Corporate War

    Petrochem and SovOil, both huge oil and fuel companies - including the new fuel that began to replace all gasoline and diesel, CHOOH2 (choo-too) - came into intense, open verbal conflict. Then a Petrochem oil platform in the South China Sea exploded. Blaming it on SovOil, they destroyed a SO oil platform in the South China Sea as well. War began, expanding to other locations, until much of each belligerents' infrastructure and facilities were destroyed, polluting massive tracts of water and land, particularly the South China Sea. It, and much of the Pacific Rim, became a chemical wasteland while oil became scarce. CHOOH2, however, was produced from an engineered wheat, and becomes the primary source of fuel across the world.

    The war lasted from 2008 to 2010, ending with SovOil as the pyrrhic victor.

    Third Corporate War

    The third war between megacorps was between Merrill, Asukaga, & Finch (MA&F), an investment firm, and the private investment group the Rothstein Fund. It was the first war to see significant netrunner conflict, data, secrets, and deaths being exchanged on the Net. NetWatch also joined, trying to limit the collateral damage. This caused the companies to take the fight into the physical world, still targeting Net physical assets.

    Fought from 2016 to 2017, it resulted in Rothstein dissolving.

    Fourth Corporate War

    This war began between Corporation Internationale Nauticale et Oceanique (CINO) and Ocean Technology & Energy Corporation (OTEC) over the bankrupt Internationale Handelsmarine Aktiengesellschaft (IHAG). It was a conflict over the future of the sea transport industry and nautical technology.

    Coming to a stalemate, each side hired mercenary companies, a fast-growing industry in the uncertain future. OTEC hired Militech, and CINO Araska.

    Arasaka and Militech both being producers of advanced military technology and fielding significant mercenary forces, the war quickly escalated, involving other companies as well as governments, resulting in significant damage to various cities (Rio De Janeiro being destroyed) as well as the Net, with both parties releasing destructive viruses.

    The 2021 to 2023 war ended with the United States nationalizing Militech and a mini-nuke detonating in the City Center of Night City, destroying Arasaka's US headquarters and killing hundreds of thousands of others downtown. Japan, being home to Arasaka's primary HQ, worried the conflict would come there next and encouraged surrender, despite much of its Diet (congress/parliament) being controlled by Arasaka.

    Following this, an investigation into the bombing concluded that Arasaka set it off themselves to prevent the winning Militech from acquiring their HQ and data there. Arasaka claimed it was a Militech operation. In response, the US government banned Arasaka and its trade from the United States, severely weakening their influence and income.

    This was the last massive war between corporations. With the harm to so many major cities, infrastructure, and manufacturing, the world entered a new era. The political power of megacorps waned as governments reasserted dominance while markets and the environment flagged. It would take these megacorps decades to recover financially.

    The United States

    Much of the US's resources were spent on the War on Drugs and Communism in South and Central America during this time. The Gang of Four - the FBI, CIA, NSA, and DEA - grew in power and influence, eventually taking control of the US government entirely in a coup. However, as the USSR began to open up (glasnost), the US continued its economic and political blockade, the growing European Economic Community (EEC) departed from this tactic and began to aid the Soviet Union, putting the US and EEC (EU) at odds.

    Combined with the world's natural resources dwindling and oil and oil products taking severe hits from the Second Corporate War in addition to nuclear war in the Middle East, the US and the world economies were struggling. In response, the US began to secretly manipulate the world market and its own currency compared against the growing new Eurodollar. The EEC discovered and revealed this, causing a collapse of the US economy in 1994, followed by collapse of the world economy.

    Dustbowls and drought wracking the country and world, the economy in shambles, expensive foreign wars in the Americas, and a leadership crisis when both the president and vice president were assassinated in 1996, the country entered martial law as it collapsed. Add to this a counter-coup to oust the Gang of Four, and the addition of the Corporate Wars, the release of bioengineered plagues, and war that included flinging meteorites against cities, the US experienced a second civil war where six states fought for independence from the United States while large groups joined roving clans of "Nomads."

    The civil war ultimately resulted in a compromise, the New United States (NUSA) remaining whole but the six rebellious states (Texas, Alaska, North California, South California, Utah, and Nevada) obtaining autonomy. This lasted for decades until 2069, where NUSA attempted to force these states to fully rejoin the federal government. War began again and continued until NUSA targeted Night City, the most populous city in the US. Afraid, the city council contacted Arasaka and begged for protection. They obliged. Concerned over a large escalation in the conflict, NUSA came to the table and the Free States agreed to rejoin the federal system, but with semi-autonomous status.

