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    Cyberpunk 2077 - Cyberpunk 2077 Bugs, Glitches & Questions Redirect Thread

    Cyberpunk 2077 - Cyberpunk 2077 Bugs, Glitches & Questions Redirect Thread

    Cyberpunk 2077 Bugs, Glitches & Questions Redirect Thread

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 10:01 PM PST

    Use this post to find the newest bugs, glitches & questions thread.

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    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    r/Cyberpunkgame Media Megathread - Share your screenshots and clips here!

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 04:00 PM PST

    Hey Choombas

    This is the thread to post any of your Cyberpunk 2077 screenshots and clips!

    Please appropriately mark any spoilers by using markdown (works on new and old reddit):

    >!DumDum Dies!< = DumDum Dies. If you can't describe the media without spoilers, do not post it.

    Or on new reddit, by highlighting your text and clicking the (!) in the bottom tab of the comment box.

    Failing to mark spoilers will result in a ban from the subreddit, without exception.

    In the case of your character having loot, or being in an area that is a result, or part of a story moment (main *and/or* sidequest), you will have to use your own discretion whether the image/clip is a spoiler in of itself. Say for example, you get a special handgun when you beat a level 20 story mission. Then, in a clip you post, your character is using the gun. In that case, it is better to NOT SAY how/where you got the gun! If you do, please make sure to mark it with a spoiler tag!

    If you are looking for our prologue discussion megathreads, please click on the lifepath for it's respective thread:

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    The city where every third store is a sex shop or BD lounge has TWO JOYTOYS and ZERO usable BDs

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 02:31 PM PST

    Go ahead, send me to horny jail. I didn't buy this game to fuck every moving thing possible, but damn it if this isn't the driest mature game I've played despite sporting some of the best rendered anatomy I've ever seen. Even Witcher 3, with a tiny smattering of brothels, had 15+ escorts. Night City by comparison is completely vapid and vacant of any meaningful sexual content, despite being thematically one of the most sexual places known to man. TWO JOYTOYS are optional in the whole city. BDs were a fascinating addition but are totally absent outside of plot points. What the hell happened??


    Edit: fellas I bonked myself already, no reason to be so hostile. Also no reason for projection or hypocrisy about sexual content, you enjoy it too you choombas.

    submitted by /u/rootbeerislifeman
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    I am the reason this game is terrible

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 01:07 PM PST

    In my life I have preordered two games,

    The first being fallout76, The second being this game.

    I'm 2/2 for preordering flops, sorry guys. This is my fault

    submitted by /u/RentFreeInUrHead
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    CP2077 needs a No Man's Sky level of post-launch development to address backlash

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 09:52 AM PST

    TL;DR: Many of the technical architectural changes to this game like AI and gear overhauls will take at least 12-18 months of development. Do not expect a miracle, if CDPR decided to invest resources into improving the game beyond basic optimization/bug fixes at all.

    We all know the game is disappointing technically. Even the fanboys are frustrated, but just won't openly critique the game. I see a lot of people saying the issues with this game will be "patched out." While it is possible for some aspects of the game to be rectified in maintenance patches, other core elements of the game require complete overhauls or creation in the first place. Such overhauls demand significant time and resources to develop and implement.

    Here's a list of some things that standard patches can address:

    • Glitches (e.g. T-posing NPCs, quest bugs, floating cigarettes, missing items in hands, etc.)
    • Optimization (e.g. FPS improvements, graphical improvements, etc.)
    • Minor tweaks (e.g. game economy, render distance, size of the minimap, making the closet a container like the stash, etc.)
    • CTD issues

    Here's a list of things that likely require full overhauls that would be equivalent to a major title update a la The Division or No Man's Sky due to poor implementation (or lack thereof):

    • Pedestrian AI (e.g. day/night cycles, interactivity, reactions to danger, introduction of petty crime like theft, etc.)
    • Police AI (e.g. trigger based on witnesses/lore-based presence, arrival, pursuit, bounties, MaxTac, etc.)
    • Vehicular AI (e.g. basic stimuli response, adaptation/improvisation, etc.)
    • Combat AI (e.g. stealth/breaking contact, coordination, etc.)
    • Dynamic events (e.g. car accidents triggering Trauma Team, police responding to calls, etc.)
    • Radiant quests (e.g. respawning NCPD dispatches, basic gigs, etc.)
    • Procedural rendering/memory loss (e.g. citizens/cars changing or despawning when out of view)
    • Post-creation character customization (e.g. tattoos, haircuts, genitals, etc.)
    • Clothing/gear customization (i.e. overhaul to the clothing system)
    • Weapon damage/rarity overhaul (e.g. lore-based damage/value/rarity depending on manufacturer, departing from MMO gaming industry standard loot rarity/damage system)

