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    Tuesday, December 15, 2020

    Cyberpunk 2077 - Cyberpunk 2077 Bugs, Glitches & Questions Redirect Thread

    Cyberpunk 2077 - Cyberpunk 2077 Bugs, Glitches & Questions Redirect Thread

    Cyberpunk 2077 Bugs, Glitches & Questions Redirect Thread

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 03:00 AM PST

    Use this post to find the newest bugs, glitches & questions thread.

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    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    r/Cyberpunkgame Media Megathread - Share your screenshots and clips here!

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 04:00 PM PST

    Hey Choombas

    This is the thread to post any of your Cyberpunk 2077 screenshots and clips!

    Please appropriately mark any spoilers by using markdown (works on new and old reddit):

    >!DumDum Dies!< = DumDum Dies. If you can't describe the media without spoilers, do not post it.

    Or on new reddit, by highlighting your text and clicking the (!) in the bottom tab of the comment box.

    Failing to mark spoilers will result in a ban from the subreddit, without exception.

    In the case of your character having loot, or being in an area that is a result, or part of a story moment (main *and/or* sidequest), you will have to use your own discretion whether the image/clip is a spoiler in of itself. Say for example, you get a special handgun when you beat a level 20 story mission. Then, in a clip you post, your character is using the gun. In that case, it is better to NOT SAY how/where you got the gun! If you do, please make sure to mark it with a spoiler tag!

    If you are looking for our prologue discussion megathreads, please click on the lifepath for it's respective thread:

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    I’m really liking the game so far but can we all agree this isn’t the game we were promised?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 04:07 PM PST

    Bugs aside cdpr heavily exaggerated certain mechanics such as life paths and choices. Although choices are in the game they definitely are not as prominent and lifepaths basically don't effect anything accept a few dialogue options. Plenty of other things but I wish we could just cut to the chase and agree that cdpr heavily exaggerated what would be in the game (Edit:) Woah did not expect this amount of responses. Thank you so much. Lets just make sure to keep it civil and constructive.+

    submitted by /u/Ready-Influence-1616
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    The cost of fixing Cyberpunk 2077 is "irrelevant" compared to restoring company reputation, says CDPR - CDPR promisses to fix the game at any cost

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 08:49 AM PST

    When asked about the costs of patching the game on consoles Michal Nowakowski, member of the board for publishing, said, "The cost of patching the game is irrelevant [compared] to what we have at stake/spent at this moment, so there is no question about it. We definitely want to fix the game, we made our promise to gamers, and we will be doing everything to stick to it[...]"

    Adam Kiciński, CD Projekt Red co-CEO, began talking about only showing the game on certain platforms before launch, saying that this caused the loss of gamers' trust and the reputation that they've been building through a big part of our lives. He said, "That's why our first steps are solely focused on regaining those two things. We are concentrated on fixing Cyberpunk on last-gen consoles."

    Kiciński also reiterated from a previous statement that was released yesterday regarding the current state of console versions, saying, "The first substantial set of fixes was released over the weekend. The next set of fixes will be released within the next 7 days. Big updates are planned for January and February, together with smaller fixes. Of course, PC gamers will also be getting regular updates and fixes. We'll do everything possible to prove that we stick to our values. We truly hope that our efforts will let us rebuild the trust we have lost."

    submitted by /u/PokemonAreCoolz
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    Proof that the 6 month montage with Jackie was definitely cut content

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 02:06 PM PST

    V interacting with Padre in the montage , in the cutscene V, Jackie and Padre are already well aquatinted with each other, it even shows V stealing a suitcase for Padre yet in the game when you first arrive at Heywood Padre calls you and introduce himself to you like you two never knew each other.

    EDIT: Forgot to mention that you meet Padre in the intro if you are a street kid yet he still gives you the same "nice to meet you" call which means even more inconsistencies

    submitted by /u/S-13377
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    With everyone complaining about the game, here I am wondering how V gets drunk after a single sip of beer

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 04:48 PM PST

    Introducing V, the biggest lightweight in all of Night City! I can't be the only one who finds it weird how quickly V gets drunk.

    submitted by /u/Okapi05
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    The 'you can get a refund' is yet an another PR piece from CDPR

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 10:06 AM PST

    There are no arrangements for returns: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.theverge.com/platform/amp/2020/12/15/22176279/cyberpunk-2077-performance-issues-refunds-microsoft-sony-ps4-xbox-one

    Refunds are offered on a semi random 'good will' basis (as many of you have experienced), and there is no existing agreement about them with publishers.

    CDPR made the statement to come across as doing the right thing, knowing that there is no agreement in place and is now backtracking stating that publisher rules apply. This is not rocket science or a mystery and CDPRs legal team knows full well what rules apply in their contract with Sony and Microsoft regardless of what they write on Twitter.

    Please upvote so we can track the refund situation for everyone and post any replies from CDPRs refund mailbox here if you receive them.

    submitted by /u/BitterMango87
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    Are you seriously telling me that you can't get a tattoo or even change your hairstyle, in an "open world rpg" where supposedly "style is everything"? In almost 2021?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 06:06 PM PST

    But spending millions on marketing and putting some e-celebs nobody cares for are obviously much more important things. Seriously, how is it even possible? San Andreas had barbershops and tattoo parlors for Christ's sake. How does a team of several hundred people mess up so badly.

    submitted by /u/Infamous-QB
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    Undoubtably the game has many issues and shortcomings, but the soundtrack and the original score are not one of them. Huge shoutout to the sound compartment and all the artists who took part in the game!!!!

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 07:30 AM PST

    You know when they say that music and soundtrack really give "personality" and "tone" to a movie/game/etc? Well, IMO in Cyberpunk 2077 they do that with flying colours.

    The original score is simply put amazing: absolutely enthralling, appropriate to the themes and the situations which occur in the game. My personal favourite is Johhny Silverhand's theme (named "The Rebel Path" in the score), which is oftentimes used in bits and pieces all around the game. It sets the tone so well of this cruel and technology-driven city full of dangerous corporations and gangs, legendary fixers and netrunners, violence, brutalism, tall skyscrapers, filth and shining cars and bodies.

    I don't want to exxagerate, but both the score and the sountrack rightfully deserve a place in the OST Olympus alongside GTA Vice City soundtrack.

    By the way, on Spotify you already can listen to the original score and a selection of tracks from several radio stations.

    Original Score: https://open.spotify.com/album/1B2QrHbMox8vPXUY7rXAFp?si=nEBbqbr8TmeZbFZg8l9gYA

    Radio selection Vol.1: https://open.spotify.com/album/28PcfVJsEpDcObv9swX6Z8?si=IRqIsTNYQFKTnJ7CTW1g8g

    submitted by /u/Frigmannaia
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    CDPR, You can still get it right : This game deserves to be finished.

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 11:38 AM PST


    I remember the first teaser of Cyberpunk and the feeling of my jaw hitting the floor back in 2013. I remember the goosebumps of seeing a NCW episode about to start and the panic when I realized I didn't have any vacations following the delay to enjoy the game at its fullest. I remember my plans to be a corporate rat, casually stabbing my boss in the back in the middle of a meeting without a second thought to earn a seat at the table. I remember my painful cheeks as I smiled when I launched your game for the first time.

    But now, 60 hours in, I'm struggling to process my disappointment. I expected better. And worse : I know that you would have done better. You said you would.

    The bugs aside, we all see what is lacking in the game, what was promised and obviously not delivered, and I have to say : the perspective of not seeing any of this coming into the final version of the game is disheartening.

    I love this game. It's true, I love it. I enjoy the story, the quest design, the voice acting, I enjoy admiring, driving and walking across Night City, I enjoy everything you clearly poured your heart and soul in, and it makes it even worse. The taste of greatness, passion and dedication to an universe and genre is painful when I play this game, butchered as it is right now.

    There is so much content missing that I can't believe you, as a company of notorious perfectionnists (Coming when it's ready...), chose to release the game as it is. I can't believe you scratched so much potential. Where is the AI ? The feeling of having choices that matters and weight on the world around us ? The impacts of the life paths ? The nanowire hacks ? The Trauma Teams dynamics interventions ? The weather system ?

    I could go on and on, but you get the point : It is unfinished.

    I feel like I played a really, really good demo of the game we all dreamed of. The awesome squeleton and perfectly good-looking skin of a superior being with nothing in between to support it.

    But here's the thing : You can still make it.

    You guys remember the awful state of the Batman Arkham Knight on PC ? Rocksteady took the decision to stop selling until it was playable. Everyone loved that. And true to their word, when it got back on store, it was almost flawless. And just for that, I'll trust their work to my last breath. And they didn't have a fraction of the loving overhyped salty playerbase that is yours right now.

    Forget the shareholders, forget the stocks, trust your playerbase. Trust the talent of your teams. Take it back, and release a complete, true version of what you planned. Not a patched, one-legged frankenstein version of what it could be.

    Trust the dream we all had, it deserves to come true.

    (Also, let the devs take some time off, we love you, but you guys need a nap)

    EDIT : Thanks for the support, I'm relieved to see that we mostly want the game to get better instead of burning everything to ashes.

    I want to highlight the fact that this isn't a hate post. It's about letting know that we get what they tried to do, and tell them they can still do it. It's about preserving CDPR's reputation, which is their greatest asset in this industry.

    submitted by /u/Eren-Aethil
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    The Gangs in Cyberpunk are Pointless

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 03:20 PM PST

    Throughout the time leading up to the release of the game they kept telling us how you would have interactions with different gangs, and each one was unique and would have a different impact on the story. How we would work for their bosses and do different missions for them. The truth is they have no effect on the story, you do not interact with the gang leaders, and in the grand scheme of things they are pointless. It was definitely either cut content, or lied about their impact.

    submitted by /u/AggressiveLie3
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    For 7+ years of development, Cyberpunk 2077 has an alarming number of poor design choices (somewhat long)

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 08:40 AM PST

    With 7 years under this game's belt, I would expect to see certain things that have become staples in RPGs (yes...I know this game is arguably an RPG). And for all the hype and a $60 price tag, these things should have been included, but weren't.

    • Better driving controls for certain platforms (namely PC). The mouse should be able to be used as a steering wheel, and not solely the camera. I'm either flooring the gas or not touching it, and either turning the steering wheel hard over or leaving it center. Who drives like this?

    • Better law enforcement AI. Stand next to them for longer than 3 seconds? They shoot you. Cross the yellow tape? You get shot. Shoot someone from a 100 story building roof? They immediately spawn behind you and start shooting you. They don't chase you, and there is no "star" system like GTA has. You're either wanted dead, or you're a model A citizen. But that can change in 3 seconds.

    • No "barbershop", or any way to change your character's look post-creation. Why? All that work was put into the creator, but you're stuck with your look forever? World of Warcraft does this. GTA does this. But Cyberpunk 2077, the most hyped game of 2020, can't do this?

    • No car customization. I ask the same questions I did about the lack of a barbershop.

    • The crafting/upgrade system is poorly thought out. Upgrading blue or higher tier items just isn't worth it. The required materials are too rare just to get an extra 3-5 armor, when you can just wait a level or two and get a white item that has a 10 armor or better increase. Crafting my own items is also trivial considering how numerous loot is in the world, and how easy it is to make money and just buy better stuff from a vendor.

    • No way to see what level requirement upgrading gear has. All I get is a message telling me my level is too low to upgrade an item, but I'm not told what the new level requirement is. Why the secrecy?

    • Certain attachments, like scopes, don't say what weapons or items they can be slotted into. It's a guessing game, and when trying to clean my inventory of the dozens of scopes I've accumulated I'm afraid of tossing anything for fear of throwing out the one scope a certain gun could have used. We need better information on our inventory items.

    • No control over my mobile phone. If someone calls me, I have no option to refuse the call. I will always take the call, even if I'm already talking to someone in a conversation. Wow. Bad design! I can't understand either conversation because someone is talking in world and someone is talking over my phone.

    • The higher tier arm cybermods (i.e. Gorilla Arms, Mantis Blades, Projectile System, Monowire) are not balanced against themselves or existing weapons that are similar in game. For example, by the time I had amassed the required $15,000 euros and 20 street cred to buy Mantis Blades, I had already found a katana that was over 200 extra DPS. What good were Mantis Blades then? They weren't, and I was forced to ditch them. The projectile system essentially gives you a grenade launcher in your arm with unlimited ammo, effectively making my explosive grenades redundant.

    • Absolutely no way to reset your attributes, and no easy way to reset your perks. The only way to reset perks is by using an item that costs $100,000 euros, and whatever attributes you choose you're stuck with forever. This is a single player game. There is NO reason I shouldn't be allowed to sculpt and craft my character any way I see fit over the course of the WHOLE game, and not just at character creation or during the times I'm allotted skill points. Even multiplayer games like World of Warcraft allow you to freely swap around your builds and points to try various things.

    For a game originally branded as an RPG, it has a surprising number of restrictions and barriers that prevents the player from actually playing how they want, and mold their character into what they want at any point during the game's story.

    The voice acting, story sequences, and cinematics are nice and immersive, but that doesn't make up for the shortfalls of everything else that's sorely lacking in various areas.

    I really, really hope that once the immediate major bugs are fixed, performance is addressed across all platforms, and the game gets to a stable base that can built upon, we start to see many (hopefully all) of these poor design decisions addressed and resolved so Cyberpunk 2077 can live up to the hype the publisher and developers catapulted it with.

    submitted by /u/Hammer_keys
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    Never seen this discussed anywhere so heres what i found out: When you "skip" time, you dont really skip time. You just change the position of the sun.

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 05:10 AM PST

    Try it out. Scare an NPC and as he runs away skip time for 12 hours. Guess what, its evening now but everything is still as it was and the npc continues to run away.

    In witcher 3 time actually passed when you went to meditate or sleep or whatever.

    submitted by /u/bigboss_snakee
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    The fact that I can't order a certain drink(spoilers) at the afterlife is a absolute travesty.

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 08:53 AM PST

    (SPOILERS) After the Mi Hermano Jackie Wells passed i asked the bartender at Afterlife to name his drink after him which she agrees to do and then even offers me one but, there is no option to purchase it or even drink it. Why even add the conversation if I can't order it all you are doing is making me sad CDPR.

    submitted by /u/jacob0237
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    I’m just gonna say it. I love this game and will continue to play it whether they improve it or not.

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 07:01 AM PST

    First of all, I get it. This game isn't what it was supposed to be. It was supposed to be the greatest game of all time and it didn't live up to those impossible expectations because when you hype something up for 7 years you're going to be disappointed no matter what. I'm aware of everything bad that's being said about it and I agree, I just don't care. For me, the good outweighs the bad by far. I compare it to Outer Worlds because I feel like that's the closest related game I've played. It's like OW but with way better combat, story, map, everything. The missions are so well thought out, even the small ones, that I find myself wanting to 100% the game which I usually never do. The combat with guns is ok, but the sword combat is the best I've ever played. I couldn't care less about the driving because I either run or fast travel anyway. It's not a racing game or GTA, it's an RPG in a packed city. I don't think it's right for them to have ignored older consoles and I'm not going to defend that, but with a new game like this of course you're going to need better equipment to have a smooth experience. I've been using a Series S and it crashed only twice on me in the 40 hours I've played so far and no glitches were bad enough to disrupt my game. I just felt like I needed to put some positivity on this subreddit as people seem to be so caught up on it not being impossibly perfect and are ignoring how great of a game it is because it didn't meet impossible expectations. I'm going to leave this subreddit and play this game for a couple hundred hours and enjoy every second. I hope when I check back someday people will have calmed down and enjoyed the game for what it is.

    submitted by /u/RaisedUpPosterior69
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    Your rent is past due, yet you can't pay it. Unacceptable

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 04:07 PM PST

    In Act 2 you get a message from your landlord stating that your're late.

    I have more than 200k on me, but I guess I'll be homeless soon.

    I've never been late on my rent in real life.

    Zero immersion.

    submitted by /u/Bob_Robert_1
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    Hello, Night City fappers! xHamster porn searches for Cyberpunk2077 are up 3420% since the game was released!

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 09:26 AM PST

    Greetings from the xHamster team!

    Come on, don't be shy! We know you are out there 😛

    Jokes aside, we love you guys. The community is awesome which is why we wanted to contribute with this simple graph which shows how horny some of you are!

    Data is extracted from our Google Analytics.

    Stay cool!

    submitted by /u/xHamsterOfficial
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    That montoge, felt like a HUGE slap in the face. Honestly, that's what I'm the most upset with...

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 10:39 AM PST

    Seriously?!? I was so looking forward to building my character up. Coming from nothing, and 'making it's inside Night City. What's the game do... 'naw...you just get to watch'...

    submitted by /u/TheCoffeeMage
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    I love how the bar just keeps getting pushed lower and lower for what we “should have expected”

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 10:39 AM PST

    I'm now seeing arguments that the game was never meant to have a functioning police system, was never meant to have great AI, never meant to have great combat mechanics, never meant to have mini games and activities, never meant to be free roam after you finish the missions, never meant to be anything more than The Witcher in a different setting.

    I just find it funny how the bar keeps going lower and lower for what the game was even meant to have in it lol.

    submitted by /u/boba_jawn
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    Trauma team should revive you in the open world!

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 05:49 AM PST

    Why is this not a thing? Trauma Team is one of the coolest shit in this game, yet you only see them ONCE. Just dissapointments over dissapointments, man.

    submitted by /u/SamsungGalaxyS10Plus
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    How does GTA San Andreas have gang wars, car customization, darts, clothing, pool, dating, a storyline, casino's and so much more while this game has little to do besides killing gangs/stealing stuff in your downtime?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 02:20 PM PST

    We seem to be going backwards in gaming, this game was supposed to be so much more dense. But after 40 hours of playing I have basically done all side missions and kind of feel like not starting it up again, I've practically seen all the content (except repeat missions or collectables).

    I don't see how you fix this, there's so much content missing. I expected to be put in some kind of futuristic theme park with a heavy focus on doing fun, stupid, interactive stuff and meeting ridiculous individuals but there is just nothing like it.

    So apart from the graphics:

    GTA: San Andreas has more content than Cyberpunk. A 16 year old game has more to do.

    How do you go from the current state of the game and turn it into what was heavily implied during marketing in a short time span? You don't.

    Here's a big list of stuff that is missing, posted by u/RalphDamiani. But I don't feel like how significantly little open world content is available is made thoroughly enough.

    These are things I expected to be in the game (all of them advertised or heavily hinted at):

    - Actual wanted system. Not this alpha testing filler we got.

    - Immersive NPCs that don't randomly disappear or all synchronise and run away in the same direction.

    -Cool mini games with NPC's you meet (Like in the Yakuza series, who have had this since 2008)

    - Some kind of gang system where you either control business' or have to deal with rival gangs

    - Meaningful back stories that impact the main story

    - New lines that make your character sound like he actually is a corpo instead of a street kid/nomad at all the time

    - Car customization

    - New gear system with obvious transmog options

    - New cybernetic system

    - Body sculpt system

    - Better animations (I stopped using mantis blade because the strong attack animation takes like 10 seconds to execute)

    - Fix all the small sound bugs, like footsteps not registering or no dialogue at all

    And then this glorious statement comes out; '' We'll fix the bugs, don't worry ".

    The bugs are the least of your problems, they suck but I don't care. They'll get fixed.

    How about the other 70% of the game, you know, actual stuff to do besides the ridiculously short main story which you can finish in 10 hours?
    Why do they only put out a statement regarding stability when content is another huge factor?

    I have no idea how complex a game world is to develop but as a creative marketing guy I'm familiar with creative processes and translating design into working features. A lot ideas get cut out because of technical restraints and money issues. Clients always want more than what they're willing to pay for.

    But how do you make all your money back from pre-orders, and then deliver a product like this? (With a good 5-6 years of development time)

    You do that when you only care about making money and don't care about the artistic integrity of your studio.

    The developers/studio guys that worked hard are not to blame, they are the artists. I love what they did, it looks great. Corporate is to blame, they already made back their investment with pre-orders but want more sales with Christmas. How incredibly ironic that a game exploring toxic capitalism is largely ruined by toxic capitalism. What a joke.

    TLDR: Great tech demo, love it. But come on bro, don't promise me a brand new lambo and deliver a beat up civic.

    submitted by /u/Gezorko
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    Narratively, this game feels like a sequel to a game that doesn't exist

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 06:08 AM PST

    They skip past 6 months of world building and then just throw these characters at you and expect you to care for them. You meet characters with no proper introduction, half of the time you're left wondering who the hell these people are and why they are acting like you should know them, you never get to establish an emotional connection to the characters cause they skip over the introduction. The game just hands you these characters like "this is your friend, feel sad when he dies" instead of letting us build these relationships organically. T-Bug appears in the hologram tutorial and I'm just like who the hell is this person. You're at a funeral with Mama Welles and Misty, two characters who you never met before or saw for like 10 seconds. Why should I care for them? Why is Mama Welles telling me that I lived with her, when it's literally the first time we see her? So many points like this in the story where you just know that some story parts are missing.

    The 6 month period was probably planned as a playable intro with an introduction to the world and characters and with a heavier emphasis on the personal backgrounds. For some reason they cut that part yet didn't adjust the remaining story beats and dialogues accordingly. Which is why it feels like the game references things that you've never experienced

    submitted by /u/Uro06
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    The corpo life path makes no sense.

