• Breaking News

    Monday, November 30, 2020

    Cyberpunk 2077 - r/Cyberpunkgame Weekly Questions Megathread Hub - Read Before Posting!

    Cyberpunk 2077 - r/Cyberpunkgame Weekly Questions Megathread Hub - Read Before Posting!

    r/Cyberpunkgame Weekly Questions Megathread Hub - Read Before Posting!

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 08:13 PM PST

    Cyberpunk 2077 Pre-Release Hype Megathread!

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 03:00 PM PST

    Hey Choombas,

    With launch right around the corner, this megathread is the place for you to share your hype about the release of Cyberpunk 2077!

    This includes, but is not limited to:

    • Comments just saying "I'm so hyped!"
    • Screenshots of your pre-order downloading
    • A picture of your gaming setup for launch
    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
    [link] [comments]

    RIP Jonny, I’m sorry you couldn’t have experienced Night City.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 04:00 PM PST

    https://imgur.com/gallery/VTDAivd For u/Mixitman Seeing some people asking what this is for, it's for a user by the name of u/Mixitman who's son, Jonny, passed away recently, and never got to play the game.

    The original post- https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/k34quu/my_johnny_will_not_be_playing_cyberpunk_2077_we/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf

    submitted by /u/Cotillion0899
    [link] [comments]

    Cyberpunk 2077 Release Date in All Timezones.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 06:58 AM PST

    May be different by 1 hour, depending on exact release in Poland. Add +1 hour if release is 1am in poland

    EDIT: Seems confirmed for 1am in Poland, not 12am, so I'll update. 1am in Poland is the release EVERYWHERE. It is a global release

    Poland/Central Europe

    1:00am GMT+1/CET Dec 10th, 2020


    12:00am GMT Dec 10th, 2020


    4:00pm PST Dec 9th, 2020

    5:00pm MST Dec 9th, 2020

    6:00pm CST Dec 9th, 2020

    7:00pm EST Dec 9th, 2020

    9:00pm UTC-3 Dec 9th, 2020


    11:00am AEDT Dec 10th, 2020

    1:00pm NZDT Dec 10th, 2020


    3:00am MSK Dec 10th, 2020

    4:00am UTC+4 Dec 10th, 2020

    5:30am IST UTC+5:30 Dec 10th, 2020

    8:00am CST Dec 10th, 2020

    9:00am JST Dec 10th, 2020

    Now please stop asking, my lawd. It's a global release. Everybody gets it at the exact same time.

    submitted by /u/CL60
    [link] [comments]

    Cyberpunk 2077 release/game info and common answers

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 09:29 AM PST

    CTRL+F to search for stuff or, if you're on a phone, just be sad and scroll.


    December 10, 2020, at midnight UTC (Not Polish midnight, it seems). It is a GLOBAL RELEASE, which means everyone gets it at the SAME TIME. The VPN trick is pointless. As far as we know, pretty much both PC and consoles have confirmed the unusual times (most developers don't use UTC). This is also the same time Witcher 3 launched.

    EDIT Dec 1: For timezones where this is past midnight, seems they might just do midnight for you anyway. PS4/5 reportedly showing standard local midnight release for some. Likely a glitch, as I seriously doubt Sony would make their fanbase wait while everyone else is playing, but it might also just be a Sony thing.

    Google itself will tell you when this is for you. Click here.

    Alternatively, you can manually calculate it here.

    This should translate to 1 AM in Poland, 4PM PST, 7PM EST, etc.

    --(Physical) WHEN IS CYBERPUNK 2077 RELEASING?--

    Really shocked this needs to be answered, but since it's been asked: yes, most carriers will deliver it on the 10th. The PC "physical" version is just a code for a GOG download. VERY few distributors will send you the code ahead of time, but some will if you ask, so try it. You MAY get it early, but likely will get it whenever you normally get mail on the 10th.

    Some places may do midnight or earlier releases for physical copies, but because of the pandemic it's unlikely to be many (and is ill-advised anyway).