    Here's a list of actual quest/story DLC that is likely planned or should be restored:

    • Life paths (e.g. restoring obviously cut content, introducing post-game life path stories, etc.)
    • Factions (e.g. introducing faction AI, questlines diving into competing factions, etc.)
    • Real estate (e.g. developing new apartments, questlines to earn, economy tweaks, etc.)
    • Story DLC (e.g. full-on expansions of the game)

    If I had to guess, I would say fixing/implementing the above basic features that were cut, poorly implemented, or never even considered would take at least 18 months of dedicated development. That's on top of any planned quest/story DLC. If I were CDPR (looking at my stock prices), I would make the solid business decision of not announcing any story DLC, postponing it without an announcement, and work on fixing as much of these core gameplay elements as is feasible before launching an expansion like a year or more from now.

    Each of the bullet points I've included in the middle list can have their own entire posts devoted to them (in fact, each of them have at least a dozen posts on this subreddit). I've just heavily TL;DR'ed the issues raised in those posts.

    submitted by /u/mountaingoat369
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    Is it just me or is driving with the mini map absolutely impossible to navigate?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 09:25 AM PST

    When your roaring down the road and the dotted lines ask you to turn left at the very last second you have to e brake and swoop back around every time.

    It needs a dynamic zoom function badly. Pretty easy fix because good god you can't speed in this town.

    submitted by /u/JauntyLives
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    The fact that you’re supposed to start at the bottom and rise to the top of night city, yet never get an apartment upgrade, is unbelievable.

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 11:14 AM PST

    And when I say unbelievable I literally mean it.

    You supposedly become a hot shot merc, driving nice cars, wearing nice clothes, yet you still live in a shit hole!?

    It breaks immersion because it's so unrealistic. I know they said they wanted the story to take place at one apartment but ffs at least add in different apartments once you beat the game.

    Even this trailer talks about getting a big house... https://youtu.be/6a8f1TbYb2w

    submitted by /u/UsernameIWontRegret
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    I cannot believe this is the game you released. I dont care about bugs.

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 02:21 PM PST

    Setting aside ALL of the bugs, I'm STILL extremely disappointed. They promised us features they never could have intended on releasing.

    1. The AI has the intelligence and reaction of a furby someone hit with a bat a few times.
    2. The citizens of Night City are non interactive. You cannot make a difference in their world no matter how hard you try in any way. You cannot even interact with most of them.
    3. The story choices don't matter, all the endings are basically the same thing. Things you do throughout the game basically only change the voicemails they leave you in the credits scrawl, if that, as there are only a few different mails for a tiny handful of npcs.
    4. After 60 hours in the game I found 1 faction you can join. Joining that faction does nothing. You cannot change it in any way. The majority of the faction reacts to you like a stone cold stranger or even enemy no matter what you have done for them.
    5. Netrunning is just a device for story, That your'e barely involved in with no gameplay.
    6. Hacking is a number match mini game with no strategy. Quick hacks are only there to distract enemies.
    7. Crafting is a waste of time other than for upgrading. The pacing of leveling and gearing nullifies it. By the time you can make anything of worth the game is over. I spent the entire game putting points into an arbitrary tree that didn't help me in combat more than 10% if you add all bonuses. Those points would have been spent better in ANYTHING else.
    8. The "Random" events are all the same.
    9. The apartment never changes in any way. You cannot customize it or buy a new one. Even if you could there is nothing to do in them.
    10. Personal vehicles are acquired by getting a random phone call, text, or completing missions. Those vehicles do not differ in any noticeable way other than speed and looks. You cannot customize them in any way.
    11. Cybernetics are barely visual. You cannot get new chrome to customize your looks. There are no cybernetic bodypart replacements.

    We basically got 10% of the game they promised us. I really couldn't be more disappointed. If this was released by Rockstar the fans would FUCKING RIOT. yet we are expected to hold out tongues and just "enjoy the game" otherwise we are "just haters".

