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    Sunday, February 2, 2020

    Cyberpunk 2077 - Interview with John Mamais, head of CDPR Krakow studio

    Cyberpunk 2077 - Interview with John Mamais, head of CDPR Krakow studio

    Interview with John Mamais, head of CDPR Krakow studio

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 10:46 AM PST

    night city map // updated v.03 (wip)

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 07:28 PM PST

    // greetings choombas & console cowboys //


    i am back with some more progress from my last post, v.02 here, to show some ideas on where this map could head to – and what ideas lie ahead if this project gets off the ground.


    // v.03 progress //


    i'm pretty excited to show you what i've been working on. below is a series of screenshots showing progression on a menu overlay that would not only be collapsible, but expandable in information, and allow for nestled topics and sub-topics.

    part of the purpose of the map is to obviously track what you find in night city but also allow the toggling of information and to gain new information as you progress. i'm experimenting with the idea of a built-in wiki… but limited to only information that pertains to what you find on the map. for example; a certain district can have neighborhoods and within those neighborhoods can have gangs or missions that are relevant.

    please note, this is a proof-of-concept work in progress. there are no animations + coding started on this project. this is in the ideas-and-concepts stage right now.

    let's get started!


    // v.03 screenshots + patchnotes //


    v.03 map: minimal view

    • made for quick and easy viewing

    • added red stroke to all districts to better distinguish from water / outer regions

    • cleaned up smaller roads found on the map that seemed like paths or dirt paths

    • expanded northern section of the map to have a much larger section of the north district (most likely watson

    • expanded entire northern/eastern/southern area of map to include the badlands

    • added mile marker for easy measuring. i wanted to give a shoutout to /u/Svale_Chow for his contribution here. he added a kilometer dimension to an existing map and i used that. for now i have it in miles, but i'll eventually do km. as well


    v.03 map: menu

    • brand new menu overlay showing categories of information

    • i'll need to add new categories as time goes on. possibly a mission area if that becomes important. i'm also realizing last minute that the categories are out of order

    • collapsible button on menu's top right to move out of the way


    v.03 map: menu + districts access

    • the idea here is that when expanding the districts, you'll be able to see each district highlight on the map

    • district boundaries have been fixed based on the tiny thumbnail showing each one. i did my best to match that to my map from v.02

    • districts would essentially be toggle-able and expandable


    v.03 map: menu + westbrook + japantown

    • all districts have been toggled off, except for westbrook

    • for this example, i have shown off 3 subway stops i found on an incredible map by the very talented /u/thesixofspades. i am showing off japantown and its current information (found on wikia), such as gang ownership or territory. the idea here is that you can hover over tyger's claw and click on it


    v.03 map: menu + westbrook + japantown + gangs expanded

    • if you were to refer to the screenshot above this one, click on tyger's claw gang text/icon, it would immediately pop up the relevant information located under gangs and expand tyger's claw information and source link

    • wip: adding gang territories and possible heat maps


    v.03 map: menu + locations expanded + map markers

    • switching gears… this shows all menu items collapsed but locations active. this will show the current relevant information – in this case, v's apartment, the maelstrom hideout from the 2018 game demo, and since it's so iconic and completely across the map, i've added a marker for the stadium in pacifica


    v.03 map: menu + locations expanded + map markers + stadium info

    • when the stadium location is clicked on, a new menu appears on-map (please note... this design is something i'm still experimenting with. not 100% happy with it just yet)

    • name and category text - this would apply to all information tabs on the map

    • obviously a place marker for information on the stadium that doesn't exist yet

    • a checkbox to check off that you found this location

    • territory showing what gang's are located in this area… (do we know which gang would reside in pacfica?)

    • source tab for any information from the cyberpunk 2077 wikia


    // patchnotes for v.04 //

    • add compass

    • add more buttons

    • add more text

    • gang logos / locations

    • corporation logos / locations

    • experiment with colors and overlays

    • fix district icons

    • find a coder/programmer to get this party started


    // patchnotes for life //

    • be kind to friends, family, and strangers

    • join a night city gang

    • pet some puppies/kittens

    • enjoy the present moment

    today you… tomorrow me

    • make cyberpunk 2077 community happy


    // 🤖 out //

    submitted by /u/devianaut
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    What is something you really want to see in the next gameplay footage we get?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 12:41 PM PST

    Personally I'd love a 5 minute section of V just walking around the city. Just so I can hold my controller and imagine I'm playing :)

    submitted by /u/theonlyxero
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    Cyberpunk 2077 American Edition (Not mine)

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 05:13 PM PST

    Richard Devine interview about using Krotos software in CyberPunk 2077

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 03:07 AM PST

    Immortality in Cyberpunk.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 10:08 PM PST

    So according to the game's official blurb, we are hunting for a chip that supposedly makes us immortal. But I am curious; How does immortality work in Cyberpunk (perhaps not just the game, but the RPG it's built upon). Does it imbue us with insanely fast, and efficient nanotech that heals us faster than we get hurt? Does it maintain a quantum entanglement communication link with a stealth satellite to house our consciousness that can be downloaded in to a new body?

    submitted by /u/008Zulu
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    Xbox still hasn't updated the release date which is kinda annoying and confusing for people who are waiting and excited

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 02:25 AM PST

    Was Johnny Silverhand inspired by Dan Simmons’ book Hyperion in which a main character has a neural shunt at the back of her head with her lover John Keats (aka “Johnny”) in it?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 09:00 AM PST

    Just had a sudden realization after reading Dan Simmons' second book The Fall of Hyperion in which the main character, Brawne Lamia, has her lover's consciousness implanted into a neural shunt at the back of her head and she also calls him "Johnny".

    Both Cyberpunk and Hyperion are science-fiction and I was wondering if anybody else noticed and if you think it's possible Johnny Silverhand was inspired by it.

    What's cool as well is they both Cyberpunk and Hyperion also have very similar things where they are injected into the cyber-space but that's probably a little too far-fetched.

    submitted by /u/HaloXFan
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