    --Is the game DRM Free? (ON PC, obviously)--

    Yes. CDPR is vehemently against DRM, and the DRM-free nature of Cyberpunk has been confirmed by journalists. Whether it's Steam, GoG, or Epic Game Store, you will be able to run the game without any of them open, and YES, you can technically just copy and paste the game onto 20 computers if you wanted. That's just what DRM-free means, but PLEASE support the developers.

    Again, this obviously doesn't include stuff like consoles or Stadia which are inherently locked by nature.

    --Difference between Steam and GoG?--

    Ultimately, no differences. Both are DRM free, both have achievements, both will update at the same time. CDPR, the makers of Cyberpunk 2077, own GOG, so if you buy it from there the devs get 100% of your money. Every platform will get its own comic and on Steam you get an exclusive short story; they'll all probably be all over the internet in 5 seconds though, if you really care.

    --PC Performance or "Can I run it?"--

    Here are the official hardware requirements, but I'll tell you now that no one really knows how it'll actually run in reality because they've given us no information about FPS targets on PC (we can probably safely assume 60, as that is the standard on PC).

    Anyway, here is the RTX ray tracing gameplay trailer for the 30xx unicorns.

    AMD and thus next-gen console raytracing will come eventually, but right now it's limited to Nvidia GPUs.

    --Will there be official modding support?--

    CDPR has been inconsistent with official support for their games. Their official word for Cyberpunk 2077 specifically is "not at the moment" because they want to focus on the core game, which I guess isn't a no. Witcher 2 actually had RedKit for official modding support, and Cyberpunk 2077 uses an upgraded version of the same engine, so it's possible a new RedKit will be released someday.

    However, even without modding support at the start, Witcher 3 still had a ton of modding. Most notably, the infamous nudity mods that gave gamers the world over the joy of seeing Geralt's buttery buttocks all the time instead of just in a few scenes, because no one cared about anyone else's buttocks, obviously.

    With the popularity of the game, though, CDPR would be bonkers to not officially add modding support, and honestly, the modding community probably won't care even if they don't.

    So that's kind of where we're at: A solid WE SHALL SEE.

    --Next-gen Patch? How does it run on consoles?-

    Note that CDPR hasn't said a single thing about FPS/resolution targets on any of the consoles either, sorry. IMO this is really something they should revealed already, but meh.

    Next-gen patch is planned for next year; CDPR has not given a date. The game runs a bit better on next-gen consoles, but will not have any next-gen features or graphical enhancements until this patch.

    Here is the official X Box One X and Series X gameplay.

    Here is the official PS5 and PS4 Pro gameplay.

    Note that outside of these videos, all gameplay has been on high end PCs, so please don't let your expectations get out of hand due to the trailers. No gameplay has been shown on the base models. CDPR says it runs fine, but, again, I'd seriously taper my expectations.

    --GoG Account Link Freebies?--

    CDPR hasn't actually spoken about this, but they have mentioned there will be shirts and swords and other goodies if you own their prior games, and that it doesn't matter where you own them. Expect information this week, likely.


    This will be free for anyone who already owns the base game (so half the world, I guess). There's no release date, but it was expected in 2022 and may now release in 2023 instead. We don't have many details other than it's being headed by some MMO veterans and is a separate AAA project according to CDPR.

    For people asking, it's actually old news that it'll be free (sorry couldn't find the original interview), but I guess they could change their minds over the next 2 years, and the way they worded it makes it sound like you will also be able to buy it as a standalone, but we don't know for sure. Plenty of journalists have confirmed this. (random example).


    CDPR again tightlipped here, and a foreign journalist has stated they're not allowed to say if they got review copies or when, but take that with a grain of salt. CDPR said we'll have reviews before release though, and trust me - those sites will definitely let you know when they arrive.

    My guess is next week, on the 7th.

