• Breaking News

    Friday, June 12, 2020

    Cyberpunk 2077 - It is ‘Free Talk Friday’! - Rules 1 and 6 currently have relaxed moderation

    Cyberpunk 2077 - It is ‘Free Talk Friday’! - Rules 1 and 6 currently have relaxed moderation

    It is ‘Free Talk Friday’! - Rules 1 and 6 currently have relaxed moderation

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 08:49 AM PDT

    Hey Choombas,

    As per the title, it is currently 'Free Talk Friday' and this means that there will be relaxed moderation of rules 1 and 6.

    This means that you can post your random Cyberpunk 2077 discussions, even if they may not be OC/making a new point.

    A couple of examples are:

    • Basic polls, like, 'What Console are You Playing on?'
    • Hype posts, like, 'This is Why I'm so Excited for Cyberpunk 2077
    • Battlestation posts, sharing your PC or console setup with a Cyberpunk 2077 theme

    We will also be relaxing our moderation of rule 6, which means that you can post your Cyberpunk 2077 themed memes! Please note that there still must be some level of effort in their creation (i.e., reposting an unrelated video but changing the title is low effort), and they will still be subject to removal due to user reports.

    Also, if anyone is looking for it, here is the link to the last book club post (will be re-stickied tomorrow)

    submitted by /u/CyberpunkReddit
    [link] [comments]

    Cyber Witcher

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 12:09 PM PDT

    You can grab Sasquatch's hammer mid-air if you're fast enough.

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 07:15 AM PDT


    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 04:07 PM PDT

    I didn’t see a thing

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 05:47 PM PDT

    Samurai Concert from new Cyberpunk 2077 Xbox Controller Cinematic Commercial (Upscaled to 1080p, better lighting)

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 05:08 PM PDT

    This sub after we all spend the first 12 hours after release in the character creator

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 08:48 PM PDT

    I Really fell in love with this car from deep dive video, so i decided to make my cheap version of it in GTA 5

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 01:08 PM PDT

    As you already know they want this game to be very realistic, they're trying to predict things what will happen in 2077 so GTA V is gonna be advertised in cyberpunk 2077 for PS31

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 12:50 PM PDT


    submitted by /u/Dante71
    [link] [comments]

    New CP77 Controller ads shows a little of Johnny Silverhand/Samurai

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 09:14 AM PDT

    We don’t deserve CD Projekt Red. They could of pulled a Rockstar Games.

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 08:19 PM PDT

    I read about how CDPR is hiding the actual quality of the game graphics.. I think it was a video by digital foundry.. In which they said about the live presentation being of leagues higher quality than the ones on youtube... Tho the game is still in Dev,but if they're doing this.. Massive respect

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 02:09 PM PDT

    Just delivered to my doorstep, now three long months for the game to be playable

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 07:01 AM PDT

    I did this artwork today called CYBERPUNK, I’ve added a little 2077 under the font. Cas man I’m stoked for this game.

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 11:48 AM PDT

    A billboard showing a supercar in the 48min demo.

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 10:42 AM PDT

    A guy walking with an acid rain / smog mask

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 11:26 AM PDT

    Little did he know :(

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 03:55 PM PDT

    A Solo in Night City.

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 06:09 PM PDT

    A flying supercar in the 48min demo.

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 11:28 AM PDT

    LA Cyberpunk by Francesco Lorenzetti [1920 x 1080] (Concept art test for CP2077)

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 03:57 PM PDT

    I made a wallpaper from the console box art.

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 10:09 PM PDT

    Johnny Silverhand at Walmart

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 07:27 PM PDT

    A remainder that CDPR can't scale development with the hype train. If you don't like it, please be respectful when you critique.

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 11:31 PM PDT

    Is there a Hidden clue inside the short clip of �� from way high altitude? Sorry for the bad quality of the image as I extracted it from Twitter.

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 03:47 PM PDT

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