    Night City

    Night City was founded as Coronado City (crowned) by Richard Night, a wealthy developer. He bought the small, decrepit town of Morro Bay in order to build a corporate utopia city. He succeeded. A perfectly planned city with no crime or poverty... until Night was assassinated by unknown assailants. What followed was chaos: gangs, corporations, and the Mob vying for power. While the city was renamed in Night's honor, the Mob ultimately won. But with swiftly growing crime and profits decreasing, the city council and corporations allied to violently wipe out the Mob for good. It took time, but they succeeded. Unfortunately, the Fourth Corporate War also saw the detonation of a mini-nuke in Corpo Plaza, destroying a significant and important part of the city. What followed was also the new global dark ages of the '20s-'40s, when environmental, government, Net, and corporate degradation caught up with the world. Night City, and the world, was in rough shape.

    Over time, the city rebuilt itself. Meanwhile, Arasaka was invited back to protect the city from NUSA, turning it into an international "free city," an autonomous area within the Free State of Northern California. It stands as the largest city in the US as well as one of the richest, power shared among the City Council (under the Mayor), the various megacorps with regional headquarters there, and the dozens of gangs.


    In Cyberpunk 2077, megacorporations and government still compete for power. Many of these have offices in Night City. EBM is the richest, Araska the most powerful, and Militech the strongest. Each sports hundreds of thousands (if not a million+) employees, hundreds of billions in assets, private armies, and connections across the world.

    Although open corporate wars have ended, secret wars still exist, utilizing netrunners and assassins. Arasaka was invited back to Night City to protect it, and it never let go. Its second CEO, Saburo Arasaka (158 years old), has bought out most of Night City's council, although still must share power with others within the city... for now.

    Johnny Silverhand (warning: may spoil some story reveals)

    Born Robert John Linder, he fought in the Central American wars of the '00s on the side of the United States. Upon his return after desertion, sans his left arm lost in battle (which was replaced by a bionic one manufactured by Araska), he changed his name and turned to music to express his outrage over what he experienced - imperialism, corporate greed, testing drugs on troops, and extreme destruction from violence as well as bioengineered plagues (to wipe out poppy and coca plantations). He formed the band Samurai to express his bitterness, gaining great fame. However, it suddenly ended when a band member killed her abusive boyfriend, landing her in prison while the band dissolved in 2008. Johnny then went solo, directly singing about what he saw in Central America, gaining even more fame but animosity from the government and corporations.

    During his solo career, Johnny met and began to date Alt Cunningham, a skilled netrunner. She developed a program for her employer, ITS. It allowed the transfer of people's minds/personalities, which the company further developed into the Soulkiller program: one which could imprison one's mind. However, after concluding and leaving a concert in 2013, Johnny and Alt were attacked by a gang. Johnny was left for dead and Alt kidnapped. However, Johnny's friend saves him, and Johnny spends his time investigating and then planning revenge.

    Silverhand eventually learns Arasaka was behind the kidnapping, to force Alt to redevelop the Soulkiller program for them. In response, Johnny hosts a concert outside the Arasaka building he believes Alt in being held in, and rouses the crowd into a riot, which overruns the Arasaka complex. While inside, Johnny confronts those holding Alt, killing them but also losing Alt (who, unbeknownst to Johnny, still resides in the Net digitally). Johnny vows eternal revenge on Araska.

    In 2022, Arasaka and Militech come to blows during the Fourth Corporate War. Johnny and others (including big names from the lore like Morgan Blackhand, Rogue, and Spider) are hired by Militech to fill strike teams to infiltrate Arasaka's US headquarters in Night City. Johnny's team works its way deep into Arasaka Tower, and finding its Soulkiller lab, proceeds to destroy it. However, Adam Smasher, also a former soldier from the Central American wars, has been employed by Arasaka and heads off Johnny's team. Johnny decides to fight him to buy his team time to escape, however, is shredded by gunfire from Smasher.

    Meanwhile, Morgan Blackhand's team has also fought its way inside and planted a mini-nuke. On their way out toward the roof, Smasher, having killed Johnny, also challenges Blackhand, declaring metal is better than meat (he is almost entirely made of bionics and cyberware even at this time). They fight, but then the bomb goes off, collapsing the building and much of the surrounding area. Silverhand, Blackhand, and Smasher are all missing, presumed dead.

