• Breaking News

    Wednesday, December 18, 2019

    Cyberpunk 2077 - Question: we will get 3 different opening for the origin story of the character?

    Cyberpunk 2077 - Question: we will get 3 different opening for the origin story of the character?

    Question: we will get 3 different opening for the origin story of the character?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 10:16 AM PST

    Is confirmed by CDPR? thanks.

    submitted by /u/Oppe86
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    Countdown to the Dark Future (365 Days of Cyberpunk Facts) Day 351. Topic: Cyberpunk Quotes

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 04:48 AM PST

    Cyberpunk 2077 soundtrack composers explained

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 12:39 PM PST

    Programming bits in Cyberpunk 2077 videos

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 03:35 PM PST

    CyberPunk 2077 Standard Edition for XB1 & PS4 ($49.94 / 17% off)

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 09:23 PM PST

    Richard Borzymowski Cyberpunk 2077 interview

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 07:22 AM PST

    Details noticed in last Deep dive video

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 09:01 PM PST

    Not sure if anyone posted similar, but what the hell ( I'm bored at work anyway), some things I haven't hear people mention:

    - There is definitely, ahem, gender reactivity

    One of the ( combat) lines from one of the Animals goes: "I'm gonna feed your dick to the dogs". Different, "sexist" taunts against Female V ( this will definitely upset some people :P)

    - There are children in the game, on the streets ( you can see one running briefly, when strolling with Placide)

    - Also body variety seems expanded, different weight and height. Crazy variety of clothing on npcs.

    - Could be wrong, but I think there were few street hookers briefly shown

    - V briefly stopped to buy in place called "Grann's tech shop". Vendors seem to have limited amount of money. There were at least a few other Daemons ( viruses you upload to quick hack enemies), but you could not see full description.

    - Clothing in shop looked really "cheap" ( like Fallout 76 nylon bags), but I think they're going for what "fits" each district. On the other hand, in menu screen, we've seen hacker V wear some really futuristic, high tech, kind of jump suit. So like with districts, good guess is CDPR really wants to make this the "broadest", more encompassing take on cyberpunk. ( instead of just rain/neon, trench coats, etc)

    - For inventory equip: it looks like there are 6 equippable slots: boots/shoes, trousers, shirt, and a vest ( probably anything that goes over clothing: bullet proof vest, trench coat, etc). Other two, V didn't wear anything but outlined image shows one for a hat, another for what looks like a helmet.

    - There is some kind of ongoing political election, one of politicians mentions "he'll clean Pacifica"

    - Brigitte mentions "she wants to cut Silverhand's engram from biochip"

    - All together starting attributes sum is 22 ( across 5 stats). At lvl 18, it is 33. Not sure what to think about this...imo, this seems a bit too high as you could end up with character with all stats being nearly maxed

    - Health doesn't seem to increase ( or very lightly) per level. At lvl 18, Hacker V had "only" 100 ( If I'm reading it right). ( Streetcred was lvl11)

    - Nanowire is extremely OP. Even shotgun blast at close does 79 damage. Nanowire in comparison does 350+ ( and higher)...and it's fast with large AoE attack.

    - Damage seems very varied based on weak points and armor penetration. Seems consequent shots at same locations deal way more damage. ( from something like 50 to three or four times as much).

    - V's chip is located right beneath right ear

    If anyone noticed anything else, feel free to post here.

    submitted by /u/Loostreaks
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    What are the 3 origins CDPR has for V in Cyberpunk?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 07:00 PM PST

    I know there are 3 options, but I haven't seen anything on what they exactly are

    submitted by /u/thotpatrol2019
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    Will CDPR use other media (novels....comics etc...) to further build the world?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 04:44 PM PST

    Yes, I understand that there are a number of "books" that builds the world of Cyberpunk, but those are lore books that are really intended to bring people into the tabletop game. I mean true books like novels that tells a story from start to finish with many characters and a major arch. What about comics that tells quick stories but in animated form?

    Or will CDPR just focus on the game? Which is fine, but I am sure after the game's release, there will be a hunger for more 2077 lore/stories in which CDPR cannot possibly make games/DLC for. Also at this point CP Red and the past lore books would in a way lose a lot of relevance (from a non TRPG gamer) because we already have the game plus a 200 page world book and art book. In between DLCs (or games) it would be great if we get actual novels or comics to tell other stories in the CP2077 world.


    And before some mod comes in claiming this as low effort, I would ask for an explanation why. Also I searched and I have not seen a recent post that is similar to this*

    submitted by /u/MajesticJazz
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    I made a Cyberpunk 2077 re-imagining playlist on Spotify... Hope you like :)

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 04:52 PM PST

    What do u think? ��✴️��️

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 10:38 PM PST

    Optional sex scenes??

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 06:59 PM PST

    Does anyone know if sex scenes are optional at all in this game? I personally don't play games to watch porn and casual sex being portrayed frequently. I will mess around a bit later after completion but I want to be able to choose if I can have sex or not.

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/pooweebumbumpoo
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    Samurai Wallpaper (Ask for other resolutions or without the text)

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 09:18 PM PST

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