    --Rapidfire Answers for the Questions You Keep Asking--

    • Download size is ~70 gigs
    • There will be a day 1 patch; details unknown, but stop freaking expecting another 70gigs in total file size, yeesh. The final, patched game probably won't go above 80 gigs total at launch.
    • PS5 confirming preload on the 8th, the rest very likely to follow.
    • Level cap has been most consistently described as being 50, but nothing has been officially confirmed. We surprisingly don't know much about attribute/perk gains.
    • The game is almost entirely in first person, with third person only available in a very few cutscenes and while driving. This was done to be more immersive; the focus of the game is storytelling, not action.
    • Ciri is not in the game; devs has said it a billion times and one of the leads is very against it, so if she is, they're lying lilies.
    • This is supposed to be a dark game. You can turn off nudity, most explicit sexually suggestive stuff, and copyrighted music, but the game has earned its rating for a reason, so the toggles aren't going to lesson the excessive sexual and violence-based themes weaved deep into the narrative. These toggles are mostly intended for streamers and their fickle masters Twitch and YouTube.
    • There are multiple endings; it is not known if you can get them all using one playthrough as a base (Like Deus Ex's hilariously infuriating "pick an ending" buttons).
    • The 3 Lifepaths all ultimately meet at the same narrative point: V becomes a novice mercenary with nothing to their name and Johnny Silverhand eventually in their heads, though Lifepaths will continue to serve as a "history" that influences your character. They WILL NOT create 3 distinct play-throughs on their own outside of the prologue, but CDPR has said some quests and quest variations/options will be locked to a particular lifepath.
    • There are 4 (might have changed) difficulties: Easy, Normal, Hard, Very Hard. The old, brief PS4 leaked footage shows Story, Easy, Normal, Hard now and so do some previews, though a dev has mentioned very hard before. There's supposed to be a hardcore mode but CDPR hasn't talked about it recently.
    • CDPR will talk about the season passe and DLC after launch.
    • This game IS NOT like GTA, however the COMPARISON IS WORTHWHILE as they DO share many similarities on the surface. Beyond that, however, Cyberpunk 2077 is a complete RPG closer to Fallout than GTA. You have stats to manage, weapons have damage values, your health is measured in numbers and so is all the damage you deal, enemies have levels and zones have levels ranges too. So unlike a shooter, where all combat is often based on skill, this is more like a typical RPG, where a much higher level enemy will almost always destroy you unless you're cheesing.
    • The map is filled with tons to do; too much at once, some previewers felt. Both bigger, sprawling mini-story chains and small quick one-off stuff, and some side quests were described as being just as good as main quests.
    • CDPR hasn't given a time for completion, but one of their QA guys was at ~150 hours on a nomad run, highest difficulty, and said he wasn't close to completing it, but remember QA guys play differently than most people.
    • You can't join factions, gangs, or corporations; only fight against them or work with them.
    • Every lifepath is deeply tied to the city and has roleplay options for any kind of character. Yes, even nomads. The nomad clans are one of the most powerful factions in Night City and have tons of people in the city, so they're not really outsiders. They also have stuff like an entire clan of netrunners, so yes you can safely play anything on any lifepath "correctly" according to lore.
    • Nonlethal gameplay is confirmed. You can mod weapons to be nonlethal and spare bosses, as shown in the trailer while fighting Sasquatch. There's also a variety of damage types and bleeding/poison, possibly EMP-style afflictions too.
    • The trunk of your car is linked to your apartment storage, so rejoice all you junk rats. Info came from one of the randamo tweets they do sometimes.
    • Barbers haven't been confirmed in the game yet, but I honestly don't see why they won't be present when even Witcher 3 had them
    • Police will react to you going on a rampage "realistically" using a notoriety system that's a bit more extensive and not quite as sharply dramatic as GTA's star system, but that should still give you a good idea of what to expect. Eventually, you'll be declared a cyberpsycho and Max-Tac, a legendary pseudo riot squad made up of borderline cyberpsychos, will hunt you down.
    • Most NPCs are killable (and I guess sparable by extension); children can't be harmed and seemingly despawn when you're in a car. This is unfortunate.
    • CDPR has said that nearly every component of the HUD can be toggled on and off individually, like the damage numbers above people's heads when you hit them. It's unknown if we can customize things further (like have different eye-optics that change HUD color).
    • CDPR wants to include a New Game Plus, but haven't talked much about it other than saying they want to do it but don't know how. They've been saying the same thing since 2018, honestly. It might not make it in for release and be later free DLC.

    Not sure if I forgot anything but feel free to ask and I'm sure me or someone else will answer, and I'll add it if it's worthwhile.