    This leads us to question: How is Smasher alive in 2077? How is Johnny on a chip if the Soulkiller lab was destroyed and his physical body killed? Why did the mini-nuke go off before they all could escape?


    The World

    • Corporations gain wealth and power, eclipsing governments
    • With intense competition eventually comes outright war
    • With so much environmental, city, and manufacturing destruction, governments begin to wrest some political control back from the megacorps
    • Due to the above, the '20s-'40s are a "dark age" of technological stagnation
    • Droughts and superstorms wrack the Earth, the land and sea are badly polluted, bioplagues kill targeted crops, and resources begin to run thin

    The United States

    • A soft coup of government agencies takes over the United States (FBI, CIA, DEA, NSA)
    • The US fights wars in Central and South America to root out drugs and communism
    • Much of Europe unites under the political body EEC, and forms the Eurodollar (eddie)
    • The US's economy and currency is hurting, so it manipulates its currency and the market
    • The EEC discovers the manipulation, causing first the US and then world markets to collapse
    • Six states (Texas, Alaska, North California, South California, Utah, and Nevada) fight for independence but come to a compromise. They gain autonomy under the New United States (NUSA)
    • A counter-coup removes the "Gang of Four"
    • NUSA waits decades, but then tries to invade the Free States. It begins to win, but when trying to invade Night City (largest city in the US), the city invites Arasaka to help defend them, who accepts. NUSA backs down and the Free States agree to a compromise of semi-autonomy

    Night City

    • Richard Night founds Coronada City to build a utopian corporate city
    • Night is assassinated, the Mob takes over, but the city council and corps eventually destroy them
    • During the Fourth Corporate War, Araska and Militech are hired by opposite sides. A mini-nuke goes off at Corpo Plaza in Night City, destroying Arasaka's US headquarters, ending the war
    • Night City rebuilds over time
    • Following the compromise with NUSA, Night City becomes a "free city" within the Free State of North California. All companies and people are allowed there

    Johnny Silverhand

    • Joins the US military and is sent to Central America
    • Losing an arm in battle, it is replaced by a silver bionic made by Arasaka
    • Horrified by what he sees, he deserts, changing his name from Robert John Linder to Johnny Silverhand
    • He forms a band called Samurai back in the US, singing emotional and anti-establishment songs
    • Samurai is disbanded, but he goes solo, gaining even more fame as he sings out the US's actions in detail
    • Arasaka hires a gang to kidnap his girlfriend, Alt Cunningham, a skilled netrunner. He nearly gets killed
    • He infiltrates Arasaka and fights his way to her, where she is being forced to recreate the Soulkiller program she originally developed. He fails to rescue her
    • Unknown to the world, Johnny and others are hired by Militech during the Fourth Corp War to infiltrate Arasaka's HQ in Night City. The teams destroys the Soulkiller lab and plants a mini-nuke, but a security team led by Adam Smasher kills Johnny, then the suitcase bomb goes off, killing everyone in Arasaka Tower and hundreds of thousands of others in the dense Corpo Plaza


    Cyberpunk wiki

    Cyberpunk 2077 lore videos by GameSpot

    The World of Cyberpunk 2077, a comic book style book by Dark Horse and CDPR

    submitted by /u/Truth_
    [link] [comments]

    Any 40+ gamers around here?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 10:11 AM PST

    Just like the title says. I recently realised I now qualify as an old fart when I started playing with my son (getting creamed in Fortnite, Modern Warfare etc. ), yet I still feel young enough to play the newest games and still enjoy them. Would be interesting to see how many Gen X and older still play regularly.

    submitted by /u/brufonite669
    [link] [comments]

    Anybody loath the awkward week before launch quiet?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 02:55 PM PST

    I wish CDPR would give us a final Night City Wire or something but maybe they have showed us everything they want to show and it is best we just wait the final week until launch.

    Anybody else feeling it? It's quiet and weird.

    submitted by /u/Draethar
    [link] [comments]

    So the wife and I were discussing the toggle nudity option the other day ...

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 08:06 PM PST

    So I tell her about it, how you can toggle nudity off and on, and she says to me :

    " I would turn it off. Well, I mean, I guess, unless. "

    And I said " unless what? "

    and so help me she says, and this is the honest truth, she says :

    " well, can I see Keanu naked? "

    and I just thought it was the most adorable thing ever. I had to tell her, from everything that I know about the game, that no, she probably won't see Keanu's character naked. Dead ass she says to me :

    " well then yeah, I'm going to turn no nudity on ".