    Fuck that. Fuck people who say that. Its a stupid position and does nothing constructive.

    You can't patch this away CDPR. You would need to re write this whole godforsaken piece of junk. You wont. You literally wasted one of the coolest IPs to make a shitty CoD/Gta mashup that doesn't touch the quality or immersion of either.

    submitted by /u/Alarmed_Energy776
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    I found a shard in-game that really seems to convey the developer’s opinion on this situation. Maybe there are more hidden messages?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 12:12 PM PST

    V is the only person that rides a bike in Night City.

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 08:40 PM PST

    I prefer riding my bikes to cars to roam the open world, but after a couple of hours I realized: I've never seen anyone else riding a motorbike in any part of Night City (except in the scripted events). It's frigging hilarious.

    submitted by /u/AgreeablePhilosopher
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    The amount of poor shaming for users playing on PS4&XB1 is disgusting

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 10:08 AM PST

    I will first preface this by saying I am a PC player that has built my PC part by part and not all at once. Now to my point, a lot of users around reddit (not really this sub thankfully) and a SHIT TON of people on twitter are saying stuff like "Imagine expecting a game to run well on a seven year old system", "Bro, just build a PC bro" or users posting gifs of people saying "Everybody hide yo money, it smells like poor 'round here". Fucking despicable

    We are in a middle of a very serious pandemic, where we have 200,000 deaths here in the US alone, millions of layoffs, myself included, and short supply of GPU's and consoles due to scalpers, even for people that have enough to pay MSRP.

    I think the memes about it running on consoles is perfectly ok and quite funny at times mainly due to it being directed towards CDPR. It should never be the fault of the customer that a game originally announced for last gen (XB1&PS4 in 2018 E3) to expect it to run well with minimal crashes, with a $60 price tag. Even fucking CDPR acknowledges this.

    Stop being elitist, Stop poor shaming. Being poor could happen to anybody within days being out of their control, like me. I'm very grateful I got my computer built when I did before I was laid off, even if it is low end.

    Sorry for the rant though, just had to get it off my chest and needed an outlet

    EDIT: Would like to add that this is more of an "Underprivileged shaming" scenario than anything else. Some people have the money for a new console but simply can't get one, unless they'd like to fork over 2 grand.

    EDIT 2: most of the people that are poor shaming, you can find on twitter on replies to any of CDPRs tweets. Not much to find on reddit. Some of you are being pretty toxic right now :(

    EDIT 3: Lol I was not calling anyone with the last gen poor sorry if I came off that way

    EDIT 4: how many of you are just reading the title and not the whole post?

    submitted by /u/numchuk
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    2018 Interview: "Cyberpunk 2077 Will Be As Polished and Refined As Red Dead Redemption 2, Says Developer "

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 12:26 PM PST

    This didn't age well, this was from an interview with a developer on November 22,2018 with VGC:

    That's the level that CD Projekt RED wants to go for with its next game, Cyberpunk 2077. Speaking to brokerage house Vestor DM, CD Projekt RED revealed that they are working on getting as much polish in Cyberpunk 2077 as there was for Red Dead Redemption 2. Whether or not CD Projekt RED will be able to achieve that level, given the general state of bugginess of its previous title, or whether it can achieve this without the kind of excessive crunch that Rockstar allegedly imposed on its employees remains to be seen.

    "Without a doubt, quality is of paramount importance," Kiciński says. "We strive to publish games which are as refined as Red Dead Redemption 2, and recent Rockstar releases in general. That game is excellent, by the way, we are rooting for it. Rave reviews, excellent sales. What does that teach us? Well, it teaches us that we need to publish extraordinary games, and that's exactly what we are planning."

    submitted by /u/PokemonAreCoolz
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    OpenCritic adds warning that "the developer, CD PROJEKT RED, intentionally sought to hide the true state of the game on Xbox One and PS4"

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 08:19 AM PST

    Apparently CDPR’s statement was made without considering Sony and their refund policy.

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 10:31 AM PST

    I was excited to see the statement made on Twitter, because it implied that I could pursue a refund, which I very much wanted to do.

    I hadn't before because I knew Sony's policy of forfeiting a refund if the game was downloaded/opened, but the statement implied that these standards would be waived.