    Hopefully this will cut down a bit on repeat questions as we ramp up toward release and more and more newer folk join us.

    submitted by /u/BernieAnesPaz
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    Alanah Pearce's Interview with Journalists who played the 16 hour media preview

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 04:21 PM PST

    video link


    00:00 - Intro

    01:48 - What are your overall impressions?

    Phil: It's a fun RPG a la Deus Ex

    Tom: The preview left him wanting to play more. Acknowledged that there are rough edges, but is still excited

    03:42 - How has melee and driving changed since the previous preview?

    driving wasn't discussed

    Phil and Tom: Melee was fine. Can feel kinda "flaily", but wasn't distractingly bad

    06:29 - Were there any cool weapons that you got that stood out?

    Tom: A rifle that could charge up and pierce through walls

    07:03 - Phil: It is possible to break and re-establish stealth

    07:29 - Were there any cool weapons that you got that stood out?

    Phil: A sniper rifle that could go around cover

    07:46 - What lifepath did you pick?

    Tom: Corpo

    Phil: Street Kid

    08:10 - What impact did your lifepath have on the experience?

    Tom: Unique prologue + unique dialogue choices that were impactful and could color your conversations based on your background

    Phil: Echos similar thoughts to Tom. Notes that you can see choices you could've picked in other lifepaths.

    10:58 - When does Johnny Silverhand come into play? (Potential spoilers)

    Phil: After the prologue, you begin preparing a job with a crew to steal the biochip that contains Johnny

    Phil + Tom: Roughly 6 hours in

    11:46 - Tom: Cyberpunk has the pace of an RPG, not an Action Game

    Tom + Phil: The RPG elements let you expand your approach beyond just "run and gun"

    14:07 - How do you feel about combat overall?

    Phil: Its fun but starts slow. You aren't the strongest at the beginning, and need to be deliberate about how you fight

    Tom: Echos Phil's points, and elaborates that your experience in combat can radically change as you get different weapons, abilities, etc...

    17:50 - How easy is it to do a pacifist run?

    Phil + Tom: You have to do combat, but you don't have to kill anyone.

    19:16 - What happens when you die?

    Tom: Restart at a checkpoint

    19:54 - What do you anticipate the initial public reaction will be?

    Tom: Compares it to the Witcher 3, which is regarded as a masterful game even with its launch issues

    Phil: "I think it will fine"

    20:36 - How was Johnny Silverhand?

    Phil: He's not always there. Relationship between V and Johnny Silverhand is somewhat antagonistic, and influenced by your decisions.

    Tom: Agrees with Phil, gives an example about how Silverhand plays well into the quest system. Gives a hot take.

    23:25 - How populated did you feel the world was?

    Phil: "I thought it was pretty dense". Notes that there were minor bugs, but nothing that majorly detracts.

    Tom: Impressed by the density.

    26:19 - Do you feel like the styles and people change as you move through the city?

    Phil: Basically says yes

    27:49 - Did either of you get into the romance options?

    Phil: Didn't get far enough into the story to really experience. Picked up a sex worker. Describes first person sex scenes.

    Tom: Tells a story about inadvertenly launching a sex scene with a CDPR dev. Quest reward was a dildo on a bat

    Phil + Tom: Neither experienced romance first hand, CDPR was tight lipped about it to avoid spoilers.

    31:55 - Aside: Guesses about game length

    32:44 - How did you feel about the side quests? (Potential spoilers)

    You may want to skip if you're really sensitive about spoilers

    Phil: Did some quests with Judy, and an investigation behind the murder of the mayor.

    Tom: Did a quest about a funeral. Did a quests where you track down rogue AI taxis, which is essentially a big joke

    Phil: Quests feel organic, and can branch into multi-part quests

    Tom + Phil: Side quests explore a large tonal range, from extremely dark topics to very light hearted stuff.

    37:31 - Can you dramatically change your appearance with Cyberware?

    Phil: (doesn't really answer the question initially). Thinks that you can find places to change your appearance: "I had crazy nails".

    Tom: Directly in the character creator, mentions that you can do cool stuff with your eyes and have some cosmetic cyberware in your face.

    39:44 - How often did you see yourself?

