• Breaking News

    Tuesday, November 26, 2019

    Cyberpunk 2077 - Cyberpunk will NOT have micro transactions. Website apologizes for misleading article.

    Cyberpunk 2077 - Cyberpunk will NOT have micro transactions. Website apologizes for misleading article.

    Cyberpunk will NOT have micro transactions. Website apologizes for misleading article.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 06:41 AM PST

    Lilayah's (CDPR Community Manager) statement regarding all this MTX confusion

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 06:48 AM PST

    Jump da f in, dude. We have a city to burn.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 02:37 AM PST

    I saw the „longest“ gameplay demo ever shown. Here are my impressions (very in depth)

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 08:52 AM PST

    I just saw the last live presentation of the Samurai on Tour Gameplay Tour in Hamburg Germany. According to Miles Tost this was the longest gameplay ever shown (over 1 hour). No I didn't saw any „new" stuff but Miles (who played the game live) really took his time and explained a lot, had fun and also had a pretty hard time against Sasquanch ;)

    I won't go into detail on what happened story wise because I think we all know from other reviews and the 15 Minuten Gameplay. Instead I try to give some insights about how it felt.


    *English is not m first language, please be kind

    Before I start I just want to say, i follow every news above this game since the very first trailer and I know exactly what I expect and what not. I know this game won't be perfect, the gunplay won't be like doom and the game will have it flaws and bugs. I think they make a clear point on what are the key aspects of the game and these are exactly the aspects that matters for me. I was never that hyped for any game in my whole life and I don't care about ppl that try to Nip pick/hate about small things they don't like or manufactured outrage. This is CDPRs Vision, not mine and I respect that. Every Information about this game gives me joy and I just want to have a good time talking about it with ppl that think the same and ultimately play it when it comes out. Call me a fanboy, I don't care. There is a 0% chance that this game will disappoint me after what I saw yesterday.

    If you also think that way and are enjoying the hype, brace yourself and pull down your pants because this game will be mind bending.


    //Music: - Before the live Demo started, they were rotating around 5 songs for about an hour (when ppl went into the cinema and get their seats). I think I already knew all song from trailer/gameplay but let me tell you, hearing this music with cinema speakers is a whole new level. The music that played at the very first gameplay at the beginning when V was saving this girl in the bathtub. It was some sort of trance / techno in the background. Holy shit. The beat was hammering trough my whole body - When V drove the bike Miles showed some of the different radios stations. What I could here was Rock, HipHop/Rap and Electro/Techno. But i bet there are many more.

    • One important takeaway I want to talk about is the sound layering (I don't know if this word exists). I loved the Witcher and it's music but during some quest and cutscenes I could hear the different sound layers (if you know what I mean). It was Soundtrack + Background noises + voice lines. It wasn't bad but you could here how they put the sounds on each other. In cyberpunk this is a whole driftend thing. The sound of this world is amazing!!! I actually sounded like I was really inside this city. I couldn't recognize any sound layers. It all blended perfectly into each other and it's way more atmospheric and crowded. It's way more intuitive than In Witcher and the background music during the quests was awesome!!!

    //The world: - Oh boy. This was better than I expected and I already expected the best. Pacifica is of course not as beautiful as other districts because it's basically a ghetto, but I'm shocked by the detail. You guys saw the 15 minutes but let me tell you, actually walking trough this city without annoying cuts is a whole different experience. Every single inch of this districts looks unique. It also has its own architecture. It's not like Other open world games where you have just buildings placed into the world and most of the stuff happens on the outsides. Whole Pacifica has different layers, different architecture, inside, outside, multi floor buildings, connected buildings you can go up and down everywhere, tunnels, bridges. Holy shit! The market was so crowded and alive. Ppl talked to placid, stuff happening everywhere around you. It was already mind bending watching someone playing this game. When I think about that I could go and explore ever inch of this world it blows my mind.
    There is so much detail, so much hidden stuff just everywhere. The world of watchdogs 2 already felt very detailed in some way, but this is a completely new level. The world of gta is a joke compared to this. After the main mission Miles looked over the ocean and you could see this fucking big city and the sun just going down and the other cdpr guy was something like „you seeing this, now imagine you can go everywhere you like. You actually can". Holy fuck!!!!! Just Pacifica felt like a whole world now imagine this scaled to the whole city / world. In the room where V meets Placide (butcher room) miles showed us the room and explained all the details. That there is a guy, that putts the meat inside this machine, and this machine is cutting those meat blocks. And than another guy transports the meat to the sell room and so on. And this is just one room where you spend around half of a minute in it. No loading screens feels crazy and still is bonkers.