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 06:33 AM PST

    You start the game with proprietary arasaka OS, watching your boss butcher the entire European space council like it's nothing, people say "oh shit it's V" when they see you in saka HQ, you ride around town in an AV with a personal life coach on the line 24/7 and yet 20 minutes later you literally become a nobody street thug with Jackie after a damn cutscene? What happened to the huge chunk of cash Jenkins handed to you? What happened to your corporate connections? Heck even Takemura can still call in a bunch of favors in a foreign country after he's been completely burned by arasaka and you are telling me everyone in the corp cut ties with V in his/her own turf? I didn't pick the corpo life path just to end up playing as a street kid, for now the whole life path system they hyped up for so long is pretty much 3 different 30 minutes starting section that doesn't tie into the main storyline at all besides a few dialogue differences. No matter what life path you choose it pretty much all converge into street kid within 30 minutes. The life path system needs a major overhaul if they want each path to feel unique and different.

    EDIT: There's also a ton of inconsistencies if you play as corpo V as he/she often uses street slangs and suddenly goes from "I don't trust corpo agents/Fuck the corp" to "I used to work for the corp so let's cut a deal", it's pretty immersion breaking

    EDIT 2: Some people in the comments are saying that the corp took everything from you at the end of the intro which I am fully aware of, my point is that which path you choose essentially doesn't matter aside from the painfully short intro and a few dialogue differences which is a far cry from what CDPR promised

    submitted by /u/S-13377
    [link] [comments]

    Cyberpunk 2077 in one word

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 07:13 PM PST


    cause you control V. Hi dad.

    *quality shit post

    submitted by /u/Professor_kev
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    I dearly hope CDPR take the whole Multiplayer idea away for a long time until they turn the game into something more stable and deliver the most promised features missing in the game.

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 11:59 PM PST

    I have never been interested in the multiplayer mode for CP2077 and considering the moment also Multiplayer comes into the game, most devs will also start working on balancing things, solving out of bugs while we already have so many of them in the single player.

    RDR2 had also bit harsh early weeks when it was released on PC, but the game was extremely demanding and the content was very appealing. People knew its potential from the console release and R* patched the game eventually to make it more stable. I've played CP2077 for around 40 hours and I actually enjoy it so much, it is like an experience I've never felt, since the World is very good, graphics are insane and but the gameplay is the fact that very very linear where we mostly just run into side quest or events like the last Assassin's Creed games. I must say I am not even bored while doing them, but I wish there was more making us feel it like it was a simulation in this World, being able to interact with the World so we could feel the immersion better.

    Like the all other redditors keep reminding we were promised to have new apartments, vehicle customization or many other features, the game seriously needs more interaction with the World. I hope not to see that multiplayer mode at least for a year.

    I cannot thank enough for the awards. I wish I could also discuss you in this post, but due to my deadline of assigments not able to now. I really love this sub a lot and respect to everyone's opinions. People are really bringing quite quality topics into light, telling their constructive feedbacks for all the time. In the end, I know CDPR is going to fix their game eventually. Ubisoft had been releasing broken games for years, yet instead they care about their reputation and hell CDPR is going to give their best for their new baby.

    Most games start with a honeymoon and after a while people start seeing negative sides of it. For CP2077, it is going to be vice versa and the more time passed we will start seeing the other sides of the game. For now, people have every single right to complain about all those missing features, optimization of the game and more. We were happy to know this game was going to be DRM-Free, so it would perform a lot better. Imagine now Denuvo was in the game and I wonder the pain our hardwares would have haha.

    submitted by /u/Bruce_VVayne
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    When driving I want the camera to stay how I want it, slightly pointing down, not constantly resetting itself.

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 08:43 AM PST

    It's so annoying when driving when I pan the camera down so I can see less sky and more of the road ahead by having to constantly hold the right stick down because if I don't it immediately resets the camera to the default position. Please fix this at some point, it's so annoying.

    submitted by /u/Lando_V6
    [link] [comments]

    Employee on CDPR Forums confirms never appearing nude outside inventory screen is not a bug.

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 10:04 AM PST


    Lmao. All of the sexual themes marketed and shown in this game but can never actually be nude. Great game guys. Showering in underwear is now a feature.

    Good luck getting those braindances or nightclubs. Night City, the most prudish place on earth.

    submitted by /u/BloodTypeIsBlue
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