    Tom: "Make sure you're happy with your fingernails. [...] You'll see yourself in the inventory, you'll see yourself if you actively turn a mirror on [...], and you'll see yourself if you're driving in third person. But basically that's it."

    40:34 - Is there gambling at all?

    Tom + Phil: idk. There's minigames though (and a shooting range)

    42:18 - Photo mode?

    Tom + Phil: idk, didn't mess with it

    42:34 - Is there a property market?

    Tom: Didn't see one, notes that CDPR has explicitly said that it won't be in the game at launch

    Phil: Notes that V has an apartment

    43:35 - How many buildings can you enter?

    Phil: You can't enter every building, but you also probably don't want to (irl, you don't visit every building in your own city). There's alot of to do in NIght City

    Tom: Notes that even if you can't initially enter a room, missions may organically send you into a room that you couldn't enter before.

    46:40 - How was braindance?

    Phil: They're cool, interesting, and typically integrated into the story. Feels that they're good at helping you understand the information that propels the story.

    Tom: They aren't hard (there's clear markers to help you find what you're looking for). Enjoyed more than detective stuff in the witcher.

    48:35 - What was your literal favorite part of the game?

    Tom: "I really enjoy this game". Night City (city feels alive) + Main Story (very engaging).

    Phil: The characters (Story does a good job giving you time to spend time with compelling characters).

    52:21 - Outro

    Phil and Tom both plug their respective outlets

    submitted by /u/Empole
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    I fell in love with the first Cyberpunk 2077 trailer and decided to cosplay this lady <3 The mantis blades are made out of real metal and can be closed/opened with finger movement

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 02:44 AM PST

    Judy Alvarez cosplay Anastasiya Dryomova

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 06:39 AM PST

    From this point forwards, r/Cyberpunkgame will only allow text posts, outside of 'free talk' days

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 06:57 AM PST

    Hey Choombas,

    The moderating team has decided that from now on, r/cyberpunkgame will only allow text posts, outside of 'free talk' days. We arrived at this decision because we felt that it would reduce the amount of low-effort posts made to the subreddit, while encouraging more high quality discussion. This post gives some insight into our reasoning.

    In order to facilitate people sharing images, videos and links, we have a few options in place:

    • First, leading up to launch, we will sticky and repost a hype megathread on a daily basis
      • This thread is for sharing pictures of countdowns, pre-orders and any other hype-related posts.
    • Once the game comes out, we will sticky and repost a media megathread on a daily basis.
      • This thread will be for sharing screenshots and clips taken from the game.
        • Examples include, but are not limited to: character creator screenshots, loot screenshots, a cool kill you got, or a funny dialogue moment.
    • "But mod team, what if I want to post my screenshot/clip as it's own post?" You can still do this, but in a text post, while writing a few sentences to describe the content.
      • If you are not able to describe the screenshot or clip in a few sentences (or more), then it is probably low-effort content and should be posted inside of the megathread.
      • This is similar to link posts, like articles. If you cannot describe the content in at least a few sentences, then it's probably best not to make a new post about it.

    However, all types of posts will be allowed during free talk days, which will soon be changed to Saturday and Sunday, versus just Friday.

    We hope that this change is received well and look forward to hearing your feedback. As well, we will review this decision post-launch, depending on the feedback we get now and over the next few weeks.

    submitted by /u/CyberpunkReddit
    [link] [comments]

    Hard time playing other games

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 08:11 PM PST

    Does anyone else have a lot of games they can be playing, ones they haven't finished. Ones they haven't started and then after 5-10 minutes in you say to yourself...nah this ain't it bring me that cyberpunk lol

    submitted by /u/Trick_Nebula
    [link] [comments]

    To all my ADHD/ADD fellows waiting for Cyberpunk

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 02:09 PM PST

    I don't know if it's just me, but I feel for anyone else rn whose stuck wanting Cyberpunk. We are so close, and yet my brain is stuck in this repetitive loop of "I want this thing now" and then just hyper-focusing on wanting cyberpunk.

    submitted by /u/Blotofink
    [link] [comments]

    Holy Shit @ this Japanese extended gameplay trailer

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 10:31 AM PST

    This 8 minute clip gives us a little more footage than the American trailer that came out last week. We see more hairstyles,longer menus and gameplay footage. Check it out..


    submitted by /u/Hyperlexco
    [link] [comments]

    Posts that should be banned after release.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 01:39 PM PST

    We need to prepare for a ton of shitposts following release date. Here is my proposition of posts that should be banned:

    "We made it guys", "The wait is over guys", "Can't believe the game is out", "No social life for me from now on", "Good bye real world, good night Night City", "I'm gonna cry", Everything with breathtaking, Loading screen pictures, Jokes about di*ck customization,


    Why? Because this kind of posts are totally irrelevant.