    I love my wife.

    submitted by /u/Shayedow
    [link] [comments]

    Protip; If you can't play the game at Launch, switch to your other youtube account (and browse other stuff) to avoid spoilers in the title and thumbnails. Best of Luck.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 06:13 AM PST

    Preferably log out of all your social media as well.

    submitted by /u/Overwatch-is-TRASH
    [link] [comments]

    Much better subreddit

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 12:40 AM PST

    I don't know if it's only me but, since the restrictions of image sharing kicked in, my experience within this subreddit increased tenfold if not more ! Loving the text-only & increased quality of content & infos without spoilers.

    I wish this could last longer or at least be of an option for us to view this subreddit like the way it is right now, for a longer time :)

    Edit: Thanks for all the rewards chombattas !! ♥

    submitted by /u/Xovier
    [link] [comments]

    Gamer Melancholy

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 08:10 PM PST

    Not sure if this is an accurate name for it but does anyone else feel like absolutely no game in their library is "doing it for you" right now? Or just me? I'm on the ps5 aside from the big launch titles I've played just about everything on PS now re downloaded some games and can only play them for a few days .... I look at the store and ponder on making purchases of games on sale hoping to fill the void when the only thing I want to play is CP2077

    submitted by /u/RecommendedHelp
    [link] [comments]

    Does anyone have any idea what happens to long-sleeve shirts when you engage mantis blades or the projectile launch system?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 04:22 PM PST

    This question. It haunts me.

    submitted by /u/MisterShazam
    [link] [comments]

    What about a street kid going to the badlands for the first time.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 09:03 AM PST

    I see a lot of post talking about nomads who are going to see night city for the first time. Well what about playing a street kid who's been stuck in the city the majority of their life? They finally get enough eddy's to get a car and eventually leave the city. Then for the first time in their long and oppressive journey coming up in the city, they finally get to leave and see the world outside of there concrete/cybernetic jungle. Just my take on it, and one of the many reasons I'm definitely playing street kid. To start from nothing-expected to be nothing. To persevere and carve your own path against the overwhelming odds. To prove everyone that thought different of you wrong. And to do it with style, empathy and a tad bit of wittiness lol. That's my whole perspective going in as street kid. But maybe it's just me lol I definitely understand the appeal for all the life paths though, there all going to be great imo.

    submitted by /u/The_Juul_Fool
    [link] [comments]

    Cyberpunk 2077 Pre-Release Hype Megathread!

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 03:00 PM PST

    Hey Choombas,

    With launch right around the corner, this megathread is the place for you to share your hype about the release of Cyberpunk 2077!

    This includes, but is not limited to:

    • Comments just saying "I'm so hyped!"
    • Screenshots of your pre-order downloading
    • A picture of your gaming setup for launch
    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
    [link] [comments]

    Weird thing I'm excited about: playing through the missions of the 2018 demo to see how much has changed. Anyone else in the same boat?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 01:13 AM PST

    For some reason, I'm very excited to do this. I've watched that demo a dozen times and I'm sure so much has changed (and improved) since then. V waking up in her apartment and walking around in Watson. Can't wait to see what they added to that section of the game. I'm just going to compare everything.

    submitted by /u/Inzight
    [link] [comments]

    I did a Cyberpunk Ciri art to keep myself busy during the wait.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 05:16 PM PST


    I liked the Cyberpunk easter egg in The Witcher 3 with Ciri. I haven't looked into if the character creator is capable of making a version of her, though if the game gets a mod community it would be cool if someone put her in. Until then I'll just have to doodle.

    submitted by /u/turquoiserabbit
    [link] [comments]

    I can't wait for the game so I did a thing in the meantime

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 03:20 AM PST


    EDIT: Imgur link bcs someone told me to do so: https://imgur.com/gallery/9FM4eom

    submitted by /u/r_o_c_k_e_t_z
    [link] [comments]

    Apparently Cyberpunk 2077 CE has shipped already

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 08:21 PM PST

    I've been seeing on Twitter that people have been receiving their shipping notification for Cyberpunk 2077 CE anyone can confirm they got theirs? I'm still waiting for mine to shipped from GameStop

    submitted by /u/VaultBoyDanny
    [link] [comments]

    [ART] So I merged Fallen Order, Valhalla and Cyberpunk 2077 together... (By @AbbasSpace)

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 01:57 PM PST

    I can't upload images on this reddit, so here's a link to it! let me know what y'all think! :)


    submitted by /u/AbbasSpace
    [link] [comments]

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