    Well I just finished talking to an agent and they refused me a refund, effectively making CDPR's statement useless. It seems like they just like to push shit out as a form of damage control without actually considering the facts of the situation. Now I'm more upset than I was before.

    Edit: I contacted the email provided in the statement at the time I made this post and have yet to receive a response. So please stop suggesting that I do that.

    submitted by /u/stun17
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    Driving motorcycles in first person feels fantastic. Driving cars in first person is like becoming a toddler that can barely look over the dashboard

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 12:59 PM PST

    It's hilarious how hard driving vehicles in FP is (other than motorcycles) .

    Are you going down a 5% decline road? Better buckle up and clench your butt cheeks, cause you sure as hell won't be able to see the road !

    submitted by /u/Zlatarog
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    40 hours in and my only takeaway is that this is the best marketing campaign for GTA VI that Rockstar could've ever asked for.

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 04:28 PM PST

    Whether you're a fan of Rockstar or not - they set the bar for Open World games in 2013 and raised it even higher in 2018. Games from other devs like Ubisoft (Watch Dogs, AC), Deep Silver (Saint's Row), Ryu Ga Toku Studios (Yakuza) and even fucking Square Enix threw their hat in the ring of Open World games with Sleeping Dogs - all these devs stepped up to the plate and have delivered some of the most memorable Open World games to date. Hell, I'm still holding out hope for a Sleeping Dogs 2, personally.

    The way an Open World game reacts to your actions in game is one of the biggest parts of being an Open World game. Random citizens fleeing from you when you pull out your gun, or even ballsy randos who fight back when you try to steal their car, or just being chased a couple of blocks by cops you have to out maneuver in some alleyways. Hell, cops in GTA IV actually arrested other npcs if they saw an npc attacked you first. AI is a huge fucking part about Open World games.

    Immersion. Suspension of disbelief. Cyberpunk doesn't even have a fraction of that shit.

    And that's just the bare minimum for what's expected in an Open World game.

    The NPC AI in Cyberpunk 2077 is just utterly inexcusable.

    Shoot a gun in the air and all the npcs get out of their cars and cower right next to their doors. Even if you put your gun away and run away they don't get back into their cars - they just despawn as if they got snapped away by the Infinity Gauntlet. If you park your vehicle in the road, drivers won't even attempt to drive around it - they will sit there and wait for the vehicle in question to move so they can go back on their merry railroad ride.

    Cyberpunk is (supposed to be) set in a gritty, dark world where people would sell their organs to get a leg up and you're telling me there's not a single impatient driver? No one with roadrage at all? Not one person is not a fucking hurry to get somewhere in Night City? Not ONE?

    How the fuck did small things like this make it past the dev team?

    Cops spawn on you no matter where you fucking are - even if you killed some random asshole in the middle of the Badlands. We're not talking vehicles showing up and NPCs running out of them - just straight up appear out of thin fucking air. In a fucking universe where the Police actually have access to flying armored AVs that can go anywhere - CDPR opted to make cops just spawn out of thin air. It's fucking baffling.

    When games like GTA Vice City from the fucking PS2 era have a more competent police chase system I feel like people have to call it out. More reviewers need(ed) to call it out.

    I don't even know if NPC AI is something they can fix at this point. Nor do I know if I'd even care if they announced it in a patch 6 months from now. And that's just the Open World "half" of this game. Don't get me started on how this is as far from an RPG as Neptune is to the Sun.

    The worst part of it all is that these were all gameplay design choices - not bugs. A bug is when your character goes flying off a cliff because of the time slow interacting with the physics or when your character's dick clips through his pants or the game just imploding because of framerate issues - those are bugs. Having police show up out of thin air and NPCs not having any semblance of realism to them is a design choice.

    After putting 40 hours into the game, beating the Streetkid and Corpo storylines (spoilers, all 3 paths end on the same fucking rail so I'm sorry if I'm not eager to jump into Nomad), I can safely say that even if this game ran wonderfully on every system/console at launch this game is not worth the hype that was shoved down our throats for the past 7 years. It's a subpar GTA clone at it's worst, a really disappointing "RPG" at best.

    Anyone telling you this is a next-gen, genre defining game that will raise the bar is lying to you. Flat out.