    What are your suggestions?

    submitted by /u/AuroraVandomme
    [link] [comments]

    After dec 10 everyone will be playing this game at home

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 08:57 AM PST

    Pandemic ends

    submitted by /u/AstroSolla
    [link] [comments]

    after 5 grueling hours its done PS : please don't repost this cross posting is fine though

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 02:48 AM PST

    People are just something else... lol this auction is for 6 days, it ends on Saturday, probably shipped out on Monday Dec.7th with standard shipping.. you’ll literally get it on the same day it releases!! For 200 bucks more!! ������

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 11:55 PM PST

    The ban on images made this sub much better

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 09:05 AM PST

    When I was feeling hype about the game I would go on this sub and immediately go off again. The content was so unoriginal and a reposts were rampant. After the mods banned images I almost only see quality content. Thanks mods!

    submitted by /u/acvipers
    [link] [comments]

    My Johnny will not be playing Cyberpunk 2077. We will have to do it for him. He would have gone as a caring Street kid just trying to make a better world. Here's my fantastic son and girlfriend. He had just asked her dad permission to get married earlier this week. RIP Johnny.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 10:37 PM PST

    For those like me who were a bit worried that oversexualisation is mostly focused on females and not males, I don’t think we will be disappointed.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 05:00 AM PST

    things discussed in the alanah pierce preview video (spoilers if you think stuff like this is spoilers)

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 03:26 PM PST

    She spoke with Tom Marks from IGN and that other dude (phil something) from Gamestop. Here's some tidbits:

    NPC Density: Gamespot dude mentioned feeling like he had to elbow npcs out the way in some instances. These guys were streaming from beefy pcs in poland, so keep that in mind. Both said NPCs were very colorful, doing interesting things. Lots of different styles, NPCs reflect the areas they are in.

    MAIN CAMPAIGN: Gamespot dude mostly spent 16 hours mainling main story. Feels like he got about 2/3 of the way through it, not quite sure. Both felt it was very compelling. Voice acting is well done. Keanu is Keanu.

    SIDE STUFF: Didn't find a lot of side activities like gambling, races, etc. Both mentioned game felt very big, with lots of side missions and character missions.

    LIFEPATHS: Lifepaths determine 'about first 30 minutes of the introduction), then stories merge. Lots of dialogue options dependent on where you are and what you're doing. IGN dude ran Corpo, said it gave him the ability to speak to other characters, but also be mean to low-status characters (like a dude working at a hotel)

    SEEING V: You almost never see V. Mirrors if you turn them (or have ray-tracing enabled). 3rd person in a vehicle. Menu screen. That's it. Sounds like 'not a lot of cutscenes' is very, very true.

    JOHNNY SILVERHAND: Kind of dick, but not annoying to have around. Interacts organically with the world.

    NO MALE NUDITY: Outside of character creation.

    COMBAT: Starts of underwhelming with limited options. Skill trees and abilities and shit seems big and deep, neither got very far into customization.

    submitted by /u/zedanger
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    with just less than ten days left, i've composed a list of cyberpunk movies and books you can enjoy to pass the time~

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 07:10 PM PST

    I've been a massive Cyberpunk fan since the 1990's when I first discovered Neuromancer by William Gibson in my local library suggested reading section. It's a hell of a book, and if you think you can finish it in ten days, I can highly recommend it.

    So, I will organize this list by type and have a little description of what each one is without spoilers, so you can decide if you want to watch or read it. These are movies and novels that I've watched and read in the past, and only my opinion, they may not be for everyone. But if you love the cyberpunk genre, or are just interested in knowing more, this is a great place to start.



