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    Monday, November 9, 2020

    Cyberpunk 2077 - FAQ & Weekly Simple Questions Thread - Newcomers look here!

    Cyberpunk 2077 - FAQ & Weekly Simple Questions Thread - Newcomers look here!

    FAQ & Weekly Simple Questions Thread - Newcomers look here!

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 09:00 PM PST

    Hey Choombas,

    Feel free to use this thread to ask any simple questions you may have surrounding Cyberpunk 2077 the game, it's lore, merchandise, or anything else related to it!

    Here is a link to our (old) faq; please check first to see if your question is answered there!

    Remember to sort by new and if you can, provide a source for your answers. As well, all top level comments must be questions.

    If anyone is spreading false information (or breaking any other rules), please report the comment. If you have any other concerns, feel free to send a message to the moderators


    Will they release Cyberpunk 2077 early? What about a demo? Character customization early?

    As cool as that would be, it is very unlikely.

    When is Cyberpunk 2077 releasing?

    Cyberpunk 2077 releases on December 10, 2020

    Will you be able to preload the game?

    This is currently unconfirmed; however, it is a fair assumption.

    What kind of PC should I build? Do I need to upgrade my PC? Can I run it? What are the minimum specs?

    Check out our PC Specs Megathread!

    What if I don't know which console to get it for?

    Check out our Console Questions Megathread!

    Will Cyberpunk 2077 have mod support?

    Not on launch. Possibly later.

    If I pre-order the physical edition for PC, what do I get?

    A code to use on GoG.

    Can I get the physical pre-order goodies, if I pre-order the digital version of the game?

    No. You need to pre-order physical to get physical bonuses.

    Can I play the game in third-person?

    No. The game takes place almost entirely in first person. Some cut scenes and driving sequences will take place in third person.

    If I buy the game on current-gen, do I get a free upgrade to next-gen?

    Yes for Xbox One/Xbox Series X and for PS4/5!

    Will there be a true next-gen version?


    When does it come out?

    We don't know yet.

    Do I get it for free if I've already bought the game?


    What about cross-save?

    Possible confirmation on Xbox ("pick up where you left off"). No confirmation about PS4/5.

    When can I get my next news fix? (i.e. Night City Wire)

    We do not currently know

    What are the character customization options?

    6 skin types, 35 hairstyles, 17 eyes, 8 eyebrows, 17 mouths, 17 jaws, 17 ears, 8 pieces of cyberware, 9 types of scars, 6 types of tattoos, 11 piercings, 5 types of teeth, 8 types of eye makeup, 5 types of lip makeup, three types of blemishes, 3 types of nipples, 5 types of body tattoos, 2 types of body scars, 2 types of dicks, 1 vagina option, 5 types of pubic hairs, and a range of dick size options.

    Can I play without any augmentations/cyberware?

    No, some will be required for a quest. An example is the Kiroshi optics and subdermal grip from the 2018 gameplay demo.

    Can I perform a purist (no killing) playthrough?


    Are there any Cyberpunk books, movies, games, music, etc, that I can look at to fill my hype for now?

    We have a list here!

    Subreddit Specific FAQs:

    Why was my meme removed?

    See rule 6. Also try posting again on 'Free Talk Friday'.

    What is 'Free Talk Friday'?

    Explained here!

    Wait, where can I find the rules?

    They are in the sidebar! You can also click here.

    Where can I find the last book club post?

    Click here!

    My post was removed unfairly!

    Send us a modmail.

    More FAQs will be added as they are asked

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Hype has reached an all time low.

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 04:05 PM PST

    I feel like the hype has really really died down for this game. No exciting new posts, no new information from the CP twitter timeline, no new articles. Just dead silence and I'm ngl my hype has gone down a lot. I really miss that twitter page.

    submitted by /u/bbanjobro
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    Just gonna lowkey put this here from the Facebook group

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 01:42 AM PST

    Here was my entry for the art contest. I know there was much better artists out there than me, but I thought mine was pretty unique, so I was proud �� I hope you guys like it!

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 05:09 PM PST

    (Wallpaper Engine) Night City - Midnight Ads

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 07:24 AM PST

    Is anyone else also super excited for Saburo Arasaka?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 10:43 AM PST

    Rubbing salt in the wounds

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 09:57 PM PST

    Funny situation :)

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 09:12 AM PST

    The ADIDAS x CYBERPUNK 2077 Shoes Collabs Looks Horrible! They look like cheap plastic foam in person...

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 01:16 AM PST

    Seeing how negative the response was on the gray Adidas X Cyberpunk 2077 colorway - they are not the only ones available

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 01:44 PM PST

    Steam Controller Skin I designed

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 03:16 PM PST

    If T-Pain made a song about Cyberpunk 2077

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 07:16 PM PST

    While waiting I modeled the Militech M-10AF Lexington

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 05:28 AM PST

    I Saw This at the Comic and Game Store Today and Just Had to Get it

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 03:21 PM PST

    I truly want to cry. T_T They forgot to update this billboard in SOHO.

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 01:21 PM PST

    What do you think will be the worst part of the game?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 07:02 PM PST

    Cyberpunk 2077 will be a great game for sure, but that's not to say it won't be without its flaws. Whether it's bugs, underwhelming gameplay, or something else, there will be something that won't be perfect. The question is, what do you think that aspect will be?