    //Vehicles: - Driving this bike looked so much better than I expected. You could actually feel the street, feel the power of the bike. It looked very natural and smooth and felt so good. It looked like real fun and joy because it felt like you are really riding this vehicle and not just controlling it (if this makes sense). You could also drift / slide with the bike (as i say, Miles had a lot of fun playing this demo).

    //Gunplay: - The demo was played with a controller so it wasn't as fast and precise as with mouse/keyboard. But for an open world game this looked top tier for me. It's not perfect, but very dynamic. This game combines, Meele, range, stealth, hacking, sniper, terminator, blades, fists, wires, small weapons, big weapons, no violence and many more. Is it's impossible that all Those styles are flawless and perfect programmed in an open world that is that dynamic and big as cyberpunk. Ultimately it looked like pure fucking fun and is top tier for sure, compared to other open world games. So don't be afraid, cyberpunk won't have fallout like combat. - Miles shot at a dead body for around 5 seconds and it actually looked like the Body got totally erased. Not just arms chopping of but actually Manufactured into jelly (but it was hard to tell Because of all the blood lmao). In the qna someone sayed the big gun had not enough recoil, I call bullshit. Solo V can destroy metal doors with bare hands, I'm sure she will be able to hold a gun straight even if this is a turret. Miles responded that it feel very different when you actually play it by yourself and that making the gun play even better and feeling just right is one of the big priorities in their QA.

    //A.I - The AI is not perfect. But it is pretty good. Don't forget that we will be able to solve every mission in many different ways. It is a impossible task to let every AI react perfectly in ever situation considering all those different combat and play Styles. So enemy AI won't be a Revolution, but it is good enough for this game and definitely better than many other open world games. Sasquatch was a hard fight for miles because she just blinks around with her big fucking sledge hammer and was hyper agile. The combat was very dynamic but again. It's not a Revolution, but it feels like life fun and is very rewarding. BTW Miles just picked up the Hammer and destroyed half of the room with it. The NPCs feel and act like real humans and this is awesome. Not perfect, but more than good enough.

    // Graphics - Jesus. The game had some motion blurred because of the fact that it was a cinema screen and not a gaming monitor. I also think that motion blurre was turned on. But let me tell you, the textures are so damn high quality. Holy shit. Miles just stood in front of a random NPC and zoomed into his face and oh boy you could see every inch of his face in high quality. The reflections, the world. Just beautiful. I have to agree that Silverhand looked a little bit blurry but he is way more holographic and glitchy as you can see in the 15minute gameplay. I think they want him to be more of a hologram than like a real human

    // Destruction
    - We already saw that you can destroy the environment but let me tell you, Miles destroyed just everything. It felt like there is nothing you can't destroy. Of course there will be things you can't, but that was way more than in the first gameplay. Seeing this big statue/art installation thing in The middle of the mall (near the Van with Sasquatch, 15min gameplay). He shot every piece of metal out of it.

    // Story/Quests/Dialog - Even if the quests can be quit complex, it always felt like the right flow. You never reached a point where you didn't know what to do. The mini map and interface did a good job here. I for myself love the new UI style and colors (deus ex vibes) but this is personal preference.

    The story telling feels like this is going to be the best in class ever. Of course I can't say this for sure, but the Dialoges are so well written and the story feels so huge and freaking dark and dynamic. I 100% sure this will be one of the best story's we will ever see inside a video Game. Those matrix/going into the deep net with Brigitte was already cool in the 15minutes gameplay but experiencing this from the beginning is even more atmospheric.

    // For my German friends - The German voice actors are top tier. I won't say they are perfect and fit every play Style 100% but it was quite good and yes Keanu also got his Germany voice. They mentioned how they change German voice Actor for Sasquatch because of the community feedback. In a newer version of the Game she will have a more powerful voice than in Gamescom

    // Bugs - There were a few small bugs but nothing wild. Miles mentioned that this was a Build that is older than 6 month and that they make notes after every presentation to improve things. One time when V changes clothes (he equipped A silver trench coat bladerunner style btw before putting on the samurai jacket) the shirt glitched a bit but was fine after putting it off and on again. As I sayed, AI was not always perfect, but good enough to don't break immersion.

    There also was a QnA as I mentioned but 80% of the questions where just stupid like is there a cybergwent or my favorite: „Where did the Name Cyberpunk came from"

    .... I mean serious ?