    • The quintessential cyberpunk movies to start with are Blade Runner. First, the 1982 Blade Runner with Harrison Ford. Without spoiling it, it follows the story of a detective assigned to investigating reports of rogue artificial humans called replicants. It can be a little hard to follow, but it's definitely an interesting film. The aesthetic of it is so unique, and the cinematography is some of the best I've ever seen in a film. That being said, the story is a little hard to follow at first, and can sometimes feel a little awkward.

    • The second movie with Ryan Gosling follows in the same paths, but with a more modern appearance. It's still a great film, and I'd watch them in order because the second one is a sequel, not a remake.

    • Judge Dredd. Both the new movie and the remake are really good. The older Dredd was a little more lighthearted, and had a bit more comedic relief, but still a great action film. The newer movie is a little more faithful to the source material, and is also really good.

    • Robocop (surprise!) Robocop 1 and 2 were really good, the third one was kinda m'eh, and the remake was less cyberpunk. But the original 1 and 2 were quite good. People are often surprised to learn that Robocop is cyberpunk, but they share a lot of similarities. (Dystopian future where the government has all but collapsed, massive wage gaps between the super elite and the impoverished, cybernetically enhanced humans kicking ass and blowing shit up.)

    • Johnny Mnemonic 1995. Staring the infamous Keanu Reeves who plays a data courier with a hard drive wired into his brain, with the capacity of a whopping 80 gigabytes. Johnny is hired out to carry an important package that exceeds that capacity, and if he doesn't deliver it in time, he could suffer serious brain damage and die.

    • Virtuosity 1995. Staring Denzel Washington and Russel Crow, the movie takes place in a not-to-distant future where a serial killer A.I. programmed with all the knowledge of other killers in the past escapes his virtual prison by 3D Printing himself a new body to go on a killing spree in the real world.

    • Alita: Battle Angel 2018. Love or hate it, the new Alita was a pretty solid cyberpunk movie. Following the story of a young girl whose entire body has been replaced by cybernetics by a mysterious doctor, she enters in a violent sporting event to win favor.

    • In Time 2011. This is that movie with Justin Timberlake where people have some weird biological clock in their arm, and there's no more money, and if you run out of time, you literally just fucking die. And the wealthy can live forever because they have thousands and thousands of years of time.

    • Ready Player One 2018. Set in a dystopian future where nearly the entire human population plays an online virtual reality MMO, you can earn money, buy things, even houses. The super rich control the game, and the poor grind away in debt forgiveness centers to pay off their credit.

    • Elysium 2013. The super rich and elite live forever on their floating space station, able to heal from any disease, sickness, or injury. Meanwhile what is left of the human population must fight to survive on the surface for scraps.


    I can keep going, but I think that's enough movies for at least a few days, if not a week! Just watch one after dinner and the time will fly by. Then we'll all be running around Night City.

    As for some great books, Neuromancer is a good read if you can find a copy of it. And Foundation by Isaac Asimov is an amazing series. But that's more Science Fiction mixed with cyberpunk, set about a thousand years from now.

    There's also tons of cyberpunk anime, like Robot Carnival, Ghost in the Shell and Appleseed. Metropolis and Akira also come to mind. (Metropolis was really fucking good.)


    Anyways! This was my list, I hope that I can at least help a little pass the time for Cyberpunk to come out, and I've maybe helped you find something new to enjoy.

    submitted by /u/MakoRuu
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    Night City - my work with CP2077 Night City vibes

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 06:30 AM PST

    Attributes and Perks in Cyberpunk 2077

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 01:23 PM PST

    I made a video that goes over the what attributes and perks are in Cyberpunk, The feedback I got when I last posted here was very helpful and was hoping to get some on this. For those who do not want to watch you can read instead.


    There are a total of five different attributes in Cyberpunk. Body, Intelligence, Reflexes, Technical and finally Cool. When you start the game you will have a total of 7 points to spread across the five as you see wish and as you level up you will have more, the max you can have an attribute is 10 20 and the minimum is 3, it is also worth noting that stats will also come into play during dialogue, granting you options you other wise would not have such as intimidation. lets go over what each of them do!