    Me, I know that the open-world and story will be top notch, considering CDPR's experience with TW3. From what I've heard, the combat and driving needed improvements according to people who got to play it early, but CDPR's fixing that. There will be a numerous amount of bugs in the game (as with any other), but they should be relatively minor and not game-breaking.

    From what I've seen so far, I'm most worried about the diversity of weapons and vehicles. I love having a large selection of things, for example, GTA V's guns and cars. Now obviously that game is a sandbox and this one is an RPG, so there are going to be some differences. I just hope I'm not disappointed by the selection of tools of destruction and rides of the dark future I can choose from. But that's my biggest worry so far, and given CDPR's excellent track record, I know I will be proven wrong.

    What about you? What's your biggest worry/the thing in the game that you think will be the worst part of the game?

    submitted by /u/CulturallyIrrelevant
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    I guess I love cyberpunk, Just finished my PC can't wait for release day

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 07:38 AM PST

    Have they talked at all about the character creation? Is it a no-slider preset-only system?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 08:48 PM PST

    I've seen some people talking about the character creation system and saying some things that I've never heard before (and I follow the devs' updates fairly closely) and I saw a few people saying that it's all options, no sliders. So instead of customizing face/eyes/feature placement, it's just a list of 1-20 "eyes" that are as-is and not customizable. Has this actually been confirmed anywhere?

    submitted by /u/Kerzizi
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    Finally got some CP77 pins

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 05:44 AM PST

    Interview with Principal Gameplay Animator

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 05:17 AM PST

    Interview with Principal Gameplay Animator

    This is a summary of an interview with Daniele Duri, principal gameplay animator at CDPR.

    Pardon my rusty english skills :)

    Main inspirations?

    The whole world since Night City is a multi cultural city so there are monks, peddlers, scavengers, corpo, japanese corpo, american corpo etc.

    Something you get it from the world, something else from the cyberpunk literature

    An example:

    Kowloon Walled City, Hong Kong, China

    Kowloon Walled City

    It was a lawless enclave, ungoverned

    Many outlaws had to cohabit there so they had to make some rules

    They read documentaries about how it was built, layered

    they studied what professions they had to practise there

    It was layered, the light didn't make it to the ground floor

    Of course they didn't replicate it but it was a good source of inspiration.

    Not only for some neighborhoods but it helped them understand how they must feel and live in such an oppressive situation

    The animations for the first person main character are the ones of someone who knows well how to use guns/weapons so they tried to convey this feeling.

    When they do mocap sessions, they use movie reference to direct the movements of the actors

    So for corpo yakuza they saw Takeshi Kitano movies, maker of japanese yakuza movies

    For nomad Mad max and Hardwire, that is a source of inspiration of CP2020

    All first person animations are made frame by frame, so traditional animation

    transposing motion capture in first person doesn't feel right/good

    so they use video reference using a go pro attached to their head/torso.

    For NPC, they used motion capture but it's not that easy.

    Games are different from movies since you have memory restrictions of what you're rendering

    If you're in combat, enemies have to react fast to what you do so you can't just apply raw motion capture animations

    you have to edit them, making them faster or extreme.

    So motion capture in video games isn't a panacea.

    Everything you see in NC(npc wise) is made and set by animators

    There are little animation in first person like moving your head when you get up or stop

    It may be something you may not notice but it makes it more alive and realistic


    Since it's a first person game you don't have a head, your head is the camera

    but if you get hit by a light, you cast a shadow

    A shadow that doesn't have the head would be weird so there is an animator that recreated all the animations with a basic 3D model just to make the shadows right.

    Mike Pondsmith?

    He was very present during preproduction

    He helped to adapt the p&p game to a videogame

    Again, CP77 features a fluid class system

    They tried to keep the same names from the pen and paper game, such as skills, factions, weapons and NPCs ( Kerenzikov/Kereznikov and Sandevistan ed.)

    Why are there no other classes from the pen and paper game?

    it's not easy to carry out all classes from the paperbook, yeah there is the journalist, the politician, the rockerboy etc.

    but it would need a specific story for a journalist/rocker and what he can do

    So the solution is to have a single mercenary like V,they gave us some starting background but having a journalist would require a specific gameplay

    How long is the game?

    They don't know since they play and replay it and they already know what to do etc .

    but a lot of hours

    Some developer faces are present in the game.

    About the delay:

    This game is big, they want it to be well received by the public and the current gen is not at the right point

    The work from home influenced the development, but in the last months of a game is when it is put together so you have to work side by side with people to fix stuff.

    Now they have to chat and it requires more time.

    Cp77 is action adventure rpg so levels matter

    If you headshot an enemy levels way higher than yours it doesn't die in a shot

    The reactions will be always visible, like instead of dying it may fall and get up

    But it's not a bullet sponge that doesn't react

    They tried something that is visually and rpg-wise appealing.

    submitted by /u/MasterDrake97
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    PC Spec. and Console Questions Megathreads

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 09:00 PM PST

    The Cyberpunk guides release date has been updated

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 11:31 AM PST

    Didn’t want to go insane over the weekend, so made a Cyberpunk 2077 inspired video and track! Enjoy!

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 11:19 PM PST

    I appreciate y’all’s hype for the game in the real world but can we get a cool down on the Rockstar energy can posts?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 11:38 PM PST

    Title says what I wanted to say thanks for coming to my TedTalk

    submitted by /u/Mister-Fisker
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