• Breaking News

    Tuesday, December 3, 2019

    Cyberpunk 2077 - "Nothing personal choomba, they paid me for you..." Geralt of Night City [self]

    Cyberpunk 2077 - "Nothing personal choomba, they paid me for you..." Geralt of Night City [self]

    "Nothing personal choomba, they paid me for you..." Geralt of Night City [self]

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 12:39 PM PST

    My Female Maelstrom cosplay from the 2018 E3 trailer! Some people may call me stupid for doing a background character, and to that I agree lol

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 01:46 AM PST

    FriendlyFire5 charity event sponsored by CD Projekt Red

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 10:47 PM PST

    Dark Horse announces ‘The World of Cyberpunk 2077’ deluxe edition

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 04:36 PM PST

    Better look at Night City map (from deluxe edition book cover)

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 05:53 AM PST

    The highways and waterways on this promotional image kind of line up with the partly leaked map, no?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 04:42 PM PST

    Trauma Team Cosplay (Self)

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 05:56 PM PST

    Game City Vienna 2019 - Miles Tost presented Cyberpunk 2077 at Gartenbaukino for an hour long and then answered questions on site

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 02:52 PM PST

    Hey there,

    It's a late post, but here are my notes of the event:


    Event: Game City Vienna 2019

    Place: Gartenbaukino, Vienna https://imgur.com/EmlW081

    Time: 19.10.2019, after 20:00

    Presenter: Miles Tost, Senior Level Designer at CD Project Red



    About the presentation:

    The demo was presented in German language by Miles Tost. Before the game started, they commented on the leaked footage that was uploaded. CDPR mentioned that the reason they don't allow people to record the game play is because it would look horrible and they are just sad to see their game being recorded with a "cheap android device with a broken screen that was put in between two seats and stationed via a pop-corn box". Other than that the Audio was too loud for recording anyway. CDPR wants people to enjoy their game in its full detail.

    The demo looked like a narrow vertical slice of the full game with shortcuts. It sometimes felt like distances were cut down. The player's character wasn't driving around the City for too long or walk the streets for too long to get to their destination. Fast travels - Loading screens popped up in sections where the player was supposed to drive to and checkpoints where the presenter was "forced" to change one character (Netrunner Male Corpo) or the other (Streetkid Strong Female Solo). These of course will not interfere in the full game, so they can be ignored. The voice over, the UI, the subtitles were also in German. I suspect the game will receive a very high quality internationaliazation for all supported locals. CDPR did a great job at synchronizing the game for that language. Even the actors chosen for the roles were entertaining in their own way in this language.

    Combat looked really fun. As a netrunner you could slow down time to comfortably initiate hacks on your enemies or on other machines in the environment while in combat. V is very mobile, he/she can slide, climb, jump, crounch, lean out of cover, etc. When knocked down, he/she can even lie on the ground. When you pick up items in the environment, there were no hand animations, Miles only had to move the cursor on the item and with a click of a button it was moved to his inventory. You can see your foot in the game when you look down. Miles wasn't sure if the player could complete the game just by hacking stuff and not hurting any of the enemies (even using non-lethal takedowns).

    Playing as a Solo character reminded me of Soldier of Fortune (from Activision), where you could shoot different parts of the enemies to see them jump on one leg or hold limbs that were injured. If you shoot a lot of bullets at your enemies they can start to wiggle around and loose limbs as you put holes in them. Pretty brutal, I must say. You can punch enemies using your gun while in combat to make them flinch or lung forward, so you can grab them and turn them into a human shield. Guns such as the teared down auto turret can zoom in pretty far. High caliber guns seem to penetrate walls and objects. The LMG the female solo was using had literally 0 recoil, I'm not sure if this is because V had such strong arms or because this version of the game, didn't implement recoil/kickback. Interestingly the .357 Python like pistol had some kick back. Elements of the environments such as digital displays, columns and even concrete decorations can be destroyed or damaged.

    A Jhonny Silverhand Donut was given out to us as we entered the presentation room (see image below): https://imgur.com/Eed6KYg

    Jhonny Silverhand seems like a character who has some funny lines and sometimes he really shows how he doesn't care about V (maybe in the begining of the game), other than getting him/her to do his bidding. Jhonny really tries to influence the player by commenting on situations where V becomes unsure on what to do. Like the one situation where Placid orders V to plug him self into Placid's network or when Bridget tells V to enter the ice tub.

    There was an interesting question from the audiance where someone asked what CDPR would do with the name V in case V survives in the end of Cyperpunk 2077 and there would be a sequel. Would the player find out V's real name (Valentine, Victor, Valerie etc.) depending on his/her gender?

    QA Questions:

    1. Is there a level cap for your character (V)? [Answer: This and similar questions were asked, but the answer was vague. It seemed like they had no clue or maybe because it was still undecided. They brought up the Witcher 3 every time when they talked about leveling though.]