    At the risk of sounding like an utter R* fanboy, CDPR better pray to the powers that be that GTA VI (or any future Open World game for that matter) isn't going to be in a futuristic/cyberpunk setting because they will shit all over this without even trying.

    submitted by /u/ChoculaUltra
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    The most overlooked feature that wasn’t added to the game.

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 09:44 AM PST

    The Apartment. You guys remember that E3 gameplay trailer where you wake up in your pad and you thought as a player "oh yes finally a player home with functionality!". Yeah no, there is absolutely ZERO functionality to it other than accessing your stash which you don't even have to go there to use as you unlock other stash areas as you progress. Now I wasn't expecting something ground breaking, but I thought you'd be able bring your partner home, actually use the shower with a purpose like let's say V can get dirty over time and he/she needs to go home to get a shower, get a buff or something for sleeping and functional closet.

    That's not much imo it would actually incentivize us to use the damn thing like it was advertised.

    Your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/RPGamer1
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    I wish this game released without bugs and crashes so we’d be talking about how bad it is instead.

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 08:07 AM PST

    Feels like CDPR is going to fix the bugs and crashes and then get a free pass for blatant false advertising and misleading marketing.

    Other than that, game is basically Far Cry mixed with Dead Island mixed with Watch Dogs presented with a more cinematic story. It tries to be too much, does none of it particularly well, and it makes all the mechanics feel dissonant from the game/setting.


    edit: hey, i didn't expect this post to be so big. i just woke up and posted something cause i was still feeling pretty burnt on the game.

    if you enjoy the game, then i'm really happy for you and don't let others displeasure ruin the game for you. it's a game, it's entertainment, it's all subjective. i may like The Life Of Pablo by Kanye West, but you might not. and that's alright.

    however, i do think regardless of if you're enjoying it or not -- a lot of people felt burnt by the promotion of the game. to me, an RPG is supposed to immerse you in the role of the character you're playing. it does it well in the main story. it doesn't do it well anywhere else. maybe to you, it's different.

    it's ok to enjoy the game.

    it's ok to enjoy the game even if you were expecting something else.

    it's ok to not enjoy the game.

    it's ok to not enjoy the game even if you were expecting something else.

    submitted by /u/xColourTheory
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    There should be an implant that shows the route to your waypoint on the actual road instead of the minimap

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 09:00 AM PST

    Hey guys,

    In my experience, one of the things in open-world games that break my immersion the most is the constant staring at the minimap.

    It's extremely useful to find your way, but it keeps pulling my eyes away from the beautiful game world and onto my minimap.

    In my opinion it would be amazing to have the option to have for example an implant or upgrade (maybe for your eyes?) That will enable you to see the route to your waypoint or mission as a subtle but visible marking on the road/ground. This way you can drive to where you need to be while keeping your eyes on the actual game instead of a flat minimap.

    Please let me know your thoughts! I wouldn't really know where to suggest a feature such as this to CDPR directly so I figured I'd share it here!

    submitted by /u/Damnit_roach
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    Stakeholders meeting audio recording

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 02:01 PM PST

    CD Projekt RED reveals that Cyberpunk 2077 will have a 'wanted' system with corrupt police as well as 'powerful' NPCs who can come after the player character. Jul 18, 2019

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 02:31 AM PST


    Cyberpunk 2077 UI coordinator Alvin Liu has revealed that the game will have a "wanted" system that can catch up to players who terrorize NPCs. However, unlike the wanted system in games such as Grand Theft Auto, in Cyberpunk 2077 the police system is blatantly corrupt and takes bribes.

    submitted by /u/mustaamustempi
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    I think I know what happened with Cyberpunk 2077

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 04:05 PM PST

    This is going to be a long read, so make some coffee and relax. Also my English aren't the best so I apologize for any errors. I'll have a TL:DR at the end along with sources that I gathered the information from.

    It all started back in 2012 with the title reveal of Cyberpunk 2077. They contacted Mike Pondsmith and as huge fans of the PnP game CDPR wanted to dwelve into the cyberpunk genre.

    While most of the team was busy working on the The Witcher 3, a small crew of developers were in pre production of the game, bringing us the fantastic teaser trailer in 2013. Lots of the lore, theme, aesthetic and gameplay elements of the PnP was then realized into the game and how it would work and I believe even the story as well, given the hints of the teaser. (Max Tac focused, hunting down Cyberpsychos and recruiting them, eventually having done so much killing that you're not that different from them etc.)