    I think there is so much more to talk about but I can say, if you get your priories straight and know what this game will and will not be, This is going to be the most awesome game ever made. I can't think of anything that is close to this quality. Maybe there are games that make some things better, but as a package, cyberpunk will mind bending. Of course this is not guaranteed, but I believe in this game and in cdpr and I will not let anyone drag down my excitement and joy


    submitted by /u/Zude93
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    Summary of the polish Q&A with developers

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 10:10 AM PST

    I've been in Warsaw last Saturday to take part in another CD Projekt yearly polish community meeting, this time centered around Cyberpunk 2077. The meeting took place inside a New Meta gaming bar, decorated with some CDPR and GOG visuals. At the entrance we were given a Cyberpunk armband with a number and also received a special coins (which should look familiar to anyone who bought physical edition of The Witcher 2) for alcoholic beverages, but food and non-alcoholic beverages at the bar were available for free. There was a special Cyberpunk menu prepared for the event, with drinks and dishes referencing Cyberpunk lore, so you could eat some kibble and SCOP, while drinking a glass of Silverhand. I personally got an opportunity to eat some kibble (in reality, chili con carne with some tortilla chips) and drink Nomada (apparently it's an official polish translation for Nomad. I must admit, it's going to be pretty hard for me to get used to it), Blood Razor and… the one drink the name of I don't really remember, but it's the one with the dead (in this case, jellybean) worm at the bottom. Afterwards we've got the showcase of the E3 2019 gameplay with polish voiceovers (which was previously shown on PGA, but this time around it was a full version) and Q&A with the developers. The event was concluded with the quiz (from the gameplay we just saw) and lottery with awards. I managed to take a third place in the quiz and was awarded with a placard and Samurai shirt. There were also Samurai jackets, but those were given for the first and second place plus another one in the lottery, so sadly I missed my opportunity, but third place was still worth it, so I'm not complaining. In the end, we were given Cyberpunk bags with bunch of gifts inside.

    That's all on the personal note. Now I will try to recall everything noteworthy that we learn from the Q&A session.


    - on the question about if we actually get an option to do exactly what Johnny said and burn the city down, the response was just: „Of course!"

    - in terms of length, main story of the Cyberpunk 2077 might be a little shorter then in The Witcher 3, but will make up for it with much higher replayability. However at the same time they still didn't measured the length of the entire game with all the encounters and smaller quests accounted for, only the main story and major sidequests

    - about the useless loot: they are aiming to keep the balance between loot that will be useful for the player and one that will be useless from player's perspective. The reason why they are keeping loot that's useless for the player is that even if it's useless for them, it's still something that was useful for the characters in the game and it wouldn't be logical for all the NPC's to carry only stuff that is beneficial for the player. In other words, their goal is to utilize that useless stuff as a way to expand the world building of the game by including, as a part of the loot, things that make sense for the location we are exploring or enemies we fight, even if it's something that we, as a player, may disregard simply as a junk. Hopefully my explanation wasn't too confusing

    - about the option to continue to play the game after the ending, the response was that they found a really cool way to do it, but it's something for the players to see. They definitely want for the people to enjoy their game as long as possible

    - while most of the times waiting for too long before picking a dialogue option will only result in the person that you are having a conversation with throwing some annoyed comments at you (as I saw in the gameplay), in some situations, like during conversation with Royce and Dum Dum from the previous demo, doing that will have consequences

    - about sidequests: The Witcher 3 quest structure was compared to a single line, with a bunch of branches sticking out of it, which sometimes go back to that single line. In Cyberpunk 2077 those branches grow more branches, which then often tie around each other. That means (if I understood Paweł's explanation correctly) that sidequests that we decide to do will often evolve into more sidequests and those quests will have an impact on other quests, as well as the main storyline, to a much greater extent then they did in The Witcher 3. Thanks to all those branches it will be hard to find one playthrough, which will be exactly the same


    - (the question was if the access to certain locations will be blocked based on the choices we made, like for example in the second act of The Witcher 2) most locations should be still available for us to visit, no matter what choices we'll make, but our choices might determine to what extent we get to explore those places. Some locations however won't be available outside of certain paths

    - about car customization: they know this is a pretty often requested feature, but they are asking for a little more patience before they will say anything about it. Sounds like they do have some plans for something like that

    - while we won't be able to buy new apartments, V's apartment will look differently based on the Lifepath we chose and it will change in some ways over time. They also included certain mechanics tied to V's apartment, which will allow us to „express the personality of our V" through it, but it's something that they want for the players to discover on their own

    - about health regeneration: we will be able to restore our health using consumables like food and the drug inhaler. Some of those healing items will have an instant healing effect, while others will just slowly restore our health over time or work only under right circumstances. There is also a cyberware, which will provide us with health regeneration, however it will take a spot that could be used for a more useful peace of cyberware