    Body is all about your strength and overall raw physical power, this attribute will increase your health, reduce the bullet spread of weapons, increase the damage you do with melee as well as increase your total stamina. This attribute will also allow you to gain access to perks for Shotguns, Two-handed, melee and athletics.

    Intelligence is all about how well... intelligent you are. This attribute will make hacking easier, increase your memory pool (a resource used for hacking) and shorten program uploads, Intelligence is all about hacking so as expected will grant you access to hacking perks!

    Reflex dictates your speed and coordination. This will increase crit rate, attack speed and evasion. It will also give you access to perks for Handguns, Rifles and blades.

    Technical Ability is how familiar your character is with technology, the more you have the higher this attribute is, the higher your chance of finding craftable loot and your armour stat will be. as well as that you will have access to engineering perks with this attribute.

    Lastly we have Cool, this attribute deals with your self-control and willpower. It will reduce how quickly you are spotted in stealth, boost your crit damage and improve you resistance to status effects. the perks for this attribute are for sniper rifles, assassination and nerve.

    That is it for the attributes, next up lets get into the perks!

    Capstone Perks

    There are a total of 60 perks in cyberpunk 2077, 5 for each skill and can be levelled up a total of 5 times Rifles has 20 perks, Handguns has 20, and Blades has 17. That is already 57 perks, so there would have to be way more than just 60 perks. Also, all the perks have less than 5 levels expect the perks at the very bottom say 0+ (pointed out by u/BlaqkSkai). Those perks will provide you with stat boosts and the like e.g. extra damage with pistols or the ability to hack better cars. The way you gain access to these perks is by quite simple you level up what you want to be better at and you unlock a perk every 2 levels. However keep in mind that you are limited to what and how many perks you can have equipped by your attributes. For example a low reflex character will have much less options for pistol perks than a high reflex character. Now it would be a very long post if I wrote out 300 perks, not to mention you would probably just tune out and even then we don't know them all yet. so lets not do that, what we will instead do is go over the capstone perks, these are the perks you get by maxing out that skill to 10.

    Lets start with the Body related skills

    Street Brawler will Increase your critical hit chance by 60% for 10 seconds after killing an enemy

    Athletics will increase your armour and resistances by 20% for 10 seconds after being hit

    and Annihilation will reduce recoil by 50% for 6 seconds after dismembering an enemy

    Next up the Reflex skills

    Handguns will grant you an armour boost for 20 seconds upon hitting a crit

    Rifles will nullify weapon sway and spread for 10 seconds when you kill an enemy

    and Blades will deal 15% extra damage on a strong attack, consuming all stacked bleed effects

    Moving on we have Intelligence skills

    Device Hacking will increase the time you have to breach when hacking by 25%

    and Target Hacking will increase memory regeneration by 25%

    As for Tech skills

    Crafting will increase sale prices of crafted items by 25%

    and Engineering will increase your tech weapon dmg by 25%

    Finally we have Cool skills

    Stealth will increase poison duration by 5 seconds

    and Cold Blood will increase your crit chance by 10% and crit dmg by 2% while using Cold blood

    I believe that is all we know so far if I missed anything or got something wrong please let me know! Also what kind of build are you going to go for on your first playthrough?

    submitted by /u/DuskhoundYT
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    Judging from all the customisation we've seen so far, you reckon we'll be able to have fully cyberised arms?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 05:11 AM PST

    Beware of fake/debunked info spreading around before Cyberpunk 2077 release.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 06:20 PM PST

    I've seen this "news" going around lately about Cyberpunk 2077 having around 1000 NPCs with programmed schedules.

    It was an interesting news around June of 2020 what turned out to be stupid mistranslation from GameStar interview. And now people like this youtuber spread false info to brouder audience.

    Do not believe everything you read on the internet, always check if certain information is true (especially with ammount of false info 2077 got since 2018) because I don't care as long as you judge game fairly.

    Just want to reduce number of people that will keep ranting because of "unpromised stuff CDPR didn't deliver" right after they tried to follow random NPCs from the sidewalk

    submitted by /u/CheckingIsMyPriority
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    Origami unicorn in one of the trailers

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 01:54 AM PST

    Alanah Pearce live in a few hours. 16 hours gameplay impressions

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 09:59 AM PST

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