    Fast forward at year 2016. CDPR just released Blood & Wine, so the devs can finally go full into the development of Cyberpunk 2077. That was one of the many setbacks that would happen over the development. For reasons unknown, they scrapped pretty much everything they'd worked on the past 3 years, from the aesthetics (dark bladerunner-esque) to the story itself (maybe because it was kind of cliche, or very similar to other cyberpunk themed products). They play around with different ideas that are unique, such as maybe a more vibrant aesthetic (ring any bells?) and how these ideas could translate well into a videogame. Media class is unique, but maybe not that engaging enough. How about a Rocker class? Nah, this ain't Guitar Hero. Oh, maybe a POV from a lowlife guy that grew up in the streets that always dreamt of the life at the major Corpo leagues, but as soon as he gets there realizes what was the cost of it all? That would actually also allow the players to be both Solos and Netrunners as a playstyle, since Street Kids did not exist in the original PnP as a class. Sweet, let's do it.

    At that point, they knew what they wanted Night City to be: a huge metropolis, bustling with life. AVs flying around, trains and subways filled with people, vendors around every neon-filled street corner and huge skyscrapers covering the sky. But something much more important had priority: a story. They start working on it all, including the story I mentioned earlier-a street kid going against all odds to live the dream Night City advertises. That actually checks out with the dialogue V has at the 2018 Reveal Trailer, which gives a very vague and brief summary of it, including the unique vibrant aesthetic that they've built.

    2018 kick in and they decide to showcase their own cyberpunk aesthetic at E3. As they later mentioned, the reason they didn't show anything earlier was because they were afraid of the reception (the vibrant style they chose to go with). The reception is amazing, and media outlets go crazy. CDPR start giving out interviews. The game is finally revealed, it's happening. Later that year, they give out this interview, quoting:

    "Cyberpunk 2077 has been in development for at least six years and its team recently hit a major milestone: The entire game is playable from start to finish. It doesn't have all of the proper assets, playtesting or bug fixes in place, but seeing the story come together is a critical step in the development process" Borzymowski said.


    We have full confirmation that they've worked for at least 6 years until 2018, and they managed to finish the story and the Backgrounds (instead of the current Lifepaths) but as the article mentions everything else is barebones. Instead of Lifepaths, Background is in place which affects the story later on. After that, someone pitches that they include Keanu in either marketing promo, or even the ending, and that's where development started to crack. They actually manage to hire Keanu, and he apparently liked it so much that he himself convinced them to extend his role in the game, as we learn from his interview a year later.


    Of course anyone with a right mind would accept if Keanu asked them to be a big part of their project so they accepted. However, the story was already completed. There's no way to capitalize on having Keanu other than rewriting the whole story again from scratch. So, between 2019 and 2020 they dive deep into cutting and stitching together sequences, rewriting entirely new, basically trying to salvage anything they can, putting on hold everything else because the story is the most basic and crucial element CDPR can rightfully offer. E3 comes, Keanu on stage taking our breaths away, revealing the release date.

    Basically the whole 2019 goes by trying to change the whole story to fit Keanu into the game. Since the Backgrounds are now scrapped, they have to come up with something else. So they come up with lifepaths. However they are so constraint by time that they cannot develop entire content for each lifepath, so they just make a quick intro and be done with it. They manage to barely fit Keanu, however since the original storyline was focused entirely from a Street Kid view, most of dialogue and missions already have that detail. Slang, characters, Vs accent. There's simply not enough time to change anything. That's why Lifepaths feel so irrelevant and cross paths so early with a disappointing montage. By the time 2020 comes, corona hits. Not only they still haven't finished animating the entire storyline, they still have an entire open world to design. Storyline barely gets finished in time, and they desperately cut content from the game they won't finish because they've already delayed the game twice. That's why the open world is so shallow and non interactive. November comes, they barely have a finished story, let alone optimization and open world. Delay to December, fix anything you can, issue an apology and work the entire 2021 to try to patch in everything that was cut.

    TL:DR Too many incompetent choices from management and overestimation of time resulted in an unfinished game.

    submitted by /u/papi1368
    [link] [comments]

    A quote that will stay with me for a long time...

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 04:21 PM PST

    'You look like a slab of fuckable meat'

    submitted by /u/Calculus785
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    Browsing r/cyberpunk is more entertaining than playing the actual game

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 06:03 AM PST

    Promised but missing feature list (will update with comments)

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 02:44 AM PST

    Let's lay down a list of what was promised to us but it was found missing from the game.

    Please let this gain some traction - we must be organized if we want to provoke an answer from the dev team.

    - AMAZING AI that directs enemies during combat/patrol but also citizens and npcs' daily life (https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/kbk4ap/the_ai_of_cyberpunk_2077_an_indepth_look_at_the/)

    - wanted system and corrupt police (https://gamerant.com/cyberpunk-2077-wanted-system-corrupt-police/)

    -Immersive police involvment changing with the area where you commited the crime (https://www.usgamer.net/articles/cyberpunk-2077-producer-details-law-enforcement)

    - in general, way more interesting combat and hacking (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FknHjl7eQ6o). Some examples are the ability to use your wire to hack people (https://youtu.be/vjF9GgrY9c0?t=2540), hacking reveales information about the network, more interesting viruses to upload, more loot from hacked devices.

    - more interesting gameplay, for example: trauma team that plays a key role, freequent flying avs, ads that target the player point to the merchant that sells that product, merch could be pre-viewed before purchase (Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVAryZ0GLwE and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjF9GgrY9c0&feature=youtu.be&t=2531) NOTE: this section is by far the most oversimplied one. There are a number of minute key things I am not stating in this thread because I don't want to dilute it too much.

    - Strong RPG elements (https://wccftech.com/cyberpunk-2077-is-a-much-deeper-roleplaying-experience-than-the-witcher-3-says-dev/)

    - NPC unique daily routine and AI (https://www.tweaktown.com/news/73048/over-thousand-cyberpunk-2077-npcs-will-have-unique-daily-routines/index.html)

    - Quest decisions will have relevance in the world (https://onlysp.escapistmagazine.com/cyberpunk-2077-changes/)

    - Meaningful day and night cycle (right now it's just cosmetic and doesn't impact the gameplay): Exploring Cyberpunk's Night City with CD Projekt Red - Cyberpunk 2077 - Gamereactor

    - Incredible character customization during creation / in-game (https://gamecrate.com/cyberpunk-2077-boxing-power-weapons-militech-spider-robot-and-more/23426 and https://www.gamesradar.com/uk/cyberpunk-2077-character-creation/)

    - Use of drones for more than just some missions in the game (https://gamecrate.com/cyberpunk-2077-boxing-power-weapons-militech-spider-robot-and-more/23426)

    - three different lifepaths and more that would actually have more impact than what we are getting now (Wall running and metro system are not the biggest thing to be cut out from the game. Its the plot : cyberpunkgame (reddit.com)

    - to add on the previous point, lifepaths leading to non-linear quest design (https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2019/09/12/cyberpunk-2077-lifepath-system/)

    - Nanowire and gorilla arms have a lot of different uses that are still in the description of the item (https://twitter.com/CyberpunkGame/status/1153684171606450178?s=09).

    - Runs very well on last gen consoles (source NOT needed)

    - The game will launch when it's ready (source NOT needed)

    - Variety of braindances instead of it being just few cutscenes (can't find reference, please link)(so far videos like this https://youtu.be/ToWfeUEAeeQ?t=1167 point that braindance is a cool mechanic but they never said we'd be able to purchase and use the braindances on our devices and all. I don't feel this is a broken promise, rather an aspect of the game that we would love to have had implemented).

    - Challenging weather system that would pose a threat to your survival (https://www.windowscentral.com/cyberpunk-2077-features-acid-rain-and-other-deadly-environmental-challenges)

    - At time of writing I haven't finished the game. However sources say there are very very few options for ONS and/or deep romances (this article summarizes what was expected https://www.ginx.tv/en/cyberpunk-2077/cyberpunk-2077-everything-about-relationships-romance-and-sex)

    - Finishing the game without finishing the main quest ( https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.thegamer.com/cyberpunk-side-quests-so-in-depth-finish-game-without-main-quest/amp/) At time of writing I haven't seen any progression just following the subplot and it looks like the main story is the quest to follow if I want to see an epilogue.

    - The game will let you select your body type and your gender freely, allowing you to obtain whatever combination of voice/gender/genitalia you want. This was something allowed in the cyberpunk tablegames and very very relevant in the lore of the cyberpunk society (https://www.gaytimes.co.uk/culture/cyberpunk-2077-will-include-gender-free-character-creation-and-queer-relationships/amp/).

    - A polished game and smooth experience (https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/kd5qow/2018_interview_cyberpunk_2077_will_be_as_polished/)

    Features that were initially promised but later they announced to have been removed:

    - Properties purchase and customization options (Promised but then removed) (https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/9bu0d5/purchasable_apartments_confirmed/)

    - Transportation system (Promised but then removed) https://www.gamepressure.com/newsroom/cyberpunk-2077-wont-show-subway-travel/z41f9d)

    - Scaling walls (Promised but then removed) (https://www.ign.com/articles/cyberpunk-2077-wall-running-mantis-blades-cut)

    - Vehicle customization (Promised but then removed) (https://www.altchar.com/game-news/cyberpunk-2077-wont-have-vehicle-customisation-aonab8e3yY6b)

    IMPORTANT: I see many of you contributed and I thank you. However this thread is specifically for broken promises, i.e. things that they said (in an article, tweet, interview...) we would find in the game and didn't. I believe there are other thread specifically for quality of life things we would want to see implemented in the game (and the list is infinite there as well).

    EDIT: Alright I have monitored all your replies and added what I felt was truthful. The point of this list is not to discuss minutia but to have a concentrated and dense point of reference for future discussion.

    Apologies if I have missed anything. Please do refer at this list whenever it's needed. If there are key things I have missed, PM me.

    My personal opinion is that Cyberpunk 2077 is another reason to always try to hold people accountable for what they promised. Yes I know what companies do isn't illegal but that should not stop us to manifest discontent for what we think are malpractices in the game industry.

    Edit: thank you for the awards - I really appreciate it. However please do not waste your money on me, I am lucky enough. Donate instead to an organization of your choice, my favourite ones are Emergency (of Gino Strada) or Wikipedia.

    submitted by /u/SpikeCraft
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    A reminder that you’re allowed to enjoy the game

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 07:25 AM PST

    I've seen a lot of posts about bugs, lackluster (read: terrible) AI, and missed commitments/undelivered features. Those are all valid and I don't want to minimize them, especially when console players have drawn the shortest straw and are having the worst experience.

    You are allowed to enjoy the game in its current state, though. The map is both dense and expansive, the story is (in my experience) really fun and captivating, and I've really enjoyed the characters. Even if the story is pigeonholed I've enjoyed playing through it. (Also, some of my favorite games have pigeonholed stories - Borderlands 2 and The Witcher 3 in particular). It's not an RPG, but that's ok.

    Hold CDPR accountable and make sure they fix bugs, because there's a lot of work that needs to be done to finish (not just polish) this game. Lots of folks are rightly angry, and I understand why. But, I've had a ton fun so far, and I'm really excited to see how the game grows and expands as bugs are fixed and features are delivered.

    submitted by /u/strotifiler
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    Can we talk about how that opening montage cuts us out from a majority of the gameplay we were told we would experience?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 06:42 PM PST

    It's honestly crazy to me that nobody is talking about that cutscene that plays after you meet Jackie. Instead of playing the game and rising through the ranks of night city and experiencing different events, meeting important new people and moving from smaller to bigger apartments, we are given a CUTSCENE MONTAGE.

    In almost every open world game, be it Mafia, GTA, Sleeping Dogs, etc. We get to experience the world by starting out with nothing and then advancing to different apartments, meeting new people and making connections. However, this game just shows a montage of you and Jackie becoming close, you meeting other important characters, performing gigs, buying new apartments and building your way up Night City. The idea that a narrative heavy game just hamfists a large portion of the story to you and kind of just says 'you are now an established mercenary' is inexcusable. It's like if someone was telling you a story but just quickly summarized the opening chapters and started it halfway through.

    In my opinion, a lot of the immersion is lost here. You don't get to move apartments, you don't get to see your relationship initially develop with Jackie, instead you are just told that this is where you are. I would understand it if they just started the game there, but with the different backgrounds, it feels like this montage just robbed you of an entire narrative arc.

    I'm an optimist, so I would love to hope that this is the chunk of the game CDPR removed because it was too long and they can just put it back in during a future update, but with the way everything is looking, I'm honestly not expecting much.

    submitted by /u/TEHGOURDGOAT
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