    - they are aiming to make the car physics, while not on the simulator level, definitely more realistic then in something like GTA

    - day-night cycle have a pretty organic impact on the gameplay. During quests some places might be less or more guarded based on the time of day or in the night you may find some guards already sleeping, making it easier for you to sneak in. Some story scenes might also change depending on the time of day they are taking place in

    - about difficulty settings: while they would want to include as many differences as possible between each difficulty level beyond just stronger/tougher enemies, due to the huge scope of the game, it might be pretty difficult, so they can't promise anything

    - reaching the borders of the playable world will work the same way as in The Witcher 3, so you are informed about getting close to it and then game will forcefully turn you back

    - police won't intervene when they see you commiting some smaller crimes, like for example beating up some random dude on the street, because they treat it as just an everyday occurence in Night City, but if they see you commiting more extreme crimes, like pulling a gun out and shooting bystanders or driving through them with your car, they will absolutely try to fry your ass

    - dynamic weather won't affect the gameplay, but the world will react to it. For example, in the rain some people will pull out their umbrellas, while the ones who don't have those will look for a place to hide from the rain

    - player will be able to craft pretty much any usable item, with exception of clothes and cyberware, however it will be possible to craft different modifications for those, which will allow modification of their stats and of the way they look

    - car racing minigame is not going to be just a traditional car racing, they will also add some kind of extra Cyberpunk touch to it, which should allow us to really test the speed limits of our cars

    - regarding the question about the ability to own some kind of cyberpet in the game, the answer was that they know something about it, but they simply won't tell (I don't think it was referencing Flathead, since they talked about it in another response)

    - speaking of Flathead, it's going to be just one of the tools on Techie's disposal and will be useful in a specific situations

    - about how destructible the environment is, we will be able to destroy around ¾ assets around us, but of course we won't be able to go as far as utterly destroying entire district

    - their goal is to make every playstyle equally valid and to not favorize one over another


    - they prepared an unique set of animations for every major character in the game, for things like movement, conversations and combat

    - one „simple" thing that wasn't simple at all was such a crucial feature like… skipping cutscenes and dialogues. Since the game doesn't have a traditional cutscenes like WItcher 3 did, they couldn't just „leap through" the scenes like in their previous game, without taking the player out of experience. In fact, they developed around 10 different protypes just for that feature, but ultimately they found a really cool solution they seem to be satisfied with, but again, it's something that they wish for players to experience for the first time on their own

    - about sex scenes: they did a lot of mocap for those and they believe that their amount should satisfy everyone, which should calm down anyone who assumed that they will just skip those entirely just because the game is in first person


    - some cyberware will require the ripperdoc services in order to install it into V, but there will be some cyberware modifications, which we might put into ourselves on the spot. For example, while only ripperdoc can install the mechanism of Mantis Blades in our arm, afterwards the blades itself can be detached and replaced on our own (but first will have to find the right type of blades to replace it with)

    - we will be able to install the Sandevistan upgrade, which will allow us to move as fast as the Animals we saw in Deep Dive video, making everything around us slower in the process, with exception of those fast enemies, whose speed up animations are then replaced by regular moving animations. While from the player's perspective it's something expected and normal, for animation team „simple" replacement like that was a huge technological challenge, but still they just refused to take a shortcut on that and delivered

    - V starts with a basic set of augments, which will include translator as well, but at the start of the game it will only translate the most common languages in Night City (like Spanish, Japanese and so on), but to be able to undestand less common languages, like Creole, you will have to buy right upgrades for your translator first, which is apparently a part of Kiroshi.


    - about modding: they want to add modding tools to the game, but they are not ready to make any declarations about it yet

    - regarding the old version of „Chippin In" being included in the game or on the soundtrack in some form, their answer was for us to wait and see, and that they are aiming to make as many people happy as possible. Also it's been said that they are going to say more about game's music in general very soon

    - the diversity of NPC's character models will be certainly much greater then in The Witcher 3 and they made an insane amount of them, however there is still a possibility that, due to the memory limitations, they might not be able to put all the unique models they made in the game and might be forced to make some compromises, but they work hard to ensure a distinctive look for as many NPC's as possible without completely tanking the game's performance

    Well, that's about all I remember right now. Maybe with time I will recall something more.

    submitted by /u/shavod
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    Countdown to the Dark Future (365 Days of Cyberpunk Facts) Day 329. Topic: Street Slang

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 10:21 AM PST

    Here's my Cyberpunk cosplay ����

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 10:04 AM PST

    HQG team take some time out of their Reddit topping post to give a shout out to Cyberpunk 2077

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 05:14 PM PST

    Common Misconception to the MTX News

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 04:29 AM PST

    1 This won't affect singleplayer

    2 No moment during the conference call when the question was answered was MTX mentioned

    People all that was really said is, multiplayer is in the early stages and they don't know what kind of Monetisation strategy they will use for multiplayer. They did add that they understand their "contract with gamers" and they are looking for a solution that doesn't break that and won't mess with the standards cdpr have.


    go 27 mins into that to hear it for yourself

    submitted by /u/Nermian
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    What's the difference between 'microtransaction' and 'monetization' ?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 11:44 PM PST

    Both way are the same that they will make money through multiplayer. In fact, microtransactions are a part of monetization. What else? Monthly fee? I think it's badder model though. I can't hit upon any other monetization model except what called 'microtransactions'

    Do you really think it's possible to make 'wise' monetization model everyone is happy? Why I feel the 'gAMerS' would be mad as long as CDPR make money through multiplayer regardless how wise their model is.

    submitted by /u/bnmhjk47
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    Can we not diss on CDPR just yet on the multiplayer, games not out and we don't have all the details on the multiplayer so I say we wait for more info before casting judgement

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 12:07 AM PST

    Cyberpunk 2077 will be available on PS5 and Xbox Scarlett, but not at the start

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 11:00 AM PST

    Someone asked about Microtransactions yesterday at the Samurai on Tour Gameplay Demo. Here is their response:

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 09:37 PM PST

    I went to the Samurai On tour gameplay Demo yesterday in Hamburg Germany (Impression Post will come later). Someone just asked about the micro transactions rumors in the qna.

    They basically sayed, that the multiplayer is a whole own game that is still very early in development and done by a complete other team different from the single player cp2077.

    The single player game will have 0 Microtransactions and is a Full scaled experience. We can spend many hundreds of hours (fuck yeah) playing this game. Dlc wise we know it will be like Witcher.

    The multiplayer again will be a separate game and what he could say for sure is that cdpr will never rob their fans no matter what pricing model the multiplayer will have.

    And you know what, I trust them 100% with this. Just look at fucking Gwent. I play this game for 2 weeks on iOS and got around 100+ card packs for just playing. No money spend. 2 full crafted high end decks.

    Stop giving cdpr a hard time when they did nothing wrong, again! This is still a Company with many hundred employees and they have to make money in The end. And if they choose to have any micro payments in their multiplayer, you can be for Sure it will be fair and no EA kind of shit.

    You guys are so delusional about the gaming business. „CDPR is not giving away all their Games for free, they are just like EA". Fuck you

    This community is always showing how being The good guys in the game gets punished over and over again because ppl can't get their expectations right.

    This company is trying to be so transparent and close to their community as possible. Miles told me that their employees are treated so fucking well and that ever single person at cdpr is giving their heart to this company and game.

    Sometimes I just fucking hate this fucking gaming community with their fucking small Brains spreading wrong information all over again.


    submitted by /u/Zude93
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    Is it April yet?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 12:25 AM PST

    Cyberpunk 2077 Retro Trailer (1980's Blade Runner Style) by Ascender

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 09:31 AM PST

    Is there an official height on Jackie Welles?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 01:01 PM PST

    I wanted to make a model of him and it would help if there was a measurement (in any measurement system) to keep it consistent to any future models.

    Alternatively if there are any other heights of characters shown besides Jackie that would be just as fine.

    submitted by /u/Minamodels
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    To those who violently defend this game like it’s the second coming

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 09:52 PM PST

    What say you if this game doesn't live up to your expectations?

    submitted by /u/MyersBlue
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    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 12:09 AM PST

    Most people may be upset by the micro transactions, but if you were to look at as the business itself, you have to understand why they're doing this. Multiplayer requires servers and continued maintenance and upkeep. If multiplayer were to just become free, there wouldn't be a very good multiplayer. Servers would crash and shit would go bad. So for multiplayer to be continually maintained, micro transactions are actually necessary. Also don't forget that multiplayer is only coming once everything to do with single player is done.

    submitted by /u/68shotonyamum
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    I wonder how trustworthy user reviews will be for 2077.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 09:33 AM PST

    I am cautiously optimistic that this game will be excellent, I really like what I have seen of the gameplay so far. However, I also forsee this game being quite divisive in terms of user reviews.

    I can see it being nitpicked to death and given poor user scores because the game does not have fully interactive sex scenes or something. Hype can go wrong so easily.

    submitted by /u/StarshipSentinel
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