    2. How easy it is to max out all skills in a single play through? [See previous question.]

    3. Footage up till now have only featured close range combat. Wondering if you could snipe people from afar? [Answer: During the Demo game play V could zoom in on objects from the distance and shoot at them using handguns or even the turret that she tears out from it's stand.]

    4. Is there a heat system that indicates the cops or authorities alert level, similar to GTA? [Answer: They said that if you go beserk and start taking out people on the streets, authorities, gangs and in worst case specialized forces may show up to stop you. No mention of a GTA style heat system. They shut that down pretty early in the conversation. Somehow they didn't like the comparison of the two.]

    5. What options do we have as the player (V) to slip away from our pursuers? [Answer: You can possibliy get away from your pursers, but there was no details on how exactly.]

    6. Are there more game music in the Cyberpunk 2077 that you guys (CDPR) are planning on realeasing to the public? [Answers: No comment was made.]

    7. Are you allowed to talk about the radio stations in the game and name a few? [Answer: This was featured in the game, I counted 4 maybe five radio stations that Miles was going through as he was driving a motorcycle.

    Here are three by name: The "dirge*" (or something like that), Pacific Dream and Night City FM]

    1. Are there any other Night City or music artists in the Cyberpunk world that Cyberpunk 2077 features? [Answer: As we walked in for the presentation. 4 tracks were playing, the first one was kind of like a cyberpunk theme electronic music with bass and some melody, the second one was the scavanger techno music, the third one was a chill music, while the fourth one was a similar techno music as the second one.]

    2. Are there different body types in the game such as Bulky, Fat, Skinny, etc.? [Answer: There are sliders for this on each relevant body part, but I couldn't see how much it affects your character.]

    During the Q&A Miles mentioned how CDPR rather focus on quality than quantity, he gave an example, when someone asked whether all apartments in a building will be explorable in CP2077. Miles said this will not be the case in Cyberpunk 2077, because CDPR wanted to focus on creating memorable and detailed areas instead of making many repetitive buildings and rooms. He pointed out that his favorite area in Night City is the one that he worked on lately, which is the Japanese District of Night City, which is very unique in its design.

    Now, the part that CDPR probably didn't want to spoil in the 15 min. demo!

    [Spoiler Alert!!]

    You've been warned!

    Alt Cunningham is the first one to come back through the black wall (according to Bridget of the Voodoo boys)

    [Spoiler Alert End!!]

    That's it for now! Hope you enjoyed reading this bit of report of the event.

    In case you have any questions regarding the presentation, please formulate below.

    submitted by /u/WolfgangGrojcig
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    This is a vertical city not only upward also downward.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 09:15 AM PST

    FriendlyFire5 charity event sponsored by CD Projekt Red

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 11:01 PM PST

    Everything you need to make a decent judgement on the map. 2020 maps on the left, 2077 on the right. 'Leak' map is likely about 80% of the total map, and is to a smaller scale than the 2020 tabletop full city map, roughly using the old 'Downtown' map to fill the full South Night City area.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 07:21 PM PST

    The World of Cyberpunk 2077 Deluxe Edition up for pre-order. $99.99

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 02:11 PM PST

    Look at this screenshot and you can see that the map is actually wrapping around the book and possibly carrying on to the other side. Meaning that there is more to this map than meets the eye.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 08:41 PM PST

    Countdown to the Dark Future (365 Days of Cyberpunk Facts) Day 336. Topic: Actual Plays

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 08:49 AM PST

    Something I came up with based on a post of the map from earlier. Thoughts?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 09:11 AM PST

    Fits almost perfectly

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 09:29 AM PST

    Japantown on map

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 08:15 AM PST

    Notice how the City Center street layout is different from the part of the map that we could see in the Collector's Edition video.This means the map is still in the works and what you see here is in fact just a placeholder preview, and not how the map will ultimately look.Might turn out a lot bigger

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 04:21 PM PST

    Wake the f*** up Samurai, we have a brain to burn.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 02:28 AM PST

    Wake the f*** up Samurai, we have a brain to burn.

    Hi all,

    I have recently had a brain surgery and experienced something unusual when on the operating table.

    Thought I could write it down and add some Cyberpunk flair to it ;)


    submitted by /u/Fajlap
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    [Speculation] I just read something in the latest VGA blog.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 03:04 AM PST

    So Green day, the band from songs like 'boulevard of broken dreams', is going to perform at the Game Awards as the first musical performance. It also states they have a special announcement during the show.

    Now maybe I'm tripping, but if you check out the Deep Dive video, from 1:35 to 2:51, you can hear a pretty good song nobody knows the name of yet. It doesn't sound like ost to me due to the singing in the end (or maybe marcin przybyłowicz really went crazy with his music). Anyhow, after hearing the vocals a couple of times I can almost clearly hear Billie Joe's voice singing at the end.

    Take this with a grain of salt, but I will be freaking out if Green day announces an album for Cyberpunk 2077 (along with a trailer ofcourse).

    submitted by /u